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Trinitarian Path

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Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:32 am
AsxLoversxGo says...

Spoiler! :
I'm not looking to be yelled at by anyone of either side, Wiccan or Christian, though I feel like I'm setting my self up for Christian Fundamentalists to scream at me. This is simply to state what I believe, I'm mostly looking for feedback and critique (be nice please!)

I’m often asked to explain my religion. I mean who wouldn’t be a bit confused by Tritrinitarian Wiccan? The combination of Wicca and Christianity does not seem like a likely one. Actually, all fundamentalism aside, the two are more alike than most people think. In my opinion, they can make a perfect match. So I will explain, briefly, what the two religions really are, how the two can live in perfect harmony, what I believe, and why I believe it.

I will start with Christianity, because it is the oldest and often the most misconstrued. Christianity started in the first century, by a man called Jesus of Nazareth. Christianity, like Judaism, is mostly based on the belief in one god. Unlike Jews, Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the son of God. With this believe in Jesus Christ, many believe in his Virgin birth, his miracles, his death, and his resurrection. There is also believe in the word of God and Jesus, the bible.

Wicca on the other hand is a nature and magic based religion formed in the twentieth century. It is polytheistic religion that takes its beliefs from the old pagan religions, such as Greek, Roman, Celtic or Norse. The main belief is in the Goddess and the God, and also in the rede “An ye harm none, do as ye will”, and there is a strong belief in reincarnation. It is not at all satanic.

There are two things that you need to take into account for you to realize that the two can live together peacefully, one that Wicca takes its beliefs from other religions and secondly, that the bible was written by man. Most of the wiccans that I encounter that get angry at me for what I believe don’t seem to realize that much of their own religion is taken from other religions. Wicca doesn’t have a set deity. My second point is that the bible was written by man, and not by God. Sure, it has God’s word in it, but it’s not verbatim and many things could have been changed. For instance, and this one is my favorite as it’s the one everyone uses to argue my beliefs with, in the King James’ Bible it says something along the lines of “Thou shall not suffer a witch to live”. However, and I’m getting technical here, the Hebrew for witch, can also translate to poisner of will. Now, when I do my Wiccan rituals I’m not doing anything to harm anyone. I am not casting any spell that would make them do anything they wouldn’t want. In reality, both religions support the same things, peace and unity. It is the followers that misconstrue the religion’s meaning. The Wiccan rede and the Ten Commandments basically say the same thing, to love one another. A story I like to bring up is the Creation story, either one. In both of these stories, God seems magical, especially the first one, and God did create us in his image. Sure, you could argue that he is a divine power and he can do this because he is God. I’ll give you that, but what about Jesus? I consider what he did to be God given magic. I’m not saying that I can do what Jesus did, but I will get to what I believe in a later paragraph. All it takes to see why I’m not so crazy is to realize that all the hatred towards other religions and other people is mostly man made.

Alright, so now that I’ve explained the technical things to you, it’s time to opine. First of all, let’s get some of the basic stuff down. I believe in the trinity. God, Jesus, and Sophia. Yes, Sophia. She’s actually a Gnostic belief, but I believe she is just another name for the Holy Ghost. She is my Goddess, or rather, the feminine side to God. I guess I do run around shouting “Oh My Goddess” at times, but I mean Sophia, my incarnation of the Holy Ghost. I believe that God is masculine and she is feminine. In that sense, I am monotheistic, since I believe they are one in the same. It is like a marriage, two becomes one. I do adhere to the Maiden, Mother, Crone trinity as well, though I do not see it as being Sophia. I believe it refers to the Virgin Mary. She was Maiden, when she was still a virgin, Mother, after Jesus’ birth and throughout his life, and Crone, when Jesus died and was resurrected. I do believe in Reincarnation, just like most Wiccans, and like most Christians, even though they don’t think so. Jesus himself was reincarnated in a way. He was resurrected, which I believe is a form of reincarnation. I do not think any mortal person will be resurrected, only reincarnated if the need be. I personally believe I have been reincarnated, but I will not go into great detail. One thing that I always forget to bring up is my lack of belief in literal Hell or Satan. I have never believed in a literal hell, I have always believed that hell was where our sins went; heaven is this place for us after we are saved. Satan, I suppose, just guards over the sins. I do not believe in his influence. I believe evil is a creation of man. I think this belief comes from my Presbyterian upbringings, I was always taught to believe in Predestination. Predestination means, for me, that because Jesus died for our sins we will go to heaven and our sins will go to hell. This does not mean that I believe we should run around doing whatever we feel like, because I also believe in “An ye harm none do as ye will.” Now for the subject of magic. I believe the magic that we have is, in a way, a toned down version of what Jesus was able to do through his miracles. I also believe it is a form of prayer. I don’t think that I’m performing any great feats of biblical proportions, I believe that I am praying to God and Sophia for things that I wish to happen. I’ve never done any spell that required someone to be hurt. The most biggest thing I’ve ever done was a spell for snow last January so that I could get some studying done. The only other things I do are simply for self-improvement, luck, or helping someone else. So in that since, I’m not performing any type of traditional witchcraft, even though I consider myself a Chrisitan Witch.

Alright, so I hope, through my rantings and ravings, you will understand what I believe and why I believe it. I hope, if you were thinking I was crazy, you don’t think that anymore. I mostly hope, not to convert, that is the least of my worries, but to spread love for other religions. To spread tolerance. Blessed Be.
"In YOUR Indo"

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Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:51 am
Lexi says...

So true, i have a friend who is a hardcore Wicca believer and she always has to explain what Wicca is, it probably makes it harder coz she goes to a Christian school.
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Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:44 am
cannoncomplex says...

cannoncomplex here,

An interesting text. I like reading texts about religions and dialogues between them. I would comment one each paragraph, giving my own insights to your text.

The first paragraph talks on Religious dialogue which is good and positive connection are always welcome since I, in turn, am a fan of the late John Paul II the great who tried to reconnect and strengthen connections between religions. The second paragraph, I would comment that I would not say Christianity as the oldest but one of the oldest existing religion since there were religions older than Christianity that seem to have faded away. In the third paragraph, the notion of the Wiccan belief of God and Goddess is interesting because it is partially similar to the Catholic Christian doctrine of the Trinity. The Father, Son and Spirit can be reinterpreted as the Beloved, The Lover and the Love shared between the two. This comes to the notion of God is love, and God having three unique person. So the God and Goddess can somewhat be shared in various aspects.

When I read the fourth paragraph, I call to mind in Vatican II were it was said that you can find God anywhere and discover him, though saying that, my Catholic faith is in defense mode. But what i am saying is that in each religion, there are things that make them similar and that almost all (excluding Satanism) has the basis of love. I would also like to comment on the bible.You talk as if the bible was a single book but more, it is a library of different books. It not only has God's word on it but was inspired by God.

The next part will be split. Since these are your personal belief, I cannot forced you to believe what i say but just some notes on the side of my faith. A little dialogue. Firstly, I believe that God is not masculine. From Thomas Aquinas, he has no gender, no body but he is a being who exist, basically. Don't want to go to technical detail. The prospect of God as masculine and Sophia as feminine and the two become one would fit the Trinity of the lover, the beloved and the love shared between them.

well, as a Catholic, i has a brush belief on reincarnation but not very strong, and i do not believe that evil is simply man made. To cut the debate on the origin of evil, I would say that God allowed evil in order to will the good even from disasters. We may not find the good easily but take a closer, and you'll find a good that would bloom. Hell and Satan, as you say guard over the sins but for me, and getting the insights from texts, Hell does not only consist of sins but damned souls and Satan do have an influence over us. What brings to mind are temptations and exorcism. I know that people sometimes call demonic possessions as hoaxes but they do happen, rarely however.

The last thing was on magic. When you mentioned that our magic was a toned down version of Jesus' miracles, I was oddly confusion thinking that we can do things like Jesus. Also to point out that Jesus made miracles out of magic? Magic is a odd word but i often put it in term of man-made since the works of Christ were, in my opinion, divine. And prayer as a sort of magic. Hmmm, a prayer is a connection to God. When I pray, i do not will God to do something but instead i allow God to will me. When you said prayer as magic, I do not like it, to be honest. Magic for me is willed for entertainment or for an event while as prayer is willed to God who wills the person to others.

Okay, so what had i thought about this. It was fun. it is good that you shared your belief and that i got to have some dialogue with you and I am not forcing you to believe what I said but just to give some insights.Religious tolerance is good between religions, all that is needed is religious freedom. You got quite an interesting side of belief, and its a nice chat to a Wiccan.

To bring back about harmony between the two religions, they can be living in harmony but personally I don't think they can be a perfect match. Christianity closest link is Judaism and share a close link to Islam but Wicca and Christianity can always get along well.
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