
Young Writers Society

2.13.10-Nursing Homes and Dream Boys~2.14.10-Valentines Blah

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Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:20 am
Jas says...

Here's Saturday's entry followed by Sunday and Today's. :)


2.13.10-Nursing Homes and Dream Boys

I walked slowly down the stairs, my black ball gown trailing behind me. My hair was done up in a simple bun and all eyes were on me. I looked around the room trying to find that one special person.

There he was. He had the look of simple elegance, his golden hair was messy in a way that seemed as if he took hours to do it, but only I knew he had woken, taken a look at it, then sighed and walked away. His tuxedo was all white and fit him perfectly. His smile was charming as my chocolate brown eyes sought his dashing grey-green ones, always with a mischevious glint. He strode across the room, leaving Sasha in the middle of her obviously snooty sentence and met me at the bottom of the twirling stairs.

The room had gone quiet and he took my hand and whispered in my ear-


And that was how I started my day. Wonderful right? I'm in the middle of the most amazing dream with the most amazing guy as the feature when bam it's all ruined by my horrible little bother(not a typo).

I didn't wake up, I did what everyone does after they wake in the middle of a great dream, I grabbed my pillow, threw it at my brother then tried to go back to sleep. It didn't work.

I went to writing project an hour late come in to the begining of Mafia (The most amazing game ever!). After dying by choking on a marshmellow, then being saved by Dan the robot-slayer, then getting run over by a magic flying bison, not unlike the one in Avatar: The Last Airbender, I hugged Hannah and Ivana and left. I even missed out on the bagels :(

I then go on the bus and go to the nursing home because apparently Maggie needs me today. I got there fine, no missing I.Ds or anything and I go to help out with Sweetheart Valentines Tea. It was really cute actually, all the elderly residents were there, drinking their lukewarm tea and eating their pre-chewed (eww) brownies. Ashley was dancing with all the singles and the crazy guy who cursed me out last week, didn't show up! Their were these two residents that were married and it was just amazing. There was this sappy love music on from like the 20's and they were both dancing, well shuffling their feet really, to it all and singing every word. It was one of those mental Aww moments. Really cute.

I always wondered how you know how we listen to old timers music and think about how slow and innocent it is like, I'm in heaven, I must be, because I'm dancing with an angel tonight, da doo do da dodilido yeah! When we get to that age and wer'e all in nursing homes and we have sweetheart tea parties are they going to play Flo Rider or Mr. 3o5? Are they going to play like rap songs describing on how 'Shawty had them apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur, the whold club was looking at her, she hit the floor, she hit the floor, she hit the floor, shawty got low, low, low, low etc etc'? Or rock songs proclaiming that 'Tight Jeans double D's making me go whoot whoot'? What will the people taking care of us when we are all like 97 think of our music? I always wondered, would they consider it old music that only the old coots listen to?

After talking about the above with Ashley and Maggie, I found out that Maggie's boyfriend of 2 years and childhood best friend broke up with her. I felt sooooooo bad. Ashley was giving her advice and I was honestly afraid that Maggie was going to cry. I didn't know what to do because no matter what my dreams might assume, I've never actually been in a serious relationship.

In the girl's locker room after gym sometimes when a guy in the class dumped a girl, all the girls play a game where we imagine the said dumper being attacked by things like flying monkeys or (I suggested this one and it has become a HUGE hit, who would've known?) dancing elephants :elephant:. We have the gym teacher's loung-ahem, office right under us so they can hear us and more often than not, Ms. Jadens looks at us funny when we come down stairs, the dumpee always crying but it's tears of laughter rather than tears of sadness. The guys always looks at us slightly cautious after a dumping because of what happened between Amber and Sam (err, I'll explain later) and we always laugh. It's a good feeling though, making someone who feels like crap laugh.

Anyway back to my day, I went home exhausted and slightly creeped out due to the scary college looking guy who asked for my number, (I screamed 'pedophile!' at him and ran away). I went home, grabbed the bag of chips my unsuspecting brother was munching on, took the laptop and retreated to my room where threats of 'being told on and having mommy take away my texting' do not apply or scare me. All in all, I had a good day and am currently lying in bed with said bag of chips writing OMG! what your currently reading! I only wish my dream guy(quite litteraly) wasn't in Costa Rica....ah well, time apart makes the heart grow fonder right? :)

Whoo *wipes sweat from brow* that was a long one. Can't say the same can be er, said for tomorrow :)

So yeah. That was Saturday's entry thing and here's Sunday's and after that I will write today's. :)


2.14.10-Kodak Holidays and the Lupo look

I really didn't do much today. I was awakened by the sounds of cheeping birds and the sun shining on my face. No really, I was honest! My mom came in and we went to breakfast at Mike's Diner. It was really nice but then I was whisked off to arabic school which was fun in an unfun way. I had bedrock stuck in my head all day long, which trust me, is not a good idea to sing in front of muslim Hajja teachers.

When the doors finally opened and I was free from conjugating the seen and sheen in arabic, I hopped in my mom's car and clad in all red, looking very much like a giant heart, went back home.

After two hours of Facebook, Aim and YWS, my dad came home and cooked us up a yummy (blech) mean of pigeon! Mmm Mmm Good! I almost barfed. I ate practically nothing, only taking a bit of salad and 2 pieces of sushi which is nothing considering our 8 foot long dinner table was completely full with food. Dad gave me this stare very much like my Math teacher Ms. Lupos stare, except we call it the Lupo Look. Imagine the look of vultures above you in the desert, as they are started to get pretty pissed off that you haven't been dehydrated and died already. Now imagine a pale, small, evil looking teacher with a squeaky voice in place of the vultures or better yet my father, ah I don't even want to explain how he looks when he's mad *shudders*.

We then took a bunch of pictures that my mother, as always, will never look through :roll: , and we all painfully fake-smile at the flashing iPhone glare. then I steals the laptop and race to my room with my little bros hot cocoa and giggle maniacly while his wails on how 'unfair' I am and how I'm such a 'stupidhead'. Ah. The joys of sibling love. :)


I think I'l put today's in a seperate post thingy. :)
I am nothing
but a mouthful of 'sorry's, half-hearted
apologies that roll of my tongue, smoothquick, like 'r's
or maybe like pocket candy
that's just a bit too sweet.


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Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:32 am
Snoink says...

You might want to start up a blog! YWS has a very big blog system that can get you comments without the criticism that you would otherwise get when posting in the literary forums! Plus, you can personalize it and everything... it's a win-win situation! :D

Go here for more information: blog/
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

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Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:57 pm
Kaedee says...

Hey, jasminebells...this was so funny and entertaining to read! You talk about things that anybody who is a teenager or had been a teenager can relate to. I loved how you started out this entry. I especially liked this part:
jasminebells wrote:It was really cute actually, all the elderly residents were there, drinking their lukewarm tea and eating their pre-chewed (eww) brownies.

and this part...

jasminebells wrote:I always wondered how you know how we listen to old timers music and think about how slow and innocent it is like, I'm in heaven, I must be, because I'm dancing with an angel tonight, da doo do da dodilido yeah! When we get to that age and wer'e all in nursing homes and we have sweetheart tea parties are they going to play Flo Rider or Mr. 3o5? Are they going to play like rap songs describing on how 'Shawty had them apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur, the whold club was looking at her, she hit the floor, she hit the floor, she hit the floor, shawty got low, low, low, low etc etc'? Or rock songs proclaiming that 'Tight Jeans double D's making me go whoot whoot'? What will the people taking care of us when we are all like 97 think of our music? I always wondered, would they consider it old music that only the old coots listen to?
I totally know what you mean.

Are you gonna post more? *looks hopeful*
Keep on writing-

Perfect things in life aren't things.
Spoiler! :

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Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:22 pm
LovelessSummer says...

Ha ha! This may be the funniest thing I've read all day! You should really start a blog though, it would be more approiate. Aside from the whole to blog or not to blog concept, this was truely entertainment! What makes it better is that it's all true. Your life is far more interesting than mine! This was a very enjoyable read, and I love how you added your own little personality to it. Well, that's all I have to say on this.

Big kiss, class dismissed!
Muffins 'n' Machine Guns x)
LoVeLeSs I review short stories and novels.

Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:40 am
Jas says...

I just re-read this and decided to write a book based on this
I am nothing
but a mouthful of 'sorry's, half-hearted
apologies that roll of my tongue, smoothquick, like 'r's
or maybe like pocket candy
that's just a bit too sweet.


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Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:34 am
BondGirl007 says...

Hai. I'm going to review and I just realized its like 2am sooo, you're welcome ;).

The slightly scary thing is that when I read this part an alarm clock went off in the song I was listening to. Not even joking O.O

And that was how I started my day. Wonderful right? I'm in the middle of the most amazing dream with the most amazing guy as the featurewhen bam it's all ruined by my horrible little bother(not a typo).

I went to writing project an hour late come in to the beginning of Mafia (The most amazing game ever!).
Okay read this over and tell me if it makes any sense to you.

After dying by choking on a marshmellow, then being saved by Dan the robot-slayer, then getting run over by a magic flying bison, not unlike the one in Avatar: The Last Airbender, I hugged Hannah and Ivana and left. I even missed out on the bagels
lolwut? Were you high when you wrote this love? xDD I'd just take this out, it has no meaning to us, and it's just random craziness that doesn't further the story at all.

It was really cute actually, all the elderly residents were there, drinking their lukewarm tea and eating their pre-chewed (eww) brownies.
Uhhhh...mind explaining this a little?

Therewere these two residents that were married and it was just amazing.

There was this sappy love music on from like the 20's and they were both dancing, well shuffling their feet really, to it all and singing every word.
This feels awkward try rewriting it as something like-
Sappy love old love music that must have been from the 20's or 30's played as they danced together. Shuffling around the dance floor, singing every word.

It was one of those mental Aww moments. Really cute.
See now I know this is like a journal thing, but We should still be feeling the "Awww moment". There's a little too much "And this happened, then this happened" type of writing going on and that always sounds really bland.

I really didn't do much today.
Starting it off by basically telling us it's going to be dull isn't the greatest plan. Cut this.

Imagine the look of vultures above you in the desert, as they are started to get pretty pissed off that you haven't been dehydrated and died already.
Great imagery, I want to see more of this.

Blah I'm done here. <3

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