
Young Writers Society

2.12.10-Valentines Day and Sucky Things

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Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:04 am
Jas says...

A little bit of a story I'm writing for my writing elective, it has to be in journal form, of everday of your life for the year of 2010. It's not supposed to be witty or funny or anything just write about your day..every single day. Arg. I don't think our teacher is even going to read this. The names have been changed becasue what if someone sees this from my school!?!? I would go crawl in a well and NEVER come out :/.This is yesterday's entry -------- darn there's no down arrow.... like the side arrow -->, there's no down, okay never mind I'll go now.


Well, today was hideous.
Sucky thing number 1: We had the whole Valentines day thing at my school. Ugh. We played the heart game, where each boy gets a paper heart and the boys can't talk to the girls or else they lose their heart to the girl who they spoke to. I got Jamie Puye. Eww. Jamie Puye= Acne faced immature creeper.

Aparrently I have a secret admirer. I got two roses in the middle of last period study hall today. Josh gave them to me but he was on delivery duty so I know it wasn't him. If it was I'd barf. It's not that he's ugly but he's not hot. Wow. I sound like a girly girl today...must be the Valentines Day thing. I was kinda thrilled inside to get the roses though, like my thought frame was this=


Things like that make me wonder...why was I so happy that my secret admirer showed his erm..admirerishness on V day? Valentines Day is such a useless holiday. Honestly, there's no point other than to make singles feel like crap and couples feel obligated to buy each other gifts that they don't need. I feel bad for singles on Valentines Day, they just stuff themselves with chocolate they bought for themselves, like Sam, and cry about they're "flaws". It's honestly just a Hallmark holiday. Really. No point at all.

Okay, Sucky thing number 2: I was walking with Emma today down 82st just talking, when we hear this big crack and a big load of snow falls on my head. Maybe a teaspoon fell on Emma and some old lady in front of us, but I get the boatload. It felt like it happened in slow-mo, like the crack, we look us, my mouth forms a scream and suddenly I look like a polar bear. My Converse get all wet which stinks and it doesn't help that my fingers are swollen becasue of the snowball fight the 7th grader, some 9th graders, Emma and I have right after school. Which reminds me of sucky thing number 3.

Sucky thing number 3: Emma and I walk outside and are about to leave when Jake, no that names to cool for him, Arnold decides to throw some snow at me. He's a fat little bucket of tard but boy, can that boy throw snow. He just assaults me and I get snow down my shirt and pants. I drop my stuff off and procceed to throw at him. He's a lot better than me but apparently he threw snow at all the girls leaving so we all team up and attack him. Then Jamie, Shawn, Laura, Mckayla and I all have a snowball fight. Hey, that ended on a good note :) except for the fact my fingers began to swell from my lack of gloves.
:( -----> :)

Sucky thing number 4: After all of this, I go onto the bus to go to the nursing home, where I volunteer, (it's on 204 street, I was on 79th street, these are city blocks) and I'm halfway there when I realize I forgot my I.D which I need to get past security. I have to go ALL the way back home then go back out again. I'm walking to the nursing home, when I get a call from Maggie saying that 'she doesn't need me today so I could stay home'. I have to take the bus over 100 city blocks back then I get home and guess what my mom left for grocery shopping so I'm stuck waiting in the cold with wet Converse and a brusied ego for over an hour but I talked to Amy for that time so I was happy, freezing but happy! :)

The day ended on a happy note, I went home, got inside, watched Eagle Eye then went onto YWS for about 7 hours. I also made the cover for my story Beast Is Dead. I should put that up on YWS somehow....:) That was a pretty pesimistic post, Ms. Arlit, if your reading this, I'm sorry for my pessimsismismisticness, ouch that was confusing :) I would tell you all about my classmates leaving for Costa Rica but I'm sleepy and it's like 3:24 A.M so G-night!


So I wrote that yesterday while in bed trying to warm up with my fancy-spancy new heated blanket thingymabober! I was also IMing Emma and listening to Blah, Blah, Blah by Ke$ha which was awesome. Remember all names here are fake, I have no friends named Emma or Amy or anything, they're just cover-ups : )))) (He's a fat smiley with like 4 chins)
I am nothing
but a mouthful of 'sorry's, half-hearted
apologies that roll of my tongue, smoothquick, like 'r's
or maybe like pocket candy
that's just a bit too sweet.


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Reviews: 336
Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:12 am
Jas says...

Wow, I was a really irritating 8th grader.
Last edited by Jas on Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
I am nothing
but a mouthful of 'sorry's, half-hearted
apologies that roll of my tongue, smoothquick, like 'r's
or maybe like pocket candy
that's just a bit too sweet.


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Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:43 am
Layla says...

Hahahah this is reall funny. Not that your misery is funny or anything, but you know what I mean.
I hope someday that someone will walk into my life and help me realize why it never worked out with him or anyone else.

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Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:45 am
possibleintrovert says...

You are very entertaining. Your train of thought is similar to mine. Anyways, so I feel kind of weird posting a reply on your journal entry. Hope you don't mind! haha. Anyways, I'm sorry about your we converse and bruised ego. That happens to the best of us, hah.
"I won't quit to become someone's old lady."
-Janis Joplin

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Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:39 am
StoryWeaver13 says...

Haha, sounds like my sort of train of thought! At least you seemed to kinda end each thing on a moderately positive note though. :D Yep; wet converse, freezing snow, and a bruised ego always seem to help dampen a day. Having a pessimistic mindset never helps either, but hey, it happens. I like the way you right; it's honest and kinda funny in a strange, relatable way. :lol:
Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ~Lemony Snicket

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Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:53 pm
MinisterOfHighHopes says...

Very expressive and well written. I feel sort of bad for you. :)


The Minister of High Hopes

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Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:03 am
BondGirl007 says...

Bleh, this is like a year old but whatever.

Apparently I have a secret admirer.

I was kinda thrilled inside to get the roses though, like my thought frame was this=

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH I totally sent those by the way ;D. But I don't like "Thought frame." Frame of mind? Train of thought? Just not thought frame, it sounds awkward.

Things like that make me wonder...why was I so happy that my secret admirer showed his erm..admirerishness on V day? Valentines Day is such a useless holiday. Honestly, there's no point other than to make singles feel like crap and couples feel obligated to buy each other gifts that they don't need. I feel bad for singles on Valentines Day, they just stuff themselves with chocolate they bought for themselves, like Sam, and cry about they're "flaws". It's honestly just a Hallmark holiday. Really. No point at all.
Yeeeah this is kinda how I plan on feeling this valentines day, I thought I'd just talk a little about sad sad self in the middle of this review just to see if you actually are reading all this stuff.

I was walking with Emma today down 82st just talking, when we hear this big crack and a big load of snow falls on my head.
Mwahahaha this makes me feel so much better about having to review all your stuff because I get to read this amazing bit. But I do have a nit pick here, I'm not just commenting on your misery here. When I read 82st I really was confused about what you meant by it, so maaaybe use the word street? Or just make it a little clearing they're walking down a block? xD

Maybe a teaspoon fell on Emma and some old lady in front of us, but I get the boatload.
Don't like the use of boatload, you can find a better word to describe it I'm sure. I just don't feel like it fits.

It felt like it happened in slow-mo, like the crack, we look us, my mouth forms a scream and suddenly I look like a polar bear.
Heheheheh I'm really trying not to laugh right now, but I really liked the way you wrote this, I can actually picture it in my head. *thumbs up*

Well there's really not much I can say about this, since it's a diary entry kind of thing, but I hope you did well when you turned it in!

"I'd rather be hated for being who I am, then loved for who I'm not."

If you have a Kuzco in your life and they don't turn into a llama, bail.
— Alan SeaWright