
Young Writers Society

5 Reasons Why YWS Is Better Than Every Other Website

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:47 am
Caerulean says...

Wow. :D I guess, that's all that I can say. I wouldn't want to nitpick too. YWS is a really great site, filled with open-minded people. You wouldn't receive as many reviews as you do in YWS than in the other writing sites as far as I've experienced.

This is the only '5 reasons' post I read. xD
“(...) and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” - Gandalf, The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:58 am
Jashael says...

I won't agree with number two, 'cause just so people know, there are other forums with custom titles. :)

But other than that, this is an amazing article. Good job! I totally agree with the others. Though if I have to nitpick this article (oh, c'mon this is a review! XD At least I'm trying to help improve even if you don't want it. :P), I think you could have put it in a countdown layout . XD Like:

...and number one...tadarada!


HAHA.... =))

Anyway, thanks for posting this. YWS is number oooonnneee! =D/ yaaaay... (I'll miss this when I'm not young anymore. *pouts*)

~ jash ♥
“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen:
not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”


Got a life?

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:12 pm
Mazzi says...

I'm glad to say that this is one of the first '5 reasons...' posts that I have actually enjoyed and didn't offend anyone. I'm glad that you chose reviews as number one. Unfortunatley, I think this is so good, I am not going to get nitpicky. I'm just going to write this post to thank you for making this post which everyone has enjoyed reading and not just for the points or for a badge.

But more to the point. Excellent points! I liked that you put a description after each thing you said. Also the presentation and colours were really eye-catching, but not too harmful to the eyes. I agree with you that YWS is NOT a waste of time and that this is the best kid-friendly website I've ever participated in! Go YWS!
Tell the people Mazzi is here! To defend the defenseless! Befriend the friendless! And to defeat...the defeatless!

P.S and to love Lemurs!

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:45 pm
Kagi says...

Couldn't have put it better myself! Excellent.
*Claps, hands award, pins badge on shirt*
Had nothing that I didn't agree with. Good good good!

Talented writer award.
Love kaka x
Got YWS?

If, when you mean to type yes you type yws, you know you belong. :P

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:18 pm
emmylove says...

@ everyone confused

I meant it the other way around! My bad...
We've stayed until the very end.
This is real for us.

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:26 pm
LadyPurple says...

:o I take this retaliation as an act of war! Haha I'm kidding unless it's war you want ;) anyway, I liked this. Along with clicking the like button. Good going, Warrior Princess. I love YWS. It's the best site on my list of favorite sites. Well bye!
You're new? Great seas! Why haven't you gone to the Buddy System yet?

You're dealing with writers. The words "normal" and "usual occurrence" do not compute.
~Rosey Unicorn

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:39 pm
Nike says...

One word: AGREED.
This website is the best!
Keep Writing!
Nike :)
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:59 am
hockeyfan87 says...

That was so true! Everything you said in there, is how I feel about all of us YWS people. I feel like I am more productive on this site than any other, also I stopped reading books a lot. Now when I want to read a book, I turn on my iPod and go on YWS and pick a story and chapter. Haha, I love you all.
Jenn aka hockeyfan87
when you grow up you realize that Prince Charming is not as easy to find as you thought. You realize the bad guy is not wearing a black cape and he's not easy to spot; he's really funny, and he makes you laugh, and he has perfect hair and isnt wearing a black cape and easy to spot Lots of Love Jenn

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Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:53 am
cupcake says...

Warrior Princess wrote: and whether you want it to be about cupcakes or your favorite band or the end of the world

Hey, my username is cupcake! Hehehe. :D
God gives us our relatives - thank God we can choose our friends.
- Ethel Watts Mumford

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
- Walter Winchell

“I’ll Surprise you, I promise”
-Adam Lambert

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Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:52 pm
Kelcia says...

I say amen to that, sister!

It's true! YWS is the only site that offers concrete reviews, as far as I know. I mean, I know that there are some fanfiction sites, and other writing sites that let people review, but, seriously? The reivews on there are about as solid as jell-o, and consist mainly of "OMG, dat wuz amazinnnnggg!!!! srsly, i lk, <3 it!!" And other such painful things.

Thank you for putting this out there! Anyone who thinks otherwise shouldn't be fouling up YWS space. Or, if they do think otherwise, should keep it to themsleves.

Mutant Plot Bunnies

Is it just me, or are the plot bunnies taking advantage of my ADD?



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Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:56 am
lovethelifeulive says...

From the second I read the title, I loved it.
You are so right!
YSW is the best website and in enriches your life and doesn't rot your brain like most websites do!
I am planning to study journalism in university, witch is pretty much language arts!
But, if I am a bad writer, then I shouldn't waste my money on college for journalism.
But here, people your age, that have the same common interest and want to help you grow writing skills can tell you if you a good writer or a bad writer!
This was a very good and I enjoyed it very much!
Happy New Year!
If you prick us, shall we not bleed?
If you tickle us, shall we not laugh?
If you poison us, shall we not die?
If you wrong us, shall we not revenge?
The Merchants of Venice-Shakespear
Love the life u live,
and live the life u love

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Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:26 pm
melcally says...

The first reason is probably the reason I love this website so much, though; I been on here for two/three weeks (At the most). I've loved writing ever since I was in the first grade. Not only do I get to share my work with fellow "amatures", but they give me constructive criticism. I have yet to come across anyone mean (not yet anyway, time will tell). I've only posted a few of my short shories and poetry; but the reviews I've gotten are so encouraging and helpful! I can be a bit timid to put my work out there because people one the internet can be so blunt and harsh, but not on TWS.

It's a process of becoming a better writer. Sometimes I don't even feel the need to put my writings up on here; because reading is enough for me. All these brilliant idea for stories coming from such young people; you have no idea how much of a breath of fresh air it is to read something that isn't about stupid vampires, wearwolfs, and young "love". Yes I know I'm a teenager but that's not all I wanted as an option to read when I go to Boarders.

I just can't wait for the day when I have read something on YWS and then years down the line that person is on The New York Times best seller list and it would be all because of the persistance and hard work the writer went through. And maybe, just maybe it might be because of some nice soul choose to use constructive words instead of destructive words to better that person as a writer.:)

I wish the best for everyone on this website, even though I don't know any of you :)! No matter if you're just aspiring to become a better writer, become a published author, or maybe both like me, I hope it happens.

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Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:01 pm
MadameLuxestrange says...

AAAAAHHHHH! I love this! I'm glad someone finally put my feelings into words. Since I've come to YWS, I've begun to loathe Facebook (I was kinda loathing it before anyway, but coming here made it more set-in-stone). You're right that you've got to worry about everything you put on there, because someone is ALWAYS watching for you to screw up. Thanks for posting this! I love it!
Luxy :D
...or dear Bellatrix, who likes to play with her food before she eats it?
Fear makes the wolf seem bigger.
I got attacked by a swan.

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:45 am
fruityfortissimo says...

This is great! I love your whole fight fire with fire line. Very true. All these reasons are valid and very agreeable. The fact that it has all the perks of Facebook and more is perhaps the best reason. Plus the fact that it is an educated sight where you can be whoever you want to be without getting judged by "your community." Simply brilliant!
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
Harvey Fierstein
"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet."

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Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:45 am
TDMitchell says...

I can totally agree with the points you’ve brought up in this list, Warrior Princess.
And I like how you’ve jazzed up your answers with humorous comments here and there.
“and your dad may not be able to tell a comma from a lounge chair”

There is just something about your work that is just down-to-earth and can be easily related back to the reader.
A marvellous, clever, informing and enjoyable piece of writing, and it can also be said that it is very persuasive. Let’s just see if anyone can bag out YWS just as well as you’ve praised it up!

As the notifications drift in I stop and wonder. Why do they take so long? Do they have adventures we don't know about? I bet they do. When they come I will ask myself. What amazing adventure has this straggling notification been on? How far did it travel, and why didn't it take me?
— TypoWithoutCoffee