
Young Writers Society

We All Fall Down

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Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:13 pm
PandaRawr says...

Have you heard of "Going Green?" You probably have unless you've been under a rock your whole life. They tell you that we have to save the earth. They tell you that we are slowly killing ourselves. Do they tell you how though? A lot of kids are confused bt the whole notion and don't have the information they need to make a difference. Global Warming. It's the process in which pollution comes in. We pollute the air which makes a "blanket" over the earth. That blanket traps the heat and sends it back down to Earth. The heat melts the polar icecaps which makes the ocean rise and one day it will get to the point where we all die. We can't outrun the Earth. Maybe not our generation, but our children and grandchildren will sufer for what we and thoes before us do.

Now think about it. There are actors on TV talking about it everywhere you look. Even that hasn't moved everyone, but think again. Think of the children who have made a difference. The ones you hear about on TV. The ones who came from nothing but the determination to do something. What could we do? If you are reading this you probably have some talent for writing, right? Writers have voices. When you read a book or watch a movie and cry you don't think about the person who wrote the story in front of you. Somehow though, they've reached through the pages or screen and moved something inside you. Writers can make a difference. Why can't we make people cry now? They are killing that which they live on. They are destroying any chance of future generations living happy! We need to show them that. If we come together than we can help what others have started. They set up a path for us. All we have to do is follow it, and bring others with us. There are some of us out there that are gifted truly. Someone reading this will be the next big thing. If you go down in history how do you want to go down? As someone who wrote a novel or someone who helped save the people who are reading about you in their history book?

So this is what I propose. If you read this and decide to look into "going green" then good for you. But if you decide to actually do something about it then my respect is to you. You have a Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Yearbook? Post this article and start your path to saving your piece of the world. Which is all of it! Our home belongs to all of us. Start a group. Convince your neigbors. Petition your school that you go on feildtrips pick up trash. What I really want though is for you to use your voice! Write your own article to convine those who are un decided. Not on just YWS though. Post it to the world. Do me one more favor? Tell me what you do! Comment here or message me. It's our turn as the youth to prove that we can save tommorrows kids. We need everyone to try? How can we all save a world divided?
Last edited by PandaRawr on Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
When you turn to face the sun, all of the shadows fall behind you.
I used to be Writer97 but that was boring so I changed it. PandaRawr is more me.

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Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:40 pm
kathy45662 says...

First, you need paragraphs. Maybe you just didn't seperate them from your text but it makes it easier to review. Ok...*Kathy cracks knuckles and continues with her review....


Be sure to capitalize Earth everywhere.

I just went to the list of works that have no reviews so I'm not sure how to review this if it's even supposed to be! Sounds like a persuasive writing?
90% of writing is re-writing!

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Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:12 pm
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Priyansha says...

I saw a few grammatical and spelling mistakes while reading your article but I'm not going to point them out. I know you didn't post this article for that. I'm guessing you wrote this while you were feeling very passionate or you were in a hurry. I think that has helped it become more persuasive.
I know you wrote this article to to try to make a difference. I can tell because I try to do that sometimes too. I feel helpless sometimes, pitted against problems I can't fight alone but a revolution starts with one person right?
If you wrote this to inspire people, know that you have succeeded a little. You have inspired me by telling me that I'm not alone.
How can we save a world divided?
So true. However, the good news is, writing is a great unifier and you just united two people through your writing. Me and you. Let's save the world together.
You say you like it, but do you like it enough to 'like' it?

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Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:01 am
PandaRawr says...

Ummmmmm....not ment for grammer or spelling
When you turn to face the sun, all of the shadows fall behind you.
I used to be Writer97 but that was boring so I changed it. PandaRawr is more me.

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Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:56 pm
angel007angel says...

To be honest, I disagree with this whole thing. I really don't believe what you have wrote is actually happening and it's just the way I think.
I don't believe we are "slowly killing ourselves", it's all to do with nature and how it is. I did a school report on this for my coursework and I truly believe this isn't real. But I do believe going green is really great, though I know it'll do no use.

Anyway, back to technical stuff now, you do need paragraphs as it is very hard to read with big clumps. Maybe you should do that now. And Earth has a capital letter, according to some very technical people.

Overall, I don't really read articles as I find them a bore and I prove myself right. Look, don't take this to heart, I just don't like reading big articles, I can never find any article interesting. I'm really sorry, but if this is what you like to do, then by no means, go ahead and keep writing!
- angel007angel x

while she was studying the ways of pasta he was studying the ways of the sword
— soundofmind