
Young Writers Society

A Lamentation on Singlehood

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Tue Sep 27, 2011 6:28 am
KnightlyAngel09 says...

Spoiler! :
Nothing like a bit of a rant to brighten up a stormy day, eh?

I’m not lonely. I’m not.
Alright, 95% of the time I’m not, but the fact that I am typing furiously right now about the joys of singlehood means that five-percent of the time, I actually am, kind of, a little, frustratingly, utterly, lonely.
But it’s not really that bad being single, most of the time. Just yesterday, I was running a little late for my 7 30 am Calculus class, and I hadn’t bothered with a shower. I went to class in all my disheveled, just-woke-up glory, and I didn’t worry once that I would have an appalled boyfriend looking at me with alarm and (slight) disgust. (On a side note, mornings like that may be the reason why I’m single.)
Another good thing about being single is I don’t have relationship-y problems to deal with. I’m stressed out enough as it is with Macroeconomics and scraping through my Business classes, I most certainly do not need a melodramatic boy who needs attention and sweet, sweet loving all friggin’ day long to add to the mess I call junior year of University. Still, there are moments when I feel a little left out when my friends pour their hearts out into plastic cups filled with cheap beer. He’s such a jerk. Or I can’t believe she’s going out with that guy. Or I’m prettier than her, right? RIGHT?
They’ve all got their own sob stories which, more often than not, make me thankful that I am flying solo. And then they get all cliquish, and have silent conversations with one another, because of course, only people who have been in a relationship will understand. That’s when I feel left out. When you’re single, sometimes it almost seems as if you’re floating around in a bubble. On one hand, you’re feeling safe and carefree, and then you look around at the couples beyond the bubble’s membrane and you feel like you’re missing out on something that might actually be special. But you’re not quite sure if it’s special, since you’re stuck in your god-forsaken bubble because Prince Charming won’t friggin’ come and pop it. (No pun intended.)
I could just go on and on about Valentine’s Day. The majority of the five-percent loneliness probably happens on that day. I mean, it’s the day where your singlehood is rubbed violently into your face. People go around, casually asking what your plans for the day are and your honest answer is Sulk in a corner with a bottle of tequila and contemplate ending it all. Watch ‘A Walk to Remember’ and cry a few liters of tears. Eat cookie dough. Contemplate ending it all. But you have to say something like Oh, nothing much. Finish my paper on Intangible Heritage for Social Anthropology. And they give you a pitying look which makes you want to bash their heads with some Intangible Heritage.
The thing that gets me down, for some strange reason, is the lack of flowers in my hands during this lovely Holiday. I don’t even like flowers. But it’s the principle of the thing that puts a thorn through my soul. Last Valentine’s Day, I went into my Psychology class and I was the only, the one and only girl who didn’t have flowers on her table. And of course I had to act all nonchalant about it, but the truth was it was kind of, maybe a little, absolutely depressing. It’s just a damned flower, but the meaning behind the giving of the flower is what is worth lamenting. Truth is, I did get a rose from a nice boy when I was in high school, and I remember how it made me feel. It made me feel pretty. It made me feel good about myself. Is it too much to ask for one little flower when the pretty girls get gaudy, enormous bouquets?
As I said, most of the time, I’m totally chipper, though it may not be too obvious given this melodramatic rant. Unfortunately, this was written at the said 5-percent of loneliness stage of things. It sucks, it absolutely sucks sometimes to be the single one. Jason Derulo may shiny it up a bit and talk about Ridin’ Solo but I don’t think even he would deny, it’s actually quite nice to think that you’re not a lone rider. I mean, who wouldn’t want to ride off into the sunset with the person who makes you feel pretty? Cue romantic soundtrack. End credits. Cue happily ever after.
All that I'm after is a life full of laughter, as long as I'm laughing with you.:)

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Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:51 pm
perdido says...

I like your nonchalant style. There's a sort of inner struggle going on in this piece that made me enjoy it. I'm not sure. The whole insistence that you aren't lonely but maybe sometimes you are but then here's this page of ranting, I don't know. The back and forth was amusing. Oh and you use friggen' a couple of times, just come out and say fuckin'. I mean I get it, this site has a lot of youngsters it is after all YOUNG writers society, but I think the operative word should be on writers. Write honestly even if you're going to make someone angry.

Or maybe you just like to use the word friggen. In which case, I tip my hat

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Tue Sep 27, 2011 6:09 pm
ziggiefred says...

Hello there :)

First of all, Amen sister! You took the words right out of my mouth. I'm constantly denying it, but being single sucks sometimes. 5% makes a huuuuge difference, lol.
I could just go on and on about Valentine’s Day. The majority of the five-percent loneliness probably happens on that day. I mean, it’s the day where your singlehood is rubbed violently into your face. People go around, casually asking what your plans for the day are and your honest answer is Sulk in a corner with a bottle of tequila and contemplate ending it all. Watch ‘A Walk to Remember’ and cry a few liters of tears. Eat cookie dough. Contemplate ending it all. But you have to say something like Oh, nothing much. Finish my paper on Intangible Heritage for Social Anthropology. And they give you a pitying look which makes you want to bash their heads with some Intangible Heritage.

...I hate Valentines Day!
The biggest problem I feel, that makes everything seem so hopeless, is being a sucker for chick flicks. You watch the movie(single and all) and the guy and girl have a happy ending (as usual...well, except in 'The Break Up'), then you get your hopes up. Only months later, you're still showing up at school with the same sloppy hairdo because YOU'RE SINGLE.
Then your friends start talking about their relationships in front of you, but you can't join in...I mean, what do you honestly have to say? :? It's even worse when they do it on Valentine's Day. The 5% you mentioned earlier is always gnawing away in your mind going, "Girl, you need a man!" lol. But hey, you're still alive and kicking right?

Anyway, thought I'd join in the rant with you. This was nicely written and well said. And don't worry about it. Next time, it's you who's going to get a bunch of flowers on your desk. It'll be just you, on your own special day :)

Keep writing and goodluck!
The best is what you make it!

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The worst bullies you will ever encounter in your life are your own thoughts.
— Bryant McGill