
Young Writers Society

Life's Blossom

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17 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 890
Reviews: 17
Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:10 pm
Madhatter66 says...

This is my short biography of when i met my last girfriend and after a year found out she had cheated on me all this time for some guy who promised her too much and then she found out he just wanted to sleep with her. But I wrote this for her when we were together as a diary type thing and I was going to present it to her on our anniversary. There are a few grammar mistakes but thats because i made it in the spur of the moment. And yes the quote at the end is my own.

My life is one that comes across the most rare of cases. I have spent most of my early years alone, and seeking someone to save me from my deep dark history.
I dated many girls with no real goal like I did; I believed in the one true love since I was twelve years old, my heart throbbed with loneliness, and for sometime I thought my dream of finding the one true person for me was just a piece of past tense in a book, spiralling to a lonely abyss.
My mother had destroyed most of what we ever had between us, she had torn away all social connections and happiness I had been able to grasp. This was when I started to become goalless and lonely, and only at the age of twelve.
Some may see this as an impossible age to come by, where a young child as I was, wanted the love by one person, and to grasp it in my shaking hands, and to end up grasping it for all eternity.
After six long months of uncomfortable, desperate, longing for freedom, I got my chance and retreated to my father’s, for a Christmas holiday, which ended up beginning the never ending unbalance of friendship between both my family’s; reminding me each day that it was my fault for starting it, but it did come out with a good outcome.

The Rarest Blossom

For nearly four years, I spent my time looking for the girl of my dreams, back and fourth I wandered my eyes on vast types of girls. Though none of them could give me what I wanted…. True Love.
At the dawn of 2005, I sat on the chat program known as MSN, talking to my friends as usual, fooling then like usual that I was happy and everything was just how it was meant to be.
But then like a gust of wind, slapping you in the face, a mystery person began to talk to me.
Suddenly my stomach began to fill with a weird sensation, one that I had never felt before. Looking at her picture, I knew she was the most beautiful girl in the world, her eyes stood out like a blooming star, twinkling in the picture that was displayed before me. Ignoring the feeling that had overcome me, I began to talk to her, she told me about herself, and while I watched as she typed her everlasting poetry of words, I couldn’t withstand the feeling that had overcome me an hour before.
I needed to know who this mystery girl was, I had to know what she was like and thought.That’s when I found out like a vacuum of amazement, she told me that her name was Diane.
It rang in my ears for days, her name was gorgeous, it stood out more than any kind of text I had ever come across, and with each day I found out more about her.
She was like a best selling book that’s pages had never been closed, everything about her soothed my mind and grasped the heart that had sat cold and dark inside my chest.
A few days later she invited me to her birthday outing, I couldn’t wait, I had to see those diamond- like eyes, those pink lushes lips, and that golden hair that reflected all sorrow and unhappiness.

On the day, that I saw her, my knees were shaking, my blood boiled with impatience; I had to see her.
Sitting in the Land Rover, I drummed my fingers on the arm rest, biting my nails to try and comfort my longing to see her; I just needed to see those eyes again and finally hear the voice that would whistle softness and love in my ears.
Stopping at the entrance of the cinema, where we were supposed to meet, I saw two smoothly perfect shaped legs concealed in deep blue, jeans. Already I knew she has the perfect lower half. Then as I opened the scrappy car door, and quickly peered round, I saw her; the brightest star in the sky, her face as beautiful as the rarest blossom; her eyes twinkling and her lips creating the smile that I would adore for years to come.
Her hair slid down her body like an everlasting waterfall, and her movements leaving a stream of unforgettable happiness in its path.
My heart began to beat faster and faster as I got closer to her, she was the one I knew she was, even before she spoke I knew; then when we came face to face my heart suddenly stomped like a flat liner in the Ward A at the nearest Hospital.
I wanted to touch her; I wanted to stroke the soft skin and silk, golden hair that stood before me. Everything about her was perfect, all I could think about was how beautiful she was.
After saying “hi” she spoke, her words came out like soft, soothing music; I just wanted to faint and listen to it forever.
From first seeing her sitting down next to her, I knew I was already in love, she was so beautiful; I just wanted to look into her eyes and tell her my thoughts, my feelings and my complete addiction to her star-like eyes.
Throughout the whole film, my heart pounded like the drums of happiness, I couldn’t stop looking at her, her eyes reflected the movie from its bright projection, I had to touch that beautiful hair, I had to feel the warmth that shrouded her in mystery and shyness.
Moving my arm over her seat, I began to stroke her hair; its silkiness created a on going pace in my heart, my mind raced with pictures of her beauty and radiating smile, I didn’t want to let go.
The film closed to an end, viewers began to rise from their towering seats, and sadly so did I, and Diane had risen from her seat as well.
The moment had ended; the warmth in my seduced hand, drained from my fingertips and even worse, Diane had walked past with showing no interest.
I had been walking down the long musty corridor, when I felt like I had let her down, that I might not have impressed her; so with a burst of desperate courage; I told Diane and her group that I should depart. I felt heart broken, I felt like she had no feelings towards my appearance, or me as they left I placed my head softly against the acrylic wall of the high budget cinema.
My head was ringing with disappoint, all I wanted was a sign, a mention that she felt the way I did; she was the one, I knew she was, she had to be, everything about her was so real to my eyes. Her sparkling eyes that took my into an abyss of kindness, her soft flowing hair, her soft, cuddly, warm skin and voice; oh that voice sounded like such soft, sweet music to my ears.
Calling my pick up dispatcher, I scrolled through the images of Diane, her beauty inspired my mind; she was becoming my addiction.
Suddenly my phone vibrated, pressing the receive button with my trembling thumb, I looked at the text that Diane had sent; saying she was disappointed that we didn’t get to spend much time together and that we would have to do it again, just the thought of seeing her again, deployed an ecstasy in my heart of excitement and urge for it to happen right now.
Strolling back to the entrance of the cinema, I stared into the long infinite of sky that lay before me, picturing the future I could have with the love of my life.

The Date that Changed it All

The following days, felt like a clock ticking to the next time I would meet her.
We discussed everything together on the computer; the future careers we wanted, the types of people we liked.
Everything I wanted to know about her, I got to see, she was like a book that I never wanted to close, a story that grabbed me from the first word and attached me into it for eternity; I really couldn’t wait to see her that weekend coming.
The day came and I became once again, it felt like a repeat in my history, time been rewritten, as if giving me another chance.
When we reunited, it felt like time had stopped, we stared into each other’s eyes just for a few seconds before buying our cinema tickets and going into the flick to get comfortable. I could tell she was shy, she was so cute and beautiful; I couldn’t stop looking at her, I must have looked completely obsessed to her.
While walking to our seats, I just wanted to tell her how I felt, to tell her I wanted to give her the world, give her the trillions of reasons why this second meeting was fate, and why she made my heart beat and feel warm once again like it did when I was a young child unaware of day to day situations.
I Sat down beside her, we flicked through the trailers, I started a few conversations, her voice flowing through my ears and caressing my mind, I just had to do it, I had to touch that hair again.
While the film started I moved my arm over again, and stroked her hair, her eyes scrolled to mine, we were connected in sight once again, moving a little closer, I touched her soft, cute hand with mine, stroking it with the tips of my fingers back and forth.
Her eyes stayed connected with mine, and suddenly it appeared, the smile that would make me the happiest guy alive.
With this smile, I just had to hold her, we began to move to closer to each other, both our hands playing together like two puppies, wanting attention, she rested her head on mine, tension and warmth surged through me, our heads a metre apart turning to face each other.
Our lips suddenly began to lock, the kiss felt passionate, and romantic. It was one the greatest feelings I had ever experienced, we continued to kiss for a few minutes, either of us wanted to let go; It was like the first bonding ever to start, her body joining with me, her tongue massaging my aroused mouth. Through the rest of the film, we cuddled, as if a fully-fledged couple, I didn’t want the feeling to end, the moment was too perfect, I could feel her heart beating in my bicep as I held her, our eyes stayed looking at each other, rarely looking back to see what was going on in the rest of the cinema, I gave her a few deep kisses of my affection for her, she gave me some back as well, each kiss from her lips creating electrical power surges on my own lips.
The Blossom had bloomed into a thousand copies in my heart.
Leaving the cinema our hands stayed interlocked, I didn’t want to leave her side, we discussed the film, and she had become so red and shy it was so adorable.
I waited with her till her car arrived, suddenly our hands disconnected, but the emotion connection stayed with me. I could feel her hand still in mine; I slowly stroke my cheek with the radiated hand that had been resting with hers.
Something was starting and I knew it was going to be the greatest part of my life ever.

Love, Lust and Moments

After the moment we had together, my feelings grew even stronger than before.
I was finally, able to open my heart up to her, and share my dark, secret history with her.
Each kiss from her, seemed like a burst of tropical fruits, bubbling in my mouth, and each time I looked into her blessed eyes, I saw freedom, freedom from all the loneliness in my world, a life of love and fortune by divine love.
We began to see each other mostly on a weekend, I would visit her house and meet her caring, warm family that greeted me as if one of their own; I felt sanctuary was in the family, I had never experienced this kind of warm hearted feeling towards me; everything seemed perfect.
On the day I first began to come over, my knees began to shake once again. Thoughts ran through my mind like a vacuum in my head, “Will they like me?” “Will they accept me?” “Do they think I’m good enough?” all these questions zipped in and out of my aching brain, I guess only time could tell.
As I stepped off the train at Dewsbury Station, my heart began to beat faster, It wasn’t the questionable fear of Diane’s parents, it was Diane herself; she is the most beautiful girl in the world, who cares the world about me and she is introducing me to her parents, it was the biggest excitement I had ever had, mainly because of seeing her.
When entering the station itself, I felt like I was in slow motion, just seeing Diane sitting there was so adorable, it was if she had lost her way and was looking for someone to take her back home; she looked as nervous as I did, and at that moment, I saw her eyes again, sucking me in closer to the heavenly beauty of her twinkling eyes.
We said “hello” and kissed once more, again her lips as pink as the continuous growth of my beating heart; it was the same kiss just like before which made me shudder with complete arousal, I wanted to hold her close and kiss her even more, she was the most amazing kisser in the world, and I couldn’t stop saying it in my mind, along with “Wow she is so beautiful”.
The tension of meeting Diane’s mum settled quite fast, she seemed really nice to me. But that wasn’t my main thought; I was mostly concentrating on Diane, her smile caught my eye once again, and for the ride to her house, all I could do was smile in adore at the sight of the most beautiful flower in the world.
Arriving at her house, we left the small white car and entered her pretty nice house; I could see from just opening the door that they had everything they needed.
Diane quickly evaded me upstairs from her father, who I was still needing to meet, but I knew he could wait, as Diane was the biggest importance to me.
As we lay there on Diane’s extremely comfy bed, we kissed and talk, her soft velvet words soothing my mind once more into a dream like abyss.
After awhile Diane’s mum came in carrying hot plates of food, I felt really spoilt even though it was just lunch, I felt like one of the family already, I didn’t want to leave, it was just too perfect.
It was 2:00 pm. Our day together couldn’t have been more perfect; we had held each other close for 2 hours now, and already I felt like Diane has become one with me, she was so warm and cuddly, my heart couldn’t stop racing from the moment it had got into.
I stroked her soft hair, it ran through my fingers like clear water, moving down I felt her warm cheeks, each stroke felt like I was playing with the petals of the most beautiful flower ever created.
Our moment couldn’t have been more perfect, it was like we had been together for years, and there we lay; the love of my life, the one, the rarest blossom holding me close for warmth and comfort. I didn’t want it to end, not one bit.
The day drew on and we talk and snuggled for the whole day, It was one of the greatest days of my life, mostly for just been with her all, but I knew it had to end in a few minutes and all I could do was hold on close to my caring lover.
As the clock hit 7:50pm, we sat up and looked at each other with a emotional connection, I wanted to know what she was thinking while staring into my eyes, she looked so cute with her hair a mess and her smile still spreading the warmth it brought to my heart.
We kissed once more, as if nothing else in the world mattered, as if time had stopped just that moment, just for us; but as we detached our lips from one another, time had continued and we made our way downstairs.
As we drove to the train station in the cold night, Diane snuggled up to me once again, her head resting on my shoulder and stroking my relaxed hand, I didn’t want to leave her, I felt tortured, punished as if my happiness was a sin and me leaving was repay to my dark past so that I would enter once again when I left her side at the station.
As we left the car we walked over to the platform over the bridge, we were so quiet, it was as if we were never going to see each other again, and that we were so attached to each other, that just the thought of separating would mean the end of the world as we know it.
We stood in the cold, damp station, her smile been the only source of light for miles around, we held each other close, clinging on as if been pulled apart; I didn’t want to leave her side, I wanted to be with her forever and ever, grow old with her, have kids with her, be one.
The train arrived we looked at each other with a fear that we were losing something that we cherished so much with all our hearts, as I slowly entered the train, our hands slowly uncoupled, it felt like slow motion had started again just as we went our ways. I stayed looking at her, the back of my head been my eyes; she looked so adorable standing there; I just wanted to go back home with her and spend the rest of my life in her company.
The train doors closed and she stayed standing there, watching me like an abandoned puppy, I felt guilty, and dishonourable, I wanted to jump the train like in a romantic movie, and as she turned around see that I stayed for her, for her heart and for her love.
The train sadly continued on, and the only thing I had left to hold was my thoughts of her.

Summer Love

The day was hot and it was going to get hotter, mostly in my heart as I was about to be united with Diane once more, as usual we retired back to her house, and snuggled together, but for a change we went outside.
The sun beamed down on us like a burning torch. We decided to sunbathe on the concrete floor of her garden, but I didn’t mind as I was with her and that’s all that mattered.
As we lay the in the backing sun, her head rested on my resting stomach, Diane stared at the sky, as if picturing something she once thought about, my eyes concentrated on her soft skin, and then I moved my eyes onto her silk hair then to her gleaming eyes which reflected like a diamond in the sun.
Her hair ran down my body like an everlasting waterfall pouring its elixir of love all around us. I felt her ears concentrating on my heartbeat, and for the first time it relaxed; I felt centred, at one, nothing mattered but me and her, we were the centre of the universe everything revolved around us, as if we were the sun and that every person in the world was a planet orbiting our love and happiness.
I moved my hands through her soft hair; it ran through my fingers as if trying to escape my grasp, I didn’t want this moment to end, it was too perfect, even the concrete floor some how gave ease to my relaxing spine and comforted me as if it was a soft cushion.
We talked for and hour or two, telling each how we wanted this moment to last forever and questioning me if I could see us laying here in the future.
I knew that it would be so perfect if we did, and I would do whatever I could to make it possible; I didn’t want to lose her after everything we had been through together, we had opened up and shared our secrets and stories; if this was to end I didn’t know what I would do, I couldn’t lose her, it kept racing in and out of my mind, she was the one I knew she was, all of this was fate.
The day continued nicely, we had retired back to her bedroom once again, and we began to hold each other close next to her warm window.
I didn’t want to let go although I knew they day would end soon where I would have to depart once again to my lonely life in York, I felt wanted and loved so much. I didn’t want to lose this feeling or exchange it anything in the world. Our hearts were one once again, and our souls united once more and then assisted by the soft, sweet kiss of her lips, which made an arousing chill go up my spine; I had never felt this before and I couldn’t wait to feel it again.
As the day rolled by, our love bloomed around us like thousands of falling petals, we used held each other for nearly fifteen minutes, time didn’t matter anymore within our short time limit.
The last two hours past and once again I was alone.

Opening of Comfort

It was the happiest day at my mum’s house in existence, for the first time ever Diane would be staying over till ten o’clock, to meet my satanic demon child mother and the rest of the family.
The sun was shining down on us once again and each day was now a blessing not because of the warm, delightful weather, but because I was with the most amazing person in the world, that actually gave a damn about me.
As we walked down the drive way of my mother’s house hold, we sat outside the door waiting for her return as she was late from some dancing practise and a Tesco visit.
We sat their happy as can be, we talked about parts of my passed, where the most unwanted flashback came across my mind; it was more of a cursed message than I flashback, faces ran through my mind that had tormented me through childhood. Bullies looking down at me because I was a newcomer to their school, my Mother shouting at me that I was a mistake and wasn’t supposed to happen and my Father doing his daily taunting that I was going to fail and not get anywhere in life. At that second I had opened my heart to Diane, I told her everything about my past, and how she had finally saved me from my tormented world of loneliness and darkness, I wanted to hold her close and thank her so much and tell her how much I loved her. But I didn’t want to show myself as a depressed loser, so I tried to keep it cool; my heart was pounding her soft voice blocked by the screaming messages passing through my head, I felt like I was going to explode, and the only cure I had was Diane; she sat there smiling at me with complete be wilderness of what was going on through my mind, she comforted me once again, holding my hand in her cute grip, I didn’t want her to let go.
Mum returned and we entered inside; without greeting my mother, we slowly walked upstairs to my bedroom, my heart beating hard against my chest, the voices still ringing in my ear, I wanted to be alone Diane, just some peace and quiet, a moment of sanctuary.
As we lay there on my attic bed, she stared into my eyes so caring and sweet, her eyes sparkled as if been reflected by the moonlight that was to come, we were all alone; silence surrounded us and the house seemed but an open cage in our world of silence.
I told her how I felt and she answered me in the softest of voices “Its ok, I’m here don’t worry” I felt so special, for the first time in my life someone actually cared about me.
I held her close to my heart; my tears running down my cheeks like the waterfall of her hair that covered my body once more.
At last I was at peace, I didn’t care about my horrible past anymore, it was just me and her; to define it better the brightest star and the saved lonely guy.
She was my saviour, my white knight in shining armour, the hero on my story; she was everything I needed, the person that would always keep my heart beating for as long as I lived.
This was just one of my favourite moments with Diane, she was so caring and wonderful in that moment; I will always remember it as the day someone actually cared for my feelings and fears. I loved her even more now than before and nothing could change that.

She has always been there for me, her eyes focusing on my every movement, slowly tracing my every step to make sure I’m 100%. I couldn’t repay her like I wanted to; she is so perfect and special to me in every way, I just want to hold and her and tell her how much I love her and what I want to do in the future with her, but I know there is no way to express the love I have for her, mainly because there’s so much love that it would take years to give her all my reasons.
Her warm heart always connected to me like with an electrical fusion.
Her voice soothing my mind and ear lobes, moving down my throat to my chest where her words shaped my heart with such power like poetry.
No arrow could pierce what we had now, our bond had gown once more, and again we were one and always would be, every time I saw her colours flew across my vision like a tornado, she represented every that was good, her warmth made me go into a paradise of peace as if she was more key to tranquillity.
Every time I sat next to her my heart raced like a stallion, the thought of her would get my juices going and once again turn my lonely heart into an eclipse of love and happiness and if I lost her nothing would be the same, I wouldn’t feel one like I do now, I would be back to where I started, just a lonely guy in a lonely world wondering what the girl of my dreams was doing, smiling her adorable smile as she did; lighting up the fire in peoples like she did mine.
But I won’t let it happen, I will always try to make her happy for as long as I live; she is my star and my life, she is my sun and my future, I want to be with her forever and I will do whatever I can to make it happen.

No more Pain

As I once walked down the valley of darkness, full of sorrow and hate, I didn’t think I was worth living for, since Diane came into my life I have been such unforgettable love, I can’t get her out of my mind even when we are together; she makes my blood boil and my cheeks go red whenever she speaks to me.
We hold each other with such care as if caring for a young child, and to this day it continues.
Each day I thank fate for giving me this gift, a gift of true love; something I never thought I would receive, but now I know that I am truly lucky, that I Josh Atkinson has finally found the softest hand to hold, and found the eyes that will always light my way through my future.
Even now when I look at her moon lit eyes I still see the love and happiness I did when I first set my eyes upon her.
We sometimes lay next to each other gazing into the deserts of each other’s eyes; and finally mine are purified, completely healed from the sorrow I saw in my world; as her hand caresses mine, I close my eyes every time and enter once again into a world of peace, a world just with her.
And to this day I see such a bright future for us, the weeks we have been apart was only a test for our true love for each other and mine has stayed strong since that first day when she stood on the stairs of the cinema entrance.

Dreams, Lips and Music

It was one of those days where you feel so much in love you know your going to dream about the love of your life.
Diane was running through my mind so much like usual, but this time she was flowing out of my eyes and ears, I couldn’t stop thinking about her; and I knew it would continue through the night.
My eyes began the close, her beautiful, glowing face stayed as a projection in my mind throughout my shutdown.
As my eyes closed Diane’s image began to move, her fingers and arms began to move like a waving flower in the sun, and her hair blew as if been pulled in a gust of wind.
I watched within my enclosed eyes as we strolled along a hot, sun beat beach, her hair flopping over her body, as if hugging her.
Even in a dream she was so beautiful, we wondered for hours on the beach coast, talking as if we were an already married couple, while these events were going on in my dreamy stasis; I told myself over and over again how I wanted it to happen.
Once again she had inspired my mind, and I wanted to wake up from my sleeping prison and write about her, about our life together, about our future and our love.

The day after we were to meet for our second concert together, the first one, which was pretty good, was by the band The Hives. I had liked them for some time and thought the performance was pretty good, all I could think of was Diane, and her happiness within the concert, I knew from the beginning that she couldn’t see so I tried my best to get her to a place where she would have better vision but in the end the tallest of people went in front of her and all I could do was hold her and enjoy the music by listening it with her.
On the second concert, I knew she would love it. The music was her type and the concert area even had a balcony, so I knew I could make it up to her.
While leaving the station to meet her, once again I felt my knees shake and my heart begin to beat once again like it did on the first day we met; I turned the corner from he ticket booth and there she was, beautiful as always; she was the only person in the whole station to stand out, she looked like a beam of light cracking from the sky.
As we walked up to the University, our hands stayed held throughout the whole journey.
I loved the feeling of us both walking through the city of Leeds together, it made me feel like we were walking a daily journey around the city as if we lived together, I would give anything for that to happen.
As we got to the University, we sat down on a bench just outside were the band were playing, we waited in the blowing wind for the doors to open, so we could join the queue of excited viewers.
We sat there walking, my eyes focusing on her gorgeous eyes and her beautiful silk hair that blew in the wind so gracefully.
I moved my hands over her soft hands, comforting them in the cold weather; existence seem to vanish once again and only me and Diane seemed to live in the world; our love spreading all over.
The time came to go inside, we entered the concert and went up to the balcony, trying my best to get a space for Diane to see, and this time I succeeded.
As we stood there holding each other warmly, the first band played, they were pretty good but not as entertaining as Diane who was cuddling me with so much love and affection.
As they band played on into their last song, I knew she was enjoying herself; even after the performance she said they were pretty good.
Now was for Rooster, the band I had brought Diane to see but mostly so I could spend a great day with just her; and I was right it was one of the greatest days of my life.
The band sent out streams of rhythmic music and jams, I could feel Diane’s foot tap to the beat of the music played.
I held her closer to me and we kissed, her soft sweet lips pressed against mine, as we detached the saliva her lips stayed on mine once again, it tasted like the elixir of fruit that could satisfy a thousand lonely guys.
We stood there holding each other even more as if life depended on it; I began to sing along to the slow songs that were being played as they meant how I felt towards her, I began to see tears begin to run her cheeks accompanied by the perfect smile.
I was the luckiest guy on earth to be holding the cutest, and most beautiful girl on this planet.
As we stood there in he thick of listening people and well toned music. Time once again halted just for us, as we stared into each other’s eyes, I knew we would be together forever, nothing could ruin what we had, we were the perfect couple, with the perfect life, with the perfect future.

"Every touch, every feeling, every emotion, and every moment will always be a reflection of my love for you"
~+Laugh and the World Laughs With You, Weep and You Weep Alone+~

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683 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 683
Tue Oct 25, 2005 4:55 pm
Emma says...

That is very sweet. I can't really say much else. I am sorry for her cheating on you.

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6 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 6
Mon Nov 07, 2005 3:10 pm
Kayleigh says...

This piece is very descriptive, which isn't bad, it can just be a bit flowery sometimes and cloud the point. Another point is that you compare her hair to a waterfall three times, that seemed a bit repetitive.

But apart from those minor criticisms, I enjoyed it! You really get a feel for how much you loved her.

Good work!

If I seem to wander, if I seem to stray, remember that true stories seldom take the straightest way.
— Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind