
Young Writers Society

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:03 pm
victorianlolita says...

stop posting on this until I figure out how to delete my account or, at least, this post. Thank you.
Last edited by victorianlolita on Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:30 pm
AquaMarine says...

I'm sorry you feel that way - it's a real shame. :)

If it helps, I can address some of your points.

A lot of members of YWS do simply critique line-by-line, and sometimes focus entirely on grammatical mistakes. Some people find this useful, others do not. It's all a matter of preference, but I really understand the fact that you'd prefer people to focus on your content. There are equally a lot of reviewers on YWS who do this, so you could always search around for them and directly request a review from people, either on PM or in Will Review for Food.

The reason we do focus on grammar on YWS is that grammar is really important in writing. If we promote good grammar across this site, then it stands to reason that people's grammar will get better as they stay here. And as their grammar gets better the grammatical mistakes in people's works vastly decreases! :)

I really hope you decide not to leave YWS and give the site another chance - there are many amazing people here, and it's genuinely a really useful place.

Have a nice day!

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:47 pm
Evi says...

Aww, Victoria! I'm also sorry you feel that way, but the fact is, this is a site for critiques. By posting your work you have sent out a request to the community to read it and give you suggestions, which include constructive criticism, some of which you may not like. If you're looking for a place where reviewers will keep their opinions to themselves and praise everything you write instead of giving you actual, honest feedback, I'm afraid YWS isn't that place. You might just need to get a thicker skin for criticism, dear.

Remember that these reviewers are taking time from their day to help you, and they aren't being paid to do it a certain way. If you feel that your critics are looking at your work the wrong way, head over to our Will Review for Food forum and request a review from someone who you think will give you more of the sort of things you're asking for, like Amy said. Grammar and context are an integral part of writing-- you can't expect readers to ignore it completely unless you explicitly specify that, either in an author's note above your work or a personal request.

Well, I hope you decide to give YWS a second chance. :) Remember, YWS is chock-full of mods and junior mods, and if you ever feel like someone was flaming you (not just giving you a harsh critique, but actually attacking you personally) then please, feel free to report it or PM one of us about it!
"Let's eat, Grandma!" as opposed to "Let's eat Grandma!": punctuation saves lives.

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:52 pm
LastPaladin says...

I understand you feel like a great big injustice has happened, but compared to likes of Publishers and Major Editors we're only amateurs. This means we're less harsh than you so characterize us to be. At it's basis YWS is a site to improve young writers considerably, if they can't take criticism then they've bleak future as a writer. A writer should be able to take criticisms, not get mad over it and claim they're wrong.

It's easy to point fingers, there are certain guidelines in poetry which are suggested to be followed. You can try and do amazing innovations, but for most part people are used to guidelines being followed. It's often because if they're not the poems turns out to be badly written.

Now in case of you being angry because only got one good review? Ce'st la vie. Explain to me why does it matter so much that your work must be praised. YWS is and will always be a writing community -- many of us including me been smashed by people here, but after a while you realize, stupid reason to leave a site for. Harsh reviews are part of life.

Consider this though we dish it out here. It's not wrong, not improper -- it shows respect to writers of all ages. We don't treat anyone like they can't write.
You poor take courage
You rich take care
This earth was made a common treasury
For everyone to share
All things in common
All people one
We come in peace
The orders came to cut them down

Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:05 pm
victorianlolita says...

Yes, I do understand every ones point
"It's a harsh world, grow the F*** up" what have you.
Well when I get paid for some one tearing my stuff apart and telling me to start over, I'll take the criticism then. I don't need it here. The only REAL thing I want critiqued any way is the only thing that isn't being touched, so really there is no point to be here. You all may defend yourselves to the fullest, I still believe it to be true that the way things function isn't necessarily right, and I choose to not be a part of it.

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:17 pm
Lumi says...

I still believe it to be true that the way things function isn't necessarily right, and I choose to not be a part of it.

If that's the case, Vic, then Evi's probably right--YWS may not be the place for you. However, I want to encourage you, if you're leaving, to leave on good terms. See, down the road, you may find that you want to return to us (I certainly hope you do). And when you do, you'll be welcomed with open arms. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that you'll always get good critiques or positive feedback. See, purely positive feedback doesn't allow us to grow as writers. It's when we are criticized that our potential is given breath. Does that make sense?

Anyway, I'm sad to see you go, but I wish you the best in whatever you end up doing. Feel free to PM me if you need to talk about anything.

I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:25 pm
victorianlolita says...

Let me clarify: I do not want nice criticism, but I just hate getting messages that are not helpful but downright mean. I did not want this to be a big deal, just to open peoples eyes that there is more than just grammar. I want feedback on all of it, or at least the content. If the content is not good then grammar doesn't even mean anything. it could be the BEST grammar in the world, but if the content sucks then what's the point? It's no big deal, hate mail is just not something I wish to deal with right now =/

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:28 pm
LastPaladin says...

victorianlolita wrote:Let me clarify: I do not want nice criticism, but I just hate getting messages that are not helpful but downright mean. I did not want this to be a big deal, just to open peoples eyes that there is more than just grammar. I want feedback on all of it, or at least the content. If the content is not good then grammar doesn't even mean anything. it could be the BEST grammar in the world, but if the content sucks then what's the point? It's no big deal, hate mail is just not something I wish to deal with right now =/

Well I never review by grammar, I stick to the substance and themes of the poem. But sometimes there are cases point out grammar, only when it's bad. As others have pointed out we all have different reviews styles, if ya want someone to focus on more than grammar say.
You poor take courage
You rich take care
This earth was made a common treasury
For everyone to share
All things in common
All people one
We come in peace
The orders came to cut them down

Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:34 pm
Rosendorn says...

victorianlolita wrote:Let me clarify: I do not want nice criticism, but I just hate getting messages that are not helpful but downright mean. I did not want this to be a big deal, just to open peoples eyes that there is more than just grammar. I want feedback on all of it, or at least the content. If the content is not good then grammar doesn't even mean anything. it could be the BEST grammar in the world, but if the content sucks then what's the point? It's no big deal, hate mail is just not something I wish to deal with right now =/

A lot of people want content reviews, actually. They're just really hard to get! As has been pointed out before, Will Review for Food is a great place to get content critiques.

See, because YWS is full of varying degrees of experience, some people aren't sure how to critique content and go for grammar. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong. It's up to the author to decide who they'll listen to.

And you're right. There is more to just grammar. Just be patient for some good content reviews. They can take awhile to show up. :) (YWS is absolutely huge, after all)
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:41 pm
victorianlolita says...

Thank you. I did not take that into consideration. It was also reminded to me in a message that the hatemail might have been a younger person who either has an attitude or doesn't know what they are talking about, and I'll just go with that. I have a horrid temper myself, so unnecessary words and assumptions make me upset when all I am looking for is criticism and helpful tips.

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:55 pm
Kafkaescence says...

Poetry is a thing that can sound pleasant to some people, and to others completely horrible. That is how it differs from stories - normal writing has a constant, unchanging standard of grammar, whereas in poetry it is all perspective. Personally, I specialize in short stories and novels, so when I take a stab at poetry, it is frustratingly difficult to let go of my grammatical instincts. But some people are naturals, and can just as easily let go of grammar as they can a rotten baloney sandwich. There are many different standards of poetic structure and grammar. The goal of a poet is to try to accommodate as many of these standards as possible. Hopefully this sheds new light on your predicament.

Now, reading this, I am not all just a big bag of sympathy. Forgive me, but frankly, you need to learn to accept criticism. EVERY SINGLE USER has received at least one review that they do not like. I took a look at the reviews you received for "The Puppet." All of these were great reviews. By publicly announcing below all of them that you thought that, basically, they all sucked except one (which, might I add, was the absolute shortest one there, whereas the others took time to write an good, inclusive review), you are lowering yourself to a level that is much below someone who writes critical reviews. And you are completely wrong when you say that they were "go[ing] in with the intent on massacring it with grammar errors." These were very constructive critiques. If everyone wrote reviews like the only one that you liked, then where would we be? No one would learn anything (No offense at all meant, by the way, towards NicoSims; I write reviews like that sometimes myself). I find that PMing or posting a comment on the critiquer's wall thanking them can be very helpful.

And you know what? Search for my poem "Your Dream." Scroll down until you see the comment made by LastPaladin. Read it. Do you know how discouraged I felt after reading that review? But I did not decide to quit YWS. Instead I thanked him, made some changes here and there, and moved on. Obviously you need to learn how to do that.

If you are trying to gain sympathy with this piece, you are failing.

I think a lot of people here are uptight and full of themselves.

You all are...forgive me...but misled

Do you think this is going to do you any justice? Do you think people will respect you after you completely put them down? This is called stereotyping. I think you may know what it is. You seem to be an expert at it.

I am very disappointed that you are leaving. While you're gone, work on that temper.

Last edited by Kafkaescence on Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:10 pm
TabbyGirl says...

Dear, I understand... sort of... look, when it comes down to it you can't just blow grammar off. It's as simple as that.

When people give harsh reviews, it can be frustrating. It can be really upsetting. It can drive you to do something like this, and that's okay, but don't leave YWS.

Most people here only seek to help you improve. At grammar, and at content. Sure, poems are just the flow of your thoughts sometimes, but there's no reason not to go back and edit them.

Don't just leave. It's a great site! Give it another chance.


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Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:03 pm
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victorianlolita says...

Kafka it might be wise to read all of my posts on here before putting crap up. Thank you for making my decision on leaving final

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:18 pm
Mutant says...

victorianlolita wrote:Kafka it might be wise to read all of my posts on here before putting crap up. Thank you for making my decision on leaving final

Before I saw this response to Kafka, I sympathized with you- but really, everything that she said was one hundred percent honest and fair. I have read your reviews on The Puppet, and I agree- they are all well-formed and thought out. These people gave quite a bit of time to review your piece. Nothing in that thread even vaguely resembles flaming or hate speech. If you post a story on a writer's website specifically designed for honest feedback, you're going to get the true opinions and corrections of people who comment. I would like to send you off with best wishes and hope for your return, but to be perfectly honest, I think you're being very immature in all of this. I would like to see you here again, but not if you're going to continue insulting people who are trying to help you.

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Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:47 am
JabberHut says...

I make my own policies.

I feel like if I was the mafia I’d leave a voicemail.
— Tuckster