
Young Writers Society

Top Ten Reasons Why Women Are Better Than Men!

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:21 pm
Hecate says...

@Boolovesyou: No, I'm definitely straight ;)

@LadyPurple and RazHuni: I know he's probably not worth getting annoyed over, but sometimes you can't help it.

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Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:08 pm
twiggers says...

8. Women secretly control the men in their life.

- This is true. Even those controlling men who want to dominate, they don't really. Behind every man's good decision, there's a woman who led him to take it. Men can't make decisions on account of thinking with their penis and therefore being unable to decide anything but where to stick it up next. It is very sad.

7. Women can multi task.

- Can men do their nails, while studying for their math test tomorrow, listening to a song, watching a sitcom and also chatting on MSN, add a light snack on the side. I think not. Men are easily confused and dumbfounded by simple tasks due to their lack of intelligence. Women on the other hand, with their superior intellect can easily deal with all these and more, if they were to come. We can also talk on the phone, probably text, and hold an intelegent conversation with someone, too. Now if I asked my brother to do this, he'd go, "Wha??"

6. This is a man's world.

- And look where that's taken us. Wars, global warming, world hunger, droughts, terrorism, child abuse, high illiteracy levels... Well done, Men! For the past 2 thousand years you've dominated this world rich in resources to slowly starve it of its assets. But no worries, us women are here to clean up after your mess. As always! It's our turn now, within a few decades we will be the dominating sex and you will be the 'weaker' sex. I completely agree. Hitlers the problem that most of the countries hate each other, right?? Only men have been president, and do you see anything that's improved? No. Our troops have been sent out to war for no good reason! Is anything being done about polution and global warming? No. Just another thing that women have to clean up...

Seriously though, budge over. Look at what a fail Henry the VII was, look at how his daughter Queen Elizabeth I had to clean after his mess and bring order to England. And she did so, successfully.And she did so without a husband... Now it's time to do the same, but on a bigger scale.

5. Women are vastly talented. '

- On the other hand, unless you're Picasso, you're biggest pride is probably the level you've reached on COD. Well done. In the meantime, we're doing great job in school, we will soon do a great job in college, and get a great job out of college. While you shoot random virtual people. Well done, though, operating that joystick must be extremely difficult. ^^

4.Women are capable of speech.

- Ever wondered why men are always on about how women can't shut their mouths? That is because they are jealous. They are jealous of the fact that women are capable of stringing two sentences together, saying them aloud and not sounding like a complete and utter moron who mumbled something under his breath in order to get out of having to explain why he's home at this hour of the night when he was meant to be home at like four. When my mom asks my brother a question at dinner, he goes like this: "Wha??" with half the plate of spaghetti shoved in his mouth.

3. Women can genuinely feel.

- Men don't have emotions. Men have balls. Apart from their only thinking organ being their penis, it is also their only 'feeling' organ. Now all the twelve year olds in the room are going to go 'gross' and I'm going to say, well, that's why this has been rated. Men don't have emotions. Men can only feel things physically on account of emotions being very complicated things that require thought to understand. My bad. Men do have emotions. One emotion. Confusion. They are confused little sad things. Women on the other hand can feel with their whole being, be it hate, love or rage. Men are often jealous of this and therefore mock it. ^^

2. Men need to be looked after .

- Women can look after themselves. They learn how to do housework, so when they leave home they can live on their own in a reasonably clean environment. Men, no. Men would end up living in a pigsty before picking up after themselves. If men didn't have women to look after them, men would probably die of contamination in their own homes one day. Or of being eating by cockroaches, which ever comes first. ^^

1. Women: The whole reason for men to attempt to improve

- If women didn't exist, men wouldn't either. But, let's suppose that hypothetically speaking, women seized to exist and men went on existing. Men wouldn't have the drive to do better anymore. They wouldn't care about careers, money, fast cars because they do all this to match the stereotypical 'perfect' man. To impress women. Kind of like a peacock. If women didn't exist, men would be couch potatoes, who ate chips and played video games. No they wouldn't . Because there would be no one to produce chips and video games. And eventually, once the youngest generation died, the human race would be gone! Because without women, how ya gonna get kids??

haha!! I so agree!! All men are like this unless they are over the age of 35, because my dad and grandpa are awesome!
Pa-pa-paastaa! Roma-tomay-tahh! Garlic, oo la la! I'm so delicious!
*Courtesy to Annoying Orange*

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Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:48 am
ImABookPerson says...

Weird enough, I love it !

Yes, it might sound sexist, but it kind of make sense. So, keep on writing! :D I loved it !

I won't run when the sky turns to flame
and I sure won't budge when the earth does shake
when the flood comes up, I will dance in the rain
'cause it's all the same to me

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Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:40 am
TheWalkinDude says...

In all honesty, this was rather harsh towards the masses of men. Of course, I did like some of the arguments (mostly because I'm more girl than boy anymore), especially the man of the house bit. My step acts like that, and it annoys me, especially when I do a lot of the cleaning and then he just complains, and even after all that, he won't let me grow my hair out do things differently without worry of being degraded. But i also agree that if this is supposed to be comedic, then why isn't it? Comedy is suppose to make the soul lighter, able to float amid the sea of emotional distress. If your soul is over-laden with anger and your sea is filled with turmoil, then your soul is going to sink like the Titanic. But, then again, you did write this while feeling angered, and had this been written to be fully serious, you would've hit spot on! Sadly, it's not. Still, I'm sure you are a great writer and this was only one of those little down falls that all great writers stumble upon every now and again. Heck, Stephen King wrote Cujo completely high! He doesn't remember writing it at all!

On a separate note: Let's see... someone's written one for females, males, transvestites.... Anyone think one for gays and lesbians would be justified? How gay males are better than straight males? Or how gay males are better than women (not trying to say anything, just suggesting something)? Just a thought to ponder.
I'm striving to be the Architect of the Apocalypse, Master of the Massacre, Ruler of the Rapture, and the Führer of the Fatal.

"It is the tale, not he who tells it." --Stephen King

Take THAT, society!

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Tue Dec 21, 2010 12:16 am
Razcoon says...

(Psst...the transvestite thing was my compromise between who's better...xD)
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:00 pm
DanielRichard says...

Certainly humorous, and over-the-top. I could see that you were exaggerating, but also caught that there was frustration in your writing, too. It got a bit subjective when little words were thrown in (brainless, moron, stupid, etc.).
Funny enough, and if anyone is genuinely offended, they shouldn't have read it in the first place. It was obvious where this was going from the title itself.
I actually really liked the last point at the end, where you talk about women being the reason guys "improve" themselves and compete with each other. I have had this same thought and wondered what we would act like in a society with no women. SCARY THOUGHT!
I'm glad you realize all men aren't the way you described, and the sexists who inspired you to write this probably deserve to hear it, even if it is "stooping to their level."
"A story is a way to say something that can't be said any other way"
-Flannery O'Connor

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Fri Dec 24, 2010 5:50 pm
Warrior Princess says...

Well, after three pages of sitting back and watching in amusement as my fellow YWS-ers tear at each other's throats, I've decided to step in and voice my humble opinion.

First of all, I would like to praise Stelagineva for her courage (some would say audacity) in writing this. You may agree with it or not agree with it, but as writers, I think we should all commend her for daring to post something which she no doubt knew would be controversial. As for myself, I by no means agree with everything in the argument (though certain parts are sadly accurate), but I do realize that she herself probably doesn't believe most of it. (At least I hope not.)

What most of you are failing to realize is that this particular article is not meant to be taken seriously. After all, the views presented are so extreme (men have no brains, women will soon be the dominant sex, etc.) that I find it surprising you aren't all laughing instead of getting offended. I'm sure the author is quite aware that men are not, in fact, sub-human brutes. So here are two little words of wisdom for everyone: CHILL OUT.
You must be swift as the coursing river,
With all the force of a great typhoon,
With all the strength of a raging fire,
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon.

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:22 am
Attolia says...

I just want to correct the historical allusion to Henry VIII, I'll try to refrain from commenting on the content because it is unnecessary and has already been thoroughly done, aside from my saying that personally I like men better than women.

Seriously though, budge over. Look at what a fail Henry the VII was, look at how his daughter Queen Elizabeth I had to clean after his mess and bring order to England. And she did so, successfully. Now it's time to do the same, but on a bigger scale.

I know you may not be serious with the last sentence, but still, you'd need more than one example of a poor male leader to have that argument. IF Henry VIII had been a poor leader, which he wasn't. But there really is no way to measure if women would be better political leaders, there has not been enough history of women leaders to judge.

First, I'm assuming you mean Henry the VIII, as nobody can deny that Henry VII was probably one of England's most effective rulers. Henry the VIII, however, was not a "fail" either. He ruled absolutely and brought England back to be one of the major players on the European stage. Yes, he left England in debt, but he did not leave her in a mess - he left her politically strong. The mess and disorder you're referring to were, ironically enough, mostly brought about by a women ruler. Mary I, his elder daughter and Elizabeth's older sister, who ruled for five years before dying and leaving the throne to Elizabeth. There were in fact almost twelve years separating Henry's and Elizabeth's reigns.

Sorry, I know the allusion was minor, but I'm too much of a history nerd to refrain from saying something.

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:11 am
Hecate says...

Yes, I did mean Henry VIII, sorry. Let's face it though, if Henry didn't feel the need to burn down Catholic churches, but let people live in peace the way Elizabeth did, Mary most likely would not have felt the need to persecute protestants because she was scared they'd bring her down.

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Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:22 am
ChiquitaPeroPicosa says...

It would be one thing if your piece was more satirical, but in all honesty it "sounded" like you meant what you were saying about men. I don't know you, I don't know you're relationship with your father, or if you have guy friends, or male family members, but don't you think they would be hurt that this is what you think of the entire male sex? Now I'm not a man, so I can only sympathize with how insulted they must feel. I understand that you were offended by that website, but quite honestly if I'm going to be frank, Go Up. Get a tougher skin. Move on. You are going to see more and more cases of unfair descriptions of people based on not only their genders, but also their race, their religion, their clothes, you name it. This just doesn't feel like it is meant to be funny, it quite honestly read like an attack. I read the male version of this on YWS, and personally I think you should read it. They did a much better job of getting their point across with out being hurtful or crude.
Just as a disclaimer, I know you had every right, according to freedom of expression, to post what you did. But let me just leave you with this. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Just because you can post hurtful things about guys that make you feel better, doesn't mean you should. It is quite similar to whatever that man who created that site that offended you in the first place did. He created a site saying hurtful things about women because he could.
So answer me this. How are you any better than he is?
"You're free to leave me, but just don't deceive me. And please believe me when I say I love you."

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Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:27 pm
MatthewDawn says...

This is the most insulting thing I have ever read. You're whole argument is flawed from the very beginning. This is sexist and immature on so many levels.

10. All humans have equal sexual attraction, believe it or not. Obviously this isn't true for everyone, but the vast majority of people are similar. There are about an equal number of women who cheat on their partners as guys who do so. The only reason there are more male rapists (yes there are female rapists) is because males tend to be more aggressive, a natural trait. Most men can think clearly when a beautiful woman enters his line of sight, just as woman would. Now, if she was beautiful enough, it may distract him, just as a guy could distract a girl. Don't deny this.

9. Oh really? You think men are lazy? You do realize you're following the American stereotype here, which is officially outdated more than 10 years ago.

8. Where did you get this from? This isn't even a stereotype. Yes, in a relationship, a couple will work together to make a decision, and if they need help they come to each other, but the help is both ways. Again, you're ignorant.

7. First, it has been proven that multitasking for either gender is ineffective, and stupid to do. It would literally be faster if you did each of them separately. Secondly, I'm pretty sure most guys can listen to a song and study at the same time, it's not all that difficult, I've done it. And lastly, if you need to watch TV, listen to music, and chat with a friend on MSN to keep you entertained while you're studying, you're one sorry excuse for a student, I'm sorry.

6. Yes, we live in a world run by men, but soon that will change. How do you know women would make it so different? You only mentioned the bad things that happened, you forgot about all the good, including a huge advancement in technology in the past 100 years. Wait until women start running countries before you assume anything.

5. Excuse me? You're saying all men love to play video games, and are addicted. Bull crap, I rarely play video games, and I'm excelling in school. Girls succeed just as much as men, you are ignorant.

4. Really? Maybe it's because they're trying to get something done, and their significant other is being rude and is trying to talk to him while he needs to concentrate. It looks like you're just making up things.

3. Excuse me? Men feel emotion just like women, we just control it, and don't express it as much. Men commit suicide more often than women, by a ratio of 8:1 or something similar.

2. This is another stereotype, men are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves.

1. No it is not. How about progress for the sake of progress?

Your Conclusion: No, we wouldn't be.

Your side not: Yeah, well that's no excuse to post some sexist ignorant post such as this.

My conclusion: You have no idea what you're talking about, seriously.

In the future don't write anything this ignorant, please.

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Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:25 pm
Hecate says...

Can a moderator lock this, I see no sense in it being moved up all the time by people who just have to comment, even though this issue has been discussed over and over again.

To the last person who posted, what's ignorant is to assume that I am a poor student because of the way I choose to study. If you found this offensive, you could have PMed me, instead of bumped this OLD post for the millionth time. This isn't a forum discussion based on opinion anyway, it's meant to criticize the writing not counter the content. That's all I'm going to say, as I don't want to be told off by the moderators. Calling someone ignorant however, is never nice.

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Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:29 pm
Hecate says...

And to the more sensible person above him, in this case I'm no better than he is, except for the fact that I don't agree with what I said and he actually does. This was meant as a joke, but there was a lot of anger involved when writing it, I'm not going to argue that, it was an article written in the angriest ten minutes I experienced right after reading what Dick Masterson had to say. I've read all of the articles that followed this one as you may have imagined as they were of interest to me.

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Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:51 pm
BenFranks says...

Topic locked by Author request.

A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.
— Paul Simon