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Prism Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1

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Sun Nov 21, 2010 5:34 am
Prism180 says...


Harry Potter, "The Boy Who Lived", has now embarked on a journey with his loyal friends Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley. Their soul purpose is to find and destroy the seven horcruxes that Lord Voldemort has created to achieve immortality. They're now on their own, because Hogwarts(School of Witchcraft and Wizardry) is no longer safe and the Ministry of Magic is now corrupted and overtaken by Voldemort's followers. Harry, Ron, and Hermoine must struggle and protect each other in order to destroy Lord Voldemort's fragmented soul, defeat his army, and save the wizarding world from utter destruction. The problem is...they don't know how.
This movie simply blew me away. The action was great, the dialogue was excellent, and just the pure emotion I felt from these characters was absolutely stunning. I walked into the theater expecting the regular, seasonal, run-of-the-mill Harry Potter film, but boy was I wrong! As I watched the movie I could begin to see how much more mature and "seasoned" this film is compared to the others. One thing about this film, is that it is much more adult. Now when I say adult, I mean that it may not appeal to the younger audience like the previous films had done. The colorful, ambient, glittering Harry Potter style is in a way dumbed down a bit, not saying that children won't enjoy the movie at all. I guess it really gives off the impression that it is time to get down to business. The magical world is shaken to the core, wizards and muggles alike are being killed left and right, and things are speeding rapidly to what is to be the mother of all battles.

I'm going to touch on the action for a bit. The first ten minutes, had me on the edge of my seat and my body pumping adrenaline through my veins, right off the bat. I was in shock, because usually a Harry Potter movie would begin with giving a brief synopsis of the previous film, but this one hardly did that at all. It was as if Warner Bros. happened to say, "Ok people, we don't have time. Give this guy a wand and toss him through the air." At least that was what I was thinking. There is a scene where they must all take a polyjuice potion, turning them all into Harry, to confuse DeathEaters(followers of Voldemort) so they can't find out who is the real Potter. Next thing I know people are falling out of the sky, lights are flashing as spells clash, and shrieks of pain and agony ring through my ears. I assure this film will pull you right in, before you even have time to stick that straw in your cup of fruit punch. I know, I'm exaggerating, but who wouldn't. Over the course of the movie there are in fact some areas where the movie begins to slow down a bit, really allowing time for you to first of all place your eyeballs back into your head, and second of all make the characters seem more real to the audience. Coupled with the fantastic digital effects and cinematography, I give the action a 4 out of 5.

I would like to talk about how the movie stacks up to the book and how it intertwined, but I want you to make that analysis yourself. What kind of a person would I be if I didn't let you do your own research?

The very thing that kept me watching was the character performance. I tip my hat off to these actors over and over and over again. I actually felt these characers with extreme sincerity! The characters in this film, don't hold back when it comes to either becoming very angry, worried, or even depressed and sad. Some people said that they were just overeacting. OVEREACTING?! That's not overeacting that is called knowing how to act. The mood is so dreadful and grayscale, I felt as if I was put into the center of this fued between friends and enemies. In one scene, Harry puts on Salazar Slitherin's locket and he quickly turned very frustrated and angry, prompting Hermoine to encourage him to remove it. The whole time I was literally thinking, "Do not put that on. Take it off, take it off!" I have to say that I give my character award to Ron. Yes, they made alot of funny jokes about him throughout the film, but his personality has changed BIG TIME. He is taking charge, speaking his mind, and at this point not afraid to let go of some steam. Hermoine was just as perfect as usual. Her smarts and intellect save them so much in this movie, as well as the other six. One thing I saw that I was glad to see, was the relationship between people. There is one scene where Harry and Ginny share a kiss and Hermoine and Ron, while not physically, show some strong interest into each other. That was one of the things I was hoping to see, that I read in the book. Harry is feeling the hurt most of all. His parents are dead, Dumbledore isn't there to guide him as usual, and the only ones he can trust are his two most loyal friends; Not to mention his connection to the DarkLord makes things even more stressful and he struggles to break this burden once and for all. I really liked seeing Draco in this film also. I always mention how he has changed from this menace of a boy to someone that you can actually feel some compassion about. Severus Snape also played a big role. It is not fully shown in this movie, but there are clearly some dark undertone involving his duty as a DeathEater, but we'll have to wait and see. Overall, the characters carried most of the film, and I give it a 5 out of 5.

This concludes my review of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1. I do have more to say but the space that it would take to tell it all would crash this site....although I highly doubt that possibility. I must admit that I am sad that this story is coming to an end after its long journey, but this is exactly what us fans have been waiting for! This is just part one and I was knocked out of my seat! What does that mean for part two? It means that after watching I should be checked into an insane asylum! So Warner Bros...make me proud. I LOVE YOU JK ROWLING!!...oh and I guess you too Hollywood. Overall rating: 5 out of 5!

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Tue Nov 23, 2010 3:15 am
pla303 says...

One thing about this film, is that it is much more adult.

This is kind of weak wording. Up until this point it's pretty active, and then you get to this sentence and it's like you lose some steam. I'd suggest joining it up with the last sentence or with the next sentence (which has a similar problem) or rephrasing it in a more interesting way.

The colorful, ambient, glittering Harry Potter style is in a way dumbed down a bit, not saying that children won't enjoy the movie at all. I guess it really gives off the impression that it is time to get down to business.

I would probably use "toned down" as opposed to "dumbed down"; it fits a little better with "colorful" and "glittering". I would probably omit the phrase "not saying that children won't enjoy the movie at all", because it doesn't fit with the flow of the paragraph and because it's a little awkward. Going from that to "I guess it gives off" makes it sound like you're still forming an opinion as you right, which isn't entirely a good tone to have when writing a review. If people are reading your review, they want your opinion fully fledged and formed. =)

It was as if Warner Bros. happened to say, "Ok people, we don't have time. Give this guy a wand and toss him through the air." At least that was what I was thinking.

I really like this. I think it would strengthen this paragraph if you space it out a little bit and break it into smaller paragraphs. You have a lot of nice action-y attention-getting language and syntax, and I feel like a lot of smaller paragraphs would better "fit" with it.

I know, I'm exaggerating, but who wouldn't?

Over the course of the movie there are in fact some areas where the movie begins to slows down a bit, really allowing time for you to, first of all place your eyeballs back into your head, and second of all, make the characters seem more real to the audience.

Some minor errors back there. The second point kind of leaves us hanging as to what you really mean right there. I'd suggest a couple more sentences, maybe with an example explaining it. Otherwise, it's just kind of a half-thought tacked on...


This isn't actually a word. Do you mean overacting or overreacting?

"Do not put that on. Take it off, take it off!" I have to say that I give my character award to Ron.

I'd put a paragraph break between these two sentences.

his personality has changed BIG TIME.

I'd probably put it that his character developed, to use some more precise terminology. To say that his personality changed means something a bit different from what I think you're driving at.

One thing I saw that I was glad to see, was the relationship between people

Awkward wording

Overall, I thought it was a pretty good review and you certainly covered a lot of points. I like how your personality comes out in your style, though you should make sure that it doesn't inhibit clarity. At a few points you've got some awkward wording, and for that you should definitely read it out loud to weed them out. Again, I'd also suggest breaking things up into more paragraphs, and maybe even having a few sentences as their own paragraphs. Those standalone sentences add a little more spice to your playful style. Very nice overall; keep it up! =)
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Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:18 pm
Kale says...

You did a pretty good job on the introductory summary. It's concise and yet intriguing, though you have a case of homophone confusion and some awkward wording that could use fixing, especially since the summary is the first thing your reader is seeing.

I would like to talk about how the movie stacks up to the book and how it intertwined, but I want you to make that analysis yourself. What kind of a person would I be if I didn't let you do your own research?

Then why even mention this at all? I suggest cutting out this remark entirely and letting your impressions of the movie speak for themselves. Having this remark comes across as a bit condescending and lazy on your part.

You use "overreacting". I believe you wanted "overacting". Very different, the two as one deals with actual situations while the other deals with acting.

Overall, you tended to have some extra commas and misspelled/-spaced words scattered throughout. I suggest that you proofread more closely next time. Reading this aloud to yourself ought to help you catch the extra commas in addition to the misspellings/-spacings.
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