
Young Writers Society


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Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:18 pm
Gamergirl says...

Chapter 1: Getting Out

Spoiler! :
So this is just something that has been in my head for a while and I had like three seconds of free time so I thought I'd show you guys. I might not finish this due to school work and trying to recover what was left of Game On (got a virus on my computer long story).

I never thought of myself as unique. I liked to stay in the background and wasn't much of a talker. Even though I had gone to countless parties with my father, I still couldn't stand being there. So I'd find myself a corner and drink away my sorrows. However no matter where I hid my father would always drag me out and introduce me to women. I wasn't interested in girls. Sure I was 'involved' with many girls. However none were...right. They didn't get my blood racing nor did my heart flutter. For the longest of times all I did was drink and bed women.

Even though I had girls with me, I had never felt so lonely. The days I where I didn't have sex you could find my drinking.

That was until one day. One very weird day.

I worked with my father in his lab. The lab was top secret and did tests...

Even now as I remember seeing some of these tests I shiver. Needles were thrusted into both animals and humans. Screaming was heard sometimes. And I did nothing to stop it.

The department I worked within was simply named 'Recovery'. The department made sure those subjects involved had their memories cleaned, those that survived anyway.

The animals however had a worse fate, more tests would be carried out on them. One day I even decided to hell one of the poor creatures. You see we recently had a dog tested and it started to be in a critical state. So - me being the nice and brave man I am - I took the dog and decided to care for it. My small office had but one dog crate, so that is where the subject went.

I was fascinated by the dog. No matter the tests that were done on this poor thing it still wagged it's tail and bark happily when ever I neared it's crate. After a while the dog grew on me.

"I should really think up a name for you, dog," I said, scratching the mutts ear as I did so.

When I said 'dog' he barked and licked my hand.

"Dog? Really?" I said, chuckling. "Fine then. From now on you shall be named, Dog."

Dog braked and hoisted his front paws on my lap and proceeded to lick my chin.

Work then didn't seem to be so bad. I looked forward to seeing the black Labrador - it was the best part of my day. So you can imagine my devastation when I got a call from work late one night. The last night of this life.

One of the human subjects had escaped and just so happened to tare apart my office.

"The dog? Dog?" I panicked. "Is he alright?!"

The person on the other line said they found no such dog in my office. So I rushed out of my small apartment. My father was shaking his head, as if it was an every day happening.

"This is most annoying," he said, looking at my destroyed office.

"Annoying!? I want to find Dog?!" I yelled.

"Son, it was only a subject, you mustn't have gotten to attached," my father said.

I wanted to say something back, but I was too much of a coward to do anything. So I started to salvage what was left of my papers. I almost chocked up when I found a small dog treat inside one of my files.

"Aish," said on of my co-workers.

I looked up to see a smiling face. "Why don't we go for a drink?"

Her name was Melina. She was a lovey women and I enjoyed spending time with her, normally I would have said yes - then most likely ending up in bed with the women. But instead I felt too sorry for myself, so sorry that not even alcohol would be able to cure me.

She looked disappointed but left me alone anyway. When everyone disappeared from my department I broke down. I punched things, I threw things, I swore like a sailor with a sore pinkie toe. Yet nothing eased the pain...

I had to get out, out of my office, out of my department, out of my job, out of my life.

I needed salvation...

I needed someone....


Looking back, I try to wonder what set me off. I had what most men dream about; countless women; a good apartment; a sweetly paid job. Everything I had ever wanted I had gotten. Even in my childhood I was the kid that set the trends. When I had a toy days later more kids would have it.

So then why did I want to get out?

Loneliness I guess. When Dog left I felt like I had no one. So I just sat on the floor, papers around me.

I ran my hands through my hair as many had done before me. Why? What was so great about running your hands through short blond hair. Everyone seemed to have done it. My mother, father, the women. Why?

I rubbed my eyes and readied myself to stand. When I heard a small bark coming from outside my office.

I spring to my feet and lept to the door. Delight exploded its way around my body as my hands made their way to the Labrador. Never had I been so happy.

I was so happy to see Dog that I almost didn't see the boy. The escaped subject. How long had he been there? Why didn't anyone else see him? Many questions ran through my head. Dog went to the boy and whined for him. The boy looked so young - no older than eighteen. The youngest subject I had ever seen was around his middle twenties. So why was this boy here?

He was knocked out, but still alive. His breathing seemed weak and shallow. Ruby blood was stained onto his pale skin. I checked to see if anyone was watching before hooking my arms around the boy. With difficulty I carried him downstairs - with Dog right behind me - and get them into my car, all without ever being spotted.

The drive back to my apartment was a blur. I think I may have went through a few red lights and was speeding, but I cannot remember.

I got the boy into my home. Dog was hyper active at this new and wondrous place. It was different from the office, smelt different, looked different Dog must have been in heaven.

The boy still hadn't woken. Judging by the fresh needle marks; he made his escape during a test. I didn't want to properly examine him until he rose from his slumber. So I gave up my bed for the night and placed the boy in my room.

Sighing, I closed the door and stood in my living room. Dog sat wagging his tail as if to say, 'Well done.'

Smiling, I patted his head. When my reached the couch Dog joined my and curled in a ball by my feet.

That night I slept soundly. I felt...safe. Now that 'people' were in the house I felt more at ease.

And that was how my new life started. Well you wouldn't really call it a life. More a hell ride...
"Is the glass half empty? Or half full?"

"Well, if I turn on the tap I can make it full!" ~ me.

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28 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 240
Reviews: 28
Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:22 pm
Gamergirl says...

I donno what went on with the spaces here...tried to fix it and didn't work. Sorry.
"Is the glass half empty? Or half full?"

"Well, if I turn on the tap I can make it full!" ~ me.

Thou call'dst me a dog before thou hadst cause. But, since I am a dog, beware my fangs.
— Shylock, The Merchant of Venice