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Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:30 pm
MiaParamore says...

It's been deleted and thanks if you cared to open it up.....so here it is-the newly edited version. Click on the View Novel option above you.

The only reason I am saying this all is that when I posted it, it said with that flashy red color=="Your message contains too few characters."

Last edited by MiaParamore on Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:53 pm, edited 28 times in total.
"Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger
I'll point you to the mirror"

— Paramore

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Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:02 pm
Kagi says...

Hey Shubi!
Here on request! xD

The was a quite a few grammar errors but none too major. So here I go, pointing out YOUR typo's istead of you pointing out mine. Heh heh.. By the way, I am going to be seriously nit picky. Remember its just because I <3 you!

Shrubbery wrote:

"Buzz! Buzz! Here if you want to use speech marks then there should be another one after the second Buzz!

Oily smell of frying chips mixed with reeky smell of alcohol wafted to my nostrils, and Here I think the and is too.. choppy. Try a dash or one of these guys; ~ as I think it would look and flow a little better. I scrunched my nose in disgust. I tried catching the bloody bee that had dared to disrupt my sleep. But the only thing I got back isI think it should be 'was' here. handful of oxygen. Squatted again. To no avail.

Buzz! Buzz!There are no speech marks here. Maybe chose whether you want to use them or not. This is me being really nit picky. xD

For what I had counted to be the tenth time in a row, So far we've only read that you squatted twice so maybe say you tried to catch it numerous times to no avail. I tasted defeat from my enemy. My fist again couldn’t catch hold of the little beast, but my eyes couldn't drown downDrown out would sound better. its nauseating, irritating sound. It's not that I didn't try forgetting it and sleeping, but the bee was adamant to go on this way. Maybe it was too craving for its death. Determined to kill this demon now, I launched my hand again in the air, but this time the place it landed was neither the air nor the bee's tiny body, but my nose.
"Ouch! Blood bee!" I screamed, rubbing my nose. In annoyance, I started kicking under the various wraps the blanket had created. My feet got trapped in the cloth, and still under the effects of sleep, I started cursing it. Blinking open my eyes, I was welcomed to a world where my soul shivers.

At first, the fancy black marks on the wall opposite of me appeared to be some fancy Gothic design, but when I started noticing the uneven pattern it was designed in, a sharp shiver ran down my spine. After all, it wasn't a design but the soot that had glued itself to the walls. I didn't remember having this in my room. Black spots covering the already burnt walls, peeling debris falling down to the floor from the ceiling and a bulb ready to fall down seemed to be teasing the cleanliness maniac within me. I wanted to shout, but I preferred to let it go. For I believed that it was just a dream, and nightmares don't last for long.
"Hold on, Alicia. It's just some weird dream." I kept on repeating, wedging out every thought that said otherwise. My mouth felt dry. When I was about to get off my bed, I noticed some weird smell, which couldn't have been either of the alcohol or the chips. Something else. Something nearer to me. I sniffled the blanket, and the shriek I made then can't be described in words. I discovered that the blanket had been releasing poisonous fumes for my nose and without giving any heck about anything else, I threw my blanket and stood there on the bed. But, alas, it tumbled back upon me.
Jumping out of the bed, I found myself inspecting the vagueness of the situation. The last thing I could remember.....was driving. I had been driving, with...a beer bottle in hand? Yeah, that it was. I had tasted something salty...my tears they were. Nothing more. I didn't even remember hitting the sack.
Calm down, Alicia. How worse this can be? The worst that could happen was this place turning out to be a hideout for some gangsters, who had kidnapped me. Or maybe I was being gassed down and it was 2012. Stop being dreamy!
I grumbled at the voice in my head for it was right. All these thing are possible in only movies, which my life was far away from. It had to be me hallucinating. But where was I? Why was I here? Amongst this filth. Was this part of my hangover? Would some handsome guy come out of the bathroom and wink at me? Shut up, Alicia!I think maybe there shouldn't be as many thoughts of Alicia's here. It gets a little boring and even out of place. Keep with on or two.

Right after I had told myself to shut up, I could feel something crawling inside of me and sending a tickle down my breast. Slowly, the uneasiness had spread from there to my shoulders, and within minutes I was dancing to best of my ability. I could feel its stingy legs slicing up my innocent skin. I started hopping up frantically, shouting and doing everything to send back the intruder. At last, I saw a bug crawling towards the back of the bed, and I sighed. A sigh of relief.

I took in my surroundings. There was a small bean bag, crumpled to its best ability, creating many dumps here and there. Some yellow coloured cup, with a creak was kept on one of the side-tables, and a lamp was shoved down rather clumsily under it. There wasn't anything else worth mentioning, so I'd leave you with this much info. I walked towards the other end of the bed, trying to find something for my feet. While in process several dirt particles touched my soft feet. I put on the first flip-flops I could find. Green mushy ones with a pink ribbon in the center. Perfect fit and the only pretty thing till now. Wearing them on, I trudged outside the evil-claustrophobic room, which adorned itself with black spots which I knew were from some fire.

What was I expecting? A sudden change from a dirty rotten world to the court of some French palace? Right, I was. But I swear, outside was no better. If any thing else, it was worse. Even though there were no soot marks on the walls, there was a worse smell drifting in and from every corner of the room. I inhaled and exhaled simultaneously, and at one point it was hard for me to differentiate between the two. It felt like the walls were closing in on me, blocking the minimal fresh oxygen I had been able to receive till now.

The grayish colour of the walls gave way to a mustard tinged yellow, and suddenly it felt like the room had been transformed from the low-depressed state to a refreshing one. But still it remained ugly. The tacky colour was way too much for me to handle with one question repeating itself inside my head. Where was I? I could bet five hundred dollars on the fact that I had never been even remotely close to a garbage like this. Everywhere I saw beneath me, there were clothes dumped. Not kept. But dumped. Books were scattered down on the floor, and I had to practically skim over things to reach safe. Now tears were running down my eyes as I kept on inhaling the fumes.

One thing which I had not been noticing till now was that I was feeling lighter. Like I had just lost some calories. But I was just hallucinating, I told myself. There was no way I could have lost those extra pounce of bacon I had consumed yesterday, in a single night. Also, wasn't I feeling shorter? Like I had just shrunk.
"Hello?" I swooned, afraid now. All the excitement that was once encouraging me not to shout was soon vanishing and before I became completely uncontrollable, I wanted to get out. Alive. Not in an unrepairable condition. The four walls which were so called protecting me returned back my voice to me. Did I tell you that right now I was in a single big room, which led to a small entrance which looked to me like some kitchen? I guess not. Anyways, this silence was now freaking me out, accelerating my heart rate. I was losing my voice, and I wanted to remain on the track before I lost it.
"Hello?" I repeated. This time my heart leaped, on its best to jump out of my throat. I wasn't ready to handle more of this silence.
"Hey!" I heard. My heart came back to its place. Life jumped back into my body. I gripped my arms tighter, looking for the source of the voice. It sounded like of a boy. At the same time I heard something cook in the kitchen, though from where I stood I couldn't see it. Turning to my right, I saw a boy of my age slouched on a sofa, holding something that appeared like a PSP. Not that I knew much about these things.
His hair was golden in color, neatly parted to the right, and he kept on chewing something. He spared me a look, and went back to his PSP-ing. I noticed the way his gum smeared on his face and how he released his tongue and turned back the gum inside his mouth. Then a smirk would appear. He'd jump in excitement like some kid.
"Hey. You live here?" I felt the silence building itself again.
He looked up, shooting me an irritated look. "Not exactly."
"I was wondering if you could tell-" I began, but an enthusiastic voice stopped me halfway.
"There you are." A girl of same age as the guy and me landed right in front of me, holding a tray with some salami slices in it. I can swear I had not seen her coming. She wore a cream coloured tunic, with flowers of various colours printed on it. Straight from some fancy dress. I tried being humble and smiled. She could have been a murderer, waiting to slice down my throat. So better be cool.
"Um, do I know-" Another interruption.
She bent forward, brushing past my curls, and reaching for my ears. "I seriously like him." Hey, girl There shouldn't be a comma here and Hey girl sounds a little slang. Myabe leave it out completely and just leave~Why bother telling me?then why telling me?Go on, tell him. She seriously looked nuts to me.
"So what?"
She pursed her lips, a funny attempt to hide her smile, which I could still see.
"You've got to leave." She finally giggled, letting loose the glue that had held up her smile till then. Thanks, girl.Again no comma here and they 'girl' thing you have going here is just.. tacky. xD That's what I wanna do, too. Only if...
Not exactly interested to know why, I asked this silly question-how do you know him. She turned pale. Not in a serious sense, but she had that look which made me question my sanity. She was showing like I was completely out of my mind or something. Which I was starting to doubt, too.
"Now you wanna piss me off or something?" She asked. That took me off guard. She was being all so gentle and humble, all that giggly towards me, and one question from me-and mind you, a simple one, and she was all red.
"Hey, watch out." I defended myself.
"Don't act like you don't know about Drake." She calmed down, probably scared of me. She seemed pretty friendly to me and the more she acted normal towards me, the more I felt uneasy. She seemed to know me, then why was it that I couldn't remember her? Had I ever met her? In some pub or something? Or was she one of my classmates at New York? I doubted it. Her small sharp eyes and pointed nose was hardly something that could go unnoticed.
"I know him?" I asked, wondering if I did.
She nodded, and started walking back with the tray. I reached for her arm. "Wait." I looked all around me. Had I been in this place before? Were these teenagers somebodies whom I had known? Ever? Why the hell she pretended to know me? The questions kept on circling around me, rising up like a tornado and finally grasping tight my head. The more I thought the more I felt weird. "Do I know you?" I finally did ask.
The girl looked back, surprise ruining her face. Her eyebrows came closer to each other, her nose scrunching. Then the smile again returned back. She twisted her hand and through common sense I knew I had to leave her hand now. She walked to a nearest table and kept the tray. Meanwhile, I looked at the boy. He was still busy playing. I was damn sure he didn't care a darn about this girl. As I had imagined to be, she returned back. But what I had not thought of was she checking my head's temperature. I pulled myself back.
"What's this?" I asked rudely. The boy looked up.
"Have you hit something?" She asked, the lines on her forehead creasing her look. "I told you not to drink much. I know you were depressed...but that's. Whatever."
"Have you hit something? I asked you do I know you. That's it."
She folded her hands across her chest and her voice was shriller this time. "That's the problem. You don't know me? It's Casey, my dear." It was a relief. Now I didn't have to refer her as 'girl'; she had a name. But unfortunately I didn't recall having been friends with anyone named Casey.
"Apology accepted. Now leave before I kick you on your butt."
The anger within me was boiling hard, and before I twisted her bones, which I was sure were brittle enough to crack at my blow, I turned back. Breathing in the alcohol-chips infected air, I looked at her again. She wasn't there with me, but with that boy. PSP was gone. A beer bottle had replaced it. Drake licked the opening part of the bottle, while Casey gingerly made his plate of salami. The boy was disgusting. The girl was not some style diva herself, but she did deserve better than this kid. PSP playing kid. The way he licked it made me shudder. His tongue smacking out, and his eyes rolling at the sight of the bottle. Yikes!

When it was clear that I was definitely not wanted there, I returned back to the room. There was a jacket kept there which had obviously missed my sight before, and I took no time in grabbing it. Adding to my surprise, it was my fit. At least something was perfect. Walking out of the room again, I saw the disgusting couple dancing and kicking their legs up high in the air, while some Rihanna song played in the background. A beer bottle was kept on the sofa, and without their noticing it, I took it with me.

Out of the house, I felt a bit relieved. Walking down the stairs I found how tired my whole body was. At joints, it created a creaking sound and I had to shake my body a bit before moving. Three flight of stairs and I was in the fresh air of the road. The building I had been suffocating in was built of red clay bricks, joined together with each other like Siamese twins, but the cement was leaking from the joints. Or maybe it had been leaking and now was stuck? Not sure.The windows were not very clean, and the alleyway on its right looked more of a garbage than the house had looked. The building right in front of me, and for a second I felt that it would lean down and crush me to death.

The sooner I left it, the better it was going to be, so I started scanning the area. In front of me was a small cycle repairing shop. In left there was a narrow road leading to God knows where and in the right there was a T-point. More options in the right. I jogged there. Both the sides of the road were full with same set of blocks as the one I had come from. Did they lack creativity?

The road was silent. Sun pecked my cheek, though harshly and as I squinted, I could feel the sunlight suffocating me. Layering itself around me, and strangling me to death. I was about to take off my jacket when I remembered what I had been wearing. I had not yet seen myself in a mirror, but I could make out that I must be looking a joke. Magenta spaghetti top with extra mini shorts. Not something a decent girl like me would go out wearing. So if the jacket was hiding my ugly dress even a bit, then I'd be glad to sweat.

As I walked along the road I had finally ended up choosing, I saw people. Finally. Not many, but mainly old lady types with a walking stick in one hand and a dog barking on their feet. One or two young ladies I saw even smiled at me. But I just glared. I was loosing up my etiquettes. But would you blame me? Just get up for once in an unknown garbage, meet perverts there and find yourself in a funny neighbourhood and I'd ask you about manners. Hell with them! I was going to faint anytime now, for I knew that soon my patience was going to give up on me. It was as it is bad waking up somewhere strange but the addition of not knowing where you were last night could drive you nuts.

Luckily, the beer bottle was open and without caring if somebody had drank from it before, I rose it to my lips and sucked inside its liquid. The moment the sweet heaven-like liquid touched my throat, a cool sensation dug down into the pit of my stomach. I felt cooler. Better. For a moment, it felt like all my worries and questions were erased by the mere entry of this liquid into my system. It had wiped off everything with it as it rushed down towards my bladder. I closed my eyes. Enjoyed the moment. Relaxed in it.


Ten minutes later I could call myself alive. Alive in a sense that after a long time I found myself in people of my world. Whilst the ladies strolled down with the pram of their children, young kids ran up the road licking lollipops and sensible girls like me did their shopping, I felt relief. Also from where I stood, I could see signs all across, so maybe I was going to know the place I had been in.

My feet were barking by the time I reached a place which seemed like world. The neighbourhood was not a big affair. Some shops were opened while others declared of their owners' laziness. I strolled down the road, looking at the people who seemed to be enjoying their day out. At least they knew what was happening with them, and the reason they were there. But for me, this whole world looked like Narnia, the one I had never been in before. Still somewhat similar to the crappy place I had left from, this place had cleaner buildings. Their wasn't any cat or dog quarreling on the road and chasing each other down, the roads were a bit clean, but there was no sense of putting up the name of the place. I thought I would at least find some address, but no shop thought it was essential. I considered going in some shop and asking it myself, but then I didn't want to appear crazy. But then my desperation gave way to another idea in my mind. Was I going to meet these people again? So would it really matter what they thought of me? I didn't think so. I stepped into the shop.

Inside I had to barricade myself from the chilling air of the air-conditioners and I was grateful that I had brought this jacket along with me. The shop wasn't big, but I could call it neat if I ignored those hair pieces or strands(whatever)which were spread on the floor under the black revolving chair. A man was sitting on it, with a towel covering its face, so there wasn't any possibility of seeing him. Other than him, there was no body else in the room. I paced forward, my grip getting tighter around my arms.

My eyes locked to one of the mirrors. I froze. I had expected two blue eyes to stare back at me, like it always happens, but instead what greeted me was a glint of two green eyes. I never used contacts. My nose wasn't mine. My hair? They were blonde. I shrieked. It all made sense to me now. My mouth fell open. Was this me? No, it couldn't be. All came back to me, then. The weight loss. The curly hair. The shorter height.

It wasn't me...........Rebecca? What was I doing inside her? Or what she doing outside me?

"Oh, no!" I shouted, panicking as I ran from one place to another. Staring back at me wasn't my face, but my friend's. As the truth sink in me, my(Rebecca's actually) veins started throbbing and I could see them panicking too from under my skin.

I fainted.

When you can't take more of anything, just faint. Rule#1 of my diary.
I'm not sure I like this. I mean you can't exactly just faint at the snap of your fingers and thats how it came across.

Okay. Overall I found all of this quite confusing. The plot was a little too jumpy and choppy for my liking and I couldn't really get a strong grasp on where you were goin with this or why some things were taking place. The part where she figured she was Rebecca was just to confusing. (Again xD) Until the part about her veins being Rebecca's I had know idea she was Rebecca. We don't even know anything about this.. Rebecca. We need a lot more description with her. Why, if should had to change to be anyone, was it Rebecca. We only know that they're friends. So I found that part lacking in description and just time if that makes sense. It felt like you were nearing the end of the story and you were rushing to get it done.

Your word choice wasn't too bad and sometimes you really had this whole thing going! It was like you were on a roll and it was really fun to read but then sometimes it was just darn right.. complicating it. There was abit too much going on for me.

I can't really comment on anything else but I think with a bit of work, if you cut out a few bits it could have some potential. It really is quite good but just needs so serious looking over..

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Keep writing because as I said it is good and I don't mean to be harsh. :S XD

Kaka xoxox
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If, when you mean to type yes you type yws, you know you belong. :P

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Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:48 pm
Yuriiko says...

Knock! Knock! May I come in?

Well, let's just pretend you allowed me to, and so I'm here to review, Shrub! :D

The worst that could happen was this place

You lack a noun before "worst" because that is a s superlative adjective that should describe something.

Yeah, that it was.

Perhaps it would've flowed better if you shuffled words in that phrase like this: "Yes, it was that."

All these thing are possible in only movies, which my life was far away from.

That should be "things". Typo, I guess?

It had to be me hallucinating.

"I had to be hallucinating" might work better? :3

While in process several dirt particles touched my soft feet. I put on the first flip-flops I could find.

I think that should be a comma, not a period.

But I was just hallucinating, I told myself.

Should be italicized.

and went back to his PSP-ing.

Delete "to his" or you can just simply say: "and went back to his PSP."


This piece is separated into three parts, eh? Not that I'm saying about the length, it's okay. Maybe your descriptions has taken all over the piece, Shrubs. Honestly speaking, I feel a little bit bored at the middle part, especially when you describe about the structure and the wall color of the building. They seem a bit unnecessary. Just try to remember that if you start to describe something, make sure it helps the story and is very relevant. I actually like some but then you sometimes tend to go few millimeters beyond the line.

There are also some rough areas you need to smoothen out, some are a tad awkward to read and I have to read them twice so I can fully comprehend it well. Although I want to appreciate your verb consistency, good spellings and choice of words. But by keeping the pace to go smoothly, I suggest you read this one out aloud and be careful on how you place your punctuations.

Characters: I get the feeling of your main character, her being confused or anything and Casey is like, "what the hell has happened to her?" Something like that. Their dialogs, thoughts and reactions are actually realistic, because I would too have the same reaction if i had been in her situation or in Casey's situation. But focusing on your character, sometimes, I get kind of confused keeping up the tracks of her thoughts. ^^


Various thoughts raced in my mind, bombarding it. I tried relaxing, but that was tougher than accepting the truth.

I fainted.

I agree with Kaka here. This seems a bit abrupt so why won't you show us her getting dizzy or light-headed and all before she collapses? By the way, I like it how you end the chapter by adding up a rule. :wink:

Overall: This is good, Shrubs. This is very intriguing so please let me know if eve you're going to post the next chapter okay? Hope I helped and PM me for any questions. Keep writing! :D

Peace out,
"Life is a poem keep it in the present tense." -Sherrel Wigal

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Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:11 pm
borntobeawriter says...

Hey there Shubs!

Well, I'm not going to go in depth because your sister and Kaka have already done a good job of it.

They also already mentioned the parts that were confusing. Your Mc's thoughts were good and strong, I found, I could clearly hear them through this piece.

You kept us wondering throughout the whole piece, and that was good, too. It wasn't to the point where I was completely confused about what I was wondering; more like I was sharing your Mc's confusion. Which is good.

I'm intrigued by the change of body. I read a story similar to this years ago in high school and I had been excited by the concept. Good idea. Can't wait to see where you take it.

Sorry I wasn't more helpful,

Tanya :D

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Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:32 am
captain.classy says...

Hey there Shubsters! What's with the name change? Anyways, I'm here!

So, this was really good. You have one of those natural voices. Your words flow effortlessly, or at least that's what it seems like. Let's just say that Classy is very jealous of you. I don't have much to critique since all previous reviewers have done a fairly good job, but I do have a few plot/character things to point out to you.

She wakes up in this random place. Ooh amusing. I was quite intrigued by this concept, especially since you didn't let any inclination of what was happening show its ugly face until the last possible second. I really like this chapter, or at least the first part of it. However, the way your character acts isn't very realistic. Since she has no idea what is happening, it would be interesting to get inside your head. And while you do let us into her thoughts a bit in this, it's nothing compared to how many words you spend explaining what things looked like. And that's fine, you did a really good job at that. However, you need to focus a bit more on plot when you do your rewrite.

I'm confused about the girl and the boy. The girl goes up and tells your MC that she really likes him. Okay, shouldn't she already know that? I know that it's giving us a clue that the girl thinks your MC is someone other than who she is, but Rebecca seems to be living with this girl, therefore good friends. Good friends should know this stuff, especially because it seems like both have been friends with the boy before this incident. I'd have it be something like "We finally made out last night," or "I finally told him I liked him." Also, the girl acts a bit hostile towards your MC, even though she thinks it's Rebecca. Her personality may be that way, but people typically treat their friends and roommates well. xD

And lastly, I would love some more insight to what happened the night before. I don't think you should cover this in later chapters. What happened the night before is the cause of this unknown effect, therefore must be explained as soon as possible. When it comes to the cause of a plot, don't wait, but the effect can be explained as slowly as you want. xD But this should be incorporated into the whole 'getting inside her head' thing I said above. I want to hear the thoughts of her, and I want to hear her break down what happened. On her walk I want her to think about all that she remembers. That's, after all, what I would do in that situation, and I'm sure you would, too.

Like I said above, I really liked this. It's very well written, even though you wrote it, what, three, four days ago? And didn't edit it? Darn I really am jealous. Great job, and I can't wait to read more. You left off at the perfect point. I don't know how you do it. To sum it up: get inside her head more, explain the relationship of the friends a bit more, and tell us about what happened the night before so we can start to unravel this mystery before you do.

Keep writing,


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Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:13 am
MiaParamore says...

Hey guys. Thanks so much for the review. These all reviews helped me make this piece better.

@Kaka: I get your questions on Rebecca. She does come out of nowhere in this chapter, but I can't let much be guessed here since it's going to be a major thing for the story, so I guess you'll have to wait till next chapter. I have also made it much more refined in the end.

@Yuri: I am sorry for clumping in so many descriptions here, so I'd remove them in the re-write and keep it as simple as possible for you all to review. I know it can be a lot to review with these many descriptions. I have taken into your advice and showed her being all light-headed before fainting. Seriously, I was in hurry to finish with this one so I had an abrupt end, but now I've got the point.

@Tanya:Thanks for liking this piece, and the soul switching thing makes me feel good, too, so I had tried my hands on such a kind of story before, but unfortunately it turned out to be a debacle. So I'm going to give another try-hope it doesn't suck.

@Classy:As I have said before, your review was totally helpful and thanks for pointing out those small nit-picks we miss out while writing. And Captain is jealous of me? *claps* lol, but thanks. That means a lot. Also, for the easy flow, believe me, it is not easy and yeah it comes out to be shabby to me when I re-read it, so thanks for reading. I'll make the MC and the girl's situation more refined, and keep in mind what all you had to suggest. Actually, the girl is sort of dump-head and cool kinda so she isn't very sweet kinds. I'll try to make this clearer. I'll try giving out last night's information, but can't lend much since it might kill the plot. But I'll definitely add more to her thoughts.

Thanks to all again!I am going to re-write it again.

"Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger
I'll point you to the mirror"

— Paramore

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Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:15 pm
Sins says...

Heya, Shubs! :)

I've actually skimmed through this chapter before, but I never got around to reviewing it or anything. Now that you've asked for a review, I'll certainly be more than happy to review this now. As always, if you have any questions or comments about my review when I'm done, be sure to let me know.

After reading over this again, and also skimming over the reviews you've gotten, I don't think I'm going to be able to help you out much. Everything appears to have been covered. Nonetheless, I will at least try and help you to improve this even more. Overall, I like this. I think you've got the basis of a great idea here, and I recently read a novel that reminds me of this actually. You've got some nice descriptions in this chapter as always, so yay for that!

Speaking of those descriptions though, they did feel a bit heavy at times. You said that you'll clean them up a bit when you re-edit the whole thing, so I won't get into too many details on this. I'm not sure if you've already re-edited it actually, but if you have, I do think that you could edit the descriptions even more. The problem is that they're making some parts a bit confusing right now, especially for someone like me. I don't think I've ever really explained the problem with loads of descriptions, have I?

Imagine someone reading a piece, then they come to a seriously in-depth description. One of the problems could be that your reader simply becomes bored, so they lose interest and don't read on. A problem that I find happening to myself is that once the descriptions over, I can often forget some of the details of what has happened before. This makes the story feel a bit confusing overall. Because I've just read a long description that's stuck in my mind, the minor, but important plot details that I was given before are easily forgotten. I don't think I've made much sense there... but I hope you at least kind of get the idea.

The only critique I have for you that hasn't really been mentioned yet involves Rebecca. Some of the details on the whole body swap situation sounds a little... I don't know, unrealistic? You said that Rebecca's your MC's best friend. If so, how come she appears to know nothing about her? I mean, she doesn't even know where Rebecca lives. She didn't even recognise the area. It seems a bit bizarre to me really. How can Rebecca be such good friends with your MC when your MC doesn't appear to know much about her life at all.

I suppose this isn't a huge problem though. In the end, you could explain all of this in the next chapter. For example, you said that it was Rebecca's new house or something. Maybe your MC hasn't been to her new house yet, so she wouldn't recognised where she lived or anything. That could work. In the end, it's up to you what you do, but I do think you need to think about that. I hope I've made sense... Knowing me, I haven't. xD

Anyway, I liked this Shubs! With a bit more editing, I really think it could be even better.

Keep writing,

xoxo Skins
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:56 pm
RacheDrache says...

Ni! Ni! Ni!

I still just can't get over you being Shrubbery. But, oh well. Time for review :D

One thing that caught me by surprise here was the originality of some of your descriptions. I especially liked

I could feel my heart popping up between my breasts, finding protection there.
The way he licked it made me shudder. His tongue smacking out, and his eyes rolling at the sight of the bottle.

Another thing that I liked was the voice of the narrator. Usually, with first person, it's more or less impossible to distinguish between the narrator and the writer. But this girl had a personality of her own and it was coming through! Yay! And part of that was the originality of the descriptions. The way the narrator experiences things is infinitely more interesting than the way you, the writer, would experience it. Something to keep in mind.

I think in general, though, that this really needs to be tightened up, condense-ified, brought together. As it is right now, it's sort of spilling everywhere. Your narrator had a personality but it was pinpalling. Your descriptions were original but not necessarily cohesive. And now I went and made that sound way more drastic and awful than it is. Oops.

So, basically what's going on is this. The pace and flow of this is somewhat stop-go or rugged, and it needs to be smoothed out. The first step alone that line, I think, is for you to go through and read it out loud. Doing that alone will help you catch all those awkward sentence constructions and phrasings. If you find your tongue tripping as you're reading, or if something sounds odd, that's a good indication that something needs to be modified.

My next suggestion is back with the descriptions and voice. Go through and make sure all 'em descriptions are those of your character. Only mention the things she noticed, and only mention them how she experiences them. If she's oblivious, than you're off the hook, largely. If she doesn't notice the color of things, then forget colors. If she's huge on textures, then go into textures. And utilize the beauty of English's near-synonym-full vocabulary to find the words that precisely convey the way she sees something.

A few well-chosen words here and there are good and they give the reader a decent sense of the character's personality. But when you get everything 'in character,' than the reader is living that character's perspective. One word doesn't necessarily tell a reader much. But, with several words, a pattern begins to emerge. A pattern with depth, too.

So, yeah. Word choice. Live the narrator's language.

And, my next comments are technical things. I noticed one sentence structure in particular that is... just not exactly giving you the biggest bang for your buck.

The existential. It looks like this:

There was a jacket kept there

The "there was," I mean. It's called an existential because 1) 'there' doesn't technically exist and 2) it fills the place of a subject that's gone missing. And, it more or less translates into "____ exists." But, that's not important. What's important is that you should from this point onward develop a psychological aversion to using 'There was." Why? It adds two blah words that don't really mean much to your sentence. It makes the sentence clunky and slow down the pace. Sometimes you might want to slow down the pace, but that's the rare occasion and better ways exist to do that slowing of the pace.

So, develop a psychological barrier to using 'There was' in prose. Until you have a real good reason for using it, that is, in which case by all means use it. But until then, every time you catch yourself about to use that phrase, make yourself rephrase it. Instead of saying, "There was a jacket kept there" just write "A jacket was kept there." Only, that's passive voice, so maybe you could write "A jacket hung [in the closet]."

Active voice with a logical subject in the subject spot is preferable to passive or existential 9 times out of 10. Let me know if you have any questions on this stuff!

And, on one final note, sort of tying everything together, verbs are absolute goldmines for revealing the character's personality. And for making prose interesting and well-paced and gripping. That and nouns. By using verbs and nouns that are in themselves rich with flavor, you can avoid most adjectives and stuff altogether. How cool is that?

Anyway, let me know if you have any questions! You know how to reach me.

I don't fangirl. I fandragon.

Have you thanked a teacher lately? You should. Their bladder control alone is legend.

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Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:03 pm
AshleighK says...

A very dreamlike tale! Upon opening this story I was instantly thrust into this girl's nightmarish situation. You really set the scene for this surreal setting well, Shub. I was reminded while reading this a bit of Kafka. It seems like this whole world is set out just for this girl. The phrase popped into my mind:

'Ever wonder if it's all for you?'

The description of sensation is rich, and full. You can really smell what she's smelling, taste what she's tasting, fear what she's fearing. That's what I found really drew me in. And your narrator has a strong personality, and she's an interesting character.

There's a few nitpicky details, mostly just spelling. But you did a very good job!

I look forward to reading more. :)
'Blue moon... you saw me standing alone. Without a dream in my heart. Without a love of my own~'

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:23 pm
Hecate says...

Hey there!
I'm here to review as requested!
I shall start off with some nitpicks :)

'I scrunched my nose in disgust, trying my best to block out every possible particle from entering into my nose. But my efforts were going into vain, as the smell lingered into my nose.'

What I didn’t like about your first paragraph was the excessive use of the word ‘nose’. If you read over it again you’ll notice that it meddles with the flow and can get rather annoying to read. I would suggest using a different word or perhaps rephrasing the sentence so that the word does not have to be used.

Now, for the second paragraph that reffered to her attempts at killing the bee:
Really? She was going to blindly kill a bee with her fist? I guess you can blame it on the fact that she was still sleepy and could not think rationally, but otherwise it does sound rather unbelievable.

At first, the fancy black marks on the wall opposite of me appeared to be some fancy Gothic design, but when I started noticing the uneven pattern it was designed in, a sharp shiver ran down my spine

The use of the word fancy is excessive. You used it twice, choose a different adjective to describe the black marks on the wall or the Gothic design. This is for better flow.

Jumping out of the bed, I found myself inspecting the vagueness of the situation. The last thing I could remember..... *This is awfully nit picky, but an ellipsis is usually ‘…’ as opposed to five.* was driving.

I wanted to talk to you about the use of ellipsis. Although it can be highly effective when used to create dramatic pause or for other reasons, I feel like you’ve overused the technique. Less is more. This, of course, is up to you.

Calm down. How worse this can be?< --This sentence is not grammatically correct. I’m not sure exactly what you were trying to express with it.

All these thing are possible in only movies *only in movies*

Amongst this filth. <This is not a proper sentence and does not flow nicely, take it out or revise

Some A, not some, unless you’re talking about a plural yellow coloured cup

There wasn't anything else worth mentioning, so I'd leave you with this much info info is a bit of a colloquialism and can even be described as slang. Overall though, I’d say that this whole sentence has got to go, I see no point in it, to be honest

The four walls which were so called (so called is unnecessary and grammatically incorrect in this instance) protecting me returned back (back is also unnecessary because you already said returned which makes it a double negative) my voice to me. Did I tell you that right now I was in a single big room, which led to a small entrance which looked to me like some kitchen? I guess not. (You should have. And you shouldn’t be randomly adding it like that. It’s distracting. Don’t guess. Sound sure.)

to his PSP-ing Portable Playstationing?

"Now you wanna want to, wanna is slang and it is incorrect to use it in actual writing

Kind of odd that this girl got pissed so quickly. Mood swings much? I mean, she went from friendly to bitch from hell back to calm in what? 5 minutes?

Were these teenagers somebodies people, not somebodies, that’s not a word. whom I had known?

Have you hit something? I asked you do I know you. That's it." This should be:
‘Have you hit something?’ I asked. ‘Do I know you?’ 'That’s it' is unnecessary and distracting.

Now leave before I kick you on your butt." The expression is ‘before I kick your butt’ I believe

But I just glared. I was loosing up my etiquettes. ‘I was forgetting my manners’ is gramatically correct.

Or what she doing outside me?<--- This sentence makes no sense whatsoever


Well, as you can see, I've pointed out some of the things you should correct. I would advise you to rewrite this piece using the correct grammar and phrases. Apart from that however, I think you have a good idea going on. I mean, from what I can tell it's going to be one of those body switching ordeals which is always fun to read about in my opinion.

Your MC, we don't know much about her. All we find out really is that she is NOT this person, but we don't know much about her background and about why she's so surprised to be where she is. For this reason, she is not as believable. I was expecting her to be slightly more shocked to be in a different place than where she's always been. I mean, I know I'd be full of questions and I'd be panicked, so I expect her reaction would be similar. Apart from that, you do have a sound piece, that with revision on the things that I and the users above me talked about could be great! Hit me up when you post the next chapter!

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:32 pm
Azila says...

Hi Shrubs!

Thanks for the request.

I'm not going to do any nitpicks because 1) stelagineva seems to have taken care of that and 2) I don't really have the time. >.> There was a good amount of little typos and such, though, so I recommend you read through the whole thing slowly and try to find them (if stela hasn't already pointed out all of them, that is). I know it's hard to find that kind of stuff in your own work, but it's worth it.

Overall, I like this. Like Rachael said, the descriptions are great. They are unusual and poetic, but extremely effective--not only do they give a very clear image of what they are describing, but they also give the whole piece a really distinctive flavor. I haven't read any of your other writing, so I don't know if you always write like this, but it feels like it is the MC's voice that is making the writing so unusual. It has a gritty, somewhat miserable feel to it, partially because of the setting, but also because I was wondering the whole time if the MC was insane--and so was she. You got across the feeling of "something is wrong, but I don't remember enough to know what" really, really well. It's such an intriguing beginning for a novel!

That said, I do have a few issues with it. The first, and most major, issue is the MC's reactions. I know a few other people have mentioned this, but I still think it's worth discussing. I, like other reviewers, find it a little unbelievable that she would make herself at home. Taking the jacket, for example, felt unrealistic to me for a few reasons: one reason was that you've painted a really disgusting picture of this place she's found herself in. It's gross, and she is grossed out by it. Personally, if I was in a place that grossed me out, I wouldn't want to put on a jacket (or sandals!) that I found there, no matter how perfectly they fit me or how pretty they were. I would be too disgusted to let that stuff touch my skin. Another reason is that putting on a piece of clothing implies a sense of ownership. Think about it: if you put on a piece jacket, or a pair of sandals, and leave the building wearing them, you are saying, "this is mine." You are saying, "I'm not afraid to take this with me because I know that nobody will miss it if it's gone." But... how can she feel that way? Doesn't she feel uncomfortable and awkward and almost wondering if she's been kidnapped? Why, then, would she put on some random clothing? That seemed inconsistent to me.

I'm a bit confused (as stelagineva is, too) how someone would plan to kill a bee with their hand. Wouldn't you get stung? Also, did she get stung on her nose? If so, maybe you'd like to mention that a few times throughout the piece? Bee stings hurt, and though I've never gotten one on my face, I imagine that would hurt a lot more. It wouldn't be something easily forgotten about, I think. ^_~

Also, I thought the whole situation with the female roommate was a little weird. Captain.classy pointed this out, I think, and you said you'd tried to fix that, but I think you could still use to work on it a bit. The interaction didn't seem realistic to be happening between two people who supposedly knew each other--and knew each other well, I assume, if they're roommates. I was also a little frustrated with the MC for not being more persistent. I know she didn't want to disturb the two roommates, but I'd think that her confusion would overpower her wanting to be polite to them, don't you? Why doesn't she ask where she is a few more times? Why isn't she freaking out with their answers? That part felt like it just worked out a little too conveniently for you as a plot device, and it didn't feel realistic. Also, wouldn't the MC have realized that when she talked she didn't hear her own voice, but her friend's voice? Wouldn't that be some sort of clue as to what's going on?

The next part, I thought, dragged on a bit. She's walking around outside, then she started drinking (did she pass out here?) then she's walking around outside a bit more, then she finally finds the barber shop (at least I assume that's what it is). I found myself losing interest during the whole "walking around outside" chunk. Though your descriptions are quite nice, they started feeling a little repetitive and it started feeling like it was just description, without anything really happening, so it started dragging on. I suggest you either add in some small conflict there, or shorten that part a bit. Maybe make her not drink the beer? Then you could mesh the "walking around" bits from before and after the beer into one "walking around" bit, thus shortening that section. Or maybe the issue is with my attention span, not your writing. ^_~

Anyway, that was really intriguing! Though the idea (swapping places with someone else) isn't the most original thing in the world, you are definitely making it original with the voice and the unusual style. The biggest issue, I think, is with her reactions. Maybe if she felt a little more trance-like, that would help? If she felt more like she was in a dream, then she would care less about what she did, allowing her to be more rash. Then she could just go numbly through actions and not really think about their consequences. Right now, she seems a little too aware to be in a dream and a little too dreamy to be in reality, so it's hard to tell how she actually feels.

Please PM me or write on my wall if you have any questions/comments about anything I've said!

I hope this helps.

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Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:04 am
xXTheBlackSheepXx says...

Hey Shubbs, I love the look of this new novel, the picture up top is really awesome.
I'll try my best to give you some advice, though I'm sure you have a great story here :)

Now at first I was a bit confused at the beginning. I thought the 'buzz buzz' was a start to the cliche 'alarm clock' opening sequence. But I was wrong! I'm glad you made it original. And it only took me a few seconds to realize that it was a bee that woke her up, so that's great.

"Ouch! Blood bee!" I screamed, rubbing my nose.
should this be 'bloody' bee?

Jumping out of the bed, I found myself inspecting the vagueness of the situation. The last thing I could remember.....was driving. I had been driving, with...a cider bottle in hand? Yeah, that it was. I had tasted something salty...my tears they were. Nothing more. I didn't even remember hitting the sack.
For some reason, those parts sounded like Yoda in my head. I don't think people usually say things like 'my tears, they were'. It's usually 'they were my tears'. x)

I grumbled at the voices in my head for they were pushing me towards the Great Lake of Crazy. All these thing are possible in only movies, which my life was far away from. It had to be me hallucinating. But where was I? Why was I even here? Amongst this filth. Was this part of my hangover? Shut up!
I really like this part. It gives your narrator so much voice.
Slowly, the uneasiness had spread from there to my shoulders, and within minutes I was dancing to the best of my ability.

I could bet five hundred dollars on the fact that I had never been even remotely close to a garbage like this. it should be just ’garbage’ I think. Everywhere I saw beneath me, there were clothes dumped.This sentence threw me off. It sounds like it should be ’beneath me, clothes had been dumped everywhere’.

There was no way I could have lost those extra pounce pounds? of bacon

I tried being humble and smiled. She could have been a murderer, waiting to slice down my throat. So better be cool.
I like her reaction here.

Three flights of stairs and I was in the fresh air of the road.

Their There wasn't any cat or dog quarreling on the road and chasing each other down.

You've got a very unique story here. Though I have to say your narrator's voice was confusing at times. It felt like the beginning was dragging on until the end of the chapter, when we found out she was in someone else's body. I felt just as confused as the narrator was, which i'm not so sure if it is a good thing or not.

So i think if you were to work on anything, if would be the pace and voice you set for this story. Maybe if you added a little more reaction from the main character, and not just her thoughts, it would help us to fit into her shoes better. And at times it feels like the pace needs to be slowed down, where other places seem to drag. Try finding a good pace.

Well, that's all I've got! I hope this helped, and let me know if you have any questions!
The bad news is we don't have any control.
The good news is we can't make any mistakes.
-Chuck Palahniuk

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Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:00 am
Spitfire says...

Hey Shub! Spitfire here to reivew!
Normally I would read everybody else's reviews as to not repeat what they say, but everybody wrote such long reviews that I'm just gonna point out what I see. Sorry if I'm repeating ;)

Shrubbery wrote:Oily smell of frying chips. Reeky smell of alcohol. Mixed together. Wafting into my nostrils.

I don't think you should put these in so many sentences, just one; "The oily smell of frying chips, the reeky smell of alcohol, mixed together, wafted into my nostrils.

Shrubbery wrote:I scrunched my nose in disgust, trying my best to block out every possible particle from entering into my nose. But my efforts were going into vain, as the smell lingered into my nose and I groaned. I tried catching the bloody bee that had dared to disrupt my sleep. But the only thing I got back was handful of oxygen. Squatted again. To no avail.

What bee? I don't remember you mentioning any bee..
I don't understand what you meant by squatting again..

Shrubbery wrote:It's not that I didn't try forgetting it and sleeping, but the bee was adamant to go on this way. Maybe it was too craving for its death.

*hadn't tried forgetting...*
"it too was...*

Shrubbery wrote:"Ouch! Bloody bee!"

Shrubbery wrote:When I was about to get off my bed, I noticed some weird smell, which couldn't have been either of the alcohol or the chips.

Shrubbery wrote:I sniffled the blanket, and the shriek I made then can't be described in words. I finally realized that the blanket had been releasing poisonous fumes for my nose and without giving any heck about anything else, I threw my blanket and stood there on the bed.

Shrubbery wrote:How worse this can be?

This isn't quite right. it would be better to say, "How bad can this be?"

Shrubbery wrote:All these thing are possible in only movies, which my life was far away from.

Opt for this instead; "These things are only possible in moves, which is far from what my life is."

Shrubbery wrote:There wasn't anything else worth mentioning, so I'd leave you with this much info.

I wouldn't use the second part. I find when you talk like that, it makes it seem like this is a speech you're giving and not a story you're telling..

Shrubbery wrote:Wearing them on, I trudged outside the evil-claustrophobic room, which adorned itself with black spots which I knew were from some fire.

Shrubbery wrote:One thing which I had not been noticing till now was that I was feeling lighter.

*I hadn't noticed till then

Shrubbery wrote:There was no way I could have lost those extra pounce of bacon I had consumed yesterday, in a single night.


Shrubbery wrote: I can swear I had not seen her coming.

Shrubbery wrote:She bent forward, brushing past my curls, and reaching for my ears. "I really like him. He's Drake. The one I used to tell you 'bout?" Hey, girl. Then why telling me? Go tell him. And when did this lady tell me, if I had been seeing her for the first time?

You shouldn't put these two parts in the same paragraph since the girl is saying something and then it's your MC's thoughts..

Shrubbery wrote:"Now you wanna fight me?" She asked.

A question mark, when used in dialogue, is like a comma, so you don't use a capital letter for the she.

Shrubbery wrote:"Apology accepted. Now leave before I kick you on your butt."

Shrubbery wrote:Three flights of stairs and I was in the fresh air of the road.

Shrubbery wrote:In left there was a narrow road leading to God knows where and on the right there was a T-point.

*On my left ...
*and to my right ...

Shrubbery wrote:I had not yet seen myself in a mirror, but I could make out that I must be looking a joke.

*tell that I must look like a joke.

Shrubbery wrote:It was as it is bad waking up somewhere strange but the addition of not knowing where you were last night could drive you nuts.

Shrubbery wrote:Sometimes I could feel myself trapped in a lift, with no hope of me returning out safe there.

Okay, this entire sentence is off. "Sometimes I felt trapped in a lift, with no hope of safely making it out."

Shrubbery wrote:Only if I knew what had happened yesterday night.

*If only I knew ...

Shrubbery wrote:My hair? They were blonde


All right. Nit-picking's over.

I have to say, I agree with what most people said. Again, I don't like to repeat what other's said, so I'll make this short; we need more in depth into your character, not just her thougths here and there.
As for her being all confused, I think you got that good, that it was easy to follow.
I also agree with what Skins said about her friend saying she likes the boy; she probably would've told Rebecca already, so I'd have her say something else.
You need to watch out not to put too much information at the same time.

And that's all I can think of at the moment.. Hope I've helped ;)
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Punctuation is the difference between "Let's eat, Grandma" and "Let's eat Grandma".

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Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:22 pm
Jashael says...

Hey there, Shubs. It's been awhile. Oh, I love the cover! Haha...kidding. :)
Spoiler! :
Wait...vitamincakes? LOL

I'll divide this into three parts, so it'll be easier for me. (Long posts make me want to stop reviewing. HAHA)


"Hold on, Alicia. It's just some weird dream," I kept on repeating, wedging out every thought that said otherwise.

The last thing I could remember.....<honestly, too much periods. stick with three>was driving.

I inhaled and exhaled simultaneously, and at one point it was hard for me to differentiate between the two.

>> I have no idea if this is possible. But it was nice description of not being able to breathe. Was it?

Um, I just found some weird phrasing:

Yeah, that it was.

my tears they were.

The first inverted sentence was a bit awkward. Maybe because it must be the least kind of sentence order that we use; bu the second one was fine, I think.

Also, I found that there were times this Alicia was speaking out too scripted. If you know what I mean:

Anyways, this silence was now freaking me out, accelerating my heart rate. I was losing my voice, and I wanted to remain on the track before I lost it.

Here it was too obvious she's trying to tell a story. It's a bit weird to read.

And, I was just a bit bothered by the introduction: the smell. And then, the fact was, she really wasn't bothered by the smell, but by the bee. Maybe introduce those smell in a later time; instead, concentrate on what woken her up. Just make the introduction strong. I guess, it's because it's the first thing people read.

Anyway, I remember one thing you told me: they were best friends. How come Alicia has no memories of her own friend's place? Hmm... was it because she was drunk? Maybe. I'll just have to read more. LOL OK, off to the next post!

Gah, never mind me. LOL
“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen:
not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”


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Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:26 am
Jashael says...

Here's the next post! L-D


I had not yet seen myself in a mirror, but I could make out that I must be looking like a joke.

As I walked along the road I had finally ended up choosing, I saw people.

>> I really don't know what this means. O_o

Finally. Not many, but mainly old lady types with a walking stick in one hand and a dog barking on their feet.

>> After this sentence, we read about young ladies. So I'm not so sure with what you were trying to say. But we see here that there were not many. What were not many? The ladies? But just mainly old ones? It was kind of confusing you see.

The shop wasn't big, but I could call it neat if I ignored those hair pieces or strands<space>(whatever)<space>which were spread on the floor, under the black revolving chair.

I had expected two blue eyes to stare back at me, like it had always happensed, but instead what greeted me was a glint of two green eyes.

It was blonde...

Afraid to break the image, I touched the mirror, moving hands on the outline of the face.

>> If I were in her place, living in a nightmare, I'd rather have the image broken and see my own self. But it seems like she likes what she's seeing?

The image didn't ripple and fade away, which I thought could happen.


I just want tell you things that went a bit weird for me: Why did she have to go back to the room as if it was part of her daily routine? When she already knows she has no idea where she was? It's just kind of weird. Was it for a jacket? She's clearly having a hangover, is she? OK, that explains her weird acts. So, you made a very good job at that. And I also like the way you spoke -- the tone. But there were just some times that I find your sentences weird. She should sound like she's from NYC, right? But never mind me. I just want to know (this ain't nitpicking anymore), is she and Rebbecca childhood friends or something? It doesn't seem like they're best friends. LOL

Anyway, I like the way you started off. With her being tipsy adding up to her confusion. Oh, poor Alicia. It's funny, girl! Keep it up! Though don't forget to edit before you post! =))

This was hilarious:

Rule#1 of my diary: When you can't take more of anything, just faint.

Great way to end it.

~ Jash ♥
“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen:
not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”


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Revision is one of the exquisite pleasures of writing.
— Bernard Malamud