
Young Writers Society

star dust (chapter1)

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52 Reviews

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Points: 3741
Reviews: 52
Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:32 am
katchaerin says...

My Cell phone is Cell POO

I can’t believe this! Do you remember a time when you wished the whole world except you stood still and you’d put things where you’d want them to be? Or do things to others the way you’d want? Well, honestly I never had that thought until today. I was pretty stupid and I could tell that even with my eyes closed or even when I’m sleeping. Maybe tripping in my shoelaces during a press conference last school year was better than what happed just a while ago. Or maybe telling Diane that Brenda has BO when Brenda was just two feet behind me was even better. I’ll never go back to school expecting all the humiliation I’d be getting.

Just before the classes ended this afternoon, Lorna took my phone out from my skirt pocket and little did I know passed them on to our other classmates. If I knew this was going to happen I should’ve deleted or at least changed my wallpaper. Gosh. I was just checking out this wonderful story with love charms that worked. One says that if you took a picture of your crush and made it wallpaper on your phone for three weeks without anyone knowing, then you’ll win his love. Pretty dumb. I was starting to stick with it, got Mark Ting’s picture and tried to wait. I waited! And to think I had trouble taking that picture without him looking my way! (But he never did look my way so it was kind of easy for a beginner ) But just after two days and seven hours, my charm jinxed. I shouldn’t have listened to that stupid superstition.
Maybe I shouln’t have. My bad.

A couple of girls came and teased me that afternoon. They said nobody like Mark was going to like me. Argh. Can you believe it? I mean…really? Nobody? Obviously they liked him themselves. Mark Ting was a half chink and totally under high school girls’ list. I sighed. I was sad and pitied myself but I was furious. How dare they take my phone and passed it on? I was sure my phone had reached Mark by now. I heaved an exasperated sigh.
Maybe I am not going to go back to that school again. Ever. I didn’t even tell my family I had this horrible mistake. I was just sitting on the sofa staring blankly at the TV eating the Hershey’s chocolate Mama brought us from work. I felt terribly exhausted. I didn’t really know what did it but I closed my eyes and started to think who I am. It was a dumb thought but I did anyway.
Oh yeah, right. My name’s Alexandra Rae Gil – or just Alex. I prefer it that way. Some say it sounds like a guy’s name but it’s okay for me. Sounds cool. But I totally am not. Could a fourteen year old girl who sits on a corner counting some flies landing on some people’s food be so cool?
Oh well, so much for that. I don’t want to remember who I am anymore. It would just depress me even more.

“Ma?” I called out from the living room. “What’s for supper?”

“Are you okay, Alexandra? We’ve just had supper,” Mama replied in a worried voice while sticking her head out from the kitchen door, probably doing the dishes with Ate Remy. “Shrimps, remember?”

“Oh, right,” I mumbled while standing up.

I realized we did have supper, but my stomach felt really empty. I strode to the fridge and took out some brownies my brother and I baked the other day. I took out the pretty ones my younger brother baked and left the flat ones…or the ones I had baked. It was shameful to have a younger brother that outdoes everything you do. He’s still eleven but he thinks he’s older than you. Sheesh. Couldn’t anyone find a cure for arrogant-younger-brother-syndrome? I had always complained this to Mama and constantly asks her where I got my genes. Mama is well-reserved and dresses the way I couldv’e had if not for some things. Papa is smart and organized. He’s a documentarist. I had nothing of their good things except that I play the guitar – something I don’t think is worth getting proud of. Ben, my younger brother got everything I had ever wanted but he didn’t seem to notice that. He was pretty good at everything. Well…almost. He isn’t such a big fan of music and books unlike me who’d spend all my allowance for them. He reads books…but only those that they are required to read. I am a much broader reader but he seems to know more things than I do. Sigh. Can’t the world rotate backwards and change its mistakes? Shouldn’t the older one be much more intelligent and cool? But I doubted the Earth even knew it rotated.

“Hey, Alexander,” Ben teased while I passed by his bedroom. He thinks that I’m better off as a boy. After all, he said, I don’t dress myself like the others do. I’m a girl, for heaven’s sake! I wanted to scream right on his face but he threw a small package aimed directly at my face. I was quick, though. I caught it with my right hand and scowled at him.

“What’s this?” I asked, trying to look angry. He shrugged and continued playing with his stupid computer games that I bet he’d won several times. Boy, he should be exhausted now, shouldn’t he?

I opened the package slowly in my room, careful not to rip the wrapper up. It was a gift from Uncle Manny all the way from Manila. He’s Mama’s brother and he works for a large recording company there. I frowned. Uncle Manny must’ve been lonely. He has no children and his wife died when they were still newlywed. Anyway, he’s my favorite uncle and he regularly sends packages for me here in Iligan, a small city with nothing but a few malls and a lot of waterfalls. Sometimes he sends me albums or musical instruments. Last summer he sent me my very own acoustic guitar. I was always excited each time I open a present from him. It was always a surprise…the kinds I would never outgrow.
This time he sent me an iPod with a note that said: listen to music, play more. You have a lot of showing to do when I’ll be back. :)
I smiled. Uncle Manny really has a wonderful taste. Plus, he likes music very much.

As I was putting down the iPod back in its box, I heard our telephone ring and quickly dashed for it.
“Hey, Alex,” the voice in the phone said. “It’s me…Karla.”
“Yeah? Um…Karla?” I wasn’t sure what to say. Maybe she’d found out everything about my cell phone secret – which is now not a secret anymore, of course. I saw my knuckles turning red from rubbing it on the rough stone table the phone was on.
“I..uh…I got your phone. I’ll come over to give it back.”

Well, I was sort of relieved when I found out Karla has my phone. She has been my best friend since second grade when someone teased me about being a wimp and she came over and talked to me like we’ve known each other since we were infants. Was I ever so glad!

Karla, I could say is the total opposite of me. I am tan-skinned while hers’ isn’t. She loves sport so much and I’m asthmatic. She’s socially cool and I’m a dweeb. But there is, however something we could get along with, and that’s music. Karla plays the violin but rarely shows it to others. I wonder why cause she’s pretty good.
Karla was quite flushed when she handed my phone back and asked if she could stay for a while to tell me her story and so I could also tell her my whole story. I told mine first.
“You mean it was because of a superstition?” she exclaimed.
I nodded.
“Omigosh Alex. You’re being silly again.”
“I know. I just…well…I’m a girl too…and a stupid one, remember?”

She tipped her head to the side that made her straight hair fall at the back of her shoulders.
“At least I have it back for you.”
“Thanks, Karla.” I gave her a hug. Then I stopped. “Do you think…?”
“Yes,” she said as if reading my mind. “Mark saw it.”
She laughed a little.
“Was he mad at me?”
She gave me a look then scratched her chin.
“Nah. I don’t think so, Al. But he wasn’t really happy about it.”

I lay in bed that night praying hard that he wouldn’t be mad at me. If he’d be mad at me then it really would be dooms day. And I dreaded for that thing to happen. Mark and I aren’t even friends and then we’d go off as enemies? That’s one kind of impression. I can’t sleep that night. I kept thinking what might happen the next day and also, I kept hearing my brother go ‘HWOW! YEAH! DIE YOU FOOL! HAHA!’ from his room. Gosh. Maybe my brother has gone crazy. How could a computer game make you feel really good that you’d forget about sleep? I could hardly imagine. Papa’s voice rang from their room, “Benjamin! Go to sleep now or I’ll have to send that computer to the street children!” I smiled, trying not to laugh. Ever since Papa made some documentary videos for an NGO company, he somewhat earned a soft spot for the children on the streets. I heard Ben grumble from his room but still silently saying “Haha. Yeah. Nice shot.” I’d be crazy being with this family.

I looked at my alarm clock at the side table. Eleven forty-three and I’m still feeling a bit hungry. Now, I’m suspicious whether I really did have dinner. Oh, man. I’d be getting fat at this rate. And if I’d buy clothes to fit me better, I won’t be able to get the book I had been eyeing on since last week. I tried to fight my hunger but I couldn’t. I went over to the fridge and found nothing for a midnight treat except something in a plastic bag. I smelled it, but my runny nose wouldn’t let me, so I thought it was just great. I munched a little and didn’t find anything bad so I finished till the last bite.
“Thank goodness,” I mumbled after I gave off a slight belch and rubbed my tummy.
“Ate?” came my brother’s voice from the foot of his door. “I could see you Ate Al. What the heck are you doing there? Ghost-hunting?” He chuckled and closed the door.
He asked me a question and didn’t even wait for an answer? He’s nuts. I could never really understand him. I think I could never understand boys…especially my brother.
I retired to my bedroom and waited for my eyes to close. One sheep, two sheep, three sheep… I was desperate. I thought counting sheep was my only hope. Fifty-two sheep, fifty-three sheep. My vision was fuzzy. Was I going to sleep now? Was I?

I haven’t answered my question however, because the last thing I knew, I was awakened by my alarm clock that read six o’clock. I grunted and sat up straight as I pressed the off alarm button. Click. My stomach was aching and I went directly to the bathroom. I wasn’t having my period as I thought I had. My stomach really hurt and I can’t move that much.
“Ma,” I called out weakly with my hand on my abdomen. My mum just turned around for a second and went back to her work.
“Yeah, honey?”
“My…stomach really hurts.”
Mama must’ve thought I was making an excuse to not go to school. She didn’t say anything for what seemed like an hour until she said, “Whatever you say, honey.”
Mama strode to the fridge and opened it wide. I could see she was putting the pitcher back inside to cool it.
“Where is it?” she asked with her hands on her hips. She looked like she lost a rabid dog. She searched inside again. Then she looked at me.
“What?” I winced still feeling the pain.
“Did you take the spoiled sandwich in the fridge? Your Papa needs it for his Biology-experiment-video.”
I stood there dumbfounded. I didn’t want to think I ate a spoiled sandwich. I winced again from the pain.
“That was about five days spoiled. Let’s get you to the doctor,” she said as she clutched my wrist.
“No!” I wanted to say. But I knew my voice didn’t come out. I didn’t want to go the doctor! The last thing I’ll need is the students thinking I was hiding away from the embarrassment I’d be getting at school.

I kept going to the bathroom even after we had been to the hospital. The doctor says I must stay at home for only for a couple of days if I take in some antibiotics he had prescribed. Only?! If he only knew what situation I was in. The first quarter exam would just be weeks away and I couldn’t just lie in the bed and rest. And the students are also expecting me to be there for the teasing they had prepared.
“I’ll go to school this afternoon,” I stubbornly told Mama. She was over at a table preparing some of my medicine. I thought she hadn’t heard me until she turned to me and frowned.

“I already called your school,” she said, approaching me. “They said they understand and wouldn’t pressure you much.”She handed me some pills and a glass of water which I gingerly took in all in one gulp. She had this look in her face that told me that I am about to be swooped down by my predator – Mama.

“Alexandra Rae Gil,” Mama said sternly. I swallowed. I knew what it meant if she called me my full name. It simply meant I really am in trouble. “Why did you eat the sandwich? Didn’t you know that something worse could’ve happen to you? And didn’t you know these medicines cost a fortune?”

“I…I was hungry,” I answered weakly and pretended that my stomach still hurt to avoid further nagging. But Mama must’ve known what I was up to because she just held my arm and glared at me before she walked out from my room.
I didn’t know Ben was right outside my door eavesdropping until he playfully said, “Alexander the not so Great.” He sneered at me as he went inside.

Argh. If only I could squash his face right there and then, I would. If anyone wanted a younger brother out there…please think again. Or if you insist, you could take Ben instead. “You could’ve used your head you know.”
I opened my mouth to talk but I was surprised I didn’t say anything bad but, “Right. You’re right. I should have.”

Well, maybe me thinking that Ben is right is really bad. But I knew he was right. I think I’m just too dumb to figure things out.
“It’s okay,” said my brother. “You could play my computer games if you want.”
What did he say? He said he would let me play his pc games? That was weird. What’s about it with my being clumsy? But I forced a smile and held his hand.
“Thanks, Ben. That’s really kind.”
He gave me a brief smile and said, “Whatever.” Then he went outside my room. He didn’t seem so bad after all. Well, maybe just because I admitted he was smarter than me made him feel good enough to let me use his things.
Things went a little better after that, even though I knew I might have trouble at school. I just said might. Maybe after the long absence I had, people would forget about the cell phone thingy. Papa brought me new sneakers from his seminar at Cebu and Mama made us a tray of halayang-ube which was our all-time favorite. She said however that this dessert would spoil easily so we must keep it preserved in the fridge or we’d start bawling with our tummy aches. Ben cringed. But I gave them a that’s-not-funny look and a don’t-say-anymore glare and I was satisfied for a bit.

I have to admit, playing with Ben didn’t seem so bad after all. He came home from school with a new game his classmate lent him and he was kind of excited to show me how it goes. We let out a few ‘WOOHOOS!!!’ and another ‘YOU LOSE!’ or ‘EAT DUST!’ I can hardly catch my breath from laughing.
We were both lying on his bed detangling the joystick wires when he walked over to his desk and handed me a piece of paper. It was a list, I guessed. He motioned me to read it, which I did – out loud.
1. Read/examine before eating
2. Study Math
3. Dress up once in a while
4. Exercise daily (coz your getting fat)
5. Loosen up with your OWN pc games

I figured that was the last time he’d let me play his games since he wrote the word ‘own’ so clearly I couldn’t have missed it. But I gave him a grin and crushed him in a bear hug.
Karla came an hour later with a bunch of homework. I grumbled as she smiled and asked me how I felt. I like Karla a lot. We were different in a lot of ways but somehow, we find ourselves engrossed in a lot of things together. She’s soft-spoken and bright. And she never lets me feel I was out of place. Anyway, she handed me her notebook in Trigonometry.

“Homework in this subject?” I asked in a sigh. I never really liked Math. Math for me is like being cooped up inside a cage of brain pecking monster-chickens. But I had no choice. I grabbed the notebook and began scanning it like I had seen the most horrible book that was ever published although Karla’s handwriting isn’t that bad, of course.

“How’s the students?” I asked as if I were a principal interviewing a homeroom teacher.
“Good,” she snapped back without looking up. “The same guys. Talking people on the benches and such.”

I nodded. That made me feel better. At least they weren’t acting like what I’ve expected.
I felt better when it was time for Karla to go, although my stomach still hurts a bit and I had to go to the comfort room to puke once in a while.
Striding to my bedroom, I took my phone and deleted the wallpaper.

“Rubbish,” I mumbled before I changed it to a blue teddy bear-wallpaper Ben downloaded for me. I love blue, and I love teddy bears. My room curtain was in a cool shade of blue, and my bed sheets were in powder blue printed with hoops and circles of dark blue although my wall was painted plain white. Just beside my dresser is a cream white shelf for my book collection. The room is small, yes. But at least I get to have my own room, and I liked it. Ben too had his own room, and it was a lot messier than mine. There were toys and clothes around and I didn’t think he noticed it because his face is always glued in front of his computer screen.
Last edited by katchaerin on Fri Jul 09, 2010 4:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
'cause I review back. XD XD XD

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57 Reviews

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Points: 5339
Reviews: 57
Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:04 am
Junglelover says...

Hi Kat!
Welcome to YWS!

They said nobody like Mark was going to like me.

I think it should be, ' They said nobody, like Mark, was going to like me'.

Nobody? (But I hate to think they were right about that).

'(but I hate to think That they were right.)'

I'm not done yet, I have o go to bed. I'll read the rest of it tomorrow. :D

Charlie Bucket: You can eat the grass?
Willy Wonka: Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable, even *I'm* eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

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Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:24 pm
Junglelover says...

I'm back!

I smelled it but my runny nose wouldn’t let me so I thought it was just great.

I smelled it, but wouldn't let me,so I thought it was just great.

I felt better when Karla was time to go, although my stomach still hurts a bit and I had to go to the comfort room to puke once in a while.

This part doesn't sound right, Maybe something like this would sounds better.
I felt better when it was time for Karla to go, although my stomach still hurts a bit and I had to go to the comfort room to puke once in a while.

I love blue and I love teddy bears.

I love blue, and I love teddy bears.

I know I didn't really help that much.
But, anyways, I really like it!

Charlie Bucket: You can eat the grass?
Willy Wonka: Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable, even *I'm* eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

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Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:08 am
katchaerin says...

Thanks, jungle! XD
I need your comments.
I already edited some parts, by the way.

I'm glad you liked it. I'm posting some more (the next chapters).
'cause I review back. XD XD XD

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41 Reviews

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Reviews: 41
Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:51 pm
spiderman says...

Spiderman here to reveiw some parts of your piece. Iwon't get into all the grammar, because that not my thing.
This was pretty good. :)
Your story starts out fine. Their is nice character and a good situation. Ben is likeable even though the mc doesn't like him :) .
Things you need to work on: voice. Your voice is just a bit bland. It needs a bit of more power to it.
Despite the lies that you're making
Your love is mine for the taking
My love is just waiting
To clothe you in crimson roses


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Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:26 pm
comrie says...

Aw, poor Alex. ): Her crush saw her wallpaper (of him) AND her tummy hurts? You can't help but feel bad for the girl.
But I do like this. (: And her name.
Suggestions? Hm. Well. I agree with spiderman about the whole 'voice' issue. And it seemed a lot more of telling rather than showing, which isn't good. It's better to show.
I don't wanna get too into grammar, but I'd pick out only one thing that sounded really weird to me.

Maybe I am not going to go back to that school again.

I'd rephrase the sentence. It sounded weird reading it and even weirder saying it out loud. When you write, try reading what you write out loud, okay? See if it sounds natural to your ears. And if it doesn't, go for something that does.

Anyway. That's all I'm gonna say, I'm trying to read the next chapter. But you did well over all (:!!!

-julie (:
kissin' sailors

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Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:46 pm
Al3xx says...

OMG I love the way you portrayed the main character here...she's sooo lovable! :D :D And funny, like the whole description about her little brother thinking he's older then her and the part where she talks about taking a picture of her crush as some superstition thing...I like it. :D
"We love the ones that ignore us
But ignore the ones that love us"


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Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:31 am
Lollipopper says...

Whooaah! I don't know if it's too late to say what I need to say...But I REALLY liked this! It was very entertaining and super funny. I really liked the main character--she is very easy to like and connect to. :)
Yeah, that's Hedwig staring at you determinedly.

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Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:29 am
Lava says...

Hey! Sorry I'm a bit late with the request, but I've been busy with college.
Anyway, onto this.

Ay, this is a pretty good plot. However, you should work on it more. Especially as you seem to be 'telling' not 'showing.' This will show you what I mean.
Mark Ting was a half chink
Chink is generally offensive. I would suggest you show us something that would explain his culture. It would sound better than this because right now, it seems like the MC has a 'don't-care' attitude.
I like how you introduced the family and your MC's attitude toward them. It's good info, but I would sugest you to modify it, make it more 'telling.' Though, the bits with Ben are okay-ish. Just try not to make anything an info dump.
“I could see you ate, Al.

I retired to my bedroom and waited for my eyes to close. One sheep, two sheep, three sheep… I was desperate. I thought counting sheep was my only hope. Fifty-two sheep, fifty-three sheep. My vision was fuzzy. Was I going to sleep now? Was I?
To be honest, this wasn't so good. I would suggest scrapping it off and just saying, how her mind drifted to other things while she tried to sleep.
“Alexandra Rae Gil,” Mama said sternly. I swallowed. I knew what it meant if she called me my full name. It simply meant I really am in trouble.
The full-name-you're-in-trouble is used a lot. Why not change it and spice it up more. Maybe show us the mom's character in the way she squints her eye or holds her head. Something like that.
Math for me is like being cooped up inside a cage of brain pecking monster-chickens.
This is good! Shows you have good potential. Keep working. :)

Description: This is where you need to work a lot. Of course, it comes with practice, so go ahead and edit it. Try not to give character info-dumps like you did with Karla, being the MC's opposite. Try to show it to us, even if you do so a little at a time. Also, bear in mind that the first chapter needn't always be an info-dump of sorts.
Dialogue: Your dialogue was fine. It was pretty good, but you could work on it to make it suit the characters' personalities even more.

I hope to've helped.
Pretending in words was too tentative, too vulnerable, too embarrassing to let anyone know.
- Ian McEwan in Atonement

sachi: influencing others since GOD KNOWS WHEN.


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739 Reviews

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Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:12 pm
xXTheBlackSheepXx says...

I can’t believe this! Do you remember a time when you wished the whole world except you stood still and you’d put things where you’d want them to be? Or do things to others the way you’d want? Well, honestly I never had that thought until today. I was pretty stupid and I could tell that even with my eyes closed or even when I’m sleeping. Maybe tripping in my shoelaces during a press conference last school year was better than what happed just a while ago. Or maybe telling Diane that Brenda has BO when Brenda was just two feet behind me was even better. I’ll never go back to school expecting all the humiliation I’d be getting.

I think it would sound better if you’d just start it out as
Can you remember a time when you wished the whole world except you stood still, and you could put things where you wanted them to be? Well, honestly I never had that thought until today.
And then go on to explain.

Just before the classes ended this afternoon, Lorna took my phone out from my skirt pocket and little did I know passed them on to our other classmates. If I knew this was going to happen I should’ve deleted or at least changed my wallpaper. Gosh. I was just checking out this wonderful story with love charms that worked. One says that if you took a picture of your crush and made it wallpaper on your phone for three weeks without anyone knowing, then you’ll win his love. Pretty dumb. I was starting to stick with it, got Mark Ting’s picture and tried to wait. I waited! And to think I had trouble taking that picture without him looking my way! (But he never did look my way so it was kind of easy for a beginner ) But just after two days and seven hours, my charm jinxed. I shouldn’t have listened to that stupid superstition.
Maybe I shouln’t have. My bad.
(shouldn’t have)

A couple of girls came and teased me that afternoon. They said nobody like Mark was going to like me. Argh. Can you believe it? I mean…really? Nobody? Obviously they liked him themselves. Mark Ting was a half chink and totally under high school girls’ list. I sighed. I was sad and pitied myself but I was furious. (Maybe- I sighed; pitiful and furious. Just a suggestion)How dare they take my phone and passed (pass) it on? I was sure my phone had reached Mark by now. I heaved an exasperated sigh.

Maybe I am not going to go back to that school again. Ever. I didn’t even tell my family I had (made)this horrible mistake. I was just sitting on the sofa staring blankly at the TV eating the Hershey’s chocolate Mama brought us from work. I felt terribly exhausted. I didn’t really know what did it but I closed my eyes and started to think who I am. It was a dumb thought but I did anyway.

Do you notice how you started nearly every sentence with “I”? Try and add a little variation.
I’ve never sat down and thought about who I was or what my name was before. It seems a little weird to me.

Oh yeah, right. My name’s Alexandra Rae Gil – or just Alex. I prefer it that way. Some say it sounds like a guy’s name but it’s okay for me. Sounds cool. But I totally am not. Could a fourteen year old girl who sits on a corner counting some flies landing on some people’s food be so cool?
Oh well, so much for that. I don’t want to remember who I am anymore. It would just depress me even more.

“Ma?” I called out from the living room. “What’s for supper?”

“Are you okay, Alexandra? We’ve just had supper,” Mama replied in a worried voice while sticking her head out from the kitchen door, probably doing the dishes with Ate Remy. “Shrimps, remember?”

Who’s Ate??

“Oh, right,” I mumbled while standing up.

I realized we did have supper, but my stomach felt really empty. I strode to the fridge and took out some brownies my brother and I baked the other day. I took out the pretty ones my younger brother baked and left the flat ones…or the ones I had baked. It was shameful to have a younger brother that outdoes everything you do. He’s still eleven but he thinks he’s older than you. Sheesh. Couldn’t anyone find a cure for arrogant-younger-brother-syndrome? I had always complained this to Mama and constantly asks(ask) her where I got (get)my genes. Mama is well-reserved and dresses the way I couldv’e had if not for some things. Papa is smart and organized. He’s a documentarist. I had nothing of their good things except that I play the guitar – something I don’t think is worth getting proud of. Ben, my younger brother got everything I had ever wanted but he didn’t seem to notice that. He was pretty good at everything. Well…almost. He isn’t such a big fan of music and books unlike me who’d spend all my allowance for them. He reads books…but only those that they are required to read. I am a much broader reader but he seems to know more things than I do. Sigh. Can’t the world rotate backwards and change its mistakes? Shouldn’t the older one be much more intelligent and cool? But I doubted the Earth even knew it rotated.

“Hey, Alexander,” Ben teased while I passed by his bedroom. He thinks that I’m better off as a boy. After all, he said, I don’t dress myself like the others do. I’m a girl, for heaven’s sake! I wanted to scream right on his face but he threw a small package aimed directly at my face. I was quick, though. I caught it with my right hand and scowled at him.

I wanted to scream right on his face but he threw a small package aimed directly at my face. There’s too much repetition there.

“What’s this?” I asked, trying to look angry (but weren‘t you already angry? Maybe say, ‘trying to scare him‘ or something). He shrugged and continued playing with his stupid computer games that I bet he’d won several times. Boy, he should be exhausted now, shouldn’t he?

I opened the package slowly in my room, careful not to rip the wrapper up. It was a gift from Uncle Manny all the way from Manila. He’s Mama’s brother and he works for a large recording company there. I frowned. Uncle Manny must’ve been lonely. He has no children and his wife died when they were still newlywed. Anyway, he’s my favorite uncle and he regularly sends packages for me here in Iligan, a small city with nothing but a few malls and a lot of waterfalls. Sometimes he sends me albums or musical instruments. Last summer he sent me my very own acoustic guitar. I was always excited each time I open a present from him. It was always a surprise…the kinds(kind) I would never outgrow.
This time he sent me an iPod with a note that said: listen to music, play more. You have a lot of showing to do when I’ll be back.
I smiled. Uncle Manny really has a wonderful taste. Plus, he likes music very much.

As I was putting down the iPod back in its box, I heard our telephone ring and quickly dashed for it.
“Hey, Alex,” the voice in the phone said. “It’s me…Karla.”
“Yeah? Um…Karla?” I wasn’t sure what to say. Maybe she’d found out everything about my cell phone secret – which is now not a secret anymore, of course. I saw my knuckles turning red from rubbing it on the rough stone table the phone was on.
“I..uh…I got your phone. I’ll come over to give it back.”

Well, I was sort of relieved when I found out Karla has my phone. She has been my best friend since second grade when someone teased me about being a wimp and she came over and talked to me like we’ve known each other since we were infants. Was I ever so glad!

I don’t think people say ‘Ever so glad’. Ever. And I would be extremely relieved if my best friend was returning my phone to me.

Karla, I could say is the total opposite of me. I am tan-skinned while hers’ isn’t. She loves sport so much and I’m asthmatic. She’s socially cool and I’m a dweeb. But there is, however something we could get along with, and that’s music. Karla plays the violin but rarely shows it to others. I wonder why cause she’s pretty good.
Karla was quite flushed when she handed my phone back and asked if she could stay for a while to tell me her story and so I could also tell her my whole story. I told mine first.
“You mean it was because of a superstition?” she exclaimed.
I nodded.
“Omigosh Alex. You’re being silly again.”
“I know. I just…well…I’m a girl too…and a stupid one, remember?”

She tipped her head to the side that made her straight hair fall at the back of her shoulders.
“At least I have it back for you.”
“Thanks, Karla.” I gave her a hug. Then I stopped. “Do you think…?”
“Yes,” she said as if reading my mind. “Mark saw it.”
She laughed a little.
“Was he mad at me?”
She gave me a look then scratched her chin.
“Nah. I don’t think so, Al. But he wasn’t really happy about it.”

I lay in bed that night praying hard that he wouldn’t be mad at me. If he’d be mad at me then it really would be dooms day. And I dreaded for that thing (what do you mean by ‘that thing’?)to happen. Mark and I aren’t even friends and then we’d go off as enemies? That’s one kind of impression. I can’t (couldn’t)sleep that night. I kept thinking what might happen the next day and also, I kept hearing my brother go ‘HWOW! YEAH! DIE YOU FOOL! HAHA!’ from his room. Gosh. Maybe my brother has gone crazy. How could a computer game make you feel really good that you’d forget about sleep? I could hardly imagine. Papa’s voice rang from their room, “Benjamin! Go to sleep now or I’ll have to send that computer to the street children!” I smiled, trying not to laugh. Ever since Papa made some documentary videos for an NGO company, he somewhat earned a soft spot for the children on the streets. I heard Ben grumble from his room but still silently saying “Haha. Yeah. Nice shot.” I’d be crazy being with this family.

If he was speaking, he wouldn’t be ‘silent’, now would he?

I looked at my alarm clock at the side table. Eleven forty-three and I’m still feeling a bit hungry. Now, I’m suspicious whether I really did have dinner. Oh, man. I’d be getting fat at this rate. And if I’d buy clothes to fit me better, I won’t be able to get the book I had been eyeing on since last week. I tried to fight my hunger but I couldn’t. I went over to the fridge and found nothing for a midnight treat except something in a plastic bag. I smelled it, but my runny nose wouldn’t let me, so I thought it was just great. I munched a little and didn’t find anything bad so I finished till the last bite.

This to me was just a bit awkward. She’s so insecure. And you didn’t even know what you were eating?

“Thank goodness,” I mumbled after I gave off a slight belch and rubbed my tummy.
“Ate?” came my brother’s voice from the foot of his door. “I could see you Ate Al. What the heck are you doing there? Ghost-hunting?” He chuckled and closed the door.
He asked me a question and didn’t even wait for an answer? He’s nuts. I could never really understand him. I think I could never understand boys…especially my brother.
I retired to my bedroom and waited for my eyes to close. One sheep, two sheep, three sheep… I was desperate. I thought counting sheep was my only hope. Fifty-two sheep, fifty-three sheep. My vision was fuzzy. Was I going to sleep now? Was I?

Ok I didn’t understand any of this. Who is Ate Al? I don’t get it.

I haven’t answered my question however, because the last thing I knew, I was awakened by my alarm clock that read six o’clock. I grunted and sat up straight as I pressed the off alarm button. Click. My stomach was aching and I went directly to the bathroom. I wasn’t having my period as I thought I had. My stomach really hurt and I can’t (couldn’t)move that much.
“Ma,” I called out weakly with my hand on my abdomen. My mum just turned around for a second and went back to her work.
“Yeah, honey?”
“My…stomach really hurts.”
Mama must’ve thought I was making an excuse to not go to school. She didn’t say anything for what seemed like an hour until she said, “Whatever you say, honey.”
Mama strode to the fridge and opened it wide. I could see she was putting the pitcher back inside to cool it.
“Where is it?” she asked with her hands on her hips. She looked like she lost a rabid dog. She searched inside again. Then she looked at me.

I’m trying to imagine the look she’s giving her. I’ve never lost a rabid dog before.

“What?” I winced still feeling the pain.
“Did you take the spoiled sandwich in the fridge? Your Papa needs it for his Biology-experiment-video.”

Oh gross!! And if he wanted the bread to spoil, wouldn’t he have left it out on the cupboard or something?

I stood there dumbfounded. I didn’t want to think I ate a spoiled sandwich. I winced again from the pain.
“That was about five days spoiled. Let’s get you to the doctor,” she said as she clutched my wrist.
“No!” I wanted to say. But I knew my voice didn’t come out. I didn’t want to go the doctor! The last thing I’ll need is the students thinking I was hiding away from the embarrassment I’d be getting at school.

I kept going to the bathroom even after we had been to the hospital. The doctor says I must stay at home for only for a couple of days if I take in some antibiotics he had prescribed. Only?! If he only knew what situation I was in. The first quarter exam would just be weeks away and I couldn’t just lie in the bed and rest. And the students are also expecting me to be there for the teasing they had prepared.
“I’ll go to school this afternoon,” I stubbornly told Mama. She was over at a table preparing some of my medicine. I thought she hadn’t heard me until she turned to me and frowned.

“I already called your school,” she said, approaching me. “They said they understand and wouldn’t pressure you much.”She handed me some pills and a glass of water which I gingerly took in all in one gulp. She had this look in her face that told me that I am about to be swooped down by my predator – Mama.

“Alexandra Rae Gil,” Mama said sternly. I swallowed. I knew what it meant if she called me my full name. It simply meant I really am in trouble. “Why did you eat the sandwich? Didn’t you know that something worse could’ve happen to you? And didn’t you know these medicines cost a fortune?”

“I…I was hungry,” I answered weakly and pretended that my stomach still hurt to avoid further nagging. But Mama must’ve known what I was up to because she just held my arm and glared at me before she walked out from my room.
I didn’t know Ben was right outside my door eavesdropping until he playfully said, “Alexander the not so Great.” He sneered at me as he went inside.

Argh. If only I could squash his face right there and then, I would. If anyone wanted a younger brother out there…please think again. Or if you insist, you could take Ben instead. “You could’ve used your head you know.”
I opened my mouth to talk but I was surprised I didn’t say anything bad but, “Right. You’re right. I should have.”

Well, maybe me thinking that Ben is right is really bad. But I knew he was right. I think I’m just too dumb to figure things out.
“It’s okay,” said my brother. “You could play my computer games if you want.”
What did he say? He said he would let me play his pc games? That was weird. What’s about it with my being clumsy? But I forced a smile and held his hand.
“Thanks, Ben. That’s really kind.”
He gave me a brief smile and said, “Whatever.” Then he went outside my room. He didn’t seem so bad after all. Well, maybe just because I admitted he was smarter than me made him feel good enough to let me use his things.
Things went a little better after that, even though I knew I might have trouble at school. I just said might. Maybe after the long absence I had, people would forget about the cell phone thingy. Papa brought me new sneakers from his seminar at Cebu and Mama made us a tray of halayang-ube which was our all-time favorite. She said however that this dessert would spoil easily so we must keep it preserved in the fridge or we’d start bawling with our tummy aches. Ben cringed. But I gave them a that’s-not-funny look and a don’t-say-anymore glare and I was satisfied for a bit.

I have to admit, playing with Ben didn’t seem so bad after all. He came home from school with a new game his classmate lent him and he was kind of excited to show me how it goes. We let out a few ‘WOOHOOS!!!’ and another ‘YOU LOSE!’ or ‘EAT DUST!’ I can hardly catch my breath from laughing.
We were both lying on his bed detangling the joystick wires when he walked over to his desk and handed me a piece of paper. It was a list, I guessed. He motioned me to read it, which I did – out loud.
1. Read/examine before eating
2. Study Math
3. Dress up once in a while
4. Exercise daily (coz your getting fat)
5. Loosen up with your OWN pc games

I figured that was the last time he’d let me play his games since he wrote the word ‘own’ so clearly I couldn’t have missed it. But I gave him a grin and crushed him in a bear hug.
Karla came an hour later with a bunch of homework. I grumbled as she smiled and asked me how I felt. I like Karla a lot. We were different in a lot of ways but somehow, we find ourselves engrossed in a lot of things together. She’s soft-spoken and bright. And she never lets me feel I was out of place. Anyway, she handed me her notebook in Trigonometry.

“Homework in this subject?” I asked in a sigh. I never really liked Math. Math for me is like being cooped up inside a cage of brain pecking monster-chickens. But I had no choice. I grabbed the notebook and began scanning it like I had seen the most horrible book that was ever published although Karla’s handwriting isn’t that bad, of course.

“How’s the students?” I asked as if I were a principal interviewing a homeroom teacher.

Would you really say that? It doesn’t sound right at all.

“Good,” she snapped back without looking up. “The same guys. Talking people on the benches and such.”

‘snapped’ is not the right word here. It implies that she is angry, which she’s not. And her last sentence sounds weird, too.

I nodded. That made me feel better. At least they weren’t acting like what(how I) I’ve expected.
I felt better when it was time for Karla to go, although my stomach still hurts a bit and I had to go to the comfort room to puke once in a while.

You told us you felt better twice.

Striding to my bedroom, I took my phone and deleted the wallpaper.

“Rubbish,” I mumbled before I changed it to a blue teddy bear-wallpaper Ben downloaded for me. I love blue, and I love teddy bears. My room curtain was in a cool shade of blue, and my bed sheets were in powder blue printed with hoops and circles of dark blue although my wall was painted plain white. Just beside my dresser is a cream white shelf for my book collection. The room is small, yes. But at least I get to have my own room, and I liked it. Ben too had his own room, and it was a lot messier than mine. There were toys and clothes around and I didn’t think he noticed it because his face is always glued in front of his computer screen.

And the descriptions of your room really weren’t necessary. Totally out of the blue. And you ended it in the middle of nowhere!

Alright, so first of all you need to split this up into chapters, because this is a mammoth chapter, and very difficult to read all at once.

I liked the very beginning to this story, your opening line was very nice and it really drew me in. I was interested in your main character, because on the surface she seemed like a real looser, and I wanted to get to know her more. However, it turns out that’s exactly what she is, and you haven’t given me any reason to believe she’s someone worth caring about. She totally disrespects herself, and has a pretty bad attitude towards everyone.

Your writing feels a bit like rambling sometimes. You put in a lot of random, unnecessary information. I don’t care what color her room is. You don’t need to say what your mom made for dessert. None of that is important.

But what bothered me the most was a huge lack of plot. Have you thought about where you are taking this story? There’s only one conflict, and that is ‘what will Mark think of me?’ and that’s really nothing to go on. By the looks of it, everything has already blown over and the topic has died down, even at school.

Hope you found some of this useful, PM me if you’ve got questions.
The bad news is we don't have any control.
The good news is we can't make any mistakes.
-Chuck Palahniuk

In the winter months, snowstorms and rainfall in the Patagonian Ice Fields can drastically affect the landscape. Worsened by heavy winds, such storms can reduce visibility and lead to glacial calving, ice collapses, and avalanches. During these conditions, travel is not advised.
— The Documentarian