
Young Writers Society

Book of Raziel - Chapter 1

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Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:18 am
Crouching Tuna says...

Here's the first chapter from my novel. I've re-written this so many times so I think there are some things mentioned more than once, or some I may forgot to mention at all!

Anyways, enjoy!

Chapter 1

Aka - Can I call you friend?

Crackles, swirls, and when I flip the burning leaves, the fiery splints dances along the flame. Tonight's not windy, something the local people say only happens when it's full moon. I look up, but the black clouds are too thick to let any light through. Tonight, the only light in this empty grassland is this bonfire, so warm and so comforting among the cold evening air. I'm alone, sitting while resting my head on my knees.

The color of your eyes used to shine as bright as that flame, but now it looks dead; red and damp.

"I know. I guess it's more fit to compare it to blood rather than fire now right?" I gave a stupid reply.

You shouldn't be too desperate like that. Good things will happen if you stay strong.

"I'm ok, Raziel. I don't feel like talking to you right now," I said, throwing myself back facing upwards. I forgot when I lost my hair tie, but now I don't really care if my hair got grass stuck in it.


"Because right now I'm dying to ask you to look at how my brother's going, but I know you can't tell me anything because your forbidden to do so," I tried to sound angry, desperate, and begging at the same time, hoping this angel could be corrupt once in a while.

Oh. That's right.



"Sometimes I wonder why I'm able to talk to you. I don't see the point," I sighed.

Yes, I wonder why too. Usually I'm the one to choose who can hear my voice, I don't remember considering letting you.

I can't really see this as a miracle. I don't like it, it's like I'm stealing someone's gift but I can't open the box, all I can enjoy is the wrapper, while having to wonder what's inside every second I possess it.

Here is Raziel, an angel. That's what he refers to himself as, but the silly thing is none of us can prove it wrong or right. If he is, I thought he would be the type of angel that flies by my side invisibly, but sadly he isn't.

Back in my hometown, I used to rest under a tree and watch people walk around. Sometimes they would stop and say hi, most of the time they just passed as if I wasn't there. I never understand them, I always wonder what it feels like to be one of those kids with parents, with so much free time to have fun, to learn, or just to be a bully. The kids, the oldies, the teachers, they all had their own ways of looking at life. I could hear their voices, without them saying it. That's when I realized, the voices came from their mind. If only I try to look from their point of view, when I look at what they see, I understand what they feel.

I guess my ability and Raziel's intertwines somewhere. He's the all-seeing angel, which means he has his eyes on every corner of this world of Panna. I'm able to read people's mind by looking at their eyes and angels are no exception. I can hear Raziel's thoughts, or voice, it's no different assuming angels can't lie. Reading his mind is like having a real conversation.

I always bragged about Raziel to my brothers, but I stopped because they never missed the chance to laugh at me.

"Mr Raziel?" My seven year old self appeared in my mind, shyly asking this angel to talk to me.


"Well, hello. My name is Aka."

I know that.

"...Well...umm...what are you doing?"

I'm writing a book.

My eyes grew larger when this angel actually responded to my conversation, "Really? What is it about?"


"What is truth, Mr Raziel? Is it like when I found out the neighbor's been cheating on his wife?"

Oh my, a young girl like you is not supposed to know something like that! ...Well, I don't know what truth is myself. The Old Man just told me to write down the things he says.

"Old Man?" I wondered, who could be older than someone that had been watching from the beginning of time.

The Generator, the Operator, and the Destroyer of all put together. You call him God, but I'm sure we're not thinking of the same one.

I didn't know what to ask. If only my brother would have just believed me about Raziel, I would have passed the topic to him, he would have been more interested. Six years have past since those peaceful moments, I don't have any more chance to let my brother know about Raziel since now my brother is most probably...dead.

Now I'm alone, with just the bonfire sparks and the clouded moon. Another rustling alerts my ear, snapping me from my reminiscence. This time it's the sound of branches cracking, I'm sure someone's been watching me.

"Who's there?" I shouted to the trees behind me. My presumption is right, a figure that's not shunned by any light moves closer towards me.

Before I can see the face, the figure speaks to me, while still walking cautiously forwards, "Excuse me...may I join you, little girl?"

Now I see a man, maybe in his twenties, with clothes half ripped half stained with fresh blood.

Umm, no, is what I had in mind, but instead I welcome him to my company, "Sure, sit down."

Now I have someone to compare to, I realize my clothes are as messy as his. Not ripped, but they're stained with dirt all over the place, perhaps my face is as dirty as his. I could probably notice the stench of blood from him too, but I've been carrying bad smell for days that it blurs my sense.

After we exchanged names and introduced ourselves a bit, this guy named Luther asks me where I'm going.

"I'm trying to reach Peril, but I think I'm lost because of a stupid sign-post I came across earlier," I say, while remembering that sign. After days of walking, I thought I had found something that would give me a solid lead to Peril, but unfortunately, the sign was really misleading. It said Peril was left, while if I looked at the sign from behind, it also said Peril was left.

"Oh, that sign?" He says while trying to hold in his laughter. "The road splits into two, the signpost is indeed a trick. You're supposed to detour from the road, and just head straight into the woods. With a bit of luck, -and a certain condition-, you'll find that cave called Peril," he explains while moving his index finger around.

"Certain condition?" I asked.

"That place was designed by powerful Caspers, the people of the wind that dwell in the heart of this continent. They placed a seal there so only when it's bathed by the full moon, the cave will show it's entrance. " He says, this time munching on the food I've been grilling, mixing a familiar crispy sound with his voice. It's just some wild yam and mushrooms, not hard to find. "I'll show you the way, if you don't mind. Tonight is the only time you can go in, I guess we were fated to meet."

An ally, is what my brother told me to have. I'm very glad I met him at this time when I'm stuck without knowing where to go. Before I agree though, I look to his face, to his eyes. Even though he looks like a nice person, I don't want to risk anything. My fear proves right.

Delicious, juicy piece of meat. That's what he thinks when he looks at me, along with such a wild beastial feeling he kept a tight hold of. Is he thinking of having me for dinner? Is that how he got all those blood stains on his clothes? It's dark, and I don't want to offend him by mentioning the stains on his clothes.

Don't worry, he's a nice person. Just watch out for him under the moon.

Raziel can't read people's mind like I can, but he has never missed anything. Maybe he knows more than me, maybe not.

To decide, it's something I have never thought of before. My brothers always decided things for themselves, whatever it was, I always followed. Raziel has given me a point, and Luther's thought has given me another to consider.

When I was feeling desperate after the tragedy, I was having doubts about what I should do. Raziel was the only one I could ask then. "Should I even continue this journey for my brother, Raziel? I don't have anyone to follow anymore,"

Faith, it's something you need to put in the equation. No matter what decision you take, you need to believe.

"How can I rely on faith, when you're holding all the truth?"

What I hold are facts, not truth. You don't get the right facts all the time, what I see may not always be right. This is when faith comes to play, you'll realize in the end, decision is not a matter of right or wrong. It's what you think is right, based on your perception. For once, without your brothers by your side, make your choice, and believe in it.

It took me some time to think. I had no valid reason to continue this journey, and just like this time, I also don't have any reason to believe this guy. The final verdict?

"Y-yes. I'll go with you," I say, trying to hide my shaky tone.

"Good, we can't waste any more time, lets get going then" He says, immediately standing up.

He is my only lead, even though he may not be an ally, I have to keep going.


I can't seem to express the MC's personality in this chapter. I'm not really sure what to do, since she's supposed to be really depressed while her usual self is cheerful. I think that's my biggest problem on this one.

Comments appreciated!
Last edited by Crouching Tuna on Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
Picture is worth a thousand words, but it uses up 3000 times the memory.

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Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:48 am
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Pippiedooda says...

Hello again! :D Sorry it took me a while to get to this, I do love this chapter though! I noticed some grammar mistakes so I'll review as one big quote with possible corrections in bold and cross outs and comments in bold brackets :)

Chapter 1

Can I call you friend?

Crackles, swirls, and when I flip the burning leaves, the fiery splints dance[s]s[/s] along (I'm not sure about along as I would think the splints were inside the flame, maybe within?) the flame. Tonight's not windy, something the local people say only happens when it's a full moon. I look up, but the black clouds are too thick to [s]give out[/s] let through (This might be better as it's not really the clouds giving the light but the sun) any light. Tonight, the only light in this empty grassland is this bonfire, so warm and so comforting among the cold evening air. I'm alone, sitting while resting my head on my knees.

The color of your eyes used to shine as bright as that flame, but now it looks dead; red and damp. (Are you talking about her eyes here or the flame? It comes across to me like you were talking about eyes but then it doesn't fit. Here's a way you could write this sentence if you were referrring to the fire-
The brightness of the flame used to shine like the colour of your eyes, but now it looks dead; red and damp)

"I know. I guess it's more fit to compare it to blood rather than fire now right?" I replied, a stupid one that is. (Do you mean her reply is stupid? If so, I'd maybe just say supidly as its a bit confusing written like this :) )

You shouldn't be too desperate like that. Good things will happen if you [s]be[/s] stay strong.

"I'm ok, Raziel. I don't feel like talking to you right now," I said, throwing myself back facing upwards. (I think you could show this action better by just saying she threw herself onto her stomach maybe.)


"Because right now I'm dying to ask you to look at how my brother's going, but I know you can't tell me anything because you're forbidden to do so," I tried to sound angry, desperate, and pleasing (Do you mean pleading here? I think that would fit better.) at the same time, hoping this angel [s]can[/s] could (I'm not completely sure about this but could just seemed to sound right instead of can :P) be corrupt once in a while.

Oh. That's right.



"Sometimes I wonder why I'm able to talk to you. I don't see the point," I sighed.

Yes, I wonder why too. Usually I'm the one to choose who can hear my voice, I don't remember considering [s]you as one.[/s] letting you.

I can't really see this as a miracle. I don't like it, it's like I'm stealing someone's gift but I can't open the box, all I can enjoy is the wrapper, while having to wonder what's inside every second I possess it. (I love this similie! :D)

Here is Raziel, an angel. That's what he refers to himself [s]to[/s] as, but the silly thing is none of us can prove it wrong or right. If he is, I thought [s]it's[/s] he would be the type of angel that flies by my side invisibly, but sadly [s]this one[/s] he isn't.

Back in my hometown, I used to rest under a tree[s],[/s] and watch people walk around[s],[/s]. [s]s[/s]Sometimes they would stop and sa[s]id[/s]y hi, most of the time they just passed as if [s]I'm not[/s] I wasn't (Even might be good on the end of this too :)) there. I never understand them, I always wonder what it feels like to be one of those kids with parents, [s]they had[/s] with (I think this runs a bit smoother but it's up to you) so much free time to have fun, to learn, or just to be a bully. The kids, the oldies, the teachers, they all had their own ways of looking at [s]this[/s] life. I could hear their voices, without them saying it. That's when I realized, the voices came from their mind[s],[/s]. [s]i[/s]If only I try to look from their eyes, when I look at their eyes, I understand what they feel. (This is a bit of an awkward sentence, I'd maybe work on rephrasing it. I think it's to do with the repetition of eyes that makes it a bit confusing. Maybe changing the first one to something about seeing things from their perspective would work better?)

I guess my ability and Raziel's intertwines somewhere. He's the all-seeing angel, [s]it[/s] which means he ha[s]ve[/s]s his eyes on every corner of this world of Panna. [s]While[/s] I'm able to read people's mind by looking at their eyes[s],[/s] and angels are no[s]t an[/s] exception. I can hear Raziel's thoughts, or voice, it's no different assuming angels can't lie. Reading his mind is like having a real conversation.

I always bragged about Raziel to my brothers, but I stopped because they never missed [s]this[/s] the chance to laugh at me.

"Mr Raziel?" My ten year old self appeared in my mind, shyly asking this angel to talk to me.


"Well, hello. My name is Aka." (I think you made a mistake here as this bit shouldn't be in italics :))

[i]I know that.

"...Well...umm...what are you doing?"

I'm writing a book.

My eyes grew larger when this angel actually responded to my conversation, "Really? What is it about?"


"What is truth, Mr Raziel? Is it like when I found out the neighbor's been cheating on his wife?"

Oh my, a young girl like you [s]are[/s] is not supposed to know something like that! ...Well, I don't know what truth is myself. The Old Man just told me to write down the things he says.

"Old Man?" I wondered[s],[/s] who could be older than someone that ha[s]s[/s]d been watching from the beginning of [s]everyone's[/s] time[s]?[/s].

The Generator, the Operator, and the Destroyer of all put together. You call him God, but I'm sure we're not thinking of the same one.

I didn't know what to ask. If only my brother would have just believed me about Raziel, I would have passed the topic to him, he would have been more interested. Six years have past since those peaceful moments, I don't have any more chances to let my brother know about Raziel since now my brother is most probably...dead.

Now I'm alone, with just the bonfire sparks and the clouded moon. Another rustl[s]ed[/s]ing [s]sound[/s] alerts my ears, snapping me from my reminiscence[s],[/s]. [s]t[/s]This time it's the sound of branches cracking, I'm sure someone's been watching me.

"Who's there?" I shouted to the trees behind me[s],[/s] [s]and[/s]. [s]m[/s]My presumption is right, a figure that's not shunned by any light moves closer towards me.

Before I can see the face, the figure speaks to me, while still walking cautiously forwards, "Excuse me...may I join you, little girl?"

Now I see a man, maybe [s]o[/s]in his twenties, with clothes half ripped half stained with something like blood. (I'm not sure about saying 'like blood' as she doesn't know what it is yet and later you say it could be dirt. Maybe instead describing the colour would work well, for instance saying a deep red or rusty brown or anything like that :) )

Umm, no, is what I had in mind, but instead I welcome him to my company, "[s]s[/s]Sure, sit [s]along[/s] down."

Now I have someone to compare to, I realize my clothes are as messy as his. Not ripped, but [s]it's[/s] they're stained with dirt all over the place, perhaps my face is dirty too.

After we exchange[s]d[/s] names and introduce[s]d[/s] ourselves a bit, this guy named Luther asks me where I'm going.

"I'm trying to reach Peril, but I think I'm lost because of a stupid sign-post I came across earlier," I sa[s]id[/s]y, while remembering that sign. After days of [s]long[/s] walking, I thought I had found something that would give me a solid lead to Peril, but unfortunately, the sign [s]is[/s] was really misleading. It sa[s]ys[/s]id Peril [s]goes[/s] was left, while if I looked at the sign from behind, it also sa[s]ys[/s]id Peril [s]is[/s] was left. (There were quite a lot fo problems with your tenses in this bit, I'd watch out for that in future.)

"Oh, that sign?" He sa[s]id[/s]ys while trying to hold in his laughter. "The road splits into two, the signpost is indeed a trick. You're supposed to detour from the road, and just head straight into the woods. With a bit of luck, -and certain conditions-, you'll find that cave called Peril," he explains while moving his index finger around.

"Certain conditions?" I ask[s]ed[/s].

"That place was designed by powerful Caspers, the people of the wind that dwell[s]s[/s] in the heart of this continent. They placed a seal there so only when it's [s]em[/s]bathed by the full moon, [s]then[/s] the cave will show it's [s]way in[/s] entrance. " He sa[s]id[/s]ys, this time munching on the food I shared with him. It's just some wild yam and mushrooms, not hard to find. "I'll show you the way, if you don't mind. To[s]day[/s]night is the only time you can go in, I guess we[s]'re[/s] were fated to meet [s]now[/s]."

An ally, is what my brother told me to have. I'm very glad I met him at this time when I'm stuck without knowing where to go. Before I agree though, I look to his face, to his eyes. Even though he looks like a nice person, I don't want to risk anything. My fear prove[s]d[/s]s [s]me[/s] right.

Delicious, juicy piece of meat. That's what he thinks when he looks at me, along with such a wild beastial feeling he kept holding (I don't think I understand what you mean here. Maybe 'he kept a tight hold of' if you are talking about him keeping a wild bestial feeling pinned down?). Is that [s]where[/s] how he got all those blood stains [s]i[/s]on his clothes? (This still doesn't make complete sense as you haven't actually offered an excuse for how he got the blood stains on his clothes, if you mean that he ate someone or attacked them then I think you need to make some reference to that. For instance you could comment on how he seems ready to attack someone at a moments notice.) It's dark, I can't tell the difference between dirt stains and blood stains[s],[/s] and I don't want to offend him by mentioning the stains on his clothes.

Don't worry, he's a nice person. Just watch out for him under the moon.

Raziel can't read people's mind like I [s]do[/s] can, but he ha[s]ve[/s]s never missed any event. (I'm not sure what you mean by event here.) Maybe he knows more than me, maybe not.

Decision, it's something I have never considered before. (I don't think this really makes sense on it's own, maybe if you said she had never had to make one before it would be clearer what you are talking about? :) ) My brothers always decided things for themselves, whatever it [s]is[/s] was, I always followed. Raziel has given me a fact, (You don't know it is a fact at this point, maybe a point?) and Luther's thought [s]gave me[/s] has given me another to consider.

"Should I even continue this journey for my brother, Raziel? I don't have anyone to follow anymore,"(You need a space here)I asked, this was right after I got separated from my brothers. Raziel had kept me company all those times.

(Have you gone back to another time here? I think you need to separate it somehow as it is a bit confusing. Maybe you could put it all into italics or something like that?)

Faith, it's something you need to put in the equation. No matter what decision you take, you need to believe.

"How can I rely on faith, when you're holding all the truth?"

What I hold are facts, not truth. You don't get the right facts all the time, what I see may not always be right. This is when faith comes to play, you'll realize in the end, decision is not a matter of right or wrong. It's what you think is right, based on your perception. For once, without your brothers by your side, make your choice, and believe in it.

It took me some time to think[s],[/s]. [s]t[/s]This is just like the time when I was full of doubt about whether I should go on or not, when my brothers were not present. The final verdict?

"Y-yes. I'll go with you," I say, trying to hide my shaky tone.

"Good, we can't waste any more time, lets get going then," He sa[s]id[/s]ys, immediately standing up.

He is my only lead, even though he may not be an ally, I have to keep going.

Overall: I did really enjoy this! I think you have a way of writing that really works, there are some grammar problems which were the reason for most of my points but your actual style of writing is brilliant. I also noticed that tenses were an area that caused some problems, always try to stay consistant in which tense you are in as otherwise it can get a little confusing.

The story itself, I can find little wrong with! I do think you could add some more imagery, for instance when they are talking describing their voices and the strange mans expressions especially as she studies his face. I didn't get much of a sense of how he looked apart from his clothing and I think seeing as she is so wary of him it might be better to make more of a note of his appearance. Seeing as Raziel can only talk to her, the voice would be more important so I would mention that too and in general just talking about how they speak can really get across their emotions and appeal to the reader. I think you could possibly describe more the surroundings, not in sight but with the other senses, such as smell and sound and touch. Because it is mostly focused around this area, a good image of the scene would help to involve the reader I think :)

I did find the switching back and forth a little confusing, I think you do need to make clear when you are talking about another time for instance using italics. I also thought that at ten years old, the MC sounded a little bit too immature in asking what truth was. I'd maybe think about having her a bit younger or maybe she could phrase it in a bit more of a mature way so the question is more philosophical as in what do you mean by truth? (If that made sense :P)

As for the problem you mentioned about getting across the MC's character, I thought you actually did quite well! I think you could maybe improve by emphasising her feelings to show how out of character she is at the moment. Seeing as she has been walking for so long, maybe saying something about how exhausted physically and drained mentally she is would be good and making comments like that throughout this chapter. You could also talk about how she wants to do the right thing but then the counterargument of her own depression and exhaustion. So if she was perhaps wanting to be polite to this stranger you could say something about a part of her wanting to and feeling a stab of guilt at how rudely she reacts to him. If you just explain more her own thoughts and emotions I think you can better get across her character :D

I don't really know what they are doing at the moment as in why she is travelling but the story does work so far without that knowledge, maybe just giving some more hints or revealing more in later chapters would work? And also about her own appearance as I haven't got much of a sense of what she looks like yet. All in all though great work! I'm sorry my comments are so long :P they are all just suggestions and my opinion so ignore them if you like, hope I've helped! :)
"Your mother is a hamster and your father smells of elderberries"
-Monty Python and The Holy Grail

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Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:50 am
PolkaDotSocks says...

hI. i didnt read the prologue so maybe thats why i was a bit lost ( I couldnt figure out where was she, where was she going or why so i was a little confused ). I like how you write, though. The CM is weird in a good way and i really love where the story is heading. Havent read that much angel dramas so its refreshing. So far its been one of my favorites, even though its only the first chapter. Really hope you keep writting. :P

Ps theres this book you might like "City of Bones" by Cassandra Clare. I know it has nothing to do with the story anyways.
When you want something, the whole universe conspires to make it happen.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:30 am
Phantomofthebasket says...

Hello! Basket again!
Same reviewing process as before, mkayy?
Let's get started. :D

I'm alone, sitting while resting my head on my knees.

Try switching "while" with "and".

I said, throwing myself back facing upwards. I forgot when I lost my hair tie, but now I don't really care if my hair got grass stuck in it.

Ahh, this is kind of wordy and confusing, and it doesn't really make sense...
"throwing myself on my back", maybe instead.
And you don't really mention anything about caring about getting grass in the hair, and you go right into not caring about it. Make sure you mention that.

but I know you can't tell me anything because your forbidden

you're. :wink:

Yes, I wonder why too. Usually I'm the one to choose who can hear my voice. I don't remember considering letting you.

Change the comma to a period after "voice"
And change "considering letting" to "allowing".

I don't like it, it's like I'm stealing someone's gift but I can't open the box, all I can enjoy is the wrapper, while having to wonder what's inside every second I possess it.

Run on sentence!
Try doing that.
"I don't like it. It's like I'm stealinf someone's gift, but I can't open the box. All I can enjoy is the wrapping, while having to wonder and wait to see what's inside every minute I possess it."

Here is Raziel, an angel. That's what he refers to himself as, but the silly thing is none of us can prove it wrong or right. If he is, I thought he would be the type of angel that flies by my side invisibly, but sadly he isn't.

This would be nicer to know sooner in the story. :wink:

under a tree and watch people walk around.

Nix "walk around".

"Mr. Raziel?" My seven year old self appeared in my mind, shyly asking this angel to talk to me.

Woahhhhhhhh. What? Where did this come from? =/

"What is truth, Mr. Raziel?

"Old Man?" I wondered. Who could be older than someone that had been watching from the beginning of time?

If only my brother would have just believed me about Raziel. I would have passed the topic to him and he would have been more interested. Six years have past since those peaceful moments and I don't have any more chance

Now I see a man, maybe in his twenties, with clothes half ripped half stained with fresh blood.

"...ripped and stained with fresh blood."

Umm, no, is what I had in mind, but instead

I would italsize that since she's thinking it.

bad smell for days that it blurs my sense.

Nix that.

"With a bit of luck, -and a certain condition-, you'll find that cave called Peril," he explains while moving his index finger around.

"...luck--and a certain condition--you'll..."

It's just some wild yam and mushrooms, not hard to find.

This is unneeded...

"Good, we can't waste any more time. Lets get going then" He says, immediately standing up.

Ahh, I will be completely honest with you...
I have absolutely no idea what's going on. You have a great story here, its kind of just jumping all around the place. I can kind of get an idea, but try to explain things a bit more. Remember, the reader always knows less than the writer, and if the writer doesn't explain things, the reader will get lost and confused, and you could lose potential readers.
Very, very good story--great, thought-out plot it seems--just try to explain more. :wink:
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These were autumn mornings, the time of year when kings of old went forth to conquest; and I, never stirring from my little corner in Calcutta, would let my mind wander over the whole world.
— Rabindranath Tagore, The Cabuliwallah