
Young Writers Society

Untitled (I'm still thinking of a title)Chapter one

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Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:34 am
curlygirly says...

“Cam, let’s go back.” Savannah Parker begged.
“Ah, sis come on. What could possibly happen?” Cameron Parker said turning his truck onto the one-lane gravel road. The tires crunched over the rocks, as they headed through the pitch-black foot hills.
“I don’t know... but I don’t want to go up there.” She shivered at the thought of going to the cemetery at midnight.
“There aren’t any ghosts, it’s just a myth.”
“Yeah,” Savannah’s best friend Ashlee rested her arms on the back of the front seat. “You don’t actually think it’s haunted.” Ashlee snorted and burst into giggles.
“Stop Ash! What if it is!” Savannah shivered again.
“It’s not, so cool it.” Mike Black said propping his feet up on the back of Cameron’s seat. Savannah flipped around.
“Shut up Mike, your scared too.”
“Right,” He rolled his eyes.
“You...” She started.
“We’re here.” Cameron interrupted, pulling the car up into a small gravel parking lot at the side of the road. Everyone was silent as they stared up at the gates of the old Fort Boise Military Cemetery.
“Don’t turn to the car off.” Savannah whispered. “If you turn it off you won’t be able to turn it back on.”
“Savannah, it’s just a myth.” Cameron said, turning the car off, and opening his door. Savannah shook her head and sighed. She couldn’t believe she had agreed to come. Ashlee had pressured her into saying yes when Savannah’s twin brother Cameron and his friend Mike had asked the two girls to go with them.
“You coming?” Cameron asked as he opened her door for her.
“I guess...” She either went or stayed in the car by herself. She stepped out of the truck, and let Cameron shut the door behind her.
“Ready?” Mike asked. Savannah swallowed the knot in her throat.
“Yes,” Ashlee walked up the trail next to Mike.
“It’s okay sis, there’s nothing here.” Cameron punched her arm playfully. She didn’t reply, she couldn’t. Terror filled her. Her whole body shook as they walked closer and closer to the black iron gate.
“Got the camera?” Mike called back to Cameron.
“Yeah,” Cameron replied flipping the on switch
“All right,” Mike whispered as the group of four reached the open gate. Savannah squeezed her eyes shut, and took a deep breath. “Let’s go in.” He took a step foreword.
“Wait.” Ashlee whispered sticking her arm out to stop him from going in. Her face was white her eyes wide.
“What? Your not listening to Savannah are you?” He rolled his eyes.
“M...maybe she’s right. Mike... th... that tree is on the outside of the fence...” She stuttered.
“Yeah and?” He tapped his foot impatiently.
“I... It was on th...the inside when we got here.”
“How do you know that?” He asked.
“I looked when we pulled up. Cam’s headlights were shinning directly at it. I know that I saw it on the inside of that fence.”
“Weird...” Cameron said. “Maybe your eyes are playing you.”
“No,” Mike said a grin spread across his face. “That’s part of the myth. If the tree is on the outside of the gate it means your welcome in. If it’s on the inside of the gate it means do not enter.”
“Well... how could it possibly change back and forth?” Savannah whispered.
“I don’t know...” Ashlee replied. “Guys we should go...”
“No way! Not when we’re just getting started!” Mike stepped through the gates, and pulled Ashlee in with him.
“Mike...” Ashlee tried to pull away.
“Come on Ash, don’t be a lamer!” Mike tugged her forward. Cameron and Savannah followed Mike.
“MIKE!” Ashlee screamed.
“Just a few minutes,” Mike whispered. Ashlee looked around wildly.
“I’m scared...” She whimpered.
“Let’s go...” Savannah felt fear rising in her throat.
“Shh...” Mike said. They stood in silence looking at the marble headstones closest to them. Savannah titled her face up and looked at the stars, trying to forget where she was. A warm breeze blew gently across her face. Suddenly the air turned icy. Savannah grabbed Cameron’s arm.
“I know.” His voice sounded shaky. He turned the camera around the graveyard.
“Shhhh!” Mike shushed. They stood a while longer in silence, but the warm wind returned. They began to wander around, shinning their light on various headstones. They came to a large memorial stone, with six names on it. Five were children, who died very young, and one must have been their father.
“I wonder how they died...” Savannah trailed off.
“Me too...” Cameron whispered.
“The legend is that they are the ones haunting this place...” Mike made his voice deep. “They wander searching for the family they have lost.” Savannah shivered and let her eyes roam the hillside. Suddenly a giggle broke through the silent night air.
“What was that?” Ashlee shouted. Mike swung his flash light around the cemetery searching for the source of the laugh. They saw nothing.
“I don’t know!” Mike exclaimed, his face was white, he was scared now too, his flash light stopped on a tombstone. It was broken, as if someone had kicked it over. Savannah saw that the name on the tombstone had been scratched off. The four leaned in reading the name in silence. Suddenly a spine tingling scream pierced through the cold night air. They jumped back wildly. Savannah’s heart pounded, terror filled her entire body. They turned and ran as fast as their legs would carry them back to the truck. They jumped in, and Cameron shoved his keys in the ignition. He turned the keys. Nothing happened.
“Cam!” Savannah screamed not looking back at the graveyard.
“I’m trying!” He said turning his keys a few more times. “Come on! Come on!” But no matter how hard he tried the truck wouldn’t start.
“I told you!” Savannah exclaimed, punching the dashboard.
“Get out, were going to have to push it back to town.” Cameron mumbled jumping out of his truck.
“Ash you steer,” Mike said opening his door, and stepping out. Ashlee crawled over the seat, and took the wheel. Savannah sighed, and got out of the truck. She refused to look back at the graveyard, she was terrified of what she would see. She walked around to the back, and stopped dead in her tracks.
“Cam!” She exclaimed.
“What?” He shouted exasperated.
“Look!” She pointed her eyes wide. There were children’s hand prints along the right side of the the truck. Cameron had washed his truck that morning.
“What the...” He trailed off. “Let’s get out of here.” They pushed the truck as quickly as they could away from the graveyard. As they pushed the truck, Savannah glanced back. In the moonlight she saw the tree was on the inside of the fence...

So thats chapter one. I'm just looking for advice, and what ya'll think of it. Thanks!
The perfect story is always there, asking to be told, to be written down on paper--and writers are always trying to capture the magic of the idea on paper so that they can keep it forever or share it with the world.
- Annie Peroutka

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Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:47 am
Sam says...


The idea is very cool (I'm a sucker for ghost stories :P), but your presentation needs a little work. Let's take a look, shall we?


Yep, it's true. You've got pretty good dialogue, but there's so much of it that you skip over line after line of dialogue and don't absorb any actual story. You could either flesh it out lots (which I would recommend doing a bit of), or you could use a little trick.

You probably remember this from English class:

Active sentence: the subject is the direct recipient of the verb. The elephant ate the clover.
Passive sentence: the subject is still the recipient- but in a more roundabout way. The clover was eaten by the elephant.

Which one (first of all) used up more words? The passive sentence. And which one was slower to read? The passive sentence!

Whee! Do we sense a trend, or what?

By switching some of the descriptive sentences you have between dialogue bits, you can make the piece- and the reading pace- a lot slower and a lot better.

'She shivered at the thought of going to the cemetery at midnight.'

could be:

'The thought of going to the cemetery at midnight made her shiver.'

That's only one word longer, but the sentence sounds better. Hmm...I need a better example...

'They stood in silence looking at the marble headstones closest to them.'
could be:
'Looking at the marble headstones closest to them, they stood in complete silence.'

It's still not a heck of a lot longer, but it's slowly paced and it's a better. (Especially since the next couple sentences could use some blending.)


Here are some spots you'll want to do over again, with a lot more description. You can use the passive technique here, too.

'“We’re here.” Cameron interrupted, pulling the car up into a small gravel parking lot at the side of the road. Everyone was silent as they stared up at the gates of the old Fort Boise Military Cemetery. '

Here, I want to know:

a) Where exactly they are (I have no idea where Fort Boise Military Cemetery is)
b) More importantly what their immediate reaction is
c) What they're hearing
d) What they're smelling, too, if you're bored enough. :P

'“I’m trying!” He said turning his keys a few more times. “Come on! Come on!” But no matter how hard he tried the truck wouldn’t start.
“I told you!” Savannah exclaimed, punching the dashboard.
“Get out, were going to have to push it back to town.” Cameron mumbled jumping out of his truck.
“Ash you steer,” Mike said opening his door, and stepping out. Ashlee crawled over the seat, and took the wheel. Savannah sighed, and got out of the truck. She refused to look back at the graveyard, she was terrified of what she would see. She walked around to the back, and stopped dead in her tracks.'

I want to see a little more stress here. You're trapped in a cemetery at midnight and your truck won't start? Yeah, you're going to be a little freaked out.

I also want to know what Savannah thinks she'll see. You keep mentioning myths and stuff, but of what? We've never been to this particular cemetery before.

That's pretty much it from what I can see.

Thanks for giving me something good to read!
Graffiti is the most passionate form of literature there is.

- Demetri Martin

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Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:05 am
Nox says...

There's too much dialogue and not much description like Sam said. Here is my review:

"You don't actually think it’s haunted." This would look better if it was a question: "You don't actually think it's haunted, do you?".
"Don't turn to the car off." A simple mistake: "Don't turn the car off.".
"he was scared now too, his flash light stopped on a tombstone" The word is flashlight not flash light.

This story needs more feelings because fear is one of our strongest emotions. People can be afraid of different things so maybe the four characters experience different things. I can clearly see that Savannah is afraid of ghosts and the others I'm not so sure about.
You need to add a little about the so-called myth, maybe a small paragraph about what makes the cemetery scary and if there are a few things other people who have been to the cemetery left behind.

Good try the story kept me interested unlike some stories that get interesting in the middle.
In all the time we have
There is never enough time
To show what is in our heart.

“Can a magician kill a man by magic?” Lord Wellington asked Strange. Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. “I suppose a magician might,” he admitted, “but a gentleman never could.”
— Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell