
Young Writers Society

Locked Away for Summer Vacation: Prologue and One

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Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:57 pm
Kay Kay says...

I wrote this a year or two ago when i wasn't very good at writing stuff like it so I know it probably is gooing to have a lot of fixing to do. I came across it and decided to post and see if anyone likes it. So tell me what you think.

They all have their excuses for the summer of 2002. The summer that the rich kids at The Four Season Apartments got locked away for summer vacation.
Cameron Hanson exclaims that if it had been on a Thursday that he would have been at the mechanic's getting his car fixed.
Violet Everhart had said at one time that if it had been Tuesday; she would have been watching the last baseball game for the Ocean View Sharks.
Rex Welling states that if it had been Tuesday; he would have been playing in the game.
Renee Horndiker said that if it had been Wednesday that she would have been at the dentist getting her braces tightened.
Lionel Brinkly claims that if it had been Monday; he would have been working on the rest of his science project that had been due Tuesday.
Since it was Friday, the last day of school, these five rich teens were without plans and were all riding the bus. Many whom didn't know them very well would think that they were all very good friends; seeing on how they are neighbors. That was the summer though that brought them together in an unforgettable friendship.
1. Cameron Hanson - Ocean View High School Shark's quarterback for three years. Lives with his uncle whom is a doctor ever since his parents died in a car accident when he was sixteen. Age nineteen.
2. Violet Everhart - Captain of the cheerleaders for the sharks. Lived with her mother and stepfather since her father died the year before; they are realtors. Age seventeen.
3. Rex Welling - Pitcher for the Ocean View Sharks for two years. Lives with his dad, whom is a lawyer and two younger siblings because his parents are divorced. Age eighteen.
4. Renee Horndiker - The best flute player in the sophomore band. Lives with her mother, a professional flute player, since her parents got divorced. Age sixteen.
5. Lionel Brinkly - Valedictorian. Lives with both his adoptive parents whom own a grocery store, Yummies. Age seventeen.

CHAPTER ONE: Unusual Bus Ride
Being the last day of school, I was able to get out of last hour early. So I actually got to the bus with time to spare. Usually, I didn't ride the bus, but since my car was unable to be driven, I thought what the heck.
I climbed onto the bus expecting to be alone, but Rex Welling was sitting there talking on his cell phone about a car. What a coincidence, my car was in the shop getting a new paint job too. I walked past him to the back seat.
When I get home, I thought to myself, I'm going to call Leena and see if she wants to go to the beach with me. Leena Stratford, a junior at Ocean View High School, had been my girlfriend for almost a year now. At first, I had just wanted some, but somewhere along the way we fell in love.
The bus quickly filled up causing the noise level to increase big time. "Thank god I'll never be going to school with all these blasted people ever again," I said to myself. Thinking this, I slipped on my headphones. The music blaring in my ears covered up all the noise as I began drumming on my kneecaps. Then, I closed my eyes, drifting into a light sleep not knowing the consequences.

My stepfather's BMW drove up beside me just outside the buses. He rolled down the window and ordered, “Get in the car. I've got to get you to that summer camp."
That summer camp which I had been attending since I was thirteen seemed like a waste of time. A devious thought popped up in my head; if I didn't get into Frank's car then I could say that he never came to pick me up.
"Thanks, but no. I'd rather ride the bus home and not go to Camp Caudle," I sneered. Then, swinging my hips, I walked up to the bus, my mini skirt swishing.
I looked back at Frank whom was looking very grim and smiled a smile of delight. It was then that I climbed onto the bus and headed for the closest decent person to sit next to, Rex Welling. Being my neighbor, I had always wanted to get to know him because not only was he decent, but very good looking as well.
"Is it okay if I sit next to you?" I questioned him coyly. Rex smiled a smile revealing his perfect white teeth. "Sure."
I sat down next to him and crossed my legs; resting my clasped hands in my lap.

I glanced over at the very cute girl sitting next to me, Violet Everhart. Over the years I had grown very attracted to her, but never knew how to tell her, which had never been a problem for me before. I'm guessing it's because she had always been special to me.
She saw that I was looking at her, and smiled. "Hey Rex, good game yesterday,” she said, looking into my blue eyes with her own.
"You were there watching?" I asked her with a showing of surprise.
"Yeah, I was cheering you on when you hit that winning homer along with everyone else."
I smiled at Violet again causing her eyes to twinkle like they had last time we had talked about a month ago in the hallway. She likes me.
"So are you seeing anyone?” I questioned her knowing the answer already. Okay, I admit it; I like her too.
She shook her head no. I exclaimed," I'm surprised. Well, in that case, you want to catch a movie tomorrow night?"
"I'd love to."
Little did we know that we would be wishing that our lives were the movie.

The bus took off. Sitting next to my neighbor, Lionel Brinkly I pulled out a book to read from my purse. I opened the book and began reading silently to myself. Since I was grounded from my car that I had just recently received for my sixteenth birthday, I was being forced to ride the bus, and would rather spend it to myself.
Suddenly, Lionel asked, "Did we get a new driver during the year or something?"
I looked up form my book to the driver. Sure enough, there was a different driver than the bus usually had.
"I guess Mr. Wheeler got sick or something," was my only comment before I returned to my book.
One of the students in the front area of the bus yelled, "Hey you skipped my stop!"
The driver simply said, "Sorry. Will one of you on the last stop please give me the directions?"
Rex Welling and Violet Everhart looked back in our direction waiting for one of us to go up to the front. So Lionel yelled, “Sure."
I watched as he made his way to the front and then focused my attention on the other two from my stop. They had continued their conversation.
It was then that I heard soft snoring from behind me and turned around in my seat. Cameron Hanson had fallen asleep while listening to his CD player. The only thought that entered my head before I went back to my book was, what a hottie?

This guy whom was supposed to be driving the bus wasn't a very good driver. He kept slamming on the breaks without any reason and never stopped at the right places.
"Hey can you please not do that?" Violet Everhart asked above all the noise. But the driver ignored her.
I looked back at Renee Horndiker. She was reading her book again; one head tilted to the side. One strand of blond hair fell over her face. She's cute, I told myself silently. Maybe I'll try hooking up with her sometime.
It was then that the stop before us got off. "Stop at the bottom of the next hill,” I instructed him. "That's where the rest of us get off at."
I noticed then that Renee was leaning over the back of the seat doing something. To this day, I still don't know what. The new driver went past the stop and kept going.
"Hey you missed the stop,” I told him, but he ignored me.
"Hey you kind of missed our stop!" Rex Welling said, noticing that the driver had ignored me.

Renee Horndiker had just awakened me and I was trying to get myself to wake up. When my eyes finally did open, something occurred to me. Didn't we just pass Lionel Brinkly's house? I pulled off my headphones and realized there was a different driver then the last time I had ridden.
"Hey man, what's going on?” I demanded.
The guy said, “Oh, I have to pick up my friend, and then I'll drop y'all off."
"What!?" Renee questioned the driver from in the seat in front of mine. It seemed a little odd to be picking up a friend, but I didn't complain. Maybe this driver wanted to have to drive more to get paid more.
A few minutes later, the bus pulled to a stop and a man in a big overcoat climbed in. A big overcoat in the summer time? It was then that I knew something odd was going on.

Instead of the bus going towards our stop, it kept heading toward the ferry docks.
“Hey, I thought you were taking us to our stop now. I have some important summer plans to arrange."
The man in the coat pulled out a black pistol. "There's been a change of plans."
Cameron Hanson, who is very good looking asked, “What’s the deal? I don't have time for this; I've got to get my car out of the shop."
"Same here,” Rex stated.
"I've killed before so don't screw round,” the man informed us.
The driver commented, “Yes you have."
Rex stood up bravely saying, “Okay the joke's over. Now let us off before I call the police."

A shot was fired and we all gasped. Violet grabbed my hand. The bullet had gone through the ceiling of the bus. The man with the gun yelled, “Hand over the phone."
I clutched my phone in the hand that did not hold Violet's hand. On it was a text message for anyone whom would find my phone. It was: FIVE TEENS INCLUDING MYSELF HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED BY A STRANGE BUS DRIVER AND A MAN IN A LARGE OVERCOAT. WE ARE IN BUS FORTY-SEVEN.
"Do it, Rex,” Violet whispered.
Instead, I threw my phone out the window into the back of a truck that we were passing; knowing that this bus was going to be reported missing soon. The man with the gun who then told us to call him Budd said, “Even better. You two get up here beside the brunet."
Cameron Hanson and Renee Horndiker slowly got into the seat beside us. Everyone was silent after that.
Quarrels would not last long if the fault were only on one side.
--La Rochedoucauld

"An unexamined life is not worth living..."

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267 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1050
Reviews: 267
Thu Aug 18, 2005 11:17 pm
Boni_Bee says...

this is pretty cool, although a bit confusing with all the changing of characters. post more soon :)

life is so much better with tater tots
— AilahEvelynMae