
Young Writers Society

"Addicted" Part one

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Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:26 am
DuckaKellBell says...

I am writing a story called "Addicted" right now, and I to know if you guys think it's good so far. I am writing it in chapters, and I am on chapter 9 right now. I will post a few chapters at a time. It starts out a little slow, but I promise it gets better! Anyways, let me know what you guys think! Thanks!

Chapter 1

My life is so hectic right now! I have three schools I am set to talk to, plus my fiancee and I have plans to go out sometimes this week. My life is so exciting right now, though. I mean I have a wedding to plan for, but the best part is that it's not just my sister or brother's wedding, it's not even my best friend's wedding (yes, I had to plan them all, well, help plan them.) But it's MY wedding I have to plan for! I am marrying the sweetest guy ever! He's so perfect! And he's totally opposite of my last boyfriend! (Thank God!)

Ok, so I am getting a little head of myself. My life wasn't always perfect. Before I met my fiancee, Graham, I dated a real loser. Or maybe I was the real loser for loving him so much, and being so stupid. Blah, there I go again, getting ahead of myself. I am just going to start from the begining of my whole story, since the beginning is usually the best place to start...

Chapter 2

It was the first day of our junior year in high school. My God was a senior this year, meaning soon he wasn't going to be going to our high school anymore. I had to meet him. I had to become his girlfriend! I spent too many years drooling over him. This was my year to get to know him!

I aimlessly walked over to this tall, black haired guy who was my God. I loved him so much, but yet I knew nothing about him. Not even his name. But this day, I would change that! I didn't care what anyone thought, I just wanted to be with him everyday. I wanted to wake up to his beautiful smile every day. This was the year I was tired of always dreaming about being with my God, this was the year I wanted to make my dreams come true.

"Hi." I tapped the back of his shoulder. He was taller than I thought. I had to look up to see his face. But when he turned around and smiled at me, I melted.
"Hi? Do I know you?" He was so confused as to why I would be talking to him.
I couldn't do anything, I stood there like an idiot. Here was my only chance to be with my God, and I was just staring off into space. He just mezmorized me.The way the sun beat down on his head, the way his smile could just brighten up my day. Say something, Kelly! Don't blow it! "Umm, no..well you might. Umm, well, you might have seen me in the halls." I gave him a cheesy smile.
"Right, yea, now I remember you!" He said sarcastically and turned back around to talk to his preppy friends, probably about me. I just started to cry and cry and cry. I couldn't stop it, although I knew pretty much now the whole school was staring at me. I felt like such a loser, but I only had one chance to be with him, and I blew it. Jessica, my best friend since forever, noticed I was crying and started to come over...but my God turned back around to talk to me before Jessica could reach me. My heart stopped.
"Why are you crying?" This guy was just getting annoyed now.
I stopped crying when he turned back around to talk to me. Good! This is my chance. I am just going to tell him how I feel, I hope it works! "Hi, I'm Kelly (I stuck out my hand like an idiot. He looked at me like I was nuts. I just brought my hand back down.) I am a junior, and well, God, Kelly, just spit it out! I have had the biggest crush on you since forever. Will you go out with me? No, I mean can we-"
Before I could say anymore he bent down and kissed me on the lips! I was speechless, I couldn't believe my plan worked!
"Hi, I'm David...and yes."

At that moment, I was so excited, my friends were excited for me when I told them about David. Even my mother was excited. But how was I to know that this day would change me- forever?

Chapter 3

It has been a week since David and I started going out. We were falling madly in love! He was so funny and sweet. And I can't forget hot. He was like this angel sent from Heaven, he was just perfect! I loved everything about him.

Anyways, I can still remember our first date. It was so magical. Alright, so it was just to the movies, but let's be honest, who goes to the movies to actually watch a movie? I can't even tell you what movie we saw. But I can tell you that he was one good kisser.

As I was falling more in love with David, I seemed to forget about everything else around me. My best friend Jessica and I hardly saw each other any more, only at school. The weekends and after school was my David time. We were always together. Always. That tended to become a problem, though. A big one, actually.

"Hey Kel, it's 5 o'clock, you were suppose to come home RIGHT after school today!" My mother would always hound me. At least I wasn't like my brother and come home from school at like 7. But when ever I'd bring that up mom would just say "Well, that's cause he's in sports! Sports is different than going out on dates!" And when ever I would ask her why she'd go into her mother lecture mode and start yelling at me. Although I have to be honest, about the only thing I got out of those speeches was "Go to your room!" I liked it when mom told me to go there. It was a place where I didn't have to listen to mom, or to my brother and sister always fighting. Plus, I got to call David. Well, at least until mom would come upstairs and hear me talking to someone. She bought the whole story that I'm talking to our dog until mom realized we don't have a dog! Got to love how stupid parents are, right? Do you want to know the sad part? It took mom like two months to figure out we don't have a dog. So meet Bob. I created him. He was my 'imaginary friend'. Yea, I told mom I had one of those too, but she didn't buy that one for as long. You should have seen her face the night she came into my room to talk to me, when she sat down on my bed I yelled "Don't sit there mom, that's where Bob is!" She jumped so high, cause she didn't want to sit on him. But once she noticed me on the floor having a fit of laughter, she realized there was no Bob. That was the end of my 'imaginary friend' days.

My family had always been a bit, um, how can I put it nicely? A bit off the wall. My parents were always fighting, but they swore up and down that they still loved each other as much as the first day they met. Yeah right. Then my brother, Jason who was a senior, he was like the biggest sport jock you would ever meet. Then my younger sister, Alyssa, who was in the 8th grade, was the biggest nerd you'd ever meet. And me? I was neither. I liked to call myself the 'middle class'. I wasn't into sports, but I also wasn't no nerd. I was me. You can probably tell that my brother and sister had a lot to fight about. They would fight about anything and everything. I would usually just sit back and watch how dumb they were. My favorite arguments would have to be the whole 'I'm cooler than you!'. There was my big mucho brother on one side, and my scrawny little sister on the other yelling back and forth "I'm cooler!", "No, you little retard, I'm the cooler one!" Jason would always have to throw in the retard. Like it made him the bigger person or something.

So, that was my family life, as for my school life, it wasn't much different. I didn't really have a group, like I wasn't the prep, or the nerd, or the jock, I just had my own group of friends. There was Jessica, Lindsey, Ashley, Janet and Mary. They may not have been popular or anything, but they were my friends and that was why I loved them so much. Before I started going out with David, they would come over every Friday for pizza and a movie night. It may not have been the most exciting thing, but it was something to do, and it was fun for us. We didn't need drugs or alcohol, or even a club to have fun. Nope, we just made our own fun. Pillow fights, staying up all night, gossiping. Oh yea, we did it all. My parents also loved pizza and a movie night. I think they sometimes looked more forward to it than me. I could never figure out why. But then again, what kid can actually figure out their parents? They work in very weird ways.

But once David and I started going out, I didn't have time for pizza and a movie night anymore. They were always at my house though and my friends still showed, and my parents would still buy the pizza and rent a movie- without me! I swear it took them like four weeks before they even noticed I wasn't there. Again, you gotta love how stupid your parents are. I liked it better when they didn't notice I wasn't there, though. David and I were free to do anything that we wanted, and we could stay out as long as we wanted. Which was usually all night. But after we did that for about four weeks, I couldn't stay out all night anymore. That was the first time I noticed 'it' in David...

Thanks for any help!!

Last edited by DuckaKellBell on Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
I met Kelly Clarkson 4.22.05 at Boston! WOO!
She called me 'So Cute' and 'So Sweet'!

~Darci Caitlin Faye~

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Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:49 am
Hope says...

DuckaKellBell wrote: "Hi, I'm Kelly (I stuck out my hand like an idiot. He looked at me like I was nuts. I just brought my hand back down.) I am a junior, and well, God, Kelly, just spit it out! I have had the biggest crush on you since forever. Will you go out with me? No, I mean can we-"

You need quotation marks after Kelly but put them back in before she tells him she's a junior.

DuckaKellBell wrote: ""Well, that's cause he's in sports! Sports is different than going out on dates!"

You only need one quotation mark before well, I'm sure it was just a typo but just thought I'd point it out. Also when she says Sports is different, it should be Sports are different. It just sounds better.

DuckaKellBell wrote: I wasn't into sports, but I also wasn't no nerd.

She wasn't no nerd? She wasn't a nerd.

Yeah, it's good. You should post more though then maybe I'll be more into it. I liked it though. You might try some more description. Hope I helped.

Embrace the total dork in yourself, and enjoy it, because well... Life is to short to be cool.

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Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:42 pm
QiGuaiGongFu says...

I think the indication in that line is, "i was no nerd." despite gramatical inacuracies, it has more effect with that intonation than "I wasn't a nerd." Both are declaritive statements, but the formost statement has a little more punch to it.
For centuries, theologians have been explaining the unknowable in terms of the-not-worth-knowing.
- HL Mencken
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~Baske in the randomness~

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Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:55 pm
Emma says...

The story was pretty good. Maybe a little confusing. The plot seemed a little unreal at this bit.

I stopped crying when he turned back around to talk to me. Good! This is my chance. I am just going to tell him how I feel, I hope it works! "Hi, I'm Kelly (I stuck out my hand like an idiot. He looked at me like I was nuts. I just brought my hand back down.) I am a junior, and well, God, Kelly, just spit it out! I have had the biggest crush on you since forever. Will you go out with me? No, I mean can we-"
Before I could say anymore he bent down and kissed me on the lips! I was speechless, I couldn't believe my plan worked!
"Hi, I'm David...and yes."

To be honest, I would never do a thing like that. And nor would a lot of people. At first you made it sound like he thought the girl was some sort of freak, then all of a sudden he kissed her.

Maybe your problem is - Is that you don't describe stuff as well as you could. Maybe work on your similes; when and where to put them. So when you said:

Before I could say anymore he bent down and kissed me on the lips! I was speechless, I couldn't believe my plan worked!

You could of said:

Before I could say anything else, he bent down and gently pressed his lips against mine. My insides bubbled up in excitement. I didn't know if this was real or not. Words could not escape my mouth, I was in shock. I couldn't believe my plan had worked!

"Hi, I'm Kelly (I stuck out my hand like an idiot. He looked at me like I was nuts. I just brought my hand back down.) I am a junior, and well, God, Kelly, just spit it out! I have had the biggest crush on you since forever. Will you go out with me? No, I mean can we-"

Instead I would of put:

"Hi, I'm Kelly" I smiled nervously.
I stuck out my hand like an idiot. He looked at me like I was nuts, embarrassed I brought down my hand - Looking away from his gaze.
"I am a junior, and well..." I muttered,
'God, Kelly, just spit it out!' My mind screamed at me,
"I have the biggest crush on you, since forever! Will you go out with me? No, I mean can we-"

I'm not great at story writing, but that is what I would put instead. It's really good though. Honest. That's all I am helping you with, as I have to go in two minutes so I haven't got much time to do the rest.

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Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:04 pm
DuckaKellBell says...

Thanks guy for the tips...they really helped!

And just to let yall know, I know that 'no nerd' isn't correct, I did that on purpose because these are supose to be journal entries, and I wanted to show she's not perfect. As the story contiunes, it will begin to make more sense.

But thanks for the tips! They really helped! And I'm glad you guys liked it so far. And I have the next 3 chapters up too in "Additced part 2"

I met Kelly Clarkson 4.22.05 at Boston! WOO!
She called me 'So Cute' and 'So Sweet'!

~Darci Caitlin Faye~

It’s not unorthodox, I thought it was beautiful.
— Jimi Hendrix