
Young Writers Society

Unexpected Hatred

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Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:30 am
armonia says...

Chapter 1

The night was hot, but beautiful. The dark night sky filled to capacity with stars, and the moon shinning brighter than I can ever remember. My seven-teen year old sister, Joy, and I were home alone… again. Our parents where always out on business. It was the year they didn’t make it home for my birthday; I turned eleven that year. Our nanny took the night off and Joy and I went outside to play with the soccer ball she got me. We played for hours. Her golden blond hair whipped through the air as she chased me around in circles, up and down the hills around our house.

“Got ya,” She said laughing as she ran away.
She was always faster than me, but not that time. I was determined to beat her.

“I'm catching up to you this time!” I yelled to her. But I ran out of breath, I knew couldn’t beat her. She looked back at me then slowed at the sight of me struggling to keep up. I was determined to beat her. As though out of breath Joy leaned over her knees just long enough for me to pass her.

“HEY!” she yelled before getting up. Then ran just slow enough for me to stay in front. As we reached the yard we both stopped to catch our breath.
Still breathing heavily, she asked, “Want to play soccer?”

“Sure I replied.” After running to the porch to get the soccer ball she kicked it to me. It whipped passed my head, barely touching my face.

“Nice kick, if you are trying to kill me.” I laughed as I ran to get it. I turned to kick it back to her my face went blank and I felt cold. Three shadows were surrounding Joy. Her face froze, she yelled to me,

“Run Claire, Joy yelled to me, run inside!” I was panicked but I couldn’t leave her. Joy tried to get away but the men grabbed her arms.
“GO! NOW!” She screamed again. I darted towards the door; on the porch I looked back to see one of the men pull a gun from his pocket. Tears ran down Joy’s face.

“Claire, shut the door!” she screamed. I hesitated but as closed the door I heard a gun shot.

“No!” I cried, “no.” Tears rolled down my face like rain. I didn’t go back outside till I knew they were gone. I walked out the door, the warm breeze turn to ice, Frozen I stood on the porch. They were gone but so was Joy. Not even her body lay there.

“Ok it was a whole five years ago. I thought you would be over that by now. We all miss Joy very much but come on its your sweet-sixteen party we are going to.” My mother said. “Will you please get a little excited?” she asked me.

“Yeah”, I said, “I'm excited.”
I could tell by her face she knew I wasn’t really excited. Every year on my birthday I remember that night, minute-by-minute it replays like a bad commercial. I couldn’t stand the thought of her not being with us.

“Come on ladies,” My father said. He had that creepy “I have a surprise for you” grin. “We should be going your; friends will get restless.”

“We’re coming darling.” mom replied to him. My mom looked at me and we both went to the garage to meet my dad.

“So Claire, did you invite any boys?” He asked as I opened the car door.

“Yes” I said,” I invited all the kids in my grade.” “That’s great, sweetie, are they coming?” mom asked. “How do I know?” I grumbled.
Of course I knew the place would be full just like every year, but no one ever came for me. And personally I don’t blame them.

“You must have a boyfriend by now, you’re so pretty.” My father added.

“Thanks but no, I don’t have a boyfriend, I don’t really have many friends.” I told them.

“Oh, sure you do, what about April she was always nice?” Dad asked.

“Nope, she hates me” I said. We drove for about 5 more miles.

The truth is that ever since I was eleven I kind of excluded myself from all my friends even my best friend Katie. We still go to the same school but we don’t talk much more, just the occasional Hello or Goodbye in the hall. But nothing more than that, really. I don’t have a boyfriend because most the boys at my school are jocks and why would they want to date the ‘outcast’ of the school. I don’t care too much for them well except…never mind…So I just go through the day as the outcast that I am, walking through the halls as no one cares to pay any attention.

“We’re here!” My father said with that creepy grin, as we pulled up to a large building with a pool, game room, TV room, and a concessions room full with popcorn and candy, drinks and smoothies. My parents looked back at me as to ask my approval. I gave a smile that said, YAY! But all it looked like to me was a day full of calories and swim suits that just make me feel worse about the way I look.
Not to my surprise, most the kids that I Invited came, I could tell by the cars. I knew it was only because they knew my parents had money, so they knew it would be a good party which the parties always where because after Joy died I became their little princess, now I get everything I want and then some. Since this was to be “My SWEET 16” Everyone was sure to be pleased.

Oh and don’t get me wrong I appreciate everything my parents have ever done for me…and that’s just why I have decided to try and find some new friends. I walked through the door and no one looked, not that I expected anyone to. I walked straight to the concessions stand tables and sat alone. But then I remembered what I had planned to try and do. I stood up but then the screech of a microphone made everyone stop talking. I sat back down. My dad stood on the stage, smiling now like he won a million dollars. ..

“Attention” he said. “Welcome to all of you guys and gals. Thank you for coming, and I hope you have a great time here today.” My mom walked up the stairs to the stage whispered something in my dads ear and smiled. They both looked toward their audience then toward me. “If we could have our lovely daughter, Claire to come up here.” My dad said into the microphone.

Now I haven’t seen most these people all summer and according to my mom I have “blossomed” over the summer. I wasn’t so sure about that but I guess I was about to put it to the test. I walked up to stage and then my dad came to hug me.
“OK now, Will please everyone follow me up to the outside courtyard.” Dad said. Like a pack of wolves the crowd moved out side. My eyes where closed and covered by my moms hands…I felt the air get hotter so I knew we had gone outside and then I heard gasping from the crowd. Mom uncovered my eyes and both mom and dad yelled…”surprise!!”

Sitting there in the middle of a huge grass courtyard lay a small box.

“Ummm? I said.

“I know I know that’s not what you wanted to see. But we are on a budget. I mean this party wasn’t very cheap.” My dad said.

“Go open it!” someone yelled from the crowed. So I went to open it. Inside there was a charm, and fluff. I didn’t say anything because maybe my parents did spend all the money on my party. Then I felt something under the fluff. I pulled it out. A key. A grin spread across my face like a kid on Christmas. My dad pulled open the gate of the courtyard there stood a yellow Hummer H3.

“AHHHH! I screamed, Thank you thank you thank you!” I ran to hug my dad, Then my mom. Everyone clapped then went back to the party. I stood looking at my new car.

Joy would have loved to see this. I stood there staring at the beautiful new car in front of me, thinking of everywhere Joy and I could have gone,
A voice came from behind me. “Beautiful.” He said.

“Yeah it is,” I said.

“I meant you.” He said with a nervous quiver.

“Was that a line?” I said without turning around.

“Yeah, he said with a laugh, Did it work?” I turned around to see a tall guy about 6 feet something with dark brown eyes that seemed to take me in. I felt as though I didn’t want to look away.

“Hi.” He said, let me introduce my self. I’m Charles."

"Hi, I'm Claire." I said back to him.

We both walked back into the party. A slow song came on as we entered the main dance floor.

“May I have this dance?” he asked.

“Well, I'm not much of a dancer.” I said.

But the way he looked at me made me not care whether or not I had two left feet. I took his hand and he led me to the dance floor…I hated to dance more than anything, but as he put his arms around my waist. I smiled. Wishing I could share this moment with my sister, my smile faded. While a single tear ran down my face.

OK i know i posted this In TSR but i really need help starting the 2nd paragraph...HELP PLEASE!!
Last edited by armonia on Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
amor, pérdida, y la vida vivimos en medio.

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Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:33 am
Sam says...

Yay! Another 13-year-old! (I had my birthday three days ago- I feel very grown up. :P)


- You've got an interesting main character. She's rich, but she's an outcast- a little bit unexpected, no? Good job on that.

- There's action right at the beginning to keep us hooked. (You also use a great little bit of foreshadowing- you know, the whole 'We're all alone, now!' thing that usually means something weird is going to happen.)

- The line about how the kidnap played over in her head 'like a bad commercial' is sheer genius. Suddenly, I'm hearing the 'Free Credit Report Dot Com' commercial jingle in my head...


- Work on your first two sentences. They're a little lackluster as they are, and could probably be combined to get some sort of effect like this: 'The night was hot, but beautiful with the dark sky cluttered with stars and the moon shining more brightly than I can ever remember'. When you're writing (and revising, too!) always think of new ways to say certain sentences if you don't quite know what to say or if it just seems a little unglamorous.

- On the line where she says that her parents didn't make it to her birthday, I would combine the parts before and after the semicolon since the semicolon (hah, repetitive) makes it seem really choppy. Transpose a little to make it sound something to the extent of: 'It was the year my parents weren't there for my birthday- the year I turned eleven.'

- There are two things questionable about the fact that the nanny left.

>>A) Most well-meaning parents who are away all the time are usually a little bit overprotective and would probably make sure that someone was at the house 24/7.

>>B) If the parents aren't exactly like that, they probably wouldn't bother hiring a 'nanny' at all- after all, the older sister is seventeen, old enough to take care of herself and another person. I'd add in that the nanny was there in case the sister wanted to go out or something like that- whatever floats your boat.

- 'Golden blonde hair' is a bit of a clichè. Is there a more innovative way you could say that? Or, would it be better to just leave it as 'blonde hair'? Also, if she's out running around, she'd probably have it tied back.

- Claire mentioned that she was certain she couldn't beat the sister...and then was determined taht she would. A) It's repetitive and B) Claire can't make up her mind! You're the writer- you can do that for her. :wink:

- Claire asks the sister to play soccer after they're finished running, but this is confusing because earlier you mentioned that they were out playing soccer. I'd clear that bit up a little bit so you don't lose your readers so early in the story.

- With the description of 'shadows' surrounding Joy, we're not quite sure what to make of this story. Is this sci-fi? Fantasy? I'd put something like: 'hidden in the shadows were men' and so on.

- Joy yells when her face is frozen. Yes, that doesn't make much sense, does it?

- Joy starts crying when the men come closer to her. I might research this a little more if I were you, but I'm pretty sure that crying isn't a normal reaction to shock. I could be wrong, though. *shrug*

- You mention that there's no body- so how do we know that Joy is dead? If there were a body (or you mention that they found one later on) it'd be a little more definitive.

- Make sure that you put a line between each new character's dialogue- it's grammatically correct and less confusing that way.

- The dad wonders why Claire doesn't have a boyfriend yet and is a bit eager on the subject. That's pretty unusual for a father (:wink:)- I'd change that bit or explain why he's so enthusiastic, since it's not really clear if there is indeed a reason.

- The parents are a bit blithe to the fact that Claire outright states that she has no friends. Wouldn't there be a wince or an 'Aww, honey, that's not true' somewhere in there? I'd put in a more compassionate response or an explanation why there isn't one.

- You mention in two places that the father has a creepy grin. Unless you make him change the creepy grin, he's grinning that way through the rest of the section, until you change scenes. I'd fix one or get rid of one altogether.

- You switch tenses about...here: 'Oh and don’t get me wrong I appreciate everything my parents have ever done for me…and that’s just why I have decided to try and find some new friends. I walked through the door and no one looked...' :wink: I do that a lot too- it's just something you really have to pay attention to or get someone to pick through it.

Oh, and another thing I forgot to add to my list of likes, now that I've read through the story again:

- I like the fact that we're sympathetic to Claire. This makes it especially great for us when she finally finds a guy that likes her- it's pretty cool. :D
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Thu Jul 27, 2006 5:23 am
Ares says...

Ok, this is going to take a little time for a proper critique, so I'll do it tomorrow. Sorry I haven't gotten to it yet.

For now, my reply to this is 'lightly revise'.

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Thu Jul 27, 2006 11:46 am
Swires says...

I dislike your first paragraph, you use "night" too often in the first sentence and its just a little messy.

Other than that, Sam covered everything, and well done. A good start
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Thu Jul 27, 2006 9:53 pm
Misty says...

Sam DID cover everything!!! But you know what, I'm going to review it ANYWAY, because I'm new(ish) and I need to review some stuff before I start posting. And because I care. :P Deeply, I do.

Okay you repeat yourself about three times here saying "I was determined to beat her," "I knew I couldn't beat her" and "I was determined to beat her." All in about one paragraph. Sam's right, in another sense, it's ridiculous that the Nanny took the night off, and also, golden blonde is really really cliche. Sam was getting on me for the same thing when I said "jet black." So you know what I did? I gave my main character a haircut and a purple, blue and pink dye job. Is that cliche? I don't know, but I'd rather be on the absolute opposite end of the spectrum than be "normal." Hemingway, a brilliant (as I'm sure you know) writer once said, "If you're going to write either improve upon the last work you wrote, or do something that's never been done before." That's a paraphrase, I can't quite remember the quote, but they truly are words to live by.

“Nice kick, if you are trying to kill me.” I laughed as I ran to get it. I turned to kick it back to her my face went blank and I felt cold. Three shadows were surrounding Joy. Her face froze, she yelled to me,

“Run Claire, Joy yelled to me, run inside!” I was panicked but I couldn’t leave her. Joy tried to get away but the men grabbed her arms.
“GO! NOW!” She screamed again. I darted towards the door; on the porch I looked back to see one of the men pull a gun from his pocket. Tears ran down Joy’s face.

“Claire, shut the door!” she screamed. I hesitated but as closed the door I heard a gun shot.

“No!” I cried, “no.” Tears rolled down my face like rain. I didn’t go back outside till I knew they were gone. I walked out the door, the warm breeze turn to ice, Frozen I stood on the porch. They were gone but so was Joy. Not even her body lay there.

Grammatical errors in the 1st paragraph. "I darted to the door, looking back I saw..." sounds a little smoother. Secondly: how would she know they were gone? Did the breeze LITERALLY turn to ice? And gun shot should be gunshot.

“Ok it was a whole five years ago. I thought you would be over that by now. We all miss Joy very much but come on its your sweet-sixteen party we are going to.” My mother said. “Will you please get a little excited?” she asked me.

Not exactly a smooth transition, hon. What kind of mother is so callous as to talk that way? And her sentences...her words...they are not adult. They are child.

“Yeah it is,” I said.

“I meant you.” He said with a nervous quiver.

“Was that a line?” I said without turning around.

Very cute. Very well done. But a Hummer? Been watching Sweet Sixteen much lately?

So you're thirteen years old, and y ou're at about the same level as I was at that age. You wanna read someone ahead of her time, look at Sam's stuff. Hourglass, for instance. But that's for another time. Email me if you have questions or need further help and examination freakygreeneyes17@yahoo.com

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Fri Jul 28, 2006 3:59 am
Ares says...

Revise revise revise! Read it silently and out loud and you should spot most of the stuff. The people above me pretty much got evrything though.

Anyways, this was a nice piece, it just needs to be revised....

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Fri Jul 28, 2006 5:18 pm
armonia says...

Thanks for all your help. And Bringin back sexy, The mother is soposed to talked that way, It goes with the plot of the story. Although i see what you mean in saying she sounds like a child. And no I havent seen sweet-sixteen, but i have heard if it. And as my dad says (he is a writer) "you must be a bad writer before you get to be a good writer." And i know im not that good of a writer but hopfully as i keep writing i'll get better. Anyway thanks again for all your help. :D
amor, pérdida, y la vida vivimos en medio.

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