
Young Writers Society

The Unknown Game-1

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Reviews: 29
Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:53 pm
bunnie_i_am says...

Slowly I sat up, holding my aching head. I felt as though it had been slammed against a rock twenty times, and the rest of me didn't feel much better. my arms were literally covered in bug bites, and a sharp pain filled my neck. I reached for the soar part and felt two more bug bites.

Where was I? I didn't live anywhere near a forest, and yet I was surround by trees. I didn't see anything familiar around me, and the last thing I remember was falling asleep at home...

I had nothing until the slight buzz of a phone filled my pocket, but as I looked at it, I realized it wasn't mine and I didn't know the number that was calling me. I debated ignoring the unknown number, but I thought maybe who ever it was could help.

"Good mourning, Lyla. I'm glad to see you are awake." Who was Lyla? "As you most likely have realized by now, you are stranded in the Amazon Rain Forest." Um, no. "And there is venom running through out your veins, which will soon kill you." Not going to lie, I didn't get that one either. "Lucky you!" he chuckled as he said this. "You have been selected to play in this age old game that you have never heard of, but don't let that bring you down!" Like learning I could die hadn't already? "There is a way out of your fate,but no one in over five hundred years of playing has." Oh what joy. "but you see, I am a vampire, and I want you dead." Have I gone crazy?"But please, don't take it personally, I just want to win." To late, creeper. "My enemies, the werewolves, want you to live, they would like to win as well." Yep, I'm definitely crazy. "You see, the winner controls the next game, and if they win, there will not be one." And that's a bad thing? "So, I must win, or my kind will kill me." Yeah, so just kill me instead. "Like I said before, it's nothing personal. Bye." Click.

"What the hell?" I screamed, spinning, look for anything, but like before, finding nothing.

The phone buzzed once more.

"Hi, you must be Lyla. I'm Ryan, and I promise, I'm not trying to kill you," he chuckled slightly, as if it was funny.

"My name isn't Lyla," was all I said.

He chuckled again. "It never is. Anyways, there is a vaccine you need to stop the venom, but you must find it within the forest, in less then 72 hours. Do you understand?"

"Um... I woke up in a rain forest! I don't understand anything that's going on today! I'm pretty sure I'm going crazy, and you think I understand? I've been told that both vampires and werewolves are really, and you think it makes since to me?"

"Riley, please, just breathe." I know that voice! "We will get you through this, I promise. We will win this time." Who was that?

"How do you know my name?" Please, please tell me!

"Lucky guess." I hate liars. "I'll tell you after we win."

Holy shit! "You're not Ryan, you're-" Click. "Dillion."

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262 Reviews

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Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:30 pm
ultraviolet says...

'Ello there! I'll be your reviewer for today. :mrgreen:

Blue = Things I liked
Red = Corrections
Bold = Comments

bunnie_i_am wrote:Slowly I sat up, holding my aching head. I felt as though it had been slammed against a rock twenty times, and the rest of me didn't feel much better. my arms were literally covered in bug bites, and a sharp pain filled my neck. I reached for the soar part and felt two more bug bites.

Where was I? I didn't live anywhere near a forest, and yet I was surround by trees. I didn't see anything familiar around me, and the last thing I remember was falling asleep at home...

I had nothing until the slight buzz of a phone filled my pocket, I didn't really understand this sentence. Did you mean heard instead of had? If so, edit. If not, clarify.but as I looked at it, I realized it wasn't mine and I didn't know the number that was calling me. I debated ignoring the unknown number, but I thought maybe who ever it was could help.

"Good mourning, Lyla. I'm glad to see you are awake." Who was Lyla? "As you most likely have realized by now, you are stranded in the Amazon Rain Forest." Um, no. "And there is venom running through out your veins, which will soon kill you." Not going to lie, I didn't get that one either. "Lucky you!" he chuckled as he said this. "You have been selected to play in this age old game that you have never heard of, but don't let that bring you down!" Like learning I could die hadn't already? "There is a way out of your fate, but no one in over five hundred years of playing has." Oh what joy. "But you see, I am a vampire, and I want you dead." Have I gone crazy?"But please, don't take it personally, I just want to win." Too late, creeper. That part really made me laugh! Though that probably has to do with the many inside jokes me and my friends have about creepers.... "My enemies, the werewolves, want you to live. They would like to win as well." Yep, I'm definitely crazy. "You see, the winner controls the next game, and if they win, there will not be one." And that's a bad thing? "So, I must win, or my kind will kill me." Yeah, so just kill me instead. "Like I said before, it's nothing personal. Bye." Click.

I liked all of her little comments in between. The only thing wrong with that I think is the paragraph length. It's really long. Maybe start a new one every time or so the guy talks. It will make it easier to see what are her comments and his talking. Right now it's hard to tell because the quotations marks are close to both.

"What the hell?" I screamed, spinning, look for anything, but like before, finding nothing.

The phone buzzed once more.

"Hi, you must be Lyla. I'm Ryan, and I promise, I'm not trying to kill you," he chuckled slightly, as if it was funny.

"My name isn't Lyla," was all I said.

He chuckled again. "It never is. Makes me want to know more. Nice.Anyways, there is a vaccine you need to stop the venom, but you must find it within the forest, in less then 72 hours. Do you understand?"

"Um... I wouldn't make her hesitate so much, because she does go on to yell at him. Or if she does hesitate, I wouldn't have all the exclamation points. At least not right away. I woke up in a rain forest! I don't understand anything that's going on today! I'm pretty sure I'm going crazy, and you think I understand? I've been told that both vampires and werewolves are really, and you think it makes since to me?"

"Riley, please, just breathe." I know that voice! "We will get you through this, I promise. We will win this time." Who was that?

"How do you know my name?" Please, please tell me!

"Lucky guess." I hate liars. "I'll tell you after we win."

Holy shit! "You're not Ryan, you're-" Click. "Dillion."


I really liked this! I want to know more. I want to know who Dillion is. That's always a good thing. The only offset is the whole "vampires and werewolves" thing. Overdone. However, if you find some way to make it stand out or different from all the rest, then this could be really amazing! But when working with a cliche, you have to work a lot harder so that it doesn't make people groan and say, "not this again." Because that's usually where they stop reading.

Also, your grammar is almost perfect, and I spotted next to no misspellings. Nice job! *like*

Mind PMing me when the next part's up?

loveness, ultraviolet
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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162 Reviews

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Reviews: 162
Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:54 pm
silentpages says...

'Slowly I sat up, holding my aching head. I felt as though it had been slammed against a rock twenty times, and the rest of me didn't feel much better. my arms were literally covered in bug bites, and a sharp pain filled my neck. I reached for the soar part and felt two more bug bites.' Twenty times? Seems to me like they'd be dead if that were the case... One time should suffice. ;) Soar should be sore, and why did she only get two bug bites on her neck if her arms were literally covered?

"Good mourning, Lyla." Morning.

'there is venom running through out your veins, which will soon kill you' through her veins? Out of them? Which is it?

"but you see, I am a vampire, and I want you dead." I don't think the 'But' is neccesary. Just say, "You see, I am..."

'I've been told that both vampires and werewolves are really, and you think it makes since to me?" ' They're really.... Really what? Mean? Fluffy? Mad at Stephanie Meyers? ;) Also, since should be sense.

"My name isn't Lyla," was all I said... "It never is...' This was good. ^^

This could use a liiiittle work, I think. It's not bad, and the premise - vampires and werewolves involved in an age old game, with a human being the pawn in said game - is intriguing, but I'd like a little more elaboration on some things. Take for instance the description of the setting.

We learn that she's in a 'forest' with 'trees all around'. Then later we find out that it's a rainforest. There's a lot more to rainforests than trees, and when I hear just 'forest' I think the deciduous trees scattered around my hometown. She could describe the specific kinds of trees and other plantlife, the wildlife, the sounds, the humidity... Don't get bogged down, but give us something more than just trees.

The phonecall is a little odd... If the vampire wants her dead, I don't think he'd call her and tell her that. The werewolves - if they want to keep her alive - seem more likely to do that, honestly, to warn her...

I'd like to learn a little more about the characters, too.

Basically, this is good, but I want more! Keep working on it. :)
"Pay Attention. Pay Close Attention to everything, everything you see. Notice what no one else notices, and you'll know what no one else knows. What you get is what you get. What you do with what you get is more the point. -- Loris Harrow, City of Ember (Movie)

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13 Reviews

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Points: 1040
Reviews: 13
Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:28 am
gabriella says...

I love love love love your idea here. I think there needs to be more detail, though. Do you think you could explain the game just a little bit more? Mostly having to do with the vampires and werewolves? Other than that, I can not wait to keep reading!
There is no secret left unspoken.

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17 Reviews

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Reviews: 17
Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:06 am
TheEvilWithin says...

bunnie_i_am wrote:Slowly I sat up, Poor way to start, it's the horrible ly word "slowly". holding my aching head. I felt as though it had been slammed against a rock twenty times, and the rest of me didn't feel much better. my arms were literally Why literally? There is no reason for us to doubt this, so delete "literally". covered in bug bites, and a sharp pain filled my neck I personally believe this is a poor way to describe somebody feeling pain in their neck. Filled? No way. Reword that. I reached for the soar part and felt two more bug Word "bug" is redundant, we know this already. bites.

Where was I? I didn't live anywhere near a forest, and yet I was surround by trees. I didn't see anything familiar around me, and the last thing I remember was falling asleep at home... No way. I don't care how much those bites are stinging, if you wake up in a forest, you're noticing the forest first. Perhaps you could reword this and use it as a beginning, hmm? It would be a nice hook.

I had nothing until the slight buzz of a phone filled my pocket, Huh? but as I looked at it, I realized it wasn't mine The phone teleported into her hand? and I didn't know the number that was calling me. I debated ignoring the unknown number, but I thought maybe who ever it was could help.

"Good mourning, *morning Lyla. I'm glad to see you are awake." Who was Lyla? That is obvious, and ruins the dialog. "As you most likely have realized by now, you are stranded in the Amazon Rain Forest." This girl doesn't seem that observant, actually. It's not like she has google maps, either. I don't think she would realize that. Um, no. Again, this ruined the dialog. "And there is venom running through out your veins, which will soon kill you." Not going to lie, I didn't get that one either. This isn't a complete sentence, and also ruins the dialog. "Lucky you!" he chuckled as he said this. "You have been selected to play in this age old game that you have never heard of, but don't let that bring you down!" Like learning I could die hadn't already? "There is a way out of your fate,Meh, I tend to avoid this f word. It's just plain wrong.but no one in over five hundred years of playing has." Oh what joy. "but you see, I am a vampire, Oh, that was an odd surprise. This didn't even seem vampire-esque. I'm not sure if I like that. and I want you dead." Have I gone crazy?"But please, don't take it personally, I just want to win." To late, creeper. "My enemies, the werewolves, want you to live, they would like to win as well." Yep, I'm definitely crazy. "You see, the winner controls the next game, and if they win, there will not be one." What? So if she wins, there isn't a game to control, then, so why say that? And that's a bad thing? "So, I must win, or my kind will kill me." Yeah, so just kill me instead. "Like I said before, it's nothing personal. Bye." Click.

"What the hell?" I screamed, spinning, look for anything, but like before, finding nothing.

The phone buzzed once more.

"Hi, you must be Lyla. I'm Ryan, and I promise, I'm not trying to kill you," he chuckled slightly, as if it was funny.

"My name isn't Lyla," was all I said.

He chuckled again. "It never is. Anyways, there is a vaccine you need to stop the venom, but you must find it within the forest, in less then 72 hours. Do you understand?"

"Um... I woke up in a rain forest! I don't understand anything that's going on today! I'm pretty sure I'm going crazy, and you think I understand? I've been told that both vampires and werewolves are really, Real. To be honest, I didn't really think she was all that surprised. You need to show us how she felt about that in more detail. and you think it makes since to me?"

"Riley, please, just breathe." I know that voice! "We will get you through this, I promise. We will win this time." Who was that?

"How do you know my name?" Please, please tell me!

"Lucky guess." I hate liars. "I'll tell you after we win."

Holy shit! "You're not Ryan, you're-" Click. "Dillion."

Things I liked: I liked the first line of Ryan's dialog. Something about the way he was amused drew me in to him, but then towards the end, he kinda became a little flat like the other characters, no offense. But that brings me to what I didn't like.

Things I disliked: Pretty much every character's dialog. Their speech and word use was too simple and undefined for them to really stand out. That vampire guy, he should have spoke a little more formally. Towards the end of his speech, he sounded like a child trying to explain something complicated. Attention to detail! Think about how your characters talk and how what they say makes them different to everyone else. It'll go a long way.

I didn't think much of the tone, I couldn't really work out what kind of genre this is. In fact, is this in the sci-fi section? I can't remember which forum I clicked into. If it is,then this is a fantasy, not a sci-fi. I guess that's why the vampire part confused me.

Also, her little angsty comebacks during vampire-guy's speech have got to go. They were annoying and really made me want to hit her. If you woke up in a forest and learned that vampires exist, you wouldn't be all sarcy, you'd be scared. Show that, please. Remember, readers don't need a character to be funny in order to earn their love.

One more thing I liked: I did like the whole game thing. It's an interesting concept and I would like to read on to learn more about it. However, if this takes a road down twilight street, then I'm getting off the bus. I don't do twilight.

Keep writing and improving,


silentpages wrote: They're really.... Really what? Mean? Fluffy? Mad at Stephanie Meyers?

I read through the other reviews after I wrote mine (to make sure I didn't just repeat what everyone else said). Silent, oh lol.

For in everything it is no easy task to find the middle ... anyone can get angry—that is easy—or give or spend money; but to do this to the right person, to the right extent, at the right time, with the right motive, and in the right way, that is not for everyone, nor is it easy; wherefore goodness is both rare and laudable and noble.
— Aristotle