
Young Writers Society

Upon Waking part 2

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Sat Jul 04, 2009 5:28 pm
Faia Merth says...

Okay, here's the second little bit. I've tried to fix all the past and present tenses, which I am having great difficulty with for some reason. I've never had that problem before. Please enjoy and I appreciate everyone who reviews or comments :D

The creature nodded, tapped its fingers on the board and started to turn its body towards the sliding door. I paused and turned it's expressionless face back to me and said,” In 0.15 hours, Jackie will be transfered to the DIC Ward to join the other Dreamers."
I couldn’t think clearly, questions spun around in my head wildly. Barely managing to pry my mouth open, I whispered desperately,” Please, can you answer at least one of my questions?” The creature nodded its deformed head, lowing its clipboard.
“Am I really dead? This is heaven? This horror chamber is where all the dead go? Or... am I in hell?”
“The phrasing of Jackie’s questions is confusing. Jackie is not dead as she were never alive to begin with, only a shell of a human deep within the Dream, of which Jackie has just woken from. Jackie has her memories intact so she is now a Dreamer. Please wait patiently for J87 to bring Jackie to the DIC Ward.”
I shut my eyes and let myself fall back onto the pillows of the bed as the creature left the room, the door sliding firmly shut after it. Tears of frustration and fear began to form at the backs of my eyes, but I forced them away. I needed information on my situation and I needed out. Now. I had 15 minutes before J-whatever came and got me.
Fear and confusion held me in their cruel grasps, but I ripped them from my body and threw my legs over the side of the bed. The gown wasn’t as long as I had hoped. It just barely made it to the middle of my thighs, counting out the idea of ripping it to make something useful. I could use the bed sheets, but then I would have to carry it with me.
My hair wasn’t tied back with anything and there were no cables or wire within the room that I could see. I had already looked around for a light, but found none. The room just seemed to be lit. Okay, well, this doesn’t give me much to work with.
The small bedside table was just a plain white box which could be called a table, no drawers or cup of water on it. Just a box. Very helpful. Nothing to work with. Guess I’m just completely winging this.
Pushing myself up onto my feet, I took small baby steps towards the sliding door. Putting weight on my feet felt weird, as if I had never put weight on them before. Walking felt worse. My feet just wouldn’t move how I remembered. I practiced walking forwards and backwards along the small space in the room and then crouching, moving silently and moving the rest of my body to my liking.
Once I felt prepared, I placed my hand on the smooth, pure white sliding door. It was made from metal and one of the smoothest things I remember having felt. I ran my hand along it, trying to figure out how to open it. It wasn’t motion detective, or else it would have opened while I was getting used to my body and there didn’t seem to be any handles of any sort on it.
Searching around the outsides of the door and on the floor, no buttons or levers presented themselves to me. It had just seemed to open for the creature when it walked towards it. I thought about it for a second and then focused myself on willing the door to open. I felt childish and stupid for even trying, but just as I was about to give up, the door slid open.
I felt my jaw being to drop, but I held it in place. Weird, alien creatures and doors that open when you will them. I wonder what other surprises I’m in for today. Suddenly the creatures monotonous voice blasted from outside the door, nearly making me jump out of my skin. “Jackie has passed test #1. 4 More to complete and she will be done.”
I groaned inwardly. Tests? Well, if they were as easy as this one, I would be fine.
Feeling more confident with my abilities, I edged forward and peered around the left side of the door. There was a long, narrow hallway with no doors, no windows or anything of the sort and I couldn’t see the end of it, just the whiteness of its walls. To my right was a matching hallway. Oh great, is this like pick one way and die, pick the other and move on? Kinda seems like some screwed up horror movie and I’m the main character.
I took a deep breath, calmed my heart and cleared my mind of all my confusing thoughts. The hallway to my right felt like it was the right one, so I started silently down the left one.
After walking for at least ten minutes, I saw no sight of a door, a window, a button or J87. I had tried to will the walls to move or something to appear with no avail. The plainness and pure white walls were making my pounding headache worse, slowing my reactions and thinking capability.
Suddenly, I saw a flash of black not that far ahead of me. It was small and could move very fast, seeming to have disappeared now.
“Hello?” I called, slowing to a stop and staring at the spot where the black object vanished. “Is there someon-something out there?”
There was no answer and just as I was about to continue on my way, the wall lifted up to my right and something warm hit my side, slamming me to the floor. I moaned and look to see what hit me. A small girl, around the age of eight, stared at me with huge, frightened eyes. She wiped her head to look behind her, scrambled to her feet and screamed,” Run!” She took off down the left hallway at a sprint.
I stared at her for a moment and then moved my gaze to the hallway she had come from. Two monstrous dog-like beasts were charging down the hallway faster than I could imagine. They were still pretty far away, but I could still see that they weren’t normal dogs.
They were abnormally huge with blazing gold eyes and slavering jaws lined with rows of nail sharp teeth. The first dog creature was a light brown and the second midnight black, both wearing red bands around their necks with a glowing green symbol that I couldn’t make out. Their paws looked to big for their bodies, with claws that extended way to far out.
Just seeing these things make guard dogs look like cuddly puppies. I stared for a moment longer and then took off as fast as I could after the small girl, who was far ahead of me now. She’s fast. When I was living, I was always good at the sprints at school, but now was a whole different matter. My very life was on the line, while at school, it was just my pride. The dog creatures rounded the corner, one of them slamming into the wall by the sound of it. I forced myself to go faster, the girl only feet ahead of me.
I wanted to ask her some questions, since she seemed pretty normal looking to me. Curly light blond hair with big blue eyes and pale skin. Somehow the dogs behind me didn’t seem like a threat anymore, even if they had huge teeth, long claws and murderous eyes.
Before I knew it, my feet skidded out from underneath me and my head exploded with images and whispering voices that I couldn’t make words out of. Feeling like my head was about to burst, I struggled to rise back to my feet. The images were becoming faster and the voices quieter. I was able out one sentence and the barrage of images stop. “Wait. The dogs weight will trigger the getaway.”
Barely able to stand, holding the wall for support, the floor began to shake under me. The dog creatures were less then ten feet away from me now. I could see their fangs and eyes so clearly now. Every inch of my body was telling me to run for my life, so instead, I held out my hands and smiled. My vision faded and the creatures were upon me.

(I think that I fixed most of the tenses problem in this bit, but knowing myself, I've probably missed a bunch of spots. This is suppose to be a past tense btw. :P This is still my first draft so all the grammar things aren't worked out either. First things first, I need to get the story written :D)

I appreciate everyone who reviews and comments! :smt060 omg.... this elephant just needed to be in here XD :elephant:

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Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:51 am
Abocreature says...

Hello again, Faia.

For good points...

Wow. Simply amazing. The story is developing very well. Questions were pouring from my brain throughout the reading. I could feel the fear, and the ferociousness of the dogs. I didn't see any of it coming, which is a very good thing.
Your tenses got a lot better. Keep it in mind more often.

And for bad...

Some spell check is in order. Not much, but definitely go over it. But, like you said, it's the first draft. And story is definitely more important than spell checking it all.

Overall, this is a great story and, even though it's only been two chapters, I would recommend this to anyone fond of sci-fi. I can't wait for the third chapter. Keep up the good work!

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Reviews: 23
Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:13 pm
afeefah says...

Hi. Again! :D

So, there's not really much that I can point out that's bad about this piece. I was really looking forward to reading it mand you haven't dissapointed me. It caught my attention and made me curious.

I'm sorry, but there's not really much more i can say but, like the above poster mentioned, please do speel check because the little mistakes drew my attention away from the main story.

Apart from that, really well done and keep writing! Don't forget to PM me when the next part is up!

Afeefah :D
I am who I am. I wouldn't be me if I wasn't. :wink:

Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here.
— Neil Gaiman