
Young Writers Society

Safe Haven Chapter 2

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Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:47 pm
kshsj777 says...

Elder Jabeth sat at the head of an oval conference table, with three Jenar on one side, with three Peluri on the other. "Good morning. Thank you for coming here today. This has been a difficult time, as tension between Jenar and Peluri is increasing at an alarming rate. I believe you all know each other. Each side will present their list of demands. We drew lots, and the Peluri will go first. Ms. Sweet?"

"We would like to respectfully request that the Jenar cease from interfering with the recruiting and training of Quellers. Such a practice is disturbing our way of life and peace of min--"

"Disturbing your way of life!" Chranda Tozay interrupted. "Ha! Maybe if you quit poking your inferior little heads in our affairs we wouldn't find it necessary to 'disturb your way of life.'"

"Chandra, wait until she'd finished!" Kyle rebuked.

She snorted, but she remained silent out of respect for her colleague. Her forest green scales took on an even darker tint, indicating anger. The scales the Jenar inherited were a byproduct of vacodine flowing through their systems, the chemical that allowed them to access their superabilites they'd inherited due to genetic modication.

Jennifer gave Kyle a polite smile before continuing. "We also would greatly appreciate it if the Jenar would remain in their own territories. This includes the withdrawal from Vega V among other planets."

Kyle Stevenson looked surprised. "I'm sorry, but I wasn't aware that Vega V was a problem."

"I assure you it is. The Vega System has been under Peluri control ever since the first wormhole was established and the shuttle sent through."

"You're representing the Quellers," the third Jenar pointed out. "Not the Peluri."

"Quellers are Peluri."

Before the Jenar could protest, Elder Jabeth held out a hand. "That's not get into that. Ms. Sweet, is that all?"


"Mr. Boris, it's your turn."

"Thank you, Elder The Peluri demand immediate demilitarization among the Jenar people, and subjection to all Perluri laws and procedures, including the installing of inhibitors."

Chandra Tozay bolted out of her seat. "Unacceptable!" she shouted. "Such a thing will never happen. The Jenar will never bow its knee to any weaking that dares to try to dominate us! Were I had a weapon in my hand, you would be dead!"

Mr. Boris slowly got up from his seat, with an arrogant smile on his face. "But you don't have a weapon do you? I'll guess you'll just have shred my mind apart. Oh wait! You can't."

"Stop it!" Kyle shouted, rising from his seat. "Both of you! Is this any way for ambassadors and diplomats to act?"

"You listen to me, my friend," Chandra answered. "You are allowing your sympathies to cloud your judgment. You would lead us all astray to serve mere dirt. I will hear no more of this!" Tozay stalked out of the room, leaving the others in stunned silence.

"I apologize on behalf of my colleague,"Stevenson said. "I respectfully request a recess. We should reconvene when we've had time to cool down."

"I agree," Jabeth replied. "Why don't we meet in forty-eight hours?"

"Agreed." The six remaining diplomats filed out of the conference room, and the empty room went dark.


Jennifer Sweet quietly pushed open the chapel doors, feeling relaxed from spending the past hour in prayer. She noticed Kyle staring out the glass wall into the beautiful garden that surrounded most of the complex. Kyle must have noticed her presence, for he turned around and gave her one of his smiles as she approached.

"Ms. Sweet," he acknowledged.

"Mr. Stevenson."

They both enjoyed the garden for a moment, watching the butterflies land on various flowers. Birds resting safely in their nests. Bees collecting pollen. Even a hummingbird graced the garden with his presence.

"It's quite lovely," Kyle complimented. "The garden is beautiful. Adala is beautiful. Safe Haven is beautiful. Like a paradise almost."

Jennifer smiled, feeling the same way. "I wanted to thank you, for this morning. You didn't have to stick up for me."

"Because you're Peluri?" He shook his head slightly, and stared back out into the garden. "It makes no difference."

"To you, maybe... but others? It's the only thing that matters. So much hate..."


"I wish..." Jenny began. "I wish there was some way we could live in peace. That we could draw some invisible line across the universe so that no one could pass from one side to other. No one would be ripped away from their homes. No one would suffer. No one would bother any one else..."

"You're sounding like a Separatist."

"Well how else could we live peacefully?"

"You don't think it's possible for Jenar and Peluri to live together in the same region of space?"

She gazed up at him with pain in her eyes. "No. We have no protection. No privacy. Everyone is afraid of you, even the Quellers. We're the only ones able to shield our minds against you. That makes us targets. And what about the rest of the Peluri? They have nothing. They can only hope you don't destroy them on a whim."

"Are you afraid of me?" It was not a threat or intimidation, but a simple question.

"Yes," Jennifer admitted.

"You needn't be."

"I know."

"Did a Jenar hurt you?" Kyle inquired. "Is that why you trained to be a Queller?"

"No. But I know what it's like to be vunerable. To be unable to protect yourself, no matter how hard you try."

"We weren't meant to be separate, Jennifer. The same One made us."

"Too bad your friends don't see it that way."

"Jennifer, there's a got to be way. A way to peacefully coexist!" Then he stopped, staring off into space. "Coexist..." he whispered.


"A child."

"What?!" Confusion spread over her face, as she tried to understand what he was talking about.

Kyle stared intently into her eyes. "If a Jenar and a Peluri were to have a child, that child would be both Jenar and Peluri. A perfect example of the fact that we can coexist."

"That's not possible," Jenny protested, shaking her head.

"Oh but it is. The Obeis-Rei knows this. Why do you think they're obsessed about genetic contamination if it can't happen? It would prove the most cherished belief of the Separatists wrong, and perhaps if the Peluri realized that the Separatists were wrong about this, they'd question other beliefs. And such a child who knows both sides could arbitrate an effective treaty... and perhaps stop the war altogether."

"Even if you are right. Even if a Jenar and a Peluri could have a child... who would be willing to do such a thing?" Jennifer exclaimed. "To marry a stranger for life? Not to mention that such a marriage is illegal. No one could possibly agree to do what you're suggesting!"

Kyle merely regarded her silently.

Jennifer's eyes widened as she realized what he was implicating. "No. I barely know you."

"Can you think of a better solution for peace? Imagine as they behold a child that is half-Jenar and half-Peluri. They would astonished to realize such a reality, that we are really the same."

"Not us!" Jenny protested.

"It won't be anyone else. Few Jenar would risk the anger of the Obeis-Rei in order to marry a Peluri. And I don't believe any other Peluri, Queller or otherwise has the courage or wisdom to do this."

"You've gotten the wrong idea about me, Mr. Stevenson. I'm not a brave person. I'm sorry, but I can't go along with this." With that, Jenny turned around and walked away.


That night, Jennifer Sweet tossed and turned in her queen-sized bed. She screamed as she fought with some unseen enemy, and then awoke in a cold sweat. She had experienced another one of her nightmares, and couldn't bear to go back to sleep. Jennifer quietly dressed and exited her guest quarters.

The hallways were empty, as she expected. Without knowing exactly why, Jenny headed to the stairway and started climbing the stairs. She reached the landing and turned to the second set of steps when she noticed Kyle Stevenson coming down. When they saw each other, they both stopped, and for a moment, said nothing.

"About this afternoon..." began Stevenson. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have expected you to..." He let his voice trail off. "What's wrong?"

"I had a nightmare."

"About what?"

Jenny paused before answering. "When I was younger, I promised myself I'd never get married. I wasn't born on Safe Haven, you know this. My parents were some of the first colonists to settle on Vega IV after it had been terraformed. Vega V was to shortly follow it."

"That's why you were so concerned about it." Kyle took a step down towards her.

"Yes," Jenny affirmed. "My parents were happy together; they completed each other. My dad was a cheerful man, but when my mother died... he changed. He couldn't deal with his emotions and began to take out his frustrations on me. He drank, he overate...

At first it was just verbal. Then it became physical. Slapping, and hitting..." Jenny began to sob. "I still have scars on my back from when he..." Her tears overwhelmed her, and Kyle came down, wrapping his arms around her. Jenny cried on his shoulder, and he gently stroked her hair.

"It's okay, Jennifer."

Jenny got a control of herself and pulled back. "You see?"

"You're afraid that if something should happen to you, that I would become your father. Jennifer, I promise you, I would never do anything to hurt our child."

"You think that. But you never know. People change, especially when they lose someone they love."

Kyle didn't say anything at first. "How did you end up here?"

"Every time my Aunt Ruth came to visit she gave me money and I carefully hid it, saving it up. As soon as I could, I bought a one-way ticket to Safe Haven and got out of there. I was thirteen.

"Elder Jabeth tested me for the Queller gene, and I had it, so I agreed to train as a Queller. Though I never gave him any details, he told me that I needed to deal with my past. But I couldn't. I can't."

"But he's right. You do need to deal with this."

"I don't know how. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm the one who should be apologizing. I had no idea. We'll find another way. Good night," he said, and started ascending the stairs.

"Kyle, wait!" He turned back, his feet on two different steps. "I... this is stupid... I'll do it. I'll marry you. It's the only way."

"You certain? Because once we do this... there's no going back."

"I am. Besides that... I... I trust you." She gave him a weak smile. "After all you did save my life."

He nodded soberly and then continued to go up the steps. Jenny started going down to her floor, but stopped, and turned. "Kyle!"

"Yes?" He peered over the railing.

"You were coming down, earlier when we met. Was there something you were going to do?"

Stevenson smiled at her. "My quarters are right above yours. I sensed your emotions from your nightmare, and decided to see if you were all right. And what about you, Jennifer? Were you coming to see me?"

"I... I don't know." Now it was Jenny's turn to smile. "Maybe." She continued down the steps and went into her quarters. Jenny was surprised to find that she fell asleep easily, and for the first time in quite a while, she had a wonderfully peaceful dream.
Last edited by kshsj777 on Sat Dec 15, 2007 6:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:06 pm
chocoholic says...

Hmm... what can I say? Well, it was shorter, that's definetely much better than part one. I think your writing has improved a lot since part one, but there's still a lot more room for improvement.

The plot has gotten more interesting, and I'm liking your characters. I'm definetely interested in reading part 3 when you post it.

My parents were one of the first colonists

My parents were some of the first colonists

At first it was just verbal, then it became physical, slapping, hitting."

At first it was just verbal. Then it became physical. Slapping, and hitting..."

There are more spots that could be fixed up, but those are the two I found in a quick scan. Please PM me when you edit or post another piece.
*Don't expect to see me around much in the next couple of weeks. School has started again, and it'll be a couple of weeks before I've settled in. If you've asked me for a critique, you will get it, but not for a little while. Sorry*

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Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:20 pm
kshsj777 says...

I put in the changes you suggested. Thanks, chocoholic. Glad you like it better. If you could get me specifics of how to improve ch1, I would appreciate it.

I like to create sympathy for my characters, then set the monsters loose.
— Stephen King