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Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:06 am
Unregistered User says...

Chapter 1: To Space

The shuttle landed on the emerald-green lawn, the sun gleaming off its gray hull. Colonel Robert Greenwald sat on a small red bench a few feet away from it. He looked at his watch, a half-hour late it had arrived and his left foot was tapping impatiently on the grass beneath him.

The large rectangular door opened on the side of the small spacecraft, Robert stood and walked towards the shuttle with a fast pace. A young man came from inside as Robert neared it, judging by his uniform Robert knew the young man was a Commander.

“Good afternoon, I’m Colonel Robert Greenwald.” He said extending his hand, “and you are?” The young man stepped off the shuttle and onto the soft dirt; this and the feeling of the suns burning rays were something he hadn’t felt for a long time.

“Commander Alan Simmons sir. It is truly a pleasure to be working under you sir, a true war her like yourself.” The two men shook hands and walked inside the shuttle that would take them up into space. “Colonel forgive my tardiness, the ring was completely stocked and it took a while to get here.”

“Even for military craft?” Asked a curious Robert. “Yes sir, for some reason there has been a lot of traffic for the past few months. There are a lot of people coming to Earth for some reason, there are a lot of people talking about this. Saying things about a new war, but I don’t really believe it, its only been fifteen years since the last war.”

“Yes, but time does not matter. You’ll find that out as you get older, I for one choose not to listen to these petty rumors. But I have to say; another war starting this soon wouldn’t surprise me. I don’t think it would surprise anyone else either, it’s almost inevitable in a way.”

“Sir you’ll need to put on the strap, I’m gonna take off.” Commander Simmons warned as he stood over the pilot’s console. A mass of flashing lights and buttons covered the stand. Commander Simmons sat a chair in front of the console and began pushing buttons and turning small levers.

Robert pulled a bright red band from the edge of his seat a wrapped it around him, Commander Simmons did the same where he was sitting. “Colonel, I’m activating the S.H.T., you’ll feel your body being pulled up but that’s completely normal. Just don’t move when the shuttle goes up sir, not until we leave the atmosphere.” Robert reminisced about that day fifteen years ago, the first time he went into space when Commander Simmons said this.

He remembered how wonderful it felt to be in weightlessness, he had wanted to feel that way again. It was pure bliss being up there, and he just couldn’t wait. Suddenly Robert was startled a by quick jerk, a small pain came over his stomach, like the ones you get just before a drop on a roller coaster.

“Was that it? The S.H.T.?” Robert asked from his seat. “That little yank you felt was the thing sir. You’re stomach hurts a bit too doesn’t it? That’s harmless; it’s just the sound waves coming from the machine. It won’t get any worse than this, and eventually you’ll get used to it.”

Simmons turned around and began working at the controls again. The S.H.T. or Sonic Hover Thrusters is a flat machine on the underside of the shuttle. Using sound waves at an extremely high volume to raise the shuttle and make it hover, the sounds are at a frequency that can’t be heard by virtually any creatures on Earth.

“Colonel Greenwald sir, I’m going up now.” Said Commander Simmons without turning from his seat. Robert could feel it, the shuttle was moving. Without warning the shuttle turned vertical and was heading straight for the skies. Robert couldn’t move himself even if he tried and it was difficult to even speak.

Before he knew it however, it was over. The shuttle wasn’t shaking anymore, everything felt calm. Robert looked through the large window in front of the ship; an endless void of black sprinkled with bright stars of many different colors.

He was finally in space.
Last edited by Unregistered User on Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:08 am
Unregistered User says...

Chapter 2: The Ring


Robert felt himself being pulled up. His stomach became queasy, but it was nothing compared to the ride he received to get up here. He hurriedly removed the straps around him and let his body float free.

It was just old times, floating without a care in the world. Just like the first time he came into space 15 years ago during the Second Denmark War. A small grin came on his face as he remembered how long it took him to get used to not being in gravity.

He was constantly sick during the first few weeks in the New Orleans, the ship he served in. Hopefully, he won’t get sick again, it would be just plain embarrassing to be so when he was the man in charge.

He awoke from his memories and regained his composure; there was no time for daydreaming. “Commander Simmons, how long until we arrive at the ring?” He asked as he pushed himself to where the young pilot was.

“It will take an hour, more or less sir. And with any luck we won’t get held up in there like I did when I was coming to pick you up, but I highly doubt that sir.” Simmons said as he set the shuttle on autopilot. “One more thing Commander, where will we dock?”

“Asteroid 41 sir, it’s the closest to the ship. If you don’t mind Colonel, I have to use the bathroom.”

“By all means Commander.”

Robert looked outside through the one window in the shuttle, he could see multiple vehicles outside, almost all of them heading in Earth’s direction except for a few. In the distance he could see the ring, it looked as if it would take much longer that Commander Simmons said it was suppose to be.

The “ring” as it was called, was one of the most remarkable and daring feats of space engineering. Hundreds of hollowed out asteroids and meteors interconnected to each other, forming an artificial ring around the Earth.

It was put there to serve as a protection system. After the First Denmark War, any and all kinds of weapons were outlawed on Earth. Being sent to labor camps on other planets was the primary and only form of punishment.

The entirety of the Second Denmark War was fought in space, and it was agreed by the two nations that all subsequent wars, if any, would also be fought in space. The military headquarters of each side were the only things having to do with the military on Earth.

Simmons came out of the bathroom and took his seat in front of the controls. “You see Colonel, this is just what I was talking about. There are more and more ships going to Earth.” And Robert knew exactly why it was happening, but how did they, the civilians know?

Robert looked at his watch; an hour and 15 minutes had passed. The asteroid was directly in front, he could see a large cylindrical door open to let the shuttle in. “So it seems we have arrived.” Robert said with trying to contain his excitement.

Commander Simmons pressed a button on the console. “This is Transport Shuttle 992 requesting permission to dock.” A few seconds passed by before an answer came. “This is Asteroid 41 control, you have permission to dock in Margaret Port.” A rough voice said.

Simmons carefully maneuvered the shuttle; another vessel was coming out the same way he was going in. Though the entranceway was large enough to accommodate both spacecraft and more, this was one of the most difficult things a shuttle pilot had to do.

The large door behind them began to close as soon as the other shuttle got out, inside the tube where he was; Commander Simmons was in front of a three-way fork. He looked through the windows until finally seeing, MARGARET PORT written atop the left way.

It was not until they entered the port that Robert realized what Commander Simmons was talking about; the entire place was bustling with ships big and small. Simmons took the shuttle into another entrance marked MILITARY DOCK.

The shuttle landed on a metal strip, Commander Simmons opened the door of the shuttle. As soon as he and Robert stepped out three men, including two security guards, greeted them. “You are Colonel Greenwald are you not? It is a great pleasure to meet you sir.” Said the short man in the middle.

“Before we begin introductions there is something I must do Colonel. Guards.”

The two guards grabbed Commander Simmons and handcuffed him, “What is the meaning of this?”

“I’ll tell you, Commander Alan Simmons you are under arrest for murder.”

“Murder? What are you talking about? I didn’t kill anyone I just got here.”
Last edited by Unregistered User on Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:12 am
Unregistered User says...

Chapter 3: Accusations


“What’s happening here? I can sure you sir that Commander Simmons committed no crime, as you can see we just arrived here.”

“The murder was committed before he left the first time he was here Colonel Greenwald, I have video evidence to prove it. Alan Simmons is being arrested, I have every right to arrest him, not only for the murder, but for having a weapon in the first place.”

“A weapon? What sort of weapon? Sir I can assure that Alan Simmons killed no one, show me this “evidence” you have first before you arrest him.”

The short man called for the two guards and told them to go to his office with the prisoner, and that he would meet them there. “Colonel Greenwald forgive me, I haven’t introduced myself. Port Manager Quinn Bow.”

The man led Robert to his office, which was quiet a long walk from where the shuttle was. The little man sat in a chair behind his desk and turned on a monitor, after a few seconds the image of people bustling through a hall appeared.

The images fast-forwarded until the hall was entirely empty, Robert watched the screen and suddenly a woman appeared on the display. “You wanted proof well there’s you proof Colonel.”

A man rushed in the picture and grabbed the woman, she struggled to break free but couldn’t. The man then took something from his pocket; Robert guessed a knife, as he put by the woman’s neck and when he let go she tumbled to the floor.

“You have no proof that it is Commander Simmons in that video, the man in there isn’t even wearing a military uniform.”

“If you would keep looking at the video instead of interrupting me, watch.”

The man in the video turned and towards the camera, at this moment Mr. Bow froze the screen. The young face of Commander Simmons was clearly visible. “That’s not me Colonel!”
Robert had almost forgotten the Commander Simmons was in the room with him. “You’ve gotta trust me Colonel Greenwald that isn’t me!” Robert looked at Simmons with no expression on his face. “As much as I want to believe that . . .”

Robert turned around and looked back at the manager still sitting in his chair. “Mr. Bow, please place Commander Alan Simmons in custody. He is innocent until proven guilty.”

“Colonel Greenwald you have proof that he committed the murder, I just showed it to you.”

“You’ve proved nothing sir, for all I know that video could have been tampered with.”

“Why would I want to do that? I have never met this man before in my life; I have nothing against him, not any sort of grudge. Why would I frame him for a crime?”

“I didn’t say that you were framing him, maybe somebody else is. Place him in custody, assign an investigation team to figuring this out.”

“I don’t take orders from you Military Man!”

“I’m not telling, I’m asking.”

Chapter 4: Intuition


“I really thing we should have waited a few more hours.” Said Lt. Grey Hound sitting by the control console of the shuttle. “I don’t, something is wrong I just know it. Commander Simmons is three hours overdue.” Uttered Commander Peter Garnet.

“That doesn’t mean that something is wrong, it could just be traffic. You know weird things have been, you need to lighten up a bit Pete. Maybe being left in command until Greenwald arrived wasn’t the best thing for you.”

“No, something is wrong. I’m sure of it, they would have contacted us to say something about being late but we received no word. And for the last time, you have to address me as Commander Garnet until Colonel Greenwald arrives.”

“Okay fine, just relax will ya’? This is just back in the academy when you used to get nervous for the slightest things. I thought you were over that.”

“Three hours man, three hours late and no contact how do you want me to behave?”

“Calm, like a ship captain of Americas Navy is suppose to. You keep getting nervous like this and you’ll never go up in rank, no offense but it surprises me that you made it to Commander.”

“Oh be quiet and do your work like a good dog.”

“You’ll never stop rubbing it in huh?”

“Not for the rest of you life I won’t.”

“You’re an ass Pete.”

“And you’re an idiot for taking and losing that bet in the first place.”

The monitor in front of Lt. Hound began beeping; the young man quickly turned his chair around to face it. “What’s that?” Commander Garnet asked. “We’re being contacted.” Lt. Hound pushed a small switch; “This is Military Shuttle Vict-04 responding to call.”

“Shuttle Vict-04 you are ordered to dock in Margaret Port immediately. Transport Shuttle 992 is from the same ship, the Victory correct? If so do as I have instructed.”

The transmission shut off, and Hound and Garnet were left scratching their heads in confusion. “What was that all about?” Again asked Commander Garnet, “Did you do something wrong while in flight or something Mike?”

“Not that I am aware of, hopefully not. Let’s see.”

They stepped off the shuttle into the strange “half-gravity” of the asteroid station, armed men standing outside the small ship. “Leave those men alone.” Called a voice from a few meters away.

“You are from the Victory aren’t you? That’s good, I need your help here.” Robert spoke.

“No offense sir, but who are you?” The inquisitive Commander Garnet asked. “I’m Colonel Robert Greenwald, your new commander. Please gentlemen walk with me, I’ll answer any questions along the way.”

Commander Garnet and Lt. Hound looked at each other, that same look of confusion once again on their faces. “Sir, what do you need help with? What’s wrong?” Garnet asked once again. “Its Commander Alan Simmons, he’s been arrested for murder.”

Hound and Garnet stopped dead in their tracks, as if their feet had been frozen to the ground. “Murder? What do you mean murder Colonel? How is that even possible? The ring is here to keep weapons out of Earth!”

“I don’t know either Commander Garnet, but I do intend to prove he is innocent. I haven’t known him long, less than two hours in fact, but still he is an officer under my command and I have to protect him.” Robert replied.

They continued walking on, Robert trying to explain the whole situation, Commander Garnet looked around at the swarms of people pacing alongside them in the halls, when something caught his eye.

“Alan?” He called to a man wearing a brown jacket with a hood covering his head. “Alan is that you?” he called again, loudly enough to get the attention of Robert who jerked his body around to see if it was him.
It was. Robert ran over to Alan and tightly grabbed him by the arm, people gasped and stopped to look. “Alan, you did kill that woman. You lying bastard!” Before he could do anything however, Robert was kneed in the stomach and he dropped to his knees.
Last edited by Unregistered User on Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:15 am
Unregistered User says...

Chapter 5: Seeing Double


Robert rushed in between the crowds of people, Commander Garnet and Lt. Hound following behind. “Commander Simmons!” they shouted as they chased him, but he seemed incredibly fast.

They ran furiously until being tugged backwards by the hands of port security guards. “Let me go, he’s getting away!” Robert cried, struggling the escaping the grip of the man holding him.

Mr. Quinn Bow walked over to Robert who had stopped trying by now. “Colonel Greenwald what the hell do you think you’re doing? You think you can hurt civilians? I won’t have it in my port!”

“Mr. Bow you don’t understand, it’s Commander Simmons he did kill that woman. I saw him here and was chasing after him!”

“You’re talking nonsense Colonel, Alan Simmons is held up in a cell. I can take you to see him right now. You didn’t see him you couldn’t have its impossible.”

“But all three of us saw him, we all recognized him. He was wearing a brown jacket with a hood.” Said Peter Garnet. “Fine then, if this is true then explain to me who is up in my cell?” Questioned Mr. Bow.

“Are you sure he is there? He must’ve escaped somehow, when was the last time you saw him?” Lt. Hound asked. “Just before I came here. I was interrogating him myself.” Responded Bow.

Suddenly a beeping noise came from the TCA, or TeleCommunications Appliance, in his pocket. He picked up the small, quarter sized machine and put it next to his ear.

“What is it?” He asked gruffly. After a few seconds he shut off the device and put it back in his pocket. “Colonel, a shuttle just docked carrying high ranking officers. Did you call them here?”

“What are you talking about? I didn’t call anyone.” Robert replied. “Well then maybe they heard of what happened here. Lets go see them shall we?” Bow said, motioning the guards to let go of them.

They arrived at the docking bay just in time; the men stepping off the shuttle were instantly recognizable to Robert and the others, except for Bow. One of them was General Grand, a personal friend of Robert.

Abruptly, a person ran right toward the newly arrived officers. A man in a brown jacket, with a hood covering his head, Simmons! Robert dashed forward chasing after him, but again, he was way too fast.

Simmons ran in the middle of the officers, and stopped. A piercing roar forced Robert to cover his ears, and he dropped down to his knees. He looked up, a red ball of fire staring him in the face. The heat was incredible, his hands moved from his ears to cover his face. He could hear the screams of terrified people, and the painful groaning the injured made.

Someone wrapped his arm over him, and he felt himself being dragged away.

Robert woke up, a bright light shined over him, making him close his eyes again. He examined where he was with eyes half open, it appeared to be an infirmary of some sort, but where?

He lifted his arm to cover his eyes; a sudden voice startled him. “You shouldn’t do that Colonel, you arm is still in bad shape.” It was a woman, and she was right. A dull pain made him put his arm back down. “Who are you?” Robert asked.

“I’m Dr. Verna Culer, it’s a pleasure to meet you meet you sir. Please don’t move your injuries could get worse.”

“Injuries? I was pulled away. I remember.”

“Yes, it was Lt. Hound. While he was pulling you away, shrapnel and some rather large debris hit you guys. That’s why you’re hurt.”

“Oh, I see then. What about Garnet and Bow? What happened to them, are they okay?”

They were hurt, but nothing as bad as you or Hound. Mr. Bow is at the port working with construction crews to repair the damage from the explosion. If I may ask, did you see what caused it?”

He knew very well. “It was Commander Simmons, he must have had explosives or something. But I can’t figure out why he did it.”

“Commander Simmons? That’s impossible he’s right here, he was still in the cell at the time of the explosion.”
A door at the end of the room slid open, and he walked in. Alan Simmons, alive and well. “Doctor, could you leave us alone for a few minutes?” he requested. The doctor left through the white door and left the two men by themselves.

“Colonel, I don’t know what happened. I was in the cell chamber at the time of the explosion. Maybe this will.” Alan pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, “It’s from Earth, the Americas capitol building. I’ll leave you alone now sir; Garnet explained the whole thing with you guys seeing me. And I can’t explain it, only thing I can say is that it wasn’t me.”

Robert began unfolding the paper as soon as Alan left the infirmary room. But before he began reading a thought came into his mind. The doctor said Bow had stayed on the port to see to reconstruction. “Well then where am I?” he asked himself.

Chapter 6: Arrival


Robert stood up from the bed, which he right away regretted because it made his arm hurt like hell. Slowly he dragged his body along to the door of the infirmary. There was a man standing outside, a guard presumably.

“Excuse me, but would mind telling just where I am?” he asked. The guard immediately grabbed Robert. “Colonel sir, you should not be out of bed. I have orders from Dr. Culer not to let leave the infirmary.”

“I can see that you’re military, an ensign at that. What is your name?” as he helped Robert back into bed he answered, “It’s Jesse, Jesse Glenn.”

“Well it’s nice to meet you Jesse, I’m Robert Greenwald. But I’m guessing you already knew that.” Jesse nodding yes in response, “Do you need anything sir?” Robert laughed, “Yes there is. I need to know where I am.”

“You’re on the Victory sir, you’ve been here for a couple hours now. You brought up here right after the explosion on Margaret Port.” He explained. Robert settled on his bed, so he was finally here.


It had been one day, and for the entire day Robert was stuck in that bed in the infirmary. Which he hated, he absolutely detested being still for long periods of time. Dr. Culer had asked that he stay in for a few more hours, but he couldn’t.

He was tired of being in the infirmary, and he wanted to see other parts of the ship. The Victory is a small vessel when compared to others in the mighty navy of the Americas Confederation, only four decks.

But it was built like this for a reason. Like every other ship of Glory class, it was a spy ship, used initially in the Second Denmark War. And it did a very good job at that. Nowadays, the few Glory class starships that are left are used for menial purposes; the Victory is different.

It was refit along with a couple of other Glory vessels to be able to carry out other purposes and still be useful alongside newer ships. Such things as combat and escorting are all in its capability range when they weren’t before. These refitted ships are known to handle themselves fairly well in battle, being equipped with Side Missiles, Orbs and even a laser weapon used in extreme emergencies.

Originally built for speed, with the upgrades it loses some. But it is still one of the fastest starships of the Confederation military, being able to go from Earth to Mars in only three weeks. The speed is thanks to such a small vessel being equipped with four Class-7 thrusters, which are used on ships many times its size.

Its shape is also very interesting; the Glory class ships are shaped like mushrooms, with the front “pileus” or cap spinning to create artificial gravity. While the back “stipe” or stem contains the thrusters on the outside and houses the Engine Room, which takes up the entirety of the “stipe” and has no gravity.

The frontal “pileus” where most of everything is, including the infirmary, shuttle bay, and the bridge, among many other places. Because of its unusual shape and small size, the four shuttles the Victory carries are docked sideways. Making its passengers have to exit through an exit on the floor of the craft.

Robert stood outside the Engine Room; the doors that lead to it were gigantic. Dr. Culer had taken him out on a tour of the ship, but she was called back to the infirmary and because of a pain in his leg he just waited instead of following her.

After a few minutes standing there and she didn’t come back, his leg was beginning to hurt again. Since walking seemed to make it go away he decided to continue into the Engine Room. Robert put his hand on the door and it slid open. He found himself inside a large tube with another door on the other side.

The second door opened, and Robert dropped to his knees. The engine made a deafening noise. He covered his ears but it made no effect, it was just like that explosion. Then suddenly it stopped. He opened his tightly shut eyes and saw in front of him a young woman, you could call her a girl even.

He was wearing some kind of headphones she put on him, the noise was completely blocked out. “What do heck do you think you’re doing coming in here without silencers on? Are you stupid or something?” Robert could hear say through the headphones.

The young woman helped him up and took him back outside. “Who are you?” She asked, “and if you’re wearing that robe shouldn’t you be in the infirmary?” Dr. Culer came around the corner. “Colonel what are you doing? I told you to wait for me!”

“Colonel?” the woman asked. “Yes, you don’t know? This is Colonel Greenwald.” The doctor explained.

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Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:47 am
kshsj777 says...

First of all, nobody wants to critique five chapters at a time. Please only post one chapter or one half of a chapter at a time.

Thank you.

Sometimes poetry is inspired by the conversation entered into by reading other poems.
— John Barton