
Young Writers Society

The last war

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267 Reviews

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Reviews: 267
Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:13 pm
Someguy says...

The news

‘Adam! You lazy ass!’
It was almost eight o’clock. I lay on my bed with a massive headache. It happened very often that I hardly knew it was there.
When I was thirteen, I fell of my bike and hit my head hard on the left side. It damaged my scull, but I survived the operations. My doctor told me that I might find that I will get a lot of headaches somewhere in my life. So I waited. When I was 14 it started.
‘I’ll be right there!’ I replied after a few seconds.
I walked down to the kitchen where everybody except my dad was sitting. Drinking passion fruit and eating scrambled eggs with a choice of bacon or toast.
‘Damn bro, I thought you were dead or something, you’re gonna be late for work.’ My brother was sitting next to my sister that was helping herself to a piece of bacon.
‘It’s my day off you idiot. I told you yesterday.’
‘Sorry Adam’
‘It’s ok Nathan.’
I am a musician lyrics writer, well that’s actually another name for a musicians assistant. I help desperate bands or solo artists to become “big”. So if you see a crap band on MTV, I probably helped them. It’s not much, but the pay is good and it is interesting to see what kind of ideas these people can come up with.
‘Mellissa, I thought you were on a diet.’
‘What gave you that idea. Am I fat. I’ll go on a diet, I swear!’ Mellissa seemed very nervous and staring at her waist trying to guess how much pounds she picked up. Randomly she took out a weight tape measurement(it allows you to see how much you weigh, what size your waist is and so forth).
‘You’re not going on a diet.’ Mother ripped the tape measurement out of her hand that Mellissa almost tripped over her own feet. ‘If you do, you won’t be able to move ‘cause you’ll snap!’ My mother gave Nathan a look that I immediately recognized. She always gave us that look to tell us that we’re walking on thin ice. He immediately fell silent because the last time Nathan was walking on thin ice, he slept outside while it was raining.
‘Mum’ I said. ‘I am going to my friend, Franks birthday.’
‘Well if you want to get drunk and die in a car I don’t mind.’
‘So I can go?’ I asked
‘Too bad. I’m 26. I’m not your baby anymore-’
‘Listen to me you brainless boy. If I remember right. The last time you came back from a ‘’party’’, you were drunk like a casserole singer. You almost collapsed to the floor.’
‘I was young-’
‘You’re still young. You’re to bloody stupid to figure it out.’
‘We’re going to a restaurant with some old friends. It’s not like we’re going to drink ourselves to death. I’ll be home around eleven o’clock.’
I watched my mother thinking. She didn’t like the idea. That’s her problem I thought.
‘All right, but if there is a party after the dinner, you’re coming home.’
‘Mother! I’m 26 years old. I can do just what I want.’
‘ Not when your under my roof. You should have married that nice girl on the block. What’s her name again oh yheah. Rebecca.
‘She cheated on me mom!’
‘That’s what you saw.’
‘Your impossible!’
‘I don’t blame you mate’ my brother replied. He was sitting with the two front legs in the air. ‘Moms are like that for a reason.’
‘Don’t you even start. You’re still 20 so get a girlfriend and marry her if you hate me so much.’
‘I didn’t say I hate you!’ Nathan rose from his chair to take his plate to the kitchen. Mother did the same, still arguing. ‘You and your brother are two little hellhounds you know that.
‘Yeah, and you’re the devils breeding puppy.’
‘How dare you!’
There was a loud bang and a hard and painful moan.
‘This is such a happy and loving family.’
I suddenly realized that Mellissa was still sitting at her chair.
‘I can’t remember a day that we all just sat and ate a nice breakfast and talked about happy things.’
I looked at the painting on the wall just above the Plasma 4(It is a TV, radio and a business hologram in one screen)
On the painting was a man in some renaissance suit. He looked straight at me. I don’t know who it is but he looks just like my mother. I looked at my sister. She had tears in her eyes.
I knew what was going to happen next because she stood up, took one look at me and burst into a hard cry that sounded like an elephant dying. Just when I stood up to try and calm her down, she ran up the stairs and into her room. All she wants is her father.

Later that evening, we were al sitting in the living room. Mellissa and Nathan were playing chess. Mother was drinking a cup of tea and was watching TV. I was reading the news paper for anything interesting. ‘It looks like the URS and MBA are having the election in the court today.’ I looked up to see if there was going to be any response.
Every five years, there is a Berulcratic election of who is going to rule the world. In past history, democracy didn’t work. There are only two governments. The MBA (Massive Berulcratic Association) and the URS (United Republic of the Sentries) and they are chosen by the leaders, the wisest and most purest men and women in the world.
‘I hope the MBA wins. They will do good to this world that was under depression for a long time.’ my sister replied.
‘You’re also on earth Mellissa.’ my brother sneered.
My brother sometimes says thing that isn’t normal or doesn’t make sense. He quickly changed the subject.
‘If the URS wins the bet, we can kiss this nice earth goodbye.’
‘Why would anybody want them to rule?’ My mother just joined the conversation. “They’ve promised so many things when I was a child, I still try to remember which promises they actually did.’
‘So we can all agree, the URS are pathetic.’ I said.
Everyone nodded. My mother was looking for the channel on which it was.
‘Where is that, ah there it is!’

…With all the money for charity. This will be promised by the URS, am I correct’
‘Yes your honor.’
‘What did I tell you’ My mom had a big grin on her face.
‘Good. Now Mr. R.W. Michel of the MBA has promised the world that they would be given the right to have a voting system installed so that the world can vote in the next election for who they want to have the world ruled by.30% will be the maximum power the citizens of the world will have in the elections to come. Correct?’
‘Yes your honor.’
‘Very well. What do you think of this proposal.UN representative Mr. K. H. Larne?’
‘Is he at the election. Thank goodness. He is the only one to persuade the leaders to let the MBA rule.’ my mother looked excited and thrilled yet relieved
‘I don’t know. The URC has a new leader. I don’t know how he is.’ I scratched my head and looked confusedly at the television.
I heard his name before and I saw him. If I could just look at the leaders faces, I might recognize him.
‘I hope he is just as stupid as the other leader.’ Mellissa said with a giggle after that.
Then I remembered. I saw him on the brainiac quiz. It is a game show where they test your knowledge. It’s the toughest game in the world. He got every question right that he got instead of winning $2000 000, he won $5000 000. The only one since the game began to answer all his questions right.
‘ Oh no.’
‘What?’ my mother asked, looking a bit stressed
‘He won the braniac quiz.’ I said.
‘Oh dear.’

‘Mr. Larne?’
‘I think it is a good idea. This will surely help us, the UN, MBA and URS see who the public likes. It will also give them some respect in so that they don’t feel left out in the government and world. I mean, this is the parliament of the world.(small laugh.)People ought to have the right.’
‘I agree’ said a man just behind Larne.
‘Very well. If you keep it in mind-’
‘Sorry for interrupting, but I have something to say about the voting system.’ The leader of the URS looked battle scarred with eyes that looked red from afar that burned inside of you. Every thing seems dark around him. Dead.
‘You know you’re not allowed to-’
‘No let him talk.’
‘All right. Mr. H. Pollymore. What is bothering you of MBA’s idea about the voting system?’
‘Thank you and thank you Mr. Michel. I love your idea about the voting system, but don’t you think this will result into a protest later in the years. People will definitely start protesting for more voting power and later, they will have the power of who rules the world and not us. And it was proven that when people vote, they’re scared. Or they are not sure and then in the end it was the wrong vote and then you end up like Zimbabwe. Robert Mugabe and his followers .Now look at it. Barely making ends meet.’
There was a lot of whispering at the leaders chairs.
‘Mr. Larne?’
‘He has a point. This cannot happen again. The world is peaceful and the only problem we really have is the thirteen countries and terrorists. In the old days there was a lot more. I’m sorry Mr. Michel, but he has a point. We came so far. This can’t happen.’
‘I understand’ Michel looked disappointed that his plan failed to impress the leaders. ‘Now I have a plan that might interested you. The 13 military countries have been fighting for more than 50 years and nothing has been done to stop the pointless battles. What I think is that they should come to a congress meeting where the thirteen leaders come to discuss each and every ones problem and then, after that, how we can help and fix the problem so that the people can live in peace. It will be difficult. These are not your every day politicians. The war has changed them so it will take many years to “fix” the counties. And it will hit us financially, but me and my ministers are determined to help the people that are in the countries, so that they can have a few days of peace.’
There was a short pause when finally Mr. Larne said ‘We will keep that in mind. Thank you Mr. Pollymore. Now as you all know, the southern countries of Africa has finally come to a conclusion to join the government that…’

‘I don’t like him, Pollymore.’ I looked closely at this Pollymore with a strange feeling that he’s up to something.
‘What’s wrong with him. He sounds better than the other leaders. Except, I did like the voting idea.’ My mom stood up to stretch her legs.
‘ He was a military general. What does he want to do with the thirteen countries?’
‘Help them of course. Didn’t you listen. I know he was in the military, but he went to rehabilitation to fix his problem and he wants to fix their-‘
‘You don’t understand. He came out, so it means he must rest for more than a month or two right?’
‘Why is he the leader of the URS after just two weeks of resting after the rehabilitation. URS owns more than 50% of the army in the world. It kinds of adds up in my math.’
My mother looked astonished that I knew this much.
‘ How do you know all of this.’
‘I read the newspaper.’ I said.
‘Mom, they are going to choose the leader in a few minutes. Lets make some tea. Who wants some.’
‘Me please’ I said.
‘Amen sister’ Nathan said with his arms in the air.
I gave a small laugh and shook my head
‘You really are an idiot’
‘What! Bro I am dis-a-pointed in you!’ he said it to the top of his voice.
‘Don’t give him sugar.’ I nodded at my sister and she nodded back.
After we all drank out tea and sandwiches,
we all looked at the TV and waited.

‘…and for the time being belong to the URS. Now the leaders have decided who is going to be the government to rule. Mr. Jacob if you please.
He is the oldest of the leaders.
‘Yes thank you. We have come to an agreement. The government to rule is…

I kept my fingers cross…

‘The URS.’

Look at my big shiny shell...

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440 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 5890
Reviews: 440
Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:27 pm
gyrfalcon says...

Two quick things (sorry, didn't read the whole thing just now): put spaces between your paragraphs, makes reading much easier, and please (I only noticed a few to start off with which is why I'm not doing it myself) if there're as many cuss words in the rest of your story as there are in the first few paragraphs, please rate it in your title, PG-13.
"In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function...We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful." ~C.S. Lewis

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18 Reviews

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Sun Sep 23, 2007 2:42 am
winters says...

There should be spaces between dialogue and new paragraphs. I noticed a few places where the tense switches from past to present. Overall, its pretty good. Reads like a post-war allegory of modern day issues. Or I'm reading too much into it.
Just a thought.

One who sits between two chairs may easily fall down.
— Proverb from Romania and Russia