
Young Writers Society

When Writers are no Longer Needed (Chapter one part one)

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Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:42 pm
Rydia says...

I started this about two or three years ago and I'm considering re-writing the two chapters that I have and adding a few more but I'd like to see if people think it's worth it first.

Chapter 1 - The Test.

Amelia sighed deeply and pulled the piece of paper from her book. She carefully screwed it up into a tight ball and decided to throw this one. Just one try couldn't hurt. She pulled back her arm and judged the distance to where she had neatly placed the others. With a quick flick of her wrist the paper ball flew towards the mounting pile just like the birds at the wildlife centre she went to last week. It soared gracefully through the air and missed. It rebounded off her mother’s bead lamp before settling on the worn, blue carpet by her feet. Amelia watched this with interest and then sighed once more before retrieving her stolen pen from where it lay. She began again.


The palm trees swayed gently in the breeze, whispering secrets of treasure and urging the boy to come closer. Chris took a step forward and then another and another until he stood beside the strong, rough bark of a tree. The young boy rubbed his hand up and down the wood to make sure it was real. For the first time in his fourteen years he was glad to feel the sharp pain of a splinter. His gaze travelled upwards to the high canopy of fresh, green leaves where he thought he could make out the dim shape of a coconut. He shook his head roughly and it vanished. Another mirage.

Chris wandered on a little further through the thick trees that closed in to become a wood. As he walked he pushed aside the heavy undergrowth and, glad of the shade he had found, stumbled on over the rocks. He continued like this for what seemed hours but in actual fact was a few minutes. The midday sun poured through to scorch his half covered back for his shirt had torn on the rocks years ago and he still hadn't been able to make another. His bare feet were bruised and swollen so he was relieved when he reached the sandy area twenty-five minutes later. Chris felt it was more like three hours but the time ring never lied. His feet sank into the soft, golden substance but out of exhaustion he tripped over a protruding stick and plummeted down.

He lay there for a while but knew he must go on. It was hard but Chris managed to pull himself to his feet and was careful to get properly balanced before releasing the tight grip he had on the tree. Night was quickly approaching and the boy gazed around himself warily. He had to reach home.

Chris ran a blistered hand through his dark, dishevelled hair. Sweat dripped down his brow into his calm blue eyes; as calm as the sea on a warm summers day. Chris didn't feel calm. His thoughts were a jumble of emotions but most of all he felt fierce and angry like the waves that played out their rhythmic attack against the shore or those that tore at boats in the high storms. His whole life depended on the sea, he was the sea. An outcast abandoned on this island long ago and left to survive on his own or crumble and die. The sea was his kind mother, his saviour from heaven. How he had come to loathe her! She was the reason he was banished, he had only.......


"What you doing?" Sadie walked into the room and jumped onto the sofa where she spread herself out. As she crunched a handful of peanuts the remote found its way into her hand and she began flicking through channels.
"Nothing" Amelia swiftly turned around and hid her work like the ocean hides it's pearls or a magician hides his tricks, neither of which have much success though and so neither did Amelia.
"Yes you are, you're writing again." Sadie stated sadly.

Sadie pitied Amelia, the one who could get nothing right. Of the three girls in their family she was the only one who showed little promise. Compared to Sadie with her slim, attractive figure Amelia was large and clumsy. An elephant amongst mice. She wasn't athletic and was bottom of her class in everything except English. Her pride and joy was to write but that didn't matter much, not now. Maybe in the ancient years she would have been considered valuable, writers were needed back then to keep the balance in the worlds. That was what Kenny said anyway. Sadie found it hard to believe that writers were ever needed but the old books (old because books were no longer written) said writers named everything in the worlds and bound it together.

"Come on girls, lunch" Amelia was saved from the embarrassment of having to explain but she still worried.
"Please don't tell anyone" she hissed to Sadie as they left the front room and entered the kitchen.
"Where is Louise?" Diane, a soft, gentle mother with a large cuddly figure asked as she sat down. That was everyone elses cue to take their seats and then they waited.

"Here I am" Came a soft, melodic voice that sounded as sweet as sugar but was nothing compared to when Louise sang. The youngest of the Brigg girls and by far the best loved by the town walked in with a nervous smile.
"Sorry I kept you waiting" Her green eyes twinkled with laughter and her silky black hair was in great contrast to the silvery blond hair that belonged to Sadie. Louise took her seat with surprising grace and giggled like a child half her age. She was fourteen and the thing she cherished most was the animals and nature. She loved people too and always had a kind word for everyone. She was more than willing to look at a sick pet and everyone came to her. She had a way with animals and they trusted her more than anyone else, even the local vet admitted it.

Amelia watched Louise with her soft honey, brown eyes but found it hard to be jealous of such a kind, lively girl. Still she would have loved to have black hair that was darker than night or even Sadie's soft, blond locks would be better than her plain brown mop. Their brother was as much a contrast to the family as the three girls but that's what came from an arranged marriage between two opposite people. His features were very much the same as Sadie's, what did you expect with twins? At seventeen he was strong with a slim figure and a fast sprint. His life revolved around mechanics and already he was designing a new type of robot.

“So how is school Amelia?” Paul asked in a tight, formal voice.
“Good father. I have the test on Tuesday” Amelia stated as she prodded at her food and then began the tedious examination of her nails; anything to avoid meeting her father’s gaze.
“Ah the test. Which subject are you expecting to succeed in?” Paul leaned forward and at last Amelia had no choice but to look up. She stared into his harsh brown eyes that weren’t so unlike her own. His hair was a pale grey now, no longer the smart blond curls that had made him the attractive, young man he once was. His skin still had a slight tan to it but that was nothing compared to when he had travelled the world. If it wasn’t for his stern, military manner he would appear to be a weak, feeble old man with no purpose in life except to shovel his misery onto others.

“She’ll do best in English of course” Louise exclaimed with what seemed to be a casual, innocent tone but Amelia had to wonder if even she could be so oblivious to how this world was run.
“What?” Paul demanded, Amelia had to face him now. She concentrated on studying his face and avoided the gaze of his cold, angry eyes. Paul didn’t take too much interest in his children’s lives but this was enough to pull him from his bouts of self pity. Writing was no career for his daughter and he was going to make sure she didn’t take any steps in that direction. Maybe if he’d noticed earlier he’d have been able to stop her but it was already too late now.
“She means that I’ll do best in drama” Amelia spoke softly as her eyes travelled to her father’s high cheek bones. The years had not been kind to him and his cheeks were devoid of all colour, his eyes sunken in. Old age had stolen everything, his looks, his sense of humour and, most of all, his career.
“Drama yes, a good future there” Paul accepted this lie and clung to it like a man clinging to a rope to save himself from falling down the cliff. He didn’t want to believe that any of his children had anything to do with something as useless as writing.

After lunch Amelia and Sadie talked quietly,
“You shouldn’t write and where did you get the pen?” Sadie was smarter than you expected and never missed an opportunity to ask questions.
“It’s not like it’s illegal and that’s none of your business” Amelia retorted in a hushed tone.
“It is if you don’t want dad and mum to find out” Sadie growled. Her eyes softened,
“Please Lia, we tell each other everything” It was true, well almost. Amelia had a few secrets from Sadie and Sadie never talked about the one thing Amelia was most interested in - Great Aunt Gina’s diary.
“I took it from the museum but they wont miss it, they have loads!” Amelia blurted defensively, maybe just a little too loud.
“Just be careful and you’d best go revise” With that the two girls parted. The two years separating them only made them stronger and as Amelia danced up the stairs she smiled openly for the whole universe to see.

For all that day and all of Sunday Amelia listened to revision tapes and watched revision programs. Her computer was used more in those two days than ever before! When Monday came Amelia went to school and then upon arriving back home resumed her seat at her desk. She revised for another twenty minuets and then wired herself up to the tester. She entered the virtual reality program and failed every subject but three (English, Drama and I.T) Amelia strived to improve; she stayed awake and quizzed herself harder than ever. The time flew but no matter how hard she tried Amelia couldn’t take everything in. She finally collapsed at half past one and slept in a deep, dark abyss of despair where no dreams visited.

“Just try your best sweetie” Diane planted a warm kiss on her daughter’s cheek and embraced her tightly.
“Take the chute today or you’ll be late” With that Paul retired back upstairs. Amelia scooped up her jetter in one arm and her bag in the other as Louise, Sadie and Liam also said goodbye to their mother.
Last edited by Rydia on Tue Oct 02, 2007 10:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:17 pm
Squall says...

I like this very much Kittie15. It's quite original and the world you've created is intruging. Nice to know that your character is only a weenie armed with a pen lol.
I'm curious as to how the plot of this will develop. I mean a girl armed with a pen lol.

I don't think you need a line to line because it all flowed very well for me.

The only problem I had with the story was when you were describing what the characters looked like. Personally, I wouldn't bother doing that when there are mutliple characters. Isolating them and describing it is how I prefer.

Overall, I'm interested. More please.
"To the edge of the universe and back. Endure and survive."

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Sat Sep 01, 2007 11:06 pm
Reyu says...

kitty15 wrote:I started this about two or three years ago and I'm considering re-writing the two chapters that I have and adding a few more but I'd like to see if people think it's worth it first.

Chapter 1 - The Test.

Amelia sighed deeply and pulled the piece of paper from her book. She carefully screwed it up into a tight ball and decided to throw [s]this one[/s] it. Just one try couldn't hurt. She pulled back her arm and judged the distance to where she had neatly placed the others. With a quick flick of her wrist the paper ball flew towards the mounting pile just like the birds at the wildlife centre she went to last week. It soared gracefully through the air and missed. It rebounded off her mother’s bead lamp before settling on the worn, blue carpet by her feet. Amelia watched this with interest and then sighed once more before retrieving her stolen pen from where it lay. She began again.

This needs a touch up bad. The whole thing reads choppy. Stolen pen?


The palm trees swayed gently in the breeze, whispering secrets of treasure and urging the boy to come closer. Chris took a step forward and then another and another until he stood beside the strong, rough bark of a tree. The young boy rubbed his hand up and down the wood to make sure it was real. For the first time in his fourteen years he was glad to feel the sharp pain of a splinter. His gaze [s]travelled[/s] upwards to the high canopy of fresh, green leaves where he thought he could make out the dim shape of a coconut. He shook his head roughly and it vanished. Another mirage.

Science fiction?

Chris wandered on a little further through the thick trees that closed in to become a wood. As he walked he pushed aside the heavy undergrowth and, glad of the shade he had found, stumbled on over the rocks. He continued like this for what seemed hours but in actual fact was a few minutes. The midday sun poured through to scorch his half covered back for his shirt had torn on the rocks years ago and he still hadn't been able to make another. His bare feet were bruised and swollen so he was relieved when he reached the sandy area twenty-five minutes later. Chris felt it was more like three hours but the time ring never lied. His feet sank into the soft, golden substance but out of exhaustion he tripped over a protruding stick and plummeted down.

The first underlined sentence needs a comma or something. The other underlined sentence needs looking at.

He lay there for a while but knew he must go on. It was hard but Chris managed to pull himself to his feet and was careful to get properly balanced before releasing the tight grip he had on the tree. Night was quickly approaching and the boy gazed around himself warily. He had to reach home.

Another run-on I think. "He had to make it home soon"?

Chris ran a blistered hand through his dark, [s]dishevelled [/s]hair. Sweat dripped down his brow into his calm blue eyes; as calm as the sea on a warm summers day. Chris didn't feel calm. His thoughts were a jumble of emotions but most of all he felt fierce and angry like the waves that played out their rhythmic attack against the shore or those that tore at boats in the high storms. His whole life depended on the sea, he was the sea. An outcast abandoned on this island long ago and left to survive on his own or crumble and die. The sea was his kind mother, his [s]saviour[/s] from heaven. How he had come to loathe her! She was the reason he was banished, he had only...[s]...[/s]

Strikethrough = Spelling mistakes. You only need three ...


"What you doing?" Sadie walked into the room and jumped onto the sofa where she spread herself out. As she crunched a handful of peanuts the remote found its way into her hand and she began flicking through channels.
"Nothing" Amelia swiftly turned around and hid her work like the ocean hides it's pearls or a magician hides his tricks, neither of which have much success though and so neither did Amelia.
"Yes you are, you're writing again." Sadie stated sadly.

Sadie pitied Amelia, the one who could get nothing right. Of the three girls in their family she was the only one who showed little promise. Compared to Sadie with her slim, attractive figure Amelia was large and clumsy. An elephant amongst mice. She wasn't athletic and was bottom of her class in everything except English. Her pride and joy was to write but that didn't matter much, not now. Maybe in the ancient years she would have been considered valuable, writers were needed back then to keep the balance in the worlds. That was what Kenny said anyway. [s]Sadie found it hard to believe that writers were ever needed but the old books (old because books were no longer written) said writers named everything in the worlds and bound it together.[/s]

I think that whole sentence can go.

"Come on girls, lunch" Amelia was saved from the embarrassment of having to explain but she still worried.
"Please don't tell anyone" she hissed to Sadie as they left the front room and entered the kitchen.
"Where is Louise?" Diane, a soft, gentle mother with a large cuddly figure asked as she sat down. That was everyone [s]elses[/s] cue to take their seats and then they waited.

"Here I am" Came a soft, melodic voice that sounded as sweet as sugar but was nothing compared to when Louise sang. The youngest of the Brigg girls and by far the best loved by the town walked in with a nervous smile.
"Sorry I kept you waiting" Her green eyes twinkled with laughter and her silky black hair was in great contrast to the silvery blond hair that belonged to Sadie. Louise took her seat with surprising grace and giggled like a child half her age. She was fourteen and the thing she cherished most was the animals and nature. She loved people too and always had a kind word for everyone. She was more than willing to look at a sick pet and everyone came to her. She had a way with animals and they trusted her more than anyone else, even the local vet admitted it.

Amelia watched Louise with her soft honey, brown eyes but found it hard to be jealous of such a kind, lively girl. Still she would have loved to have black hair that was darker than night or even Sadie's soft, blond locks would be better than her plain brown mop. Their brother was as much a contrast to the family as the three girls but that's what came from an arranged marriage between two opposite people. His features were very much the same as Sadie's, what did you expect with twins? At seventeen he was strong with a slim figure and a fast sprint. His life revolved around mechanics and already he was designing a new type of robot.

ROBOTS! YES! First mention of anything Sci-Fi

“So how is school Amelia?” Paul asked in a tight, formal voice.
“Good father. I have the test on Tuesday” Amelia stated as she prodded at her food and then began the tedious examination of her nails; anything to avoid meeting her father’s gaze.
“Ah the test. Which subject are you expecting to succeed in?” Paul leaned forward and at last Amelia had no choice but to look up. She stared into his harsh brown eyes that weren’t so unlike her own. His hair was a pale [s]grey [/s]now, no longer the smart blond curls that had made him the attractive, young man he once was. His skin still had a slight tan to it but that was nothing compared to when he had [s]travelled [/s]the world. If it wasn’t for his stern, military manner he would appear to be a weak, feeble old man with no purpose in life except to shovel his misery onto others.

“She’ll do best in English of course” Louise exclaimed with what seemed to be a casual, innocent tone but Amelia had to wonder if even she could be so oblivious to how this world was run.
“What?” Paul demanded, Amelia had to face him now. She concentrated on studying his face and avoided the gaze of his cold, angry eyes. Paul didn’t take too much interest in his children’s lives but this was enough to pull him from his bouts of self pity. Writing was no career for his daughter and he was going to make sure she didn’t take any steps in that direction. Maybe if he’d noticed earlier he’d have been able to stop her but it was already too late now.
“She means that I’ll do best in drama” Amelia spoke softly as her eyes [s]travelled[/s] to her father’s high cheek bones. The years had not been kind to him and his cheeks were devoid of all [s]colour[/s], his eyes sunken in. Old age had stolen everything, his looks, his sense of [s]humour[/s] and, most of all, his career.
“Drama yes, a good future there” Paul accepted this lie and clung to it like a man clinging to a rope to save himself from falling down [s]the[/s]cliff. He didn’t want to believe that any of his children had anything to do with something as useless as writing.

Change 'the' to 'a'.

After lunch Amelia and Sadie talked quietly,
“You shouldn’t write and where did you get the pen?” Sadie was smarter than you expected and never missed an opportunity to ask questions.
“It’s not like it’s illegal and that’s none of your business” Amelia retorted in a hushed tone.
“It is if you don’t want dad and mum to find out” Sadie growled. Her eyes softened,
“Please Lia, we tell each other everything” It was true, well almost. Amelia had a few secrets from Sadie and Sadie never talked about the one thing Amelia was most interested in - Great Aunt Gina’s diary.
“I took it from the museum but they wont miss it, they have loads!” Amelia blurted defensively, maybe just a little too loud.
“Just be careful and you’d best go revise” With that the two girls parted. The two years separating them only made them stronger and as Amelia danced up the stairs she smiled openly for the whole universe to see.

For all that day and all of Sunday Amelia listened to revision tapes and watched revision programs. Her computer was used more in those two days than ever before! When Monday came Amelia went to school and then upon arriving back home resumed her seat at her desk. She revised for another twenty minuets and then wired herself up to the tester. She entered the virtual reality program and failed every subject but three (English, Drama and I.T) Amelia [s]strived[/s] to improve; she stayed awake and quizzed herself harder than ever. The time flew but no matter how hard she tried Amelia couldn’t take everything in. She finally collapsed at half past one and slept in a deep, dark abyss of despair where no dreams visited.

“Just try your best sweetie” Diane planted a warm kiss on her daughter’s cheek and embraced her tightly.
“Take the chute today or you’ll be late” With that Paul retired back upstairs. Amelia scooped up her jetter in one arm and her bag in the other as Louise, Sadie and Liam also said goodbye to their mother.

Ends flat, not enough Sci-Fi. You have me sufficiently bored but still wondering. That is rare for me. The characters need some depth and who did she steal the pen from? I will read more if you make more.

Also, I understand that some (maybe all?) of the words that I crossed out might be how they are spelled in Britain. I am American though, so I will point it out.
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

~George Carlin

The Completely Evil Plan.

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Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:45 am
sokool15 says...

Hey, Heather! What's up? So here I am...perhaps my hyperactive conscience will finally be alleviated. I'll critique it as I go, so if something I say makes even less sense than usual, that's why.


Okay, first of all...dialogue punctuation? I know that you know that I know that we both know the proper punctuation for dialogue. I'm going to assume that the punctuation is only wrong because you wrote this a while ago, right? And you said you were going to re-write the first chapters, so I'm guessing you want us to spend more time on the actual plot and characters.

*reads along, la-dee da dee da...*

Okay, finished.

As far as your characters go...so far they are ever-so-slightly bland. I mean, Amelia has a lot of potential, but you dont' really go into her thoughts enough for me to actually begin to form an attachment to her as a character. So that's something you might develop. Oh, and Sadie...you randomly jumped into Sadie's mind at one point when you said 'Sadie pitied Amelia.' etc. What was that about? That was a little random. I think you should perhaps try to keep it in one person's mind, or make that transition a little smoother.

Your plotline...so far, it looks original and brilliant, and not boring at all! I love the idea of how a writer, or one who has the dreams of a writer, could survive in a world where writers were not needed. I shudder at the thought! But it's a very good idea and I definitely think you should pursue it.

Of course, it does need a bit of a rewrite, but I'm sure you know that. So rewrite this, and I'll come back...and post the next chapter, by all means! I'd really like to see more of this.

Yours I do always hope to remain, whether you like it or not...

~Mademoiselle Kool 8)
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
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Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:13 pm
Rydia says...

Thank you so much! You're right, the dialogue punctuation is atrocious as is the characterization, the view points etcetra. I am very fond of the plot however. Especially of what happens later on that I never got around to writing but to this day, it's floating in a corner of my mind, waiting to be condemned to a life on paper. But yes, it's about time I started the re-write so thanks for the reminder and I shall see what I can do. My timetable is a touch busy this next week but... maybe the one after?
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:12 pm
Stori says...

Okay, first off, you need to describe the girls more. And naming her parents doesn't add much to the story.

Well, the whole thing was well done. Maybe you should tell about her brother earlier, but that's your call.
"The one thing you can't trade for your heart's desire is your heart."
Miles Vorkosigan

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Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:19 pm
Someguy says...

It is not bad.
You should describe your charachters a bit more.
I didn't read the entire thing,too busy(sorry)
Can't find anything wrong in the parts I read.

Really nice.
Look at my big shiny shell...

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Tue Oct 02, 2007 9:23 pm
Jasmine Hart says...

This probably doesn't need to be said, but, love it, love it, love it. Beautifully written as always, and I'm enchanted by the plot. You're fond of your Amelias, aren't you?
I didn't spot much wrong with this, other than your characters seem a little too perfect looking. Other than Amelia being bland, those descibed are all beautiful. Maybe try adding little imperfections. They could still be endearing, I just think it would make your characters more believable. I think I'll just go through it like Reyu did and give you my thoughts.

Chapter 1 - The Test.

Amelia sighed heavily (I think it sounds better like that).and pulled the piece of paper from her book. She carefully screwed it up into a tight ball and decided to throw [b]itb]. Just one try couldn't hurt. She pulled back her arm and judged the distance to where she had neatly placed the others. With a quick flick of her wrist the paper ball flew towards the mounting pile just like the birds at the wildlife centre she went to last week. [b]It soared gracefully through the air(I'd omit these words as you've already said that it flew) and missed. It rebounded off her mother’s bead lamp(nice touch) before settling on the worn, blue carpet by her feet. Amelia watched this with interest (I think interest is too strong a word.)and then sighed once more before retrieving her stolen pen from where it lay. She began again.

The palm trees swayed gently in the breeze, whispering secrets of treasure
(loveyl)and urging the boy to come closer. Chris took a step forward and then another and another ((this seems a little awkward, as if he's moving, stopping, moving, stopping, etc. I think I' d just saty "Chris moved forward, until..."until he stood beside the strong, rough bark of a tree. (I'm not sure about this. Is there only bark here, or is it actually a tree? If it's a tree, which I think it is, I might say "a strong, rough-barked tree", or "a storng tree with rough bark".)The young boy rubbed his hand up and down the wood to make sure it was real. For the first time in his fourteen years he was glad to feel the sharp pain of a splinter.(Interesting. Now I'm curious.) His gaze travelled upwards to the high canopy of fresh, green leaves where he thought he could make out the dim shape of a coconut. He shook his head roughly and it vanished. Another mirage. (Nice end to the paragraph.)

Chris wandered on a little further through the thick trees [/b]which closed in to become a wood. As he walked he pushed aside the heavy undergrowth and, glad of the shade he had found, stumbled on over the rocks. He continued like this for what seemed hours but in actual fact was a few minutes. (I don't like the sentence. I don't think it flows properly, and I'm not sure that I needed to know this.)The midday sun poured through and scorched his half covered back. His shirt had torn on the rocks years ago and he still hadn't been able to make another. His bare feet were bruised and swollen so he was relieved when he reached the sandy area twenty-five minutes later. It seemedmore like three hours, but the time ring never lied. His feet sank into the soft, golden substance but, out of exhaustion, he tripped over a protruding stick and plummeted down.

He lay there for a while but knew he had to go on. With difficulty, Chris managed to pull himself to his feet and was careful to get properly balanced before releasing the tight grip he had on the tree. Night was quickly approaching and the boy gazed around [i](omit "himself")
warily. He had to reach home.

Chris ran a blistered hand through his dark, dishevelled hair. Sweat dripped down his brow into his calm blue eyes; as calm as the sea on a warm summers day. (I think that there are too many adjectives here. I was going to say omit "calm" but I like the desciption which followed, so maybe one of the previous adjectives should go.)Chris didn't feel calm. His thoughts were a jumble of emotions but ( I don't think you need the start of the sentence.)most of all he felt fierce and angry,like the waves which played out their rhythmic attack against the shore or those that tore at boats in the high storms ([i]lovely.). His whole life depended on the sea.He was the sea, An outcast abandoned on this island long ago and left to survive on his own or crumble and die. The sea was his kind mother, his saviour from heaven. (I think saviour alone is enough)How he had come to loathe her! She was the reason he was banished, he had only....... [/i](nice place to leave off!)


"What you doing?" Sadie walked into the room and jumped onto the sofa where she spread herself out. As she crunched a handful of peanuts the remote found its way into her hand and she began flicking through channels. (Nice)
"Nothing" Amelia swiftly turned around and hid her work like the ocean hides it's pearls or a magician hides his tricks, (this is a great similie, but maybe there's been too much reference to the ocean in a short space of time.)neither of which have much success though and so neither did Amelia.
"Yes you are, you're writing again." Sadie stated sadly.

Sadie pitied Amelia, the one who could get nothing right. Of the three girls in their family she was the only one who showed little promise. Compared to Sadie with her slim, attractive figure Amelia was large and clumsy, an elephant amongst mice. She wasn't athletic, and was bottom of her class in everything except English. Her pride and joy was to write(
I'm not sure about the phrasing here, I think it should be "writing was her pride and joy", but I think "pride and joy" is a little cliche,and you're better than that)but that didn't matter much, not now. Maybe in the ancient years she would have been considered valuable, writers were needed back then to keep the balance in the worlds. That was what Kenny said anyway. Sadie found it hard to believe that writers were ever needed but the old books (old because books were no longer written) said writers named everything in the worlds and bound it together. [i](lovely.)

"Come on girls, lunch." ([/i]I think I'd explain who said this and where the voice came from.)Amelia was saved from the embarrassment of having to explain just then,but she still worried.
"Please don't tell anyone" she hissed to Sadie as they left the front room and entered the kitchen.
"Where's Louise?" Diane, a soft, gentle woman with a large cuddly figure asked as she sat down. That was everyone elses' cue to take their seats. They waited.

"Here I am" Came a soft, melodic voice that sounded as sweet as sugar (again, you're better than this. I also think there's too much description of her voice here, and think the rest of this sentence is a little clumsily phrased. It sounds like you just wanted to work her singing in to it.)but was nothing compared to when Louise sang. The youngest of the Brigg girls, by far the best loved by the inhabitants of the town, walked in with a nervous smile. (not sure about "nervous." She's laughing in the next part, and I'm not sure that the nerves coincide properly with her apparent joy.)
"Sorry I kept you waiting."Her green eyes twinkled with laughter and her silky black hair was in great contrast to the silvery blond hair that belonged to Sadie.(This sounds a little forced.) Louise took her seat with surprising grace and giggled like a child half her age.(why is she giggeling?) She was fourteen and the thing she cherished most was nature. (Think animals is implied within nature.)She loved people too and always had a kind word for everyone.(cliche!) She was more than willing to look at a sick pet and everyone came to her. (For what?)She had a way with animals and they trusted her more than anyone else.Even the local vet admitted it.

Amelia watched Louise with her soft honey, brown eyes (whose eyes? If Amelia's, I'd take this out, as obviously she watched ehr with her eyes.)but found it hard to be jealous of such a kind, lively girl. Still, she would have loved to have black hair that was darker than night or even Sadie's soft, blond locks would be better than her plain brown mop. Their brother was as much a contrast to the family as the three girls but that's what came from an arranged marriage between two opposite people. His features were very much the same as Sadie's, what did you expect with twins? At seventeen he was strong with a slim figure and a fast sprint. His life revolved around mechanics and already he was designing a new type of robot. (This seems a bit thrown-in. Maybe introduce their brother later?)

“So how is school Amelia?” Paul asked in a tight, formal voice.
“Good father. I have the test on Tuesday” Amelia stated.She prodded at her food and then began the tedious examination of her nails; anything to avoid meeting her father’s gaze.
“Ah the test. Which subject are you expecting to succeed in?” Paul leaned forward and at last Amelia had no choice but to look up. She stared into his harsh brown eyes that weren’t so unlike her own. His hair was a pale grey now, no longer the smart blond curls that had made him the attractive, (no comma)young man he once was. His skin still had a slight tan to it but that was nothing compared to when he had travelled the world. If it wasn’t for his stern, military manner he would appear to be a weak, feeble old man with no purpose in life except to shovel his misery onto others. (nice).
“She’ll do best in English of course” Louise exclaimed with what seemed to be a casual, innocent tone but Amelia had to wonder if even she could be so oblivious to how this world was run. (I think this si too long-winded. Maybe try "It seemed to be an innocent remark, but...)
“What?” Paul demanded, Amelia had to face him now. She concentrated on studying his face and avoided the gaze of his cold, angry eyes.(would she really look straight at him if avoiding his gaze?) Paul didn’t take too much interest in his children’s lives but this was enough to pull him from his bouts of self pity. (good.)Writing was no career for his daughter and he was going to make sure she didn’t take any steps in that direction. Maybe if he’d noticed earlier he’d have been able to stop her but it was already too late now. (I like this part.)
“She means that I’ll do best in drama” Amelia spoke softly as her eyes travelled to her father’s high cheek bones. The years had not been kind to him and his cheeks were devoid of all colour, his eyes sunken in. Old age had stolen everything, his looks, his sense of humour and, most of all, his career.
“Drama yes, a good future there” Paul accepted this lie and clung to it like a man clinging to a rope to save himself from falling down the cliff. He didn’t want to believe that any of his children had anything to do with something as useless as writing. (Maybe choose another subject unless you're going to develop later on on why drama is useful.)
After lunch Amelia and Sadie talked quietly,
“You shouldn’t write and where did you get the pen?” (This is a funny sentence. I'm not sure she'd say all this in one burst, it doesn't sound natural. Maybe she sighs, or her eyes fall on the pen, or something to break up the sentence.)Sadie was smarter than you'd expect and never missed an opportunity to ask questions.
“It’s not like it’s illegal and that’s none of your business(I'd reverse this sentence)” Amelia retorted in a hushed tone.
“It is if you don’t want dad and mum to find out” Sadie growled. (I think you need an action before her ees soften as it's too dramatci a transition without a bridge.)Her eyes softened,
“Please Lia, we tell each other everything” It was true, well almost. Amelia had a few secrets from Sadie and Sadie never talked about the one thing Amelia was most interested in - Great Aunt Gina’s diary. (Now I'm curious again...)
“I took it from the museum but they won't miss it, they have loads!” Amelia blurted defensively, maybe just a little too loud.
“Just be careful and you’d best go revise.” With that the two girls parted. The two years separating them only made them stronger(? Stronger?) and as Amelia [i]danced up the stairs[/i](Do people really dance up the stairs?) she smiled openly for the whole universe to see. (Em...I'm not sure about this. How open can it have been if it was to herself?)
For all that day and all of Sunday Amelia listened to revision tapes and watched revision programs. Her computer was used more in those two days than ever before.When Monday came Amelia went to school and then upon arriving back home resumed her seat at her desk. She revised for another twenty minutes and then wired herself up to the tester. She entered the virtual reality program and failed every subject but three (English, Drama and I.T) Amelia strived to improve; she stayed awake and quizzed herself harder than ever. The time flew but no matter how hard she tried Amelia couldn’t take everything in. She finally collapsed at half past one and slept in a deep dark abyss of despair where no dreams visited. (nice)

“Just try your best sweetie” Diane planted a warm kiss on her daughter’s cheek and embraced her tightly.
“Take the chute today or you’ll be late” With that Paul retired back upstairs.(I'd either omit "back" or change "retired" to "went".) Amelia scooped up her jetter in one arm and her bag in the other as Louise, Sadie and Liam (omit "also") said goodbye to their mother.

There we go. Hope that helped. Looking forward to the next installment! Let me know when it goes up.
"Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise."
-Maya Angelou

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Tue Oct 02, 2007 9:39 pm
Rydia says...

Wow, thanks so much Jasmine =) And yes, I'm very attached to the name Amelia but this is the first story I used it in and she's rather a different character to the latest creations who have owned the name. Lol.

Anyway, I'm sort of working on a re-write at the moment and I'll be sure to incorporate lots of your suggestions and hopefully improve it lots and lots.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

There is nothing to fear from someone who shouts.
— Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart