
Young Writers Society

Chapter2 - The Greater Good

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Wed May 02, 2007 10:46 pm
theron guard says...

"Hehehe," chuckled the Big Mek, "I see 'em now boyz." With his heat vision goggles, the Big Mek could spot all nine of the Stealth suits (a Big Mek is an ork mechanic). "On my word boyz, we storm 'em." the Mek whispered to his fellow orks. The other orks looked wearily into the jungle before replying "We'll chew 'em up, and spit 'em out." "Hehehe," the Mek's hoarse voice laughed again, "I got the right bits for this fight, hehe."
Kauyon stood motionless as he eyed the Big Mek. As slowly and carefully as he could, he raised his hand to his com link. "All teams, stand down. The mission has been aborted." The other teams cautiously retreated from the ork's position, trying to make as little movement as possible.
"Alright boyz." the Mek whispered, "Their movin on out 'o here. Don't le 'em get away." Abruptly, the orks turned toward the forest, their eyes lighting up with the lust of battle. The Big Mek looked at one of the stealthsuits, not knowing it was Kauyon. A wide grin came over his green face before yelling "CHARGE 'EM BOYZ!"
Kauyon open fired on the incoming orks as hundreds of them poured into the jungle. Although they could not see him, he had to duck, roll, and dodge the orks that made it passed his plasma fire. "Commander!" a worried voice hissed from Kauyon's com link, "We must get out of hear! They have overrun team two's position." "Copy," Kauyon replied, "all teams activate jetpacks!" All XV25 stealthsuits are equipped with hardwired jetpacks to quickly navigate and scout out areas.
The stealthsuits roared into the air, continually firing down on the orks. "Commander Kauyon, where do we head?" Without a doubt Kauyon answered, "Its been a long day. We'll go back to HQ." The Cadre Headquarters was a couple dozen miles away, and was only a few minutes by jetpack. Within no time, the stealth teams had arrived at the base.
As they landed, they were greeted by the Fire Warrior commander (Fire Warriors are the Tau average soldiers.) "Ah, Shas'vre Kauyon, back from your patrol?" Kauyon sighed, removing his burst canon and helmet, "Yes, is commander Farsight here?" "Yes he is, over in the barracks." said the Warrior. "Thank you." Kauyon replied as he looked back at his teams. The entire second team had killed. Kauyon sigh again at the loss of the team.
Then he set off for Commander Farsight's barracks.
Farsight was the commander of the Tau resistance. He had led many great campaigns against the orks, and everyone of them had fallen before his might. But his forces were getting worn after years of fighting this ork army. And now his force was on its last legs, desperately fighting back the endless green tides.
Kauyon came to the door of Farsight's barracks. Knocking lightly on the door Kauyon waited for an answer. "Who is it?" asked the young but experienced voice of Commander Farsight. "Its shas'vre Kauyon, Commander Farsight." "Ah, Kauyon, please come in." Farsight said in a calm voice. Kauyon quietly stepped into the room. Farsight was sitting at has desk, looking as though deep in thought. "Commander Farsight." Kauyon said. Stirring Farsight from his thinking Kauyon stepped farther into the room. "Welcome, Patient Hunter." Farsight greeted him (Kauyon means 'Patient Hunter' in Tau.) "Hello Commander Farsight." said Kauyon. Farsight sighed, "Did you find any information on the ork force?" "No Commander, but the orks are sending out bigger and bigger patrols. They must be amassing down in the south."
Farsight stood up and walked over to the wall. Mounted on it was his Dawn Blade. Years ago, Farsight met a mastercrafter of the Tau race. The crafter made the Dawn Blade for Farsight, fusing it with lightning. Even without him wielding it, the blade shown a bright blue, filling the whole room with an ire
light. It was Farsights most prized possession. Farsight sighed and looked at Kauyon. "Kauyon, we must defeat the orks, or we will loose this planet." Kauyon understood Farsight's words, the had to beat back the ork army. "But Shas'o Farsight?" asked Kauyon (Shas'o is the highest title given to Tau meaning 'Commander',) "how are we supposed to do that?" Farsight paused, thinking. "Kauyon, the orks are surrounding our last defenses. We must go on the offensive or we will loose are last fortress." Farsight said, making sure Kauyon hear him. "That is why I am sending you, and a small elite force of Tau to attack and destroy the orks main bass of operation." Kauyon was quick to object, but Farsight had made up his mind. "Commander?" Kauyon asked. "Yes, Patient Hunter?" "Why must we keep this planet? You have many worlds conquered in your name." "Because, we cannot. We fight for the Greater Good." Farsight stated bluntly. "But shas'o," Kauyon said, "you stopped following the Greater Good long ago."

Next Post I Will Explain The Tau! :D
Ohhhhhhh YEAH!!!!!!

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Thu May 03, 2007 12:25 am
Dark Beast says...

That was good. The explanation was much better and is clear to people who don't know about war hammer.
"I'll never go back on my word, thats my nido, my ninja way" - naruto

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Thu May 03, 2007 7:57 am
Shadowsun says...

OK. Lets get a few things straight. The Tau would adress Commaner Farsight as O'Shovah. The Dawn Blade was found on a dead planet. We do not know if Shovah doesn't follow the greater Good any more. And Shovahs forces do not have XV25.

But apart from that it's a good story.

~ Shadowsun :D
Before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes... Then who cares? You're a mile away and you've got their shoes.

It is most unlikely. But - here comes the big "but" - not impossible.
— Roald Dahl