
Young Writers Society

Adventures of the SPEW Gryphon III (Episode II)

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Tue May 25, 2010 6:14 am
Griffinkeeper says...

The SPEW Eevee was a SPEW Frigate. Painted as it was in bright pink paint, it was the second most recent ship in the SPEW arsenal. Weapon pods were hidden in the interior of the ship, giving it a sleek and harmless look. Even as Evi and Firearris arrived at the dock, the ship was powering up. It's forum jump engines were warming up and emitted a bright red light.

Evi walked quickly and with authority, like a business woman that is late to her own meeting.

"Adelaide, activate the neural implants of all SPEW members. I want them connected to SPEW net now. I want alarms going off on all decks of YWS Station. Firearris! I'm not waiting for you. Hurry up!" Evi said, while entering the ship. Firearris moved into the ship and the hatch closed behind her. Like the exterior, the interior of the ship was painted a bright pink. Displays appeared on the wall and followed Evi as she walked.

"We're evacuating YWS? Oh my god, oh my god, this can't be happening," Firearris panicked.

"Cut it out. It's happening and there is no time to panic," Evi said. They found their way to the center of the ship. The hatch opened and the two entered an empty, spherical room. There was no gravity in this room, the two floated around inside.

"Activate the SPEW system," Evi said. At once, the walls of the room lit up, displaying a complete view of the outside of the ship. Additional displays, showing the status of the engines, the shields, the hull, and the weapons all popped up. On another screen was the following:


"I'm opening all the entrances to the Eevee. Looks like people will be on board soon," Evi said. She gestured toward the wall, which now showed people moving toward the ship.

"This is amazing. The Gryphon II wasn't this advanced," Firearris said.

"Well, duh. That was a second generation SPEW ship. Since then, Grif has gone on even more travels, discovered and invented even more technology, so of course it would be light years ahead of anything on the Gryphon II."

"How come you get a ship?" Firearris asked.

"First, I have a blue star. Once you have a blue star, you become eligible to Captain your own ship. The more stars you have, the stronger the ships you can Captain."

"But this ship is many times more powerful than anything in the YWS arsenal!"


"So? So you're a Junior Moderator and you're wielding a weapon that most Administrators don't have. Not only are you able to do that, but you're giving orders like an administrator."

"Also correct."

"But why?" Firearris asked.

"Simple: I'm the co-leader of SPEW." Firearris's jaw dropped in shock.

"But that's... that's..."

"Impossible? Why? Because of my age?"

"I didn't say-"

"SPEW is not like other organizations. It is a completely different kind of organization. One in which rules do not exist, but rather what works and what does not. I work, therefore I lead."

"But you're issuing orders to YWS at large, you shouldn't be able to do that!" Firearris said.

"Normally you'd be right. However, Big Brother decided that during emergencies, all of YWS reports through the SPEW chain of command. Most of Big Brother is in SPEW anyways. At the top are the admins. When they're not around, it falls to the next highest SPEW officer. That would be me," Evi said smugly.

"Ma'am, I've identified the enemy fleet, you'll want to see this for yourself," Adelaide said. An enhanced image appeared in front of Evi and both members gasped.

"Oh my god..." Evi said. The two members stood on the Eevee, shocked.

Meanwhile, Grif and Areida ran down a service corridor. The main corridors were, even now, filled with panicking YWS members, who were rushing to evacuate YWS Station. The SPEW Commandos knew of all this thanks to SPEW net, which was streaming the data in real time to their neural implants.

"The control room should be up the garbage chute," Areida said.

"You mean down the garbage chute, like Star Wars," Grif said.

"No, I mean up the garbage chute, like Wall-E," Areida said as she climbed up the chute. The two SPEW Commandos emerged from the garbage chute and found themselves in the YWS Control room. The monitors were all intact and blazing bright. From behind a chair, came some faint cheerful music. In the chair sat Snoink, her eyes fixed on the object in her hands. She held it with a death grip, her fingers flew across the buttons automatically.

"Oh no! She's playing Pokemon!" Areida said, dragging Snoink out of the chair. Snoink squealed as she grasped the Gameboy. Grif took the seat. The icons of the attacking force showed up. There were three carriers, two battleships, four cruisers, six destroyers, and five frigates. Three hundred assault shuttles and fighters were also present and were attacking the inner line of defense. A command prompt had popped up and had been ignored.

Activate Defenses?

"Yes!" Grif said.

"You have to press the button Grif," Areida said.

"Oh," Grif said, pressing the button.

The weapons systems activated and scored their first kills moments later as it engaged the enemy fighters. Grif turned to Areida.

"The inner defenses have been activated. They should buy us some extra time. We need to evacuate now. Can you take her to her ship? I'll return to the Gryphon," Grif said.

"Okay," Areida said. "Grif, in case we don't make it through this..."

"Areida, that sort of sentence is reserved for people that are romantically involved," Grif said.

"Oh, right. So! I'll see you later then?"

"Definitely," Grif responded. Areida picked up Snoink and carried her through the main door, still playing video games. Grif returned back down the garbage chute. As he climbed down, he called on Adelaide.

"Adelaide, situation report."

"The YWS members are almost loaded on the ships. Some members in the chat room didn't get the evacuation order. Some members are still inside. Coordinates are uploaded," Adelaide said and the coordinates appeared on screen.

"I'll take care of them. Continue," Grif said.

"So far our defenses have taken out twenty fighters, but I don't think they'll hold out much longer. The enemy capital ships are staying well out of range, they're letting the fighters deal with the defenses," Adelaide reported.

"Any idea who they are?"

"Yes. We've identified them as the French warships," Adelaide replied.

"I'm sorry Adelaide, that last bit didn't come in clearly. What did you say?"

"We're being attacked by French warships."

"Being attacked by who?"

"FRENCH, FOXTROT-ROMEO-ECHO-NOVEMBER-CHARLIE-HOTEL, FRENCH warships," Adelaide said. Grif responded with a string of particularly graphic obscenities and continued to spout them with vitriolic fervor until he reached the chat room.
Last edited by Griffinkeeper on Tue May 25, 2010 4:43 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Tue May 25, 2010 6:35 am
Snoink says...

I thought this was quick... maybe a bit too quick! I would like you to describe the SPEW Snoink more... it's quite a pleasant place, actually. And I would definitely like more dialogue. You're quite funny... plus your narrative tends to rush. Take it slow, bro. :P
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

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Tue May 25, 2010 5:06 pm
Sins says...

Heya :)
You know the drill...

Now this is going to be a crappy review... sorry. Mainly because I couldn't spot any grammar errors, you annoying toilet brush. Therefore, I'm not going to mention any nitpicks because... er... I couldn't find any. That's a good thing though, I guess. Well it is for you anyway. For me, it's boring. :wink:

I do have to agree with Snoink though with the whole rushed thing. To me, this chapter moves a bit quickly. Please don't start writing paragraphs and paragraphs full of descriptions, that would make me cry. I'm just asking you to slow things down a bit. Stop to smell the roses kind of thing. It's times like this when I agree with the phrase, slow and steady wins the race. You just need to give us readers time to think about what you're saying, really. Do you get what I mean? Sorry if I'm not being very helpful here...

I can't actually think of any other critiques, which bugs me. I may as well move on to the positives then! Some parts of this was really entertaining. I have to admit, I quite liked your dialogue. My only critique about that is the fact that you use a rather lot of dialogue. I think you could even it out a bit with some actions and descriptions in between the dialogue. Simply to make this piece slightly more pleasurable to read. Other than that, like I said before, the dialogue itself was pretty entertaining.

Overall, I really did enjoy reading this. There were some nice, entertaining parts to it and your grammar was perfect. It was as far as I could tell anyway. Your spelling was also perfect, so well done for that. All that you need to do is slow things down a bit. If you do that, you will have a really immense piece of writing here! :)

Sorry this review's sucked :D

Keep writing!

xoxo Skins
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

I have writer's block. I can't write. It is the will of the gods. Now, I must alphabetize my spice rack.
— Neil Gaiman