
Young Writers Society

A Hole in the World - Chapter One

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Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:05 am
SNDeane says...

Chapter One - A Hole in the World
By: S. N. Deane

Time flows through the clock; creeping into my mind like a headache. English drags on endlessly as I sit in a seminar circle, listening to four girls argue about world peace. My classmates listen, leaning over their desks’ as if they were actually interested. Mrs. Lane, taps her ballpoint pen against the edge of her hallow desk. The sound echoes through the brick walls of my skull, each time magnified. I feel my hands clenching the bottom of the chair; adrenaline pushes against my heart creating a vast hole within the center of my stomach. As I breathe deeply I draw attention to myself, adding more strain. A droplet of blood falls onto my threadbare jeans, settling in. A high pitched noise plagues my ears as last period ends. Pushing through the crowed of jocks and cheerleaders at the end of the main hall, I find the way to sunlight.

Light presses against my eyes. Trying to open them, a raspy voice calls to me, Aurum. Swiftly the anguish was gone. I lean against the wall surveying the mass of people, passing by. I had never felt so relieved. It’s like I was being pulled in two. The Man stands next to me trying to feel what he could not. He reassures me that everything will be okay and that my doubts will soon be resolved. I bring myself together, trying to fathom what just happened. Thoughts bounce about my ingenuity while I trek through the field behind school.

A cool breeze brushes against my skin swaying me. I gaze at the sky; a bird alights from the bow of my right eye. I travel to a small strip mall to a psychologists’ office, where I feel a great deal of fear. I force myself to open the door but I knew if I didn’t go today she would just constrain me until I give up.
The office smells of baby powder and juniper. A shaking woman sits in the corner, whispering to herself. The secretary, a rather large woman smiles at me as I walk through the door and to her desk.
“How ya doin’ honey?” she smacks her lips.
“I’m fine,” I say rapidly, “I have appointment at four with Delafonte. I’m Aurum L---”
“---Ah, I see ya. Well Aurum, ya can have a seat in the waiting room, Dr. Delafonte will be with ya in a just a moment.”
I nod and make my way over to the closet chair to the door. The shaking woman looks at my with big eyes as if she were trying to tell me something. I here for no longer than five minutes and I already hate it. The walls are painted a butterscotch cream and the floor a cherry wood, everything plain. Just as I take out a copy of Dark They were and Golden-Eyed, a tall woman with dark brown hair and an obvious lack of style comes around the corner. She says my name softly greeting me with a touch on the shoulder. I twirl around my fingers and carry it into her office. I take a seat on the plushy yet firm couch. Dr. Delafonte sits in a chair in front of me.
“Hello, Aurum as you have already guessed, I’m Sierra Delafonte.”
A smirk flashes on my face for a brief moment.
“So I hear that you had an incident at school where you said that you saw a eight-foot talk man in the corner of your classroom during counseling. You call him Albino Guy, correct?”
“Okay, well can you tell me when this all started? Tell me everything,”
I begin, “It was August 26th, 2006 that was the first time I met him, I was ten years old. It was my first day of fourth grade and things were going good. Mother had told me to call her once I got home, so that’s what I did. I went to my desk in the corner of the room, by the window. I dialed the number and it rang, one time, that’s when He answered. At first thought he was one of her co-workers but I was wrong. He asked me how I was doing, I told him that I wanted to talk to my mother, but he said no. I began thinking freaking out, demanding that I talk to my mother. I peeked out the window, to see if anyone was watching me. In the lower left of the corner from what I could see, there was a man, in a tan trench coat, with a tan blues hat, sitting on the bench, who was looking straight at me. I hung up the phone ran to the front door to make sure that it was locked. I stood by the door, and then the buzzer rang. I didn’t answer it but I could hear my name, said over and over again, all with different tones like a hundred people, trying to contact, me. But then it just stopped.” I take a sip of the water left on the side table for me.
Dr. Delafonte, writes something down in her book. “You’re sure that before that day four years ago, that you hadn’t seen him before?”
“Your counselor has stated that you said now he comes to you all the time, when did this come about?”
“One day after practice, I was waiting for father and sister to come pick me up. I waiting in the lobby, where everyone else was, but father was late. I peered out of the window and that’s when I saw him, through my reflection in the glass. I wasn’t afraid of him anymore. That was a year ago. Now I talk to him pretty much every day.”
“What do you talk about?”
“Books, I don’t know.
Dr. Delafonte stops writing and looks me right in the eyes, “Does he ever tell you to do things, harmful things to yourself or anything or anyone around you.
“No, if anything he tells me to calm down.”
She nods, “Okay Aurum,”

We spent the next hour talking about Albino Guy and I don’t see how she’s going to be much of a help. I know that, Delafonte won’t understand what she does not know. When I enter the car, mother blinks at me with satisfaction.

Night continues without any sign of ending. As I sleep, I dreams a field of enchanting scarlet’s and a blue sky filled with emptiness. A smile appears on a soft place. I sit up looking at the ghastly man. I play with the grass. “It’s so beautiful here.” I let the wind take the blades from my palms.
“Yes, it is a wondrous place, isn’t it?”
I rush up and take his hand; Albino Guy runs with me through the intertwining trees. I laughs as they reach a odd waterfall. “Why can’t I be free like water, huh?”
“You can be.” Albino Guy looks at me and with a sudden motion of his hand, I’m thrown of the edge.
I relax my mind, not wanting to fight it. A tingling sensation of mist washes over me as I fall into the vast hole in the world.
Criticism is highly welcomed. Please fill free to correct me on anything!
Thank you.
Last edited by SNDeane on Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
"To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." ---> William Shakespeare

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Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:28 am
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BeKWithaK says...

Mmmm *thinking face* I like it. But it goes from first person to like, third person. At the start (most of) the statements are made in first person, then when Aurum is talking to the counsellor it says 'Aurum looks at her smiling, “One...' etc. Careful with switching persons, it's a problem I also have. And also where does that droplet of blood come at the start? Did she bite her lip? Is she severly despressed, and taken to self-harm? It doesn't say. Re-read your work! Overall the writing's good, in my opinion. Besides, this doesn't really tell us about the character, Aurum or anything.

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Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:08 pm
midnightread says...

Hi SNDeane
I like the beginning of this story. I only saw a few faults and those could be easily sorted if you re-read your story.
Can you pm me when you post more? Thanks.
midnightread :elephant:
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Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:14 pm
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Smilykid says...

I think this story has real potential. Aurum obviously has some close relationship with this "Albino Guy" and that should be explained further in the story. I have some questions as to what is Aurum's character like? Why is she now hanging out with Albino Guy if she had nothing to do with him before. Why is she in counseling for seeing Albino Guy if he is with her like every day. Maybe I misunderstood your writing but these points should be explained further.

I feel my hands clenching the bottom of the chair; adrenaline pushes against my heart creating a vast hole within the center of my stomach.

If she is in an English class, bored, why is she having an adrenaline rush? Just a question.

A droplet of blood falls onto my threadbare jeans, settling in.

Again, if she is sitting in class, how is she bleeding?

The Man stands next to me trying to feel what he could not. He reassures me that everything will be okay and that my doubts will soon be resolved. I bring myself together, trying to fathom what just happened.

Who is this "Man?" Is it Albino Guy? This needs clarification. If this is Albino Guy then he needs some dialogue here. We need to see through their speech what their relationship is like. I think they are very good friends from how you described what she felt like when she saw him. Also, what just happened? It sounds as if he was comforting her from a tragic accident.

...at school where you said that you saw a eight-foot talk man in the corner...


Overall, I think this story has much potential as long as you fix the points mentioned. Your writing is very insightful, descriptive, and creative. Keep up the good work!

-Smilykid :D
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein

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Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:04 pm
Vasticity says...

This isThe Man stands next to me trying to feel what he could not. interesting so far. But there are certain issues...
leaning over their desks’
desks. There isn't an apostrophe in there at all.
a raspy voice calls to me, Aurum.
I think, personally, that it should be, a raspy voice calls out, "Aurum," Anyway...
The Man stands next to me trying to feel what he could not.
Uh... where did The Man come from, what does he look like?? You never specified that he came over, just that he said something. CONFUSING. :|
I travel to a small strip mall to apsychologists’ office
There's that apostrophe again! :evil: Destroy all instances with this apostrophe!!
“It was August 26th, 2006 that was the first time I met him, I was ten years old. It was my first day of fourth grade and things were going good. Mother had told me to call her once I got home, so that’s what I did. I went to my desk in the corner of the room, by the window. I dialed the number and it rang, one time, that’s when He answered. At first thought he was one of her co-workers but I was wrong. He asked me how I was doing, I told him that I wanted to talk to my mother, but he said no. I began thinking freaking out, demanding that I talk to my mother. I peeked out the window, to see if anyone was watching me. In the lower left of the corner from what I could see, there was a man, in a tan trench coat, with a tan blues hat, sitting on the bench, who was looking straight at me. I hung up the phone ran to the front door to make sure that it was locked. I stood by the door, and then the buzzer rang. I didn’t answer it but I could hear my name, said over and over again, all with different tones like a hundred people, trying to contact, me. But then it just stopped.”
WOW. Big block of text. Shorten it. Have the doctor say something or work a description in there somewhere. As for the rest of it, the other reviewers covered it. I like it! You're very creative, descriptive, and original. Keep writing! :smt003
And the angel said unto him, “stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself.” But lo, he could not stop, for the angel was hitting him with his own hands.

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