
Young Writers Society

Escape from the Academy, Part 2

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Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:28 am
Warrior Princess says...

[b]Continued from Escape from the Academy, Part 1.

Pandemonium broke loose in the auditorium. Everyone started talking at once. Several people jumped up, trying to catch a glimpse of this charismatic young rebel who had been stirring up the students of the Academy. Only the guards remained calm. They were swiftly approaching, scorn plain on all their faces. Evidently they didn't think it would be hard to catch Anya.
She twisted to face Jet. "What now?!" she hissed.
"Chill, cupcake," he replied, giving her that charming, infuriating smile of his. "I got the situation under control." With a single smooth movement, he vaulted over Anya's chair, landed on his feet in front of the guards, and drew his sword from its bright silver sheath.
Anya ducked just in time. Why does he have to be so dramatic?! she thought, irritated. Nearly took my head off.
"Sorry to crash the party, ladies," Jet said to the guards, "but Miss Brightsphere has better things to do than rot in a jail cell for the rest of her life." He sidestepped nimbly as one of the guards jabbed at him with her sword. "And while it is somewhat against my policy to fight a girl, I'll have to make exceptions in order to ensure her safety."
Just get on with it! Anya thought, wondering if she should make a run for it or stay and help Jet. Not that I could do much without a weapon.
"Get the rebellious little rat now!" the Headmistress shrieked, stamping her foot. The guards glanced hesitantly at Jet, then attacked.
Anya held her breath.
To her amazement, Jet held them off. She noticed that he only parried their blows and made no effort to hurt them. Several times they tried to get past him, but he was too quick, blocking them before they could take two steps forward. To Anya's surprise, no one in the audience tried to grab her. They just stood watching the fight with open mouths.
As the seconds ticked by, Anya realized, with a mean sort of satisfaction, that Jet's grin was growing somewhat strained. It's kind of hard fighting four people at once, huh, Jet? she thought. But when his smile faded to a grimace, she began to wonder if she should do something. "Jet," she called hesitantly.
He turned his face toward her, swinging his sword all the while. "Anya, you have to get out of here!" He clenched his teeth as one of the guards sliced his arm with her sword. "Hurry!"
Anya glanced around at all the people in the auditorium--wondering if she'd be able to get past those who were loyal to the government--then back at Jet. She wasn't about to leave him to be captured, or maybe even killed, by the guards; but if she didn't escape soon, he might be overpowered, and then they would both be captured.
Her gaze landed on Jet's laser pistol, which had somehow slipped out of its holster during the fight. At that moment she had an idea. She snatched it up and then darted up the steps to the podium. The Headmistress grabbed at her, screeching for the guards to "Stop playing around and kill him!!" Quick as a flash, Anya slipped behind her and set the muzzle of the gun against her head. The Headmistress froze, as did everyone else in the auditorium, including Jet. Two of the guards seized the opportunity and grabbed him by the arms. He did not resist.
Anya's voice rang out loud and clear through the huge room. "Ladies," she said, addressing the guards, "you can see that the lovely Headmistress here is entirely at my mercy. Let my friend go, and she'll be just fine. Hurt him, and--well, use your imagination." The Headmistress stiffened, and everyone in the audience gasped, apparently shocked at Anya's nerve. Anya herself had no intention of killing her victim, but she did intend to scare the guards into letting her and Jet escape.
Sure enough, the guards released Jet, albeit reluctantly. He quickly snatched up his sword. "Good work, dollface!" he said. "Now let's get outta here."
Anya backed slowly down the steps and joined him, still aiming the gun at the Headmistress. When they reached the door, Jet whispered, "Now." As fast as she could, she yanked it open, and they slipped out into the hall. The minute the door shut, she heard the Headmistress shriek, "Don't just stand there!! After them!!"
She's pretty brave now that she doesn't have a pistol pointed at her head, Anya thought scornfully.
The two of them immediately started running down the corridor. "Hurry!" Jet said. "If we can reach my speeder, we'll be safe!"
Anya nodded, too out of breath to speak. It was nearly impossible to keep up with Jet and his long legs, and she realized with some embarrassment that he was deliberately slowing his pace so as not leave her behind.
Before long, shouts rang out behind them. Anya gasped as bullets whizzed around her head and imbedded themselves in the wall. Suddenly Jet stopped and moved in front of her, pulling the laser pistol from her hands.
"What the heck are you doing?!" Anya yelled over the din.
"Stay behind me!" Jet barked. "And don't move till I say so!" Seemingly unaware of the bullets flying around him, he fired a single shot at one of the huge electric lights on the ceiling. It exploded, showering sparks everywhere. They landed on the wood, and it immediately burst into flames, forming a barrier between the hunters and their prey. While the guards screamed for someone to bring water, Jet put the gun back in its holster with a triumphant grin. "The Jet strikes again!" he laughed. "Come on, cupcake; this is where we get off."
Although she hated to do so, Anya couldn't help but admire his ingenuity. Once again the hero rescues the damsel in distress, she thought, half angry, half relieved, and completely exasperated. Darn him.

[b][i]To be continued![b][i]
You must be swift as the coursing river,
With all the force of a great typhoon,
With all the strength of a raging fire,
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon.

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Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:10 pm
Undercover_Ninja says...

I wrote a review for this on the other one. But it is a very intriguing book, can't wait to read more!
You can only believe what you can't see. If you can see it, you no longer believe it-- you know it.

Even an agnostic believes something, if nothing else than that nothing else is believable. So what do you believe?

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Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:05 am
peanut19 says...

I read the first part and cant wait for more. Im excited to find out what is going to happen to Anya. She must be pretty important for them to go to so much trouble to catch her. PM me when you post more!
There is a light in you, a Vision in the making with sorrow enough to extinguish the stars. I can help you.
~And The Light Fades

The people down here are our zombies, who should be dead or not exist but do.
~Away From What We Started

P.S Got YWS?

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Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:04 am
Kyuubi says...

I love it. It's really well done. I just read the first part but never got around to critiqing. Good job. I really want to read more.
"So, I was thinking, I've always wanted to ride a TaunTaun."
"Ummmm....I asked you answer the math problem on the board."
"No you didn't."
"Yes I did."
"Yeah well, that's your opinion."...............A conversation between my teacher and I.

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Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:19 pm
vet4life13 says...

Wow, really good job writing this. The action scenes were awesome, and the way you wrote it was really good. A lot of times, writers have trouble putting sentences together so it doesn't sound awkward, but you did a really good job. I liked your main characters. They each had their own distinctive personality, and the way you gave Jet a distinctive way of talking showed that you knew your characters well. Just a few parts that I noticed:

"Sorry to crash the party, ladies," Jet said to the guards...

I think I saw in the first chapter that there were three male guards and three female, but it sounds like all the guards are ladies.

Anya gasped as bullets whizzed around her head and imbedded themselves in the wall.

If the guards are using laser pistols, would the bullets imbed themselves into the wall? I would think of them more as blasting holes into the wall. But that's up to you.

Seemingly unaware of the bullets flying around him, he fired a single shot at one of the huge electric lights on the ceiling.

This is ingenious! Nice job!

Overall, good story. I really like your writing style and your characters. PM me as soon as you post more about Anya and Jet.


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Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:32 pm
Dragonet says...

this is great, I'm not very talented on grammar and such, so i can't help you there. but i really like this. Jet is totally dreamy, although he's a little to arrogant for my liking.
one problem, your stories aren't really in order. i like your writing but it needs to be written in order. Is this the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th chapter? why is Anya in trouble? i understand that "Anya's first encounter with Jet" is before this chapter but there's obviously a big gap in between.

Do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

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Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:29 am
PenNPaper says...

Hi, PenNPaper here to review!
Okay, loved this story, Jet seems to be kind of the hero here. There's nothing much to correct here, which I spotted, so the only thing I can say is, Anya should probably not hate Jet that much, after all, it seems that he saved her twice.

Good luck and keep writing!
Writing is all about imagination~

The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
— Mark Twain