
Young Writers Society

World Apart (Chapter 1)

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Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:56 pm
Kakali says...

This is Chapter One of World Apart. Critiques are welcome!! This is my first serious novel. Please tear it up!!
Crouching in among young ash trees, Jayden followed a large bobcat, who was stalking a decent sized squirrel. Suddenly the cat stopped, tilting his disc-like ears forward. Jayden stopped moving. He watched as the bobcat tensed, preparing itself for the kill. Jayden also tensed, carefully measuring the distance between the bobcat and squirrel. He nodded, the bobcat would definitely catch it's prey. Jayden held his breath as the bobcat leaped through the air, landing neatly on the fuzzy rodent. It bent down and snapped the squirrel's neck between his teeth.

Jayden smiled. He put his index finger and thumb at the corners of his mouth and whistled loudly. The bobcat swung its' huge head around, the squirrel hanging from his mouth. Jayden laughed as it ran eagerly towards him. The bobcat dropped the squirrel when it reached Jayden and covered him in wet kisses.

“All right, all right!” Jayden laughed, pushing the wide muzzle away from his face. “Okay so what did we catch today?” he asked the bobcat, bending over and picking up the squirrel's limp body. He opened up a leather pouch that was on his belt, dropping the squirrel inside. “Looks like two grouse, three squirrels, and a mouse.”

Jayden, looking at the bobcat playfully, whipped the mouse out of the pack and tossed it high in the air. Giving an excited yelp, the bobcat leaped up and chomped down on the mouse. Then the bobcat looked at him with it's large green eyes, which reflected Jayden's own violet-gray eyes. Jayden sighed and tapped his friend's muzzle, letting him know it was okay if he left. Giving a grunt, the bobcat turned and bounded into the foliage.

Jayden tuned in the opposite direction, and started to walk towards his home. He walked through the trees alone, the wind flowing through the forest, blowing his shaggy black hair into his face. The late afternoon summer-sun casted rays of sunlight through the thick canopies of ash and maple trees. As he reached a small brook that was gurgling happily, he stopped next to a large oak. He placed both hands on the tree's rough outer bark and found the familiar hand holds. Jayden slowly started his climb to the top of the ancient tree. As he found the pattern of the tree's natural foot and hand holds, he climbed faster, until he was a blur on the tree's side. Jayden soon found the large branch he'd been looking for.

The branch was thick and wide, wider that two of him longways, and thicker than he was tall. In addition to that, it reached out one hundred feet or more, pointing into the east. This was where Jayden lived. A rough, hand-made blanket lay in the midst of the branch. Without hesitating, he stepped onto the branch and went over to sit down on the blanket. There, he emptied out his pouch and sorted through the animal's bodies. Jayden slipped out a flint knife from his belt. He took the first grouse he and the bobcat had caught that morning and started to pluck it. He hummed softly as he was taken into the rhythm of preparing food. As the day wore on, he finished skinning, gutting, and setting out the meats to smoke on a spit over a small fire he had made. The fire was inside a medium sized pit that he had carved out of the tree limb and lined with stones, to make sure th tree wouldn't burn. Branches and twigs were what fueled his fire, and since everything on the oak tree was huge, they made perfect logs.

Just as Jayden was about to settle down and eat some food that he had prepared the day before, he caught a noise below him. He froze instantly. The noise wasn't like anything he had heard in the forest before. The noise was loud and clumsy, like an injured deer trying to run through the undergrowth. But this noise wasn't a deer, nor was it any kind of animal in the forest. More sounds came from below, and all of them similar. The color drained from Jayden's face. For ten years, ever since he was six, he had lived in this forest alone with the wild animals. But now there were many things, people, walking below him.

Jayden crept to the edge of the branch, peering cautiously over the edge. He forced back a gasp as he saw what he had been dreading. Four humans were trekking over the ground noisily, two carrying heavy artillery guns. But they were all around his age, he supposed, and among them, two out of the four were girls. They all wore clothes that looked like they were one piece, closely fitted black things that covered them from the neck down. He looked down at his own clothes, a loosely worn leather tunic, with baggy leather pants underneath it. These people were so.... Strange! The girls had their hair tied up, and the young men had their hair cut neatly around the top of their head. Jayden decided he would follow them. He quickly ran to the tip of his branch and jumped silently down onto the nearest tree. He stealthily followed them, jumping from branch to branch without a sound. He noticed they were staring at the ground intently, every once in a while stooping to investigate something. They were tracking something, he realized.

After they had went aways in front of him, Jayden jumped down from the tree he was in and went to see the tracks they were following. When he saw the prints, he froze in horror and his throat went dry. The prints were four-toed, the pad of the paw wide, one of the forepaws had an indent were a scar was. The pads of his bobcat friend. They were hunting the bobcat!

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Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:58 pm
MeadowLark says...

Hiya there! Meadow again.

Suddenly the cat stopped, tilting his disc-like ears forward. Jayden stopped moving.

You used the same word twice in both these sentences. Stopped. Try froze, or paused mid step or something to spice it up more.

Jayden laughed as it ran eagerly towards him.

I’m a sucker for description so try to spice up this sentence. The bobcat trotted towards him, the dead squirrel swinging back and forth from between its teeth.

“All right, all right!” Jayden laughed, pushing the wide muzzle away from his face. “Okay so what did we catch today?”

Ugh, I wouldn’t let an animal that just killed something lick my face. Sick :P

Jayden, looking at the bobcat playfully,

Hmm, I don’t like how this is worded. Looked playfully at the bobcat? How ‘bout saying he noticed the playful glint in the cat’s eye, or something.

Giving an excited yelp, the bobcat leaped up and chomped down on the mouse.

Say the bobcat pounced and caught the mouse neatly between its jaws. The wording just seems to be a little too telly and doesn’t have enough spice.

Then the bobcat looked at him with it's large green eyes, which reflected Jayden's own violet-gray eyes.

Still too telly! Nix “then” and don’t use the word “looked” as often as you do. Don’t be afraid to use the thesaurus to add more description and life to your work!

The late afternoon summer-sun casted rays


He took the first grouse he and the bobcat had caught that morning and started to pluck it.

You missed a word here. …that he and the…

Also, it is so much easier to pluck birds when they’re dipped in hot water. Just thought I’d share a little fact with you. (Yes, I know this from experience)

to make sure th tree wouldn't burn.

Spell check would have caught that ;) *the

Branches and twigs were what fueled his fire,

Spelt fuelled wrong.

For ten years, ever since he was six, he had lived in this forest alone with the wild animals.

Why had he lived alone? Where were his parents? What had happened to make him live in the forest?

These people were so.... Strange!

I take it people don’t come to the forest, ever? Or only poor hunters looking for food for their families?

Jayden decided he would follow them.

Why? Wish to give any character thoughts that may show your reader why he suddenly felt spurred on to follow the strangers? I personally would have preferred to stay in the tree.


Description~ You defiantly need a bit more description in here. You seem to be telling your reader what is going on instead of showing us! Leave it for a few days before going through it again. You then may see what I’m talking about. Your sentences are slightly blah and need a bit more spicing up. Don’t be afraid to use that thesaurus. That’s why it’s there!

Plot~ I like how you revealed your MC’s lifestyle and his friends. The only thing I know is that these strange people are “trespassing” and they’re dressed in ways that he’s never seen. I also assume that they will play an important part in the future.

Character~ He’s kinda boring. I’m sorry to say but he has no thoughts whatsoever and he just followed those people on an impulse. However, I did notice the love he had for the unnamed bobcat. I also am curious to know, like I said, how he came to live in the forest and managed to get the bobcat to hunt for him.

Overall~ It’s an interesting story and I’m intrigued. You have left it off at an excellent spot, wanting us to know if the group is going to get the bobcat. You just need to show what’s going on instead of telling us. That’s the main problem out of most of this. Also, run your story through the spellcheck because you have quite a few spelling mistakes. Don't forget to go over your work before posting it ;)

Any questions? Feel free to PM me. Hope I helped.

Purple light in the canyon
that is where I long to be
With my three good companions
just my rifle, pony and me

--- "My Rifle My Pony and Me"

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Thu Dec 24, 2009 8:38 pm
MysticalBlood says...

I really like this!!! But what kind of bugs me is that you used Jayden a lot as a sentence opening... try saying something other than Jayden did this and that.
Jayden laughed, pushing the wide muzzle away from his face.

could be... 'Laughing, Jayden pushed the wide muzzle away from his face.

Jayden sighed and tapped his friend's muzzle,

'Sighing, Jayden tapped his friends muzzle' or 'Tapping his friends muzzle, Jayden sighed.'

Both work well. But i liked the story and all you really need to work on is sentence openings. Good job overall!!! keep it up!
'This isn't funny Dean, the voice says i'm almost out of minutes!' - Castiel
~ Nothing is true, everything is permitted... Live by the Creed... Be Discreet...

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Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:39 pm
napalmerski says...

It's a nice beginning. Others have already pointed out some issues concering technique, I'd only like to point out the word 'okey'. Unless the narataror is someone like us, telling us about the protagonist - and so far it looks like this is not the case, it is a disembodied description, not someone's specific tale about J., - so words like 'okey' don't fit in in the forest youths life. Unless he knows this word and uses it, but so far it seems more like that he doesn't.
Also, I see that you are trying to be detailed, but be careful. He doesn't have to hold on to 'the outer bark' - 'the bark' is quite enough. Also, when he goes to sit down 'without hesitation'... - why would he have hesitated? Perhaps you meant that he went there imediately or something?
Anyway, whatever the case is, I'm very curious to find out what happens next. And whether the couple are real hunters or some sort of ecologists:) You know, there's an old guitar hero - Ted Nugent - he sometimes left everything and went to live in his cabin, hunting in the forest with a crossbow hehe
Keep it up
she got a dazed impression of a whirling chaos in which steel flashed and hacked, arms tossed, snarling faces appeared and vanished, and straining bodies collided, rebounded, locked and mingled in a devil's dance of madness.
Robert Howard

Make sure you marry someone who laughs at the same things you do.
— Holden Caulfield