
Young Writers Society

Deadly Party Part 1: Introductions

Should it be legal for zombies to consume alcohol?

No, they could be deadly to living beings when drunk.
No votes
I'm not sure. We should see how they act when drunk before any action is taken.
Yes, zombies are great to party with!
Zombies aren't real. This poll is stupid.
Total votes : 5

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Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:10 am
farcicalfry says...


It was 3:23 A.M., and my brother was as sweaty as a fat country sheriff. The wrangling went bad that night, and I dealt with the brunt of it. My brother's name is Kolbe. Kolbe was sitting in the passenger sit of the Jeep Wrangler, all black, and his face showed a gaping hole gasping for air. I turned on the light to get a better look at how he was doing. Terrible. A river of deep red came from his mouth, and his shirt looked like he just spread ketchup all over it all over it. So, I told him, “Shut up.” I picked up a Bic pen that was in the center console, took out the ink, took off the tip, and shoved it into my brother's throat. He could breathe now. The world was entirely different for us. It was night, but the sky wouldn't stop howling at the earth, and colors wouldn't stop whispering against the trees. Rocks tumbled out of nowhere from the sky blowing into bottles and whistling downward. Mushrooms grew huge into the sky. The atmosphere had changed and made everything’s color booming, vibrant and flowing. I saw a blue jay sitting in the branches of a gigantic white oak. The blue jay’s color was waving to and fro though the blue jay itself did not move. This was happening to most other things too. I inhaled the air and exhaled. Thick smoke traveled out of my mouth and in front of my brother’s face. The smoke trickled through veins in the air in front of my brother. This continued to happen for a few minutes. The same thing was happening to Kolbe. When it all blew away, he asked me, “Do you think humans are going back to primeval standards?” He was perfectly fine. I told him, “Fucking fuck, man, I was worried to shit!” He only went, “What?” So, in reply I went, “Man, just never mind.” I looked back out the front window of the Jeep. “Oh, crap,” came passively off my tongue. A mass of people were running right at us. Their flesh looked...“What the hell, man? They're rotting and smell like death or they’re just bone.” They were coming right at us. They looked pissed. Not only that, but they had a ton of guns. Kolbe turned to me, “We’ve got guns”

Their bodies broke my eyes, and when I gained my insights I realized my brother and I had to stop this army of living dead. It's a good thing we took guns on our trip. I took out a Camel unfiltered and told Kolbe, "Let's shoot the fuckers up!" I hopped out of the Jeep and used the door as cover. I put my cigarette in my mouth. It was my first cigarette of the day, and it was like kissing Jesus when I should be crapping my pants. Glowing orange set it afire. The illuminated tip extended beyond the cigarette and guided my thoughts. I breathed steadier, and grasped the wood of the .44 magnum. I pointed the long, shiny barrel at my first victim. My trigger finger pulled and released. Death traveled to the rotting being at 300 feet per second. Blood, brain and bone was everywhere.

Suddenly, they had all stopped dead in their tracks. I heard a voice scream, “Wha’ da heel wa dat fo’?! We allreddye friggin’ daed!” I didn’t realize they could talk. The voice nearly made me pass out. It was as if a small worm was wriggling inside my ear when he spoke. I stepped back in fear. But, I pushed on and gained the courage to ask the crowd of zombies, “What do you want?” Another voice that was not so eerily wormy but rather surfer-ish answered my question, “Uh…well, dood, were just here ta partay and scoor!” As I looked closer, I realized…and then Kolbe turned to me said, “Hey, man, those aren’t guns. They’re holding beer and wine and vodka and absinth and chips and beer and beer and beer! Holy shit, man! They have so much beer! Dude, I love beer!” I replied to him with, “You’re right. I love beer too!”

The surfer voice said something again, “Do you doods wanna come with? Were gonna pick up some chicks!” Kolbe and I discussed the proposal in private, speaking in whispers. Here’s how it went:

I said, “Can we trust them?”
Kolbe replied with, “They’re dead.”
“True…but they look like they know how to party.”
“They sure do…but they’re dead”
I rubbed my bearded chin as I trialed the pitch. I told Kolbe, “Look…they may be zombies, but they have good beer.”
“Yeah, fuck it, the world looks like it’s ending, but good beer brings good times!”
“Yeah, man, you may as well dance if you’re on thin ice.”

As we were conversing in secrecy, the party zombies were having a conversation that went like this:

“Neow, whaeye di’ yew axe two mo’tels li’ dem ta paw-dee wit uz?” questioned Black John, he was the one with the creepy, crawling and wormy voice.
“Man, I assed those mortools ta partee with us ‘cause…I mean…the more, the jollier!” answered White John; he had the surfer voice.
“Bu’…dey’s mo’tels! ‘n dey jus’ keeled wun’a our buddeez.”
“So? S’not like the dood wud’nt already dead.”
“Das true, I gheeus.”

After all the talking was over with, Kolbe and I dropped our guns onto the abyss of black pavement and kicked them into a near-by sewer drain. We walked casually over to the party zombies, each step sent small shockwaves swimming under our feet. When we were face to face with them, Kolbe jovially said with half a smile, “You part with the living, you party with the dead. A party’s a party, and parties are great!” My cheeks pushed up with a grin, and my head gave a nod of agreement. “Awhsome, jawhsome, bros!” cried out the surfer zombie, “Muh name is White John.” He turned to the other zombie with the wormy voice, the eerie zombie said, “Muh naym iz Blehack John.”

I introduced myself, “My name Forrest. I never met a dead man before…pretty neat. Surprised you don’t want to eat us!” I laughed nervously, but they laughed along which made me feel more comfortable. My brother said to them, “I’m Kolbe. How you guys doing?”
Turn on your brain!

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Thu Mar 06, 2008 5:00 am
Nate says...

Interesting, Joe... Interesting

First a couple of things:
"The wrangling went bad that night, and I dealt with the brunt of it."

I think you mean 'Wrangler' instead of 'wrangling'?

"Death traveled to the rotting being at 300 feet per second"

The threshold for breaking the skin is 330 feet per second, so unless your guy is using a BB gun...

"It was my first cigarette of the day, and it was like kissing Jesus when I should be crapping my pants."

I like the first part of that line, but the last bit? I think that's already fairly implied, and besides it's... yuck.

Anyways, on to the story as a whole.

I like how it happened, but then it goes on to read like an acid trip. Some of the lines are quite good ("sky howling at the earth") but a lot of is just odd.

Your dialogue is really good, and I like how you gave a distinctive voice to the zombies. You did a good job with that.

However, you go from acid trip to normality. The story starts off all weird like, but then ends quite normally. It's an odd shift in tone and you need to stick with one or the other.

Overall, it's humorous and a very different zombie story from anything else that I've read. Let me know when you post Part II bro.

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Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:14 pm
Crispy says...

really good poetry requires a really good understanding of language. You need to find ways to make words work for you. What words paint an image in your mind? What words slap you across the face? What words are silly, boring, inviting, expressive, etc? You just need to experiment a little and observe how words are used. It will help you to do some reading, and by reading I mean from all kinds of authors.

Read some Shakespeare, then something more modern. Just read, read, read. Then when you feel like you know how you can adequately get your message across with language, have another go. Right now with what you've given me I feel no sort of emotion, and this has no lasting impact on me at all. I'm sure with an idea of this magnitude that's what you want to go for. Don't give up, but just think about it next time before you try again. Good luck!

Very good though!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep on trying.....................................................................

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Chris Pegg!!

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Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:31 pm
KJ says...

My brother's name is Kolbe

This line kind of bothered me--I don't exactly know why... I think it just doesn't make the main character real. I feel like he's an onlooker, or a storyteller. It would have been better if you'd introduced his brother as Kolbe right from the beginning, and later on said something like, "I turned on the light to get a better look at how my brother was doing," to subtly let the reader know the relation between the two.

Otherwise it was very captivating. I didn't get bored. Good plot.

A larger font and more spacing would be great, though. It was kind of hard for me to read.

Keep writing.

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Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:54 pm
bluecows says...

It was 3:23 A.M., and my brother was as sweaty as a fat country sheriff. The wrangling went bad that night, and I dealt with the brunt of it. My brother's name is Kolbe. Kolbe was sitting in the passenger sit of the Jeep Wrangler, all [in] black, and his face showed a gaping hole gasping for air. I turned on the light to get a better look at how he was doing. Terrible. A river of deep red came from his mouth, and his shirt looked like he just spread ketchup all over it all over it. So, I told him, “Shut up.” [his brother is bleeding to death and gasping for breathe and you tells him to shut up?]
I picked up a Bic pen that was in the centre console, took out the ink, took off the tip, and shoved it into my brother's throat. He could breathe now.
The world was entirely different for us. It was night, but the sky wouldn't stop howling at the earth, and colours wouldn't stop whispering against the trees. Rocks tumbled out of nowhere from the sky blowing into bottles and whistling downward. [what?] Mushrooms grew huge into the sky.[also dodgy] The atmosphere had changed and made everything’s colour booming, vibrant and flowing. I saw a blue jay sitting in the branches of a gigantic white oak. The blue jay’s colour was waving to and fro though the blue jay itself did not move. [what does this mean, is this due to heat waves, the movement of light in the forest, have you hurt your head?] This was happening to most other things too. I inhaled the air and exhaled.[I took a deep breath, it’s not as original but doesn’t sound as laboured] Thick smoke travelled out of my mouth and in front of my brother’s face. The smoke trickled through veins in the air in front of my brother. This continued to happen for a few minutes. The same thing was happening to Kolbe. [where is the smoke coming from? Normally breathing in smoke is v.bad news, especially in a forest] When it all blew away, he asked me, “Do you think humans are going back to primeval standards?” He was perfectly fine. [how did he recover do quickly? Are your characters human?] I told him, “Fucking fuck, man, I was worried to shit!” He only went, “What?” So, in reply I went, “Man, just never mind.” I looked back out the front window of the Jeep. “Oh, crap,” came passively [weird description] off my tongue. A mass of people were running right at us. Their flesh looked...
“What the hell, man? They're rotting and smell like death or they’re just bone.”
They were coming right at us. They looked pissed. Not only that, but they had a ton of guns. Kolbe turned to me, “We’ve got guns”

Their bodies broke my eyes [?], and when I gained my insights I realized my brother and I had to stop this army of living dead. It's a good thing we took guns on our trip. I took out a Camel unfiltered and turned to Kolbe.
"Let's shoot the fuckers up!"
I hopped out of the Jeep and used the door as cover. I put my cigarette in my mouth. It was my first cigarette of the day, and it was like kissing Jesus when I should be crapping my pants. Glowing orange set it afire. The illuminated tip extended beyond the cigarette and guided my thoughts. I breathed steadier, and grasped the wood of the .44 magnum. I pointed the long, shiny barrel at my first victim. My trigger finger pulled and released. Death travelled to the rotting being at 300 feet per second. Blood, brain and bone was everywhere.

Suddenly, they had all stopped dead in their tracks. I heard a voice scream, “Wha’ da heel wa dat fo’?! We allreddye friggin’ daed!” I didn’t realize they could talk. The voice nearly made me pass out. It was as if a small worm was wriggling inside my ear when he spoke. I stepped back in fear. But, I pushed on and gained the courage to ask the crowd of zombies, “What do you want?” Another voice that was not so eerily wormy but rather surfer-ish answered my question, “Uh…well, dood, were just here ta partay and scoor!” As I looked closer, I realized…and then Kolbe turned to me said, “Hey, man, those aren’t guns. They’re holding beer and wine and vodka and absinth and chips and beer and beer and beer! Holy shit, man! They have so much beer! Dude, I love beer!” I replied to him with, “You’re right. I love beer too!”

The surfer voice said something again, “Do you doods wanna come with? Were gonna pick up some chicks!” Kolbe and I discussed the proposal in private, speaking in whispers. Here’s how it went:

I said, “Can we trust them?”
Kolbe replied with, “They’re dead.”
“True…but they look like they know how to party.”
“They sure do…but they’re dead”
I rubbed my bearded chin as I trialed the pitch. I told Kolbe, “Look…they may be zombies, but they have good beer.”
“Yeah, fuck it, the world looks like it’s ending, but good beer brings good times!”
“Yeah, man, you may as well dance if you’re on thin ice.”
[hello parting with zombies??? Wont they just eat you?]

As we were conversing in secrecy, the party zombies were having a conversation that went like this:

“Neow, whaeye di’ yew axe two mo’tels li’ dem ta paw-dee wit uz?” questioned Black John, he was the one with the creepy, crawling and wormy voice.
“Man, I assed those mortools ta partee with us ‘cause…I mean…the more, the jollier!” answered White John; he had the surfer voice.
“Bu’…dey’s mo’tels! ‘n dey jus’ keeled wun’a our buddeez.”
“So? S’not like the dood wud’nt already dead.”
“Das true, I gheeus.”
[he just killed their friend and they don’t even care?]

After all the talking was over with, Kolbe and I dropped our guns onto the abyss of black pavement and kicked them into a near-by sewer drain. [they threw away their weapons??? Why would they do that?] We walked casually over to the party zombies, each step sent small shockwaves swimming under our feet. [the ground is boggy?] When we were face to face with them, Kolbe jovially said with half a smile, “You party with the living, you party with the dead. A party’s a party, and parties are great!” My cheeks pushed up with a grin, and my head gave a nod of agreement.
“Awhsome, jawhsome, bros!” cried out the surfer zombie, “Muh name is White John.” He turned to the other zombie with the wormy voice, the eerie zombie said, “Muh naym iz Blehack John.”

I introduced myself, “My name is Forrest. I never met a dead man before…pretty neat. Surprised you don’t want to eat us!” I laughed nervously, but they laughed along which made me feel more comfortable. My brother said to them, “I’m Kolbe. How you guys doing?”

The way you introduce your brother is weird, you should consider changing it.

I love the kissing jesus line and the death travelled line though i think the bullet should be going a little faster.

If this was meant to be serious because if so there things that don't make sense. How long have they been iving with zombies? If it's been a few years and they didnt tend to eat people then i could see them joining them and partying, other than that I can't think of any good reason to throw away your weapon to hang out with fleash eating zombies.
And how did his brother go from bleeding out with a tube in his neck to perfectly fine?

The only thing that bothered me about the actuall writing was the way the brothers spoke to each other, it sounded a bit 'I went, then he went, then I went', and it bugged me a little.

Trialed isn't a real word :? but i couldnt think of a replacement that said the same thing, maybe you could just leave it, we know what you mean

However, it sounds like you've got a good idea forming, I can't wait to find out how the brothers got to where they are and where the zombies come from and if mankind really does fo primevil. I'll be looking out for part two :D

Ohh yeah, some of my spelling corrrections may be wrong as we spell some words differently in england
To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour. – William Blake

I was lying in bed, watching the stars and i thought, 'where the hell is the ceiling?' :wink:

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Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:42 pm
Prosithion says...

How is this science fiction?
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“Can a magician kill a man by magic?” Lord Wellington asked Strange. Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. “I suppose a magician might,” he admitted, “but a gentleman never could.”
— Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell