
Young Writers Society

3-Damentional The Superhero Ep. 1

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Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:02 am
3-Damentional says...

Warning: May not be as interesting as latter episodes but don't give up hope

His name is Damen Terrance Tolbert. He is well mannered, very sexy, very intillgent, and extremely modest. He is the best person you would ever meet. He is the perfect gentleman. Pretty amazing for someone only 15 years old from Chicago. Luckily for him, his parents made sure he was ready for the real world. Little did they, and he, know how much the world would need him.

In his spare time he likes to write. He is a poet/author. He even devoted a notebook to the inner workings of his imagination. People say that he's good but he knows that he could be better.

His imagination has always been over the top. When he was 6 years old, he invented his own species of bird in his mind. The name is harder to pronounce than to spell. The name of this legendary bird is... (drum roll)... a "hunchigun" (huntch-e-gun). Come on people; don't act like you haven't made up something that you've never shared with someone. So no laughing. Not that I could actually hear you over the internet.

Anyways... besides "the-sexiest-thing-on-two-legs", Damen has another name. He also goes by 3-Damentional, his super hero alias. He chose the name 3-Damentional because, 1) it goes with his name, 2) it goes with his power, and 3) when people hear it they think it's spelled "3-Dimensional" which eliminates the connection to his real name.

What is his power? Well I'm glad you asked. 3-Damentional wields the power to literally alter realty. His power gives the illusion of multiple powers. By destroying the laws of physics, he can fly. Increasing muscle density results in super strength. The most amazing use of his power is his ability to make things out of thin air. Of course every super hero has his limits. He can only alter reality within a 20 foot radius of himself. He could go further but then the universe would rip itself apart and no one wants that.

Along with strengths come weaknesses. Damen is already lactose-intolerant so milk becomes his kryptonite when he turns into 3-Damentional because he already believes it hurts him. When 3-Damentional comes into contact with milk he instantly turns back into Damen. Another weakness is people without imaginations. He loses his thought process when he is around them. The strangest weakness it that of bad music. The reason it is so strange is because he doesn't know what music hurts him until he hears it. An enemy will be lucky to find the songs that he doesn't like. Unless, of course, they play anything by Young Jeezy or E-40. The last weakness is of the annoying British accent. It could make his mind explode.

How did he obtain these powers, you ask? Well one day (I think it was a Wednesday) Damen was at home, writing a story, when all of a sudden some alien midgets popped into his room. They seemed to be in a hurry seeing that they just put a piece of paper, a green orb, and a rubix cube on his dresser and beamed back out to wherever.

Being the border-line-retarded curious person he is, Damen decided to touch the orb first. Before he had a chance to touch it, it beeped. Then a hologram of one of the aliens came from it. It said, “The object next to this one is the most dangerous weapon in the universe. No, Damen, not the paper! Not the deodorant either! The object I am referring to is the... the... Hold on... Hey Bob! What was that word again? Oh! OK! Thanks! The object I am referring to is the cube. We were not able to tell you all of this directly because there are Deetuus following us. What that device does is release the one holding its mental potential aka the imagination. With that you can do anything you can think of. So whatever you do, DO NOT let anyone with evil thoughts grab hold of it. We chose you in particular because you have the greatest mental potential on your planet. We have provided you with a manual on how to use it. Don't let us down. We'll be back for it. As you say...Peace out homie!"

Damen was more confused about what had just happened than thrilled about the gift to appreciate it and too terrified to touch the paper. He spent the next two months trying to solve the rubix cube. Eventually he figured it out. The moment he did, he turned into 3-Damentional. Not knowing what to do, the first thing he did was create the fabled hunchigun. Just like in his imagination, it was a 2 ft. tall, green and blue bird that looked like a mix between a rooster, a peacock, and an emu. He named it Theo.

With the help of the instructions provided, he learned and mastered his powers. To make things easier, he only makes the cube a three-step process to solve. With his power he can turn the cube into any weapon. But because he doesn't kill his weapon of choice is a staff (a long rod). He can also make his costume whatever he wants it to be. With the endless possibilities he has chosen a futuristic-looking, metallic, blue and green armor with a useless jet-pack on the back. He thought it looked cool.

Now he goes around Chicago doing hero stuff. You know; saving good people, beating up bad people, and teaching prostitutes how to get a job in the fast food industry to get them off the streets. With the help of his new pet hunchigun, will 3-Damentional be able to keep the streets of Chicago safe?

Next Episode: 3-Damentional takes on the corners of the South Side
The imagintion is only your mind trying to set itself free.

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90 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 90
Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:14 pm
rosethorn says...

This was hoplessly entertaining, as childish as it was. You write as if you are talking directly to someone you know very well. A few grammatical errors and misspellings caught my attention. But quite a biography, with these humorous twists.

The voice you used in this probably won't be favored by everyone but it seems to work for this particular piece.

One thing I could point out is the numbers.

15 years old from Chicago

You should always write the number out as the word, especially when there are only one or two digits. If it's a year, like 2007, then of course you wouldn't write that out. And as for your alias, 3-Damentional, since it is a title you wouldn't need to spell "three" out either. But this piece is littered with numbers that could afford to be spelt out.

That's just a minor thing I noticed and it doesn't really need to be fixed but it would look better, I believe, should you choose to follow it.

Thanks for the read.

As always,


If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.
— Jane Austen