
Young Writers Society

Fakebook Chapter 5.1

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Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:59 pm
GawravMehta says...

Chapter 5.1

A small entourage followed Daivat through the main streets. They all followed him silently as if they were going to rob a shop or beat someone in gang. Daivat glared at them over his shoulder. Suddenly, he turned on them.

“Stay here. I need to do something,” he commanded to all boys at once.

“Fine. We'll go, too,” one of the larger boys protested. He wanted to go with Daivat too.

“No,” Daivat rejected abruptly. “You can't come,”

“What! Why not? You want us to stay here in the middle of this stupid heat and stupid crowd?”

“What are you, my bodyguards or something?” He slapped him tightly for indiscipline in front of others boys. “You wait right here outside the shop,”

“Whatever. I don't see what the entire secret is about,” the boy protested again.

“None of your business is what it is,” Daivat retorted as he sidestepped from his gang and disappeared into the crowd.

The main market was bustling with energy underneath the warm sun. Daivat dashed by a short, older woman as she clutched her bag under her arms to inspect a vendors melons. Near the edge of a nearby alley was his friend, Hunar's internet cafe, passing bookshops, greeting card stores, bakeries, gift stores one by one, he glanced around the busy streets, and stepped inside internet cafe.

There were eight computers, four on each side of shop separated from one other by cheap plywood partition to maintain costumer’s privacy. Several students sat at the row of computers that stretched across two walls. In the back, a young couple chatted over their drinks and stretched lazily over the couches. Net Pub had been booming ever since the introduction of social networking sites and Speakasia. Either they used to browse facebook or fill survey forms to earn money in dollars.

“Hey dude, what's up?” greeted Daivat to the shop owner-Hunar.

There was a gigantic Xerox machine, continuously pushing out printed A4 size paper. Hunar peered at him from a seat at the end of the cash counter. He was a short, wiry, tough-looking little man with brown, seamed face and bright hot eyes that looked as if little fires burnt behind them.

“Hey, Mr. Marandi, congratulations! Heard that your dad is MP now.”

“Who can beat him and his son?” he smiled leaning over the counter. “I'm here! Now teach me hacking, damn it! You promised me last time.”

A few people at the computers closest to them glanced at Daivat, and shifted nervously in their chairs. Nobody wanted to get there details hacked.

“Sh-h-h,” Hunar said standing up and glancing around at the customers. “Never say that word around here!”

“Oh,” Daivat leaned even closer and whispered, “How about, teach me to screw profiles? Is that better?” he giggled.

Hunar sighed. “One minute. A customer is coming.”

Across the room, a woman with dark curly hair that fell across her shoulders rose from her computer and walked towards them. Daivat let his eyes follow her as she approached the counter. She seemed to be around nineteen years, wearing hot pants and an absurd top in navy blue, which surely seems to be designer one from its uncommon awkward fitting.

“How much do I have to pay,” she asked Hunar

Hunar slipped the register out of the top drawer of the counter, and inspected her login hours.

“Fifty rupees, ma'am,” Hunar said.

She was the most beautiful creature Daivat could ever have imagined, her delightfully bright complexion; those perky breasts were everyone dreamed about, the seductive curve made him think her hot pant were from outer space as her hips seem to be out of planet. She looked so angelic, so clean, and so unnaturally perfect that Daivat wanted to scream. Right on her face-You’re killing me!

She opened her purse, and leafed through several 1000's. Finally, she pulled one out. “Do you have change?”

“How much?”

“I only have thousand grands,” she replied waving currency between first two fingers.

Hunar grinned.

“No, I'm sorry! I don't have that much change.”

She stretched the thousand rupees bill in her hand out to him.

“That's your problem,”

“No, no,” Hunar said as he pushed the bill back towards her. “That's okay ma’am you are regular customer. Just pay next time.”

“No, it's not okay,” she said. Her eyes widened. “Instead, you keep the rest, and I'll take the rest later.”

She dropped the bill on the counter, and abruptly walked out the door before he could protest. Hunar with Daivat for the first time noticed that, she had three small flying birds tattoo in the back of her shoulder. Daivat considered himself to be the luckiest man in the world, just be able to inhale the fragrance she wore.

His eyes had been following her the entire time. He had tried to muster something to say, but could only stare. Damn! He felt such a strong pull toward a women yet he’d alienated her without even trying. He watched her swift retreat and appreciated the view of her curving rear end, long legs and bouncy hair. Not until the door swung shut behind. Finally, working out what he was feeling…Yes. He could honestly say he was looking forward to meet that girl in the near future. He just watched her walk all the way to the other end of the store, out the door, and out of sight.

“Hunar! Hunar! Who is she? Who is that girl?”

“My customer.” Hunar said flatly.

“Yes, but who exactly?” He had that look in his eye of Damn. I really should have just asked her for her number.

“I don't know,” Hunar acknowledge “She comes every week ends and surfs internet exactly for 2 hours about this time.”
“Tomorrow is Sunday! Is she going to come tomorrow?"

“Most likely,” Hunar sighed with reluctance.

“Bingo!” Daivat said. He was smiling brightly. The beautiful girl's flippant mannerisms caught his attention and he couldn't help himself. “What's her name!”

Hunar was beginning to catch Daivat's excitement and he laughed.

“I don't know her name. Why are you so bothered by one girl?” Hunar asked.

“Hunar! Her name has got to be in your register. Can you just look?” he insisted.

He picked up the register, and began to flip through the details. In India, government had made mandatory to show identity proof before they surfed internet in public café.

“Ina.” He replied reading her details. “Her name is Ina.”

“That's a beautiful name. Are there anymore details?”

“Details?” asked Hunar raising an eyebrow.

Hunar stepped out from behind the counter.

“I'll give you details!” He said excitedly. “Come with me!”

Hunar led Daivat to the computer where Ina had been logged in earlier. Daivat quickly sat into the chair and pulling another chair Hunar sat beside him.

“What happaned?” enquired Daivat, “Why have we come to this computer? Are you going to teach me hacking?”

“Just forget, I'm sitting beside you,” Hunar said. “For moment think, I don’t exist or I’m invisible or ghost. Do whatever you would do if you were sitting at home on your personal computer.”

“In that case, I’d be browsing only porn.” Daivat chuckled.

“Remove porn from your mind if you want to learn hacking and do anything apart from it.”

“Why?” Daivat asked confusedly.

Hunar wiggled around in his chair to get comfortable.

“Just do it,” Hunar instructed.

Daivat listened and began to concentrate on the screen. He scanned for the Google Crome icon on desktop, double clicked it, and typed 'facebook.com' in the address bar. His concentration broke when the page started to download slowly.

“What are we doing?” Daivat quipped. “I can do this at home.

“Forget I am here, do whatever you do at home,” Hunar said.

Daivat concentrated on the screen again. The facebook page had uploaded with FACEBOOK written in white against blue background. Under it was written- Facebook is free and will always be free. Log in space called him to enter his email and password.

In other tab he typed gmail.com to check his mails. The page was opening at turtles speed. While he waited, he went back to the facebook page and typed 'UnbetableDaivat@gmail.com'. He was about to enter his password when he realized Hunar was watching.

Giving a furtive glance over the shoulder, he said “Hunar, turn your face away, otherwise you'll see my password.”

“Ok, whatever,” Hunar said unconcerned and turned around his face in other direction.

Once Hunar turned, Daivat place his long knobby fingers on the keyboard and keyed in '0987654321qwertyuiop' in the password area of the facebook page and clicked on the 'LOG IN” button. While the page was uploading, Daivat went over to Gmail and typed his id 'UnbetableDaivat' and same password '0987654321qwertyuiop' and signed in Gmail.

“Done?” Hunar asked.

“Yes, you can look now. I'm checking notifications on my facebook page. What was the point?”

“Did you log into the both sites you opened?” Hunar asked.

“Yeah. I had to check my mail.”

“Log out of both now,” Hunar instructed.

“What does this have to do with hacking or Ina?” Daivat asked impatiently.

“Be patient!” Hunar said. “Just do what I say and you'll understand?”

He clicked Sign out button in both websites and closing Google Crome, he said “Fine. I'm logged out. Now what?”

“Come with me,” Hunar said heading towards the main cash counter.

“Seriously, Hunar. I am not getting anything in my head. What the hell are you trying to do?”

“Forget everything, and tell me what you did when you sat in front of the computer?” Hunar continued, ignoring Daivat protest.

“I went on the Internet by clicking the Crome. Big deal. I do that all the time.”

“That's good! Continue, and don't leave out any details,” Hunar said.

“I typed facebook.com and then opened another tab because it was going slow. I opened Gmail.com on the other tab,” Daivat said.

“Carry on.”

“The facebook page uploaded, so I entered my email and password and clicked ‘Log in’ to enter the facebook profile. Then, I went to the other tab and entered my Gmail ID and password and logged into my mailbox,” Daivat said.

Hunar leaned towards Daivat and looked directly into his eyes. “I want to know. How much you took use of the mouse?”

“To place the pointer in the correct position and double click the icon,” Daivat answered.

“That means whatever you typed was from the keyboard? I mean all that website name, login Id, password, etc. etc?” Hunar asked.

“Of course! How can anyone write without a keyboard? Daivat laughed.

“Do one other thing,” Hunar continued. “Write all your keystrokes in order on this piece of paper.”

Hunar handed Daivat a sheet of paper and pen.“Sorry, I didn’t understand.”

“Well, let me give you an example,” Hunar said. “First, you typed facebook.com then your login Id and password. Then enter key to login. Am I right?”


“Likewise, type all the keystrokes in order.”

Daivat followed Hunar's instructions and began to write each keystroke as he remembered them. It looked something like:

Enter key
Enter key

Daivat verified the details and handed the page to Hunar. Hunar took him back to the computer where Daivat was logged in a few moments ago. Hunar took seat in front of the screen this time, while Daivat sat on the stool this time.

Hunar carefully browsed the desktop for the 'Home Logger' icon, which was minimized in the right hand bottom edge of the desktop. Hunar clicked Alt + Ctrl + Shift + M and small H icon appeared in the right bottom of screen, situated between minimized Yahoo messenger and the volume controls options. He double clicked the Home Logger icon and it opened Notepad with the title name as 'Keylog'. Hunar read the data carefully to understand it, while Daivat waited as patiently as he could.

A warm smile spread across Hunar's face after he finished reading the Keylog data.

“Daivat, take a look at this data,” he said.

Hunar had the face of triumph, as he highlighted some text and instructed him to read it. The Keylog data read:

<!--18.11.2011, 15:21. User: "Hunar Cafe". Window title:” No page to display – Google Crome"-

<!--18.11.2011, 15:23. User: "Hunar Cafe". Window title:" No page to display – Google Crome"-->

“That’s my password, how'd it get there?” He was astonished.

“Magic” replied Hunar with a smug smile.

“Is that hacking? Please teach me!” Daivat said. His voice had an edge to it. Startled, Daivat looked at the login data flashing across the screen to figure out mystery.

“Let me explain, amateur” and then Hunar took a deep breath and explained the details. “There are several spy software programs like key logger, home logger, family logger available on the internet that records every keystroke you enter on a keyboard in the order you type it.”

“How much it costs?”

“Most of them are shareware and available for free.” Replied Hunar.

“How does it work exactly?”

“Staying invisible, it records all the data entered by costumer in notepad secretly. The user never knows it is there. After that particular person has logged out of the system you can easily see his chat sessions, mail, websites browsed and get his Log in Id, password and other personnel details which is typed from keyboard. Understand anything?”

“Spy Software is really amazing,” Daivat spat out. “Can’t Anti-Virus figure it out?” he hovered anxiously over the monitor

“Of course, but who cares when they browse at Cyber café or at friends place. You never know who’s spying on you.”

“That means, it’s not safe to browse important banking websites, use credit cards or do e-shopping in a public place.”

“The world is not safe and you are talking about cyber café.”

“Then what’s the safeguard or precaution?”

“Good question,” Hunar said and again started explaining to Daivat. “Remember, I told you it records your keystrokes.To be safe you can use virtual keyboards when doing money transactions. But...”


“But everything has a back door…”

“Back door?” Daivat echoed.

“That’s enough for you. If I taught you everything then what would be the difference between you and me?”

“Whoa! That was more then enough for me,” Daivat said excitedly. He paused and looked around the cafe. It was quieter now that a few of the customers had cleared out over the span of their conversation. “I see how hacking can be done by adding software to a computer, but most people that get their information hacked don't come in personal contact with their hacker. What good is this information to me when I don't own a cafe?”

Hunar laughed and glanced around the cafe to see if anyone was in earshot.

“You really are impatient, aren't you,” Hunar said “Be creative! Cafe is not always the place. Hope you have pen drive with you always”

Suddenly, Daivat realized that Hunar had taught him an important basic lesson about hacking.

“Okay, well, I got what I wanted anyway. Can I take a look at the Notepad data?”

“Of course! Mr. Future Minister.”

He started to look through the data again. “I guess, Ina’s details are somewhere in here,”

“Yeah, all you have to do is, use your small brain.”

Daivat tried to understand the Notepad data by reading it carefully. It was difficult for him to figure details of Ina in the Keylog recordings. Therefore, he asked, “But where is Ina’s detail in this?”

“Just before your login details, use common sense dump head” said Hunar.

He scrolled further up the document and read the information carefully. Ina's login details were just before his. He wasn't entirely sure it was hers, but he wanted to jot them down anyway.

“Do you have a blank piece of paper?” asked Daivat

“Yeah! But why?” Hunar countered.

“I want to write down the details of Ina”

Hunar tore a blank page from the register and handed it to Daivat. He wasted no time in writing down her Facebook Login Id, Hotmail login Id, and other passwords he got there.

“She is also a facebook addicted.” Daivat said laughing.

“You saved the details of my customer?” Hunar teased.

“It won’t cost anything to write, might help me in the future,”

“I’m sure you know about the Cyber Laws and Information Technology Acts.” Hunar threatened him.

“Who cares? It’s my dad who makes law. He always tells me- Break the law but never get caught.”

“Whatever,” Hunar said, walking towards the café counter.

Daivat was left alone with her log in details. Like always evil plan came in his mind and he acted accordingly. He entered Ina’s facebook profile with her email and password. There he updated Ina’s status.

With this status I officially declare that I’m lesbian and I’m going to marry my girlfriend this December. Thanks government for passing LGBT law!

Then he changed her status from ‘single’ to ‘in relation’. That was not enough for him, he wanted to do something more. Therefore, he opened another tab and from Google.com downloaded huge collection of lesbian photographs. Deleting all her previous album, he uploads nude photograph in single album - Proud to be lesbian, and tagging random friends from her friend list published it.

Congratulation Ina! Don’t forget to call us in your marriage? :D

One of her friend commented on her recent status update. Daivat clicked ‘Like’ on the comment. In no time comment started pouring in like torrent of water. Everyone online among her friend list was shocked to death. Daivat successfully fraped( Facebook+Rape) Ina and logged out from her profile.
Spoiler! :
Donate couple of points to fellow depressed writer 'cause those who donate me. Motivate me!

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92 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 294
Reviews: 92
Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:24 pm
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anna91423 says...

Love this! I've read all your chapters so far and each one is better than the last- really amazing start. You've managed to get me interested in every single character and I can't wait to see how all the plots come together. Only suggestion I have is to proof read your work, this would just help filter out those annoying grammar, spelling and tenses mistakes (although these do seem to be improving the further into your story you get.

Great theme, great characters, great story. Want to read more now!! Lol :)
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I *do* like flipping tables.
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