
Young Writers Society

Love bites especially when you're a plus size...cont'd part3

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Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:46 pm
LindsayG says...

Chapter fifteen
You know it’s moments like this that I wish my life was a movie, and I was a character. But sadly no…It’s a freaking circus and apparently I’m the star freak.

I’m lying down on the CT scanner for my tests, David’s in the next room, and I am having a nerve racking moment right now. I don’t get it? I am so confused.

David told my mom he had never been married, but that’s impossible because I now he was married….hence the she-blonde wife we just met….! So why did he lie?

Then there’s the brother issue, I mean I asked David why he reacted like that to Megan, his ex-wife, and he told me, she’s not his wife. That rather his sister-in-law.

Am I the only one who feels like something seriously “funny” is going on here? I mean, I am on the brink of losing my sanity, here. But he doesn’t seem to care. For some reason, he’s calm…really calm.

“Okay. That will be it for today” CT specialist said. He was a stubbly man in his late fifties; with a bald head and a whole lot of moustache on his face…You guessed it?! He was dad’s lookalike.

“Are you done?” David asked from the entrance from the room.

“Yes” The stubbly specialist replied. “Just hand this over to the receptionist and you can be on your way” He said giving David a file whilst I got myself together…my physical self at least.

“Okay. Thank you very much” David said as we left the room. “So…” David whispered from behind me.

“So?” I asked. Oh cute isn’t going to work for you this time!

“What d’you say we head out, do a little sightseeing, grab some lunch…?”

What d’you say you stop telling lies? “What d’you say you stop telling lies?”

“What?” He asked astonished.

What? Did I just- “What?” say my thoughts out loud.

“You what?” David said still bewildered.

“What d’you mean me what, when it’s you what? What?”

He looked confused, then he sighed, “You know what?”

“Just forget it” We both said at the same time, then we fell into complete silence.

I wanted to say something, scratch that, I was dying to say something, but then his phone beeped, he frowned and started walking towards the parking lot, with me tailing behind.

I don’t get it, I don’t get me. Well you’d think that the one thing that I’d ever have the courage to say out loud would be something a little more positive, like “I love you” or “I think you’re hot” Oh but no, the first thing I had to say…was you know what.

When we got into David’s car, we were still quiet. I mean I had a million questions I wanted to ask, and he had…well I don’t exactly know what he was thinking because as you know I’m not physic. Even though sometimes I can swear I have some serious witch skills.

We just sort of drive around not really going anywhere, sightseeing he calls it. But all I know is, I’m not having fun….and how exactly is it sightseeing if all you’re doing is sitting in the car….it beats me.

“We’re here” David said and got out of the car. I looked out the window, to see we were back at the hotel. Great, now we’re “sightseeing” the hotel. I got out of the car, and followed David inside.

“I thought we were supposed to go sightseeing?” I asked as we walked towards the elevator in the lobby.

“I have some work to do at the office, some other time, maybe” Wait. Is he mad at me?

“Are you angry?” I asked, trying to hide my astonishment. The nerve of this guy, he didn’t have any business getting angry…scratch that, he didn’t have an ounce of business getting angry….I on the other hand, had a business empire boiling over.

“No. why would you think that?” He answered dismissively.

When we got to the top most floor, he kissed me on the cheek and left hurriedly.

Well of course, I wasn’t going to be left standing there! So did I call him back and demand an explanation. Yes!

Well no, you know me. But did I do something… I mean I wasn’t going to stand there, and watch him disappear and go and see who ever that text was from! Something seriously sneaky was going on. And if I wanted to find out, I was going to do what I knew how to do best, follow him. After all, that’s how I found out my fiancé Patrick was a cheater.

So I followed him.

Chapter Sixteen

Okay, so I know following David is not such a good idea. But in my defense, since when do I do the right thing? I mean just look at my life. If I were on trial, I’m pretty sure the prosecutor would just point over and say, “Exhibit A” and win the case.

But since this isn’t exactly my first time doing something like this, if I can say so myself, I rock. I followed David downstairs to outside the hotel, and watched him get into the car and drive off. Of course, I immediately hitched a taxi and followed him. He drove through town and finally stopped at the Zuni Café. I watched him get down and did the same paying the cab driver.

I watched him hand over his keys to the Valet at the Café and walk towards it. I tailed behind him, keeping my distance so that I wouldn’t be noticed…but at the same time, get a good view of who he was meeting.

I saw him get escorted to a table, it looked like whoever he was meeting hadn’t yet arrived. I started looking around for any signs of the she-blonde, but I didn’t see her. I guess she was running late.

I stood there for like three hours…okay, it was barely five minute. But you know I hate waiting. So anyway, I was ready to give up and leave for the hotel. But then it happened. David’s mysterious visitor arrived. But it wasn’t who I thought it would be.

“Hey, sorry I’m late”

“Don’t worry about it, I haven’t been here that long anyway” David answered as he sat down.

Wait, wait. Why was David here with- why was he-

“I understand how this must be for you. And I just want to say I’m very appreciative for you coming out to see me” David said.

“Your brother and I have been friends for a long time. This isn’t like anything I’ve ever encountered, if you ask me and it really isn’t ethical on my part as I’m sure you understand. But I’m willing to hear you out.”

“I really appreciate that.” David replied.

“Ready to order gentlemen?” The waiter interrupted.

“Ah… yes…Dr. Carver?” David asked.

“Andrew” Dr. Carver corrected. “Call me Andrew” He added.

I’m the only- I mean- this is weird right? I mean, sure there’s nothing wrong with my boyfriend talking to my doctor. But A) when he does it behind my back, B) tells me he’s going to the office and C) does it outside of the hospital…?
I’d think he was having an affair with my doctor…if he were a female. But seeing as he’s not a female, but a male…I’m pretty sure about that. I’d say this meeting is super fishy.

“What are you doing David?” I whispered to myself as I watched them- right before I heard the word, “Busted” come from behind me.

I swiveled around and came face to face with my nemesis. Megan.

* * * * * * *
“What is this about again?” I asked Megan, who sat across from me outside The Cheese Cake Factory, two blocks from The Zuni Café.

Megan eyed me over squarely then said, “I told you, because you and I need to talk”

You’d think. I crossed my arms and relaxed in my chair. Hey if the bitch wanted to get a piece of me, I wasn’t going to make it easy on her.

“And what about exactly?” I asked coolly. If I was going to get the information I wanted from her without giving away that I had amnesia, I had to act like nothing was wrong. Which reminds me, how exactly does the other woman act with the wife on the first meet?

You’ve got to give me a break here. It isn’t exactly like I go around having affairs with married men you know…at least I think.

“To tell you the truth I’m a little surprised you came here so willingly with me. Especially since our little…accident the other time” Megan said spitefully, from the look on her face, she was waiting for a reaction.

Too bad though, Cause’ I wasn’t giving her one. Yeah that’s right. I was fierce. Damn right pokerfaced! Of course it did help that I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.

“Why? You were expecting a restraining order?” I joked. But after the look I saw on her face…maybe I wasn’t that far off.
“Let’s cut to the chase Kat” She said leaning closer, “You have something that belongs to me. And damn right, I’m not going to stop until I get it back” She said with the meanest face I have ever seen. Seriously, even I can’t pull that off.

“And what would that be? Meg-an?” I asked in that bitchy-polite voice I know Liz hates so much.

Megan leaned back in her chair folding her arms across her chest. Ha! The voice got to her.

“Haven’t you learnt anything Kat? Are you really that stupid fat girl?”

“Is that really your face, skinny bitch?” Hey! Nobody! Absolutely nobody talks to me like that. Get that? Ugh! Why am I talking to myself.

“You know I really don’t know what he sees in you” She said more solemnly. Which believe it or not, really stung. Loud rude comments I could handle, but this…I guess deep down, I didn’t see what he saw in me either. Just look at me.

“I mean, yes sure before when you were pretty, I could see the competition. But now…” she sighed, and smiled a wicked smile. “When I look at you, all I can think is how miserable he must be, you know…walking up everyday…to that-“

I forcibly exhaled cutting in, “Are we done here?” I asked getting up. I had to get out of there. I wish I could say that her psychobabble wasn’t working on me. But the truth is, if I didn’t get out of there…I was going to burst out in tears.

“Done? Sweetheart we are just getting started” Megan said back to her bitchy-icy tone. Skinny bitch.

“Good. Bring it” I said and stomped off. But the whole time I was leaving all that kept ringing through my head was what Megan said.

Because the thing is, right after I told her to “bring it” she said something. Something I didn’t understand, something which didn’t make any sense. I couldn’t get it out of my head. Because it was like I had a recorder in there, and for some reason it was on constant replay.

I closed my eyes forcing them out, telling myself that it wasn’t worth it. I shouldn’t let Megan get to me like this. That she was probably just taunting me. But didn’t work.

I raised my hands to my face and wiped my tears away, feeling a fresh pair pour right afterwards. Because like it or not her comment did get to me. But come to think about it, if you were in my shoes and you heard this...

“You know you and David might have everyone fooled with this sham fairytale that you’re living. But trust me; I’m going to get to the bottom of this. And trust me when I do, not even your dead baby is going to get in my way”

What would you do?

Chapter Seventeen

“Where are we going?” I asked David as we passed by the reception area of MovenPick. For some reason I had allowed David to talk me into getting all dressed up in a red dress to compliment him in his black suit for the night.

“I told you it’s a surprise” He answered stopping once we were outside the hotel, as we waited for the Valet to bring the car around.

“I hate surprises” I said scowling. Did I forget to mention that I hadn’t exactly told David that I followed him…or about my conversation with Megan. But I was going to. I just hadn’t gathered enough courage to do so yet.

“Trust me, you’re going to love this” David answered smugly, that sexy smile playing on his lips. Did I forget to mention that when this guy cleans up he cleans up really good? I mean sure David in jeans and a shirt is hot…but David in a suit with his hair gloriously tussled back is ten times hotter…if that were possible.

“Come on” David said smiling with his arm outstretched, as the Valet arrived with the car. “I promise you’re going to have fun. And if you don’t we’ll come right back. No questions asked.”

I bit my lower lip wondering what to do. I mean deep down I really did want to go, but there was a part of me that felt quite too emotionally drained and confused to even enjoy myself.

“Come on Kat, what have you got to lose?” David teased.

Nothing, really. Nothing. I said to myself as I walked over to David and took his hand. Which if I might add, was sweat free.

* * * * * *
It took a while for me to realize where we were, but when I did. All I could think about was how this was probably going to be the best night of my life.

We were at the Pacific Grove, one of the most breathtakingly beautiful places in San Francisco…and one of my favorite places in the entire world…I should know, I’ve had a poster of this place on my wall since I was 12 years old.

But at that point, it wasn’t the breathtaking beauty of the place that had me speechless. It was more than that…much more. Because right in the middle of the park was a candle light dinner. There were lights everywhere, surrounding the place. The table was spectacularly laid with black and red linen, and a candle stood upright, right in the middle. A waiter stood by the table carrying a bottle of bubbling champagne, and another stood nearby waiting to pull our chairs out for us.

I wanted to say something, I had to say something. But when I turned to David, all that came out was,

“Who the hell are you?”

But he just smiled, took my hand and said, “Someone who loves you very much.”

“Good answer” I replied feeling like a fish out of water. No one had ever done anything like this for me, and it took a little getting used to.

“Good evening, Sir, Madam.” The waiter with the champagne greeted as the other waiter helped us into our seats.

“Thank you” I said, this really was exhilarating.

“Glass of champagne?” The waiter asked.

“Ah…yes, thank you” I replied as he filled my glass then moved on to David’s.

“Thank you” David said after he was done.

“For your dining tonight, Mr. Peters has selected an entry complete with all your favorite treats.”

“Ah…right, thank you” This feels like a dream, but strangely…I never want to wake up.

The waiter curtsied and disappeared leaving David and I. I looked at him, he looked at me. I looked away, he did the same, I stole a look, I got caught then I burst out laughing.


He smiled. “Nothing, it’s just you really look beautiful tonight”

I smiled, feeling myself relax for the first time. “Thank you”

He smiled again. Damn, his smile was so sexy.

I laughed again, because he kept looking at me. You know that look that someone gives you that makes you feel like...you’re their world?

“What?” I asked again, still laughing.

He grinned shyly then took his glass, “I want to make a toast” He said.

I took my glass and raised it, “To what?” I asked smiling.

He smiled again, “To you, the woman of my life…to us” He chuckled smiling, “To new beginnings” He finally said.

“To new beginnings” I said smiling back. The truth is, more than anything I wish it were all so easy…that two people which such a tricky past could just say a few words and that would be okay…but the thing is, sometimes is not.

“What’s wrong?” David asked worriedly, making me realize I had gotten lost in my thoughts again.

“Nothing” I said smiling. This might be the only time I did get to spend with David, and I wasn’t about to mess that up.

“I’m just…”I breathed in, “This is unbelievable you know, really magical”

He smiled, then raised his glass, we finally toasted then we drunk in silence…He could tell. He knew something was wrong.

He grinned. But it wasn’t his usual grin. There was something painful about this one. And for a second I felt he was just as lost as I was.

“I love you” David said, “I love you Kat. You do know that right?”

I crumbled inside, knowing that this was it. I had to come clean; I just had to know the truth. I felt a tear trace down my left cheek as I looked up at David and nodded.

I exhaled, the tears spilling, “Just-“ I felt the words catch in my throat, I sighed. “I know” I finally said.
David looked at me, his expression pained, then he nodded. That was when I realized…that he was crying too.

“Come with me” David said stretching his hand.

I took his hand and followed him. “What about dinner?” I asked.

“It can wait” He said and continued walking, pulling me along. We kept walking until we got to the corner. And I saw it. The carriage ride.

“How about we go for a ride?” I nodded and followed David. We went across the street and sat in the carriage as the carriage driver pulled off. I looked at David, his hand still clutching mine tightly. My head was running all over the place.

I just wanted to be in that moment, and forget everything else, every other obstacle. But I couldn’t, it just kept lingering in my mind. I had to know the truth; I had to ask David to tell me the truth.

I sat back and placed my head on David’s shoulder and felt him plant a kiss on my forehead. I reached out my hand and held on to his jacket…afraid to let him go…afraid that whatever past we had was going to end up breaking us apart forever.

David kissed my hand, and traced his lips to mine. He kissed me like I had never been kissed before in my life…like he needed me to stay alive. And the funny thing is, the feeling was mutual.

Slowly the carriage ride came to a stop. David got down, and helped me get down as well. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me again. But when he pulled back, I saw in his eyes something I’d never seen there before.

“That might be the last time I kiss you” He finally said.

Huh? Wha- I was confused. But before I had the opportunity to ask what he meant, I felt a something heavy hit the back of my head…just before I collapsed on the floor.
Last edited by LindsayG on Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
I write because there's nothing left to say...

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152 Reviews

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Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:48 am
harshita3chaarag says...

Hi again.. So I was immediately captured.. I did find a few errors.. But overall I think it was as good as the last time.. Specially the ending bit.. That came as a HUGE surprise.. No way could I or maybe anyone else have seen that one coming.. And the bit with Megan was also really good..

Now for the slight errors..
In line 17 of ch-15
“What d’you say we heard out, do a little sightseeing, grab some lunch…?”

The 'heard' should be 'head'.

I laughed again, because he kept looking at me. You know that look that someone gives you that makes you feel like

you’re their world?

Then there's this.. I think instead of leaving the whole line to give it that feel of a special thing.. you should probably change it to putting a few dots (I don't really know what you call them.. those we put for full stops.. the ones I just put..) Or maybe a '-' or you could also put in cursive or bold.. That would be more appropriate..

I guess I have no other nitpicks.. I really loved this part. and Like last time.. Can't wait to read more!!!!
The answers lie within.. You only need to look.. :)

It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle. The door opened on to a tube-shaped hall like a tunnel: a very comfortable tunnel without smoke, with panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished chairs, and lots and lots of pegs for hats and coats—the hobbit was fond of visitors. The tunnel wound on and on, going fairly but not quite straight into the side of the hill —The Hill, as all the people for many miles round called it—and many little round doors opened out of it, first on one side and then on another.
— JRR Tolkien