
Young Writers Society

Love bites especially when you're a plus size...continuation

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38 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 257
Reviews: 38
Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:35 am
LindsayG says...

Chapter Nine
I wonder who ever came up with the crap that running helps to clear your head. All I know is I’m sweaty, I’m panting like I was literally being chased by a freaking tiger and to make matters worse, I have no idea where I am. I’m not kidding.
So I’m trying to figure this out by looking around me, but to be honest it’s not really helping, all I see are tall buildings, lights and more lights. Oh, yeah and a bridge. The city should really start pasting sign boards around. You know, something like “Hey, if you’re lost take left” or maybe something more subtle like “All amnesiacs this way.”
This is frustrating. I wonder why for once something normal won’t happen to me. I could have been hit by a car and died or something. But oh no! I had to be hit by lightening! And wake up with amnesiac, and a totally hot boyfriend… life sucks! Ugh! I really want to get out of here. But seeing as I literally don’t have anywhere to go, and for the time being let’s just say “I’m lost.” I should probably just walk around and see if I could get any help, you know, maybe passersby or weirdo’s could direct me to a hotel or something…just saying.
You know the sad thing about fat girls? Nobody wants to kill you! Really! Well except, your family who wants you to be anorexic, and pretty much every other skinny bitch who thinks you’re a waste of breathing space. But aside from that you’re just peachy perfect.
So I walked to the edge of the bridge after ten minutes of loneliness and stood by the railing and since I really had nothing better to do, I looked up the sky expecting some big display of breathtakingly beautiful stars, you know like in the movies. Boy was I wrong. No star in the sky, not even one! Okay so let’s review here okay? So I’m sad and miserable and probably lost for all eternity… not to be dramatic or anything. And to make matters worse, I don’t even get a freaking star in the sky? Mama fates must really have it in for me. She really isn’t over our little fight huh? Hmm. I guess I should apologize or something….I just really want a star.
“Hey, um, so you know how we had that little misunderstanding, the other night?” I started.
No answer. “No? okay, well I just wanted to say that I’m very sorry, it was very inconsiderate of me for yelling at you, and you know you should just be the bigger person and let bygones be bygones, you know”
I looked up expectedly, okay so maybe I really was losing it, but who cares? I was getting my stars! “So what d’you say? Friends?”
B-b-b-r-m! Went the sky, as the clouds darkened. “Are you kidding?” “Really?!” I yelled to mama fates, I mean come on here, there I was trying to bury the hatchet and she goes ahead and brings thunder! Like who does that? Especially in the middle of a heartfelt apology!
“You know what? You are just rude lady, plain rude!” I fumed.
“What is it with you and bridges?” The voice startled me so completely that I admit that when I turned to see David standing there I was a little flustered.
“Oh, ah…”
“And what is it with you and the sky? I’m starting to think you have some weird fetish for them or something” David added coming closer.
Oh you have no idea. “We have a few issues…I guess.”
David laughed, “Look at you, you’re a mess”
Ahh…thank you? “What are you doing here? How did you find me?”
He exhaled and leaned onto the railing looking around. “I followed you.”
“Okay. Not stalk-ish at all.” I said plainly. Thank you.
“You’re welcome” He said smugly.
“I don’t remember saying thank you” I said. So cute.
He chuckled, “Yeah, well you can only say it in so many words”
“You know contrary to what my mother tells you, I don’t need a babysitter, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” Yeah, right.
“I didn’t say you weren’t”
“You didn’t have to”
He smiled. “You just always have to have the last word huh?”
Finally. Someone who gets me. “Yes. Yes, I do”
He laughed then sobered. “Are you okay?” He asked solemnly.
I’m having a voiceover in my head, what d’you think?
“Yes” I said maybe a little strongly. He grinned, and shook his head.
“I don’t know, a young woman ran out of her own welcome party in tears and ends up on the highway talking to herself. I don’t know about you, but that just screams okay to me”
Shit. He saw all that? I wonder if he heard as well? Was he eaves dropping?
“Boo. I sound like a character in 90210”
“You hate that show”
“I know!”
He grinned, “You want to talk about it? I’ve been told I make a great listener” He added.
I exhaled heavily, “I wouldn’t even know where to start” My sister thinks I killed my baby, I don’t know anything about you and you really make me nervous and my family drives me insane! Exhibit A.
“That’s usually the way” He replied.
Flash. “Um, ah…” Flash. What just happened?! I could have sworn I…
“Remembered?” David said looking into the distance. ??????? Did he just read my thoughts?
“I’m sorry, what?” Rewind please! I’m I the only person freaked out here.
“Sorry” He answered sheepishly. “I just thought you remembered”
Why? I might have, I’m just not sure. How do you know about that? “Remembered what?”
“How we met”
“Why would you think that?” I asked as calmly as I could.
He sighed then chuckled, “Because it was kind of the same fashion”
Flash. This is making me dizzy. No wonder in the movies the amnesiac girls looks so out of it.
Flash. “Oh” I breathed out. Maybe I did.
“Where was it?” I asked, holding my head, the flashes were starting to get intense.
“San Francisco” He replied and chuckled. “On the highway. You were actually standing by a bridge”
Flash. I do. I remember.

Chapter Ten
Flash back. 4 years ago, The San Francisco Highway.
The stars shone graciously in the sky as David walked along the bridge. He breathed in the cold night air, and dug his hands into his pockets. He felt free for the first time in the past few days. Work had been hectic, and aside from that his relationship with his wife Megan had reached a dexteroting end.
He was so engrossed in his own thoughts that he barely noticed her. But when he did he was drawn to her, she just stood there looking into the distance like she was in a world of her own. He drew closer to her, then he saw it. Her right leg was draped over the bar. He panicked! Moving back and forth trying to calculate what to do. He knew that whatever he said that night, would determine whether she lived or died. He exhaled, his head going round in circles. Why had he chosen to take a walk? Why him, why now?
“I’m usually not such a mess you know” She spoke so completely out of the blue that when he heard her, he stood there, his thoughts frozen.
“You seem to be debating what to do. So I just thought you should know” She added.
He walked a step closer, completely confused. Who was this girl? And did she always have suicidal conversations with strangers?
“You’re not…ah, um…trying to-“
“Kill myself?”She laughed. “Oh no. See the truth is I’m a Russian spy sent here to survey the San Francisco Highway, for our next unprecedented attack”
He laughed in spite of himself. “Really. Then you should know I’m with the U.S government”
“Ooh”. She said and jumped down from the bar. “Then shouldn’t you arrest me or something?” She said pulling her hands in front ready to be cuffed. He looked at her hands then at her face…she had been crying, still crying…he wasn’t sure.
“I was actually thinking of helping you” He said which made her burst out laughing.
“Isn’t that against all the rules?” She asked.
He grinned, “Isn’t revealing to a stranger you’re a Russian spy, a spy no-no?”
“Oh. You’re a stranger? I thought you were my cousin Adrian. See now I have to kill you” She joked, then really looking at him for the first time, she smiled, “You know what? Forget about it. You’re nice, so I’ll let you go this time. But no more impersonating my cousin Adrian.” She said then smiled, turned and started to leave.
He stood there baffled, watching her leave. Wanting to stop her, not knowing how. He looked at her going, then at where she had been sitting. Shit, I’m scared of heights, he thought to himself then he got on the railing, and sat on it. Trying his best not to freak out, as he looked down.
“So high, so high. Oh my God! So high!”
She stopped, turned back and saw him on the railing. But he was so busy freaking out he didn’t see her.
“Are you out of your mind?” She said and ran back to him.
He was breathing in bits, and when he spoke, his voice came out in hushed scared tones. “I’m starting to think I am”
She held onto him, and helped him get down. “Why did you get up there if you’re scared of heights?”
He exhaled, panting, “What makes you think I’m scared of heights?”
She gave him a look, and he grinned sheepishly, “Okay, so maybe I am”
“Look, I really have to go, you promise you’re not going to do anything stupid?” She asked.
Ouch, he thought. “Yeah, bye”
She turned and started to leave, then stopped, “For the record, why did you get up there?”
“Does it matter?” He asked. She stood silent, then nodded and started to leave again. But once again, she stopped.
“Yes, yes it does. Maybe it’ll feel good to know I’m not the only one who’s messed up” She said.
He sighed then to a step closer, “I didn’t want you to leave” He finally said.
She sighed, and a tear escaped her eyelids. “I just found out my fiance’ is a cheater”
He was silent, unsure if what he was about to say was the right thing, “I’m married” He said.
A few more tears escaped, she caught her breathe in her throat as she said, “I’m pregnant”
“Oh” He said, feeling his own breathe caught in his throat. Walk away, he heard himself say in his head. He turned to leave, then stopped, fighting with himself.
She exhaled, sobbing, then turned to leave. When he finally turned he saw her leaving.
“Stop!” He yelled.
She stopped and turned her face tear-stained.
“D’you want to get something to eat?”
She chuckled, “why?”
He sighed, “I don’t know, I just want to”
She looked at him silently, then, she finally nodded.
Flash back over.

Chapter eleven
“Do you feel any pain?” Dr. Carson asked as he examined me.
“No, just this terrible headache”
“Is that normal?” David asked his face creased with worry.
“Probably a side effect of the flashes” Dr. Carson answered, “We’ll have to keep her overnight to run some tests”
“Okay. I’ll just call her family and let them know” David said reaching for his phone from the night stand.
“No” I said, “It’ll only make them worry”
“But if you don’t then they’ll think something happened to you” Dr Carson replied.
“David, can you please just tell them that I’m spending the night at your place?”
David looked at Dr. Carson then back at me. “If that’s what you really want”
I nodded, “thanks.”
Dr. Carson sighed, ‘Anyway, you need to rest, David you should be getting ready to leave”
“I’m not. I’ll stay the night” David said.
“You don’t have to-“I started.
“I want to” He cut in.
“okay, I’ll just let the nurse get you some pillows”
“Thanks” David said, and sat by me on the bed.
Dr. Carson nodded, “I suppose you’re going to get some sleep” He said.
“Yes, doctor” I said in my most make believe good girl voice.
“Good, good night to the both of you” He said and left.
David held my hand and traced his finger on it. “I’m sorry” He said, “I shouldn’t have pushed you like that. It’s not fair to you, just because I want you to remember, doesn’t mean I should push you like that. I’m sorry”
“You remember when you once told me to stop apologizing?”
He grinned, “Uh..huh”
“Well I’m afraid, I’m going to have to ask you to do the same” I said.
He ran his free hand in my hair, and planted a kiss on my forehead. “You should get some sleep” He said and tucked me in. “Comfortable?” He asked.
“Yes, thanks” I said.
“Good night” He said and put off the lights. I heard him settle in the chair beside me.
“What if…what if I told you I remembered?” I heard myself say. “That I remembered how we met” I continued, “In San Francisco”
I heard him sigh, but he didn’t say anything else, either than “Good night”

* * * * *
Okay, so I know what you’re thinking. What the hell happened last night with David? Why did he react to me telling him that I remembered like that? Well there’s only two things I can tell you about that. One, hey, I’m as confused you are. Two, I’m even more confused today.
He’s just acting, like nothing happened yesterday. Which may I just get it out my chest, is really creeping me out? I mean what happened between yesterday and today? What happened to the David who was so eager to get me to recover, and this David, who’s distant, and seems to not even care? I’m lost, completely lost. And this is frustrating for me, super frustrating.
“Hey” David said as he entered my room. Did I mention that I woke up to find him gone?
“Hey, where were you?” I asked.
“I just went for a run, took a bath and got you some breakfast”
Oh. Sweet, but he still seems different.
“So I have cereal, bagels, doughnuts, coffee, tea” He giggled, “I just didn’t know what to get, so I got all your favorites”
Scratch that. He’s perfect.
“Wow, really? Thanks” I said as he arranged everything on the table for me.
“Don’t worry about it” He said and brought the table to me. “How are you feeling?”
“Good” I answered, “And you?”
He smiled, “Great” Okay. This is weird, really weird. Am I being paranoid here?
I took a bite of my bagel, then looked at David. Okay, so maybe I should just ask him.
“Crazy night, huh?” I said. Ugh! What was that? Crazy night? Are you kidding me? That’s the best you’ve got? I’ve got…
“I’m just glad you’re okay” He said and got up. See what I mean by weird, it’s almost like he’d rather forget it.
“You knew about the pregnancy, when we met”
He was silent, as he went through the channels on the TV.
“But you didn’t care”
“What d’you say we take a stroll when you’re released huh?” He said as if he hadn’t heard anything I just said.
“What?” I wanted to confront him, on why he was acting this way, but I couldn’t. Because when I opened my mouth to speak, in came Dr. Carson.
“Good morning” Dr. Carson said, “Good, I’m glad you’re eating”
“David’s bright idea” I said not keeping my eyes off him.
“Well then I guess he’s doing his job of asking care of you” Dr. Carson said. “I have the results of yesterday’s tests. I’d say you’re doing pretty good. Not many patients are lucky to get a breakthrough like you did so early in treatment.”
“So does that mean I’m going to soon recover all my memory?”
“What that means is you’re going to have to take things very easy now, the reason for that terrible headache as you put it was because of too much stress. Now David here tells me you just had too much fun last night at the party, so I’ll suggest to tone it down, okay?”
“Okay” I said. Why is David looking out the window? Does he not want to be here?
“I also realized that the reason you remembered last night was because you came into contact, with your old life, something familiar or close it. That’s why I’m recommending that you take such steps again.”
“D’you think that’s such a good idea? I mean with the headaches involved, aren’t we just pushing it a little?” David suddenly jumped in.
I’m starting to think he doesn’t want me to remember. But why?
“I’ll prescribe some medicine for the headaches, but if she’s to make a full recovery then I suggest she follow my advice. Go back to the night it all began…four years ago.”
“In San Francisco?” I asked, keeping my eyes on David, he looked conflicted.
“Yes, I have a friend over there, he’s a specialist on these type of things, I’ve arranged for you to meet him once a week. He’ll keep me posted on your recovery so we can pick up when you return”
“You really think that’s going to help?” I asked.
“Better to try and find out it won’t, don’t you think?” Dr. Carson said.
“I guess”
“I understand if you’d like to discuss with your family first”
“No, no. I’m okay, they’ll understand”
“In that case, I guess all that is left would be the arrangements, David?”
He was silent. “Ah… Dr. Carson can I talk to you for a minute outside?”
“This will only take a minute” Dr. Carson said and left with David.
* * * * *
“What the hell are you doing?” David asked.
“Saving your goddamn ass. You better tell the truth before you know who does, otherwise it’s done. You’re done” Dr. Carson said.
“I don’t… what if she can’t forgive me? What if she never wants to see me again?”
“Then that’s her decision don’t you think?” Dr. Carson asked.
David sighed, “I know you’re right. I just, I don’t want to lose her twice”
Dr. Carson put his hand on David’s shoulder, “I know. And that’s why you have to tell her the truth”
“Thanks, Jeffery. I mean it, you’ve been a lot of help” David said.
“Don’t worry about it. Hey, what are brothers for?” Dr. Carson said.

Chapter Twelve

So after Dr. Carson discharged me, David drove me back to the house to get some things together for our trip. After he dropped me off, he left to make our travelling arrangements… Which means I was left with me, my spiraling thoughts of confusion…and Liz. And that drama, ladies and gentlemen, I still wasn’t ready to handle. So I did the one thing I knew how to do best, I ignored her. Which seemed to work well, because well, she was ignoring me too, or at least I was hoping she was.
“When are you coming back?” She asked.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be out of your hair as long as this amnesia persists” I said charmingly sarcastic. If there is such a thing.
“I’m sorry for what I said” Liz said.
“I’m sorry, whatever happened to the ignoring game, I was actually enjoying it”
“I’m trying to apologize” Liz said.
“For what?” I asked, feeling my anger from the previous night kick in. “For calling me a heartless monster or believing that I was one?” “Because trust me, I am just dying to hear what you have to say”
“What did you expect me to do? You come back 1 year after totally disappearing, pretending like the previous year didn’t happen. You wouldn’t tell me anything, and I’m your sister Kat, your best friend”
“Correction were” I spat out even before I thought of about the kind of effect it would have on Liz.
She was silent, and she looked like shit, like the ground had just been sucked from under her. “I know you’re upset, and I’m sorry, but I didn’t know what else to think, when you came back you were different Kat. Different” She had started to cry.
“I couldn’t even recognize you anymore.” She continued sitting down, “The Kat that I knew, the fun, crazy happy Kat who believed that everything was possible was gone. It was like you were dead. And you didn’t even want to talk about it, do you have any idea how that felt? What that did to me? You’re my sister, and you didn’t even want to talk to me”
Shit. I guess I never thought of how all this must have affected Liz. I just always thought that she was okay.
I walked to her and sat by her. “I’m sorry” I said. “All this time I was thinking of how my life had changed. I didn’t realize how yours changed as well.”
“I just want you to be able to talk to me, about anything.” Liz said.
I nodded. As soon as I remember everything.
“And I shouldn’t have sprang all of that on you like that last night. Boy you msut really have been confused, I mean with the baby and all”
Come on. Here’s your chance say something. “Ah, yeah.” I said. Why didn’t you tell her? I don’t know.
Liz got up and went to a drawer and brought a book back, “Here” She said, “It’s your diary. The last entry is the day you left for San Francisco. It might help you remember something.”
I nodded, “Thanks”
She nodded and got up to leave, “All the best in San Francisco, okay?” She sid.
I nodded, “Thanks.”
She started to leave the room, “Ah, Liz?”
She turned, wiping her face. “I’ll miss you” I said.
“I’ll miss you too”
“Best friends?” I asked getting up.
She smiled and came in for a hug, “Sisters” She said.

* * * *
“Are you sure I’m not taking you from your work?” I asked David as he put my luggage in the car.
He laughed, “No, like I already told you countless times”
“Just checking”
He smiled and took my hand. “Even if I did have any work it doesn’t matter, there are more important things, more important people.”
“Oh” I said blushing. So David was back to his usual self, which made me wonder if I’d imagined everything else.
“Ready?” He asked after putting the last bag in the car. I looked up at the house and saw Liz standing by the window. She waved, and I waved back. “Yeah, let’s go.” I replied.
Since New York was a 5 day journey from San Francisco, David made arrangements for as to go by flight. But when we got to the airport, for some reason, we didn’t head over to check in or anything. Instead we were led through the secluded section until we arrived at his private jet. Yes, you heard right. His private jet. Hey, don’t look at me?! This is all news to me you know.
“Ah…what is that?”
“A jet?” David answered playfully.
I hit him on the shoulder playfully, “Of course I know what it is. I mean what is it doing here?”
“Ah…doing what jets do?”
I hit him again, and this time he burst out laughing. “Hey, am only kidding” He said, “Come on, I’ll show you the inside”
He owns a jet! I’m sorry this guy owns a jet? What is this an episode of The Rich and Famous?
“Okay” I said as he took my hand and led me inside.
“Oh. Wow” I said when we got inside. It even looked better than most of the planes’ business or first class. “This is something” I said, trying to act normal. But seriously, who was this guy?
“Just make yourself comfortable, there’s a flat screen over there in the back, your private cabin opposite it, the waiters are on 24 hour service call, if you need anything just let them know”
“Huh” Did he just say flat screen, private cabin and waiters all in one sentence. Who is this Donald Trump? Oh, that’s without the age, the pounds or the hair…I don’t get what’s up with that hair.
“Are you sure this is yours’?” I asked, I mean, what kind of work do you do, assassin, arms dealer, assassin, terrorist, really just take your pick.
“Ah…I’m pretty sure, although I do get confused between Beatle and Lady Bug.”
There’s a second one?! “Beatle? Lady bug?”
“Oh I name my jets” David said.
“Huh” Insects? Weird. “Cool” Like seriously what is it with guys and naming items?
“I know Beatle and Lady bug, are a tad ego-central-“ Tad? You think? “…But my brother and I have this special bond for Beatles and lady bug” Dude! Now that’s really weird.
“Well, its just that The Beatles were the first concert our parents took us to, and ah..” He sat down, his expression mellowing, “And well, we used to have this garden at the back of the house, which had like this massive army of lady bugs it was our mom’s idea. So we just thought, we named them Beatle and Lady bug in memory of our parents”
“Oh.” Wow, that’s deep. “I’m sorry about your parents” I said walking closer to him.
“Don’t worry about it, it was a really long time ago” I don’t know about you, but when a guy uses a cliché statement, it has “in a way I’m still grieving” written all around it.
I cupped his face in one hand, “Yeah, but it doesn’t still change the way you feel about them”
He grinned, “You know it’s funny how when I’m with you, there’s no pressure to be anybody else. I can just be me. I like that, I like that a lot” He said as he touched my hand on his face. Wow, his eyes are really blue.
“Me too” I said. They’re like a sea, aquamarine blue, a gorgeous blue. Is it terrible that I really want him to kiss me now?
”Mr. Peters, we’re ready for take - off” The pilot interrupted from the door of his cabin. Talk about rude interruption.
“Right, thanks Peter”
“No problem sir” The pilot said and disappeared into his cabin.
I grinned at David and sat in my seat, strapping on my seatbelt. Hang on ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be a hell of a ride!
“Comfortable?” David asked when I settled.
“Peachy.” Did I forget to mention I have a thing about flying?

Chapter Thirteen

David laughed, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Of course, why d’you ask?” I breathed out.
“Um, because you look like you’re about to jump of the plane”
I laughed then stopped halfway, “Is that possible?”
David laughed, “Kat, come on. You’re fine, it’s just all in your head” I wish.
“You’re hibernating, come on, just please sit down, you’re going to have a panic attack”
I’m having one right now. Breathe Kat! Just – “Ahh! When are we going to land this thing, how long has been already like 6 hours? San Francisco isn’t that far!”
David looked at his watch, “I’m pretty sure it’s just been 15 minutes?”
“Fifteen minutes?! Get me off this thing!” I yelled and unstrapped my seat belt.
“Hey-hey hey, it’s okay” David said and took me in his arms. “Just breathe, breathe”
I inhaled, “Okay, now let it go” He said calmingly. I exhaled, “Good, very good” He kissed me on the forehead. “Now how do you feel?”
“Like crap?”
David chuckled, “Come here” He sat down and put me on his lap. I really didn’t want to crash him. Which brought the weight issue back in my head. Of course I wanted to get up, because just in case he winced in pain or something….now that would be embarrassing…even more embarrassing than the time I fell through a chair. But hey, in my defense, it was a plastic one, a really weak, plastic one. Okay, fine it was new! Whatever.
David chuckled, “what are you doing?”
“Getting up” If you’d please let me go.
“Why? This isn’t comfortable for you” He said with a mischievous smile.
“No. Now can I please get up?” Can this get anymore humiliating?
“No. I’m kind of enjoying this right here” He said brushing my hair from my face.
“Can you just…please?”
He laughed, “why? And don’t tell me that it’s because you want to, so what’s the real reason?”
I’m fat and you’re gorgeous.
“Please, just let me-“
“Not until to tell me why”
“Because!...” Please let me go.
“Because what?” David asked grinning still holding me tightly.
“because I don’t want to crash you, okay? Are you happy now?” I said and got up, and went back to my seat.
“Kat. Come on, are you serious?” David said getting up.
“Can we please just not talk about this?” I said and started fumbling with my seat belt.
“Look at me” David said.
“No.” Gosh, what is taking this plane so long to land?!
“Please?” David pleaded.
I looked up with all the dignity I could master, “What?”
“I love you, you know that?” What? I can’t breathe, is this plane working alright?
“And when I say that I love you, it doesn’t mean that I love you because you have a quirky sense of humor, or that you’re beautiful, or that every time I look at you I see the most incredible human being I have ever known”. I’m sorry, is he talking about me?
“It means that I love that sometimes you drive me completely insane because you’re hard to figure out, I love that you pick little fights with me just because you want to. Or that you have these weird little voiceovers in your head”. You know about that?
“When I say that I love you, it means I love all of you, the good, the bad and the ugly. Okay? I love you Kat”
Oh, wow. “Did you just call me ugly?”
David laughed, “Just shut up and kiss me”
Hmm. Do it! Come on just do it! You know you want to! Sigh. Okay, here it – I - goes – go! Ugh! Just shut up and kiss him!
“Can I get you anything sir?”
David shook his head, and got up, “Ah…no, we’re fine Anise, we’ll let you know when something comes up”
“Yes…” Is this girl body checking me? “Sir, lady.” She said and left. Bitch.
“Anise huh? pretty”
“What? Are you jealous?”
“Never been a day in my life”
David grinned, “Right”

* * * *
“So what exactly is the plan here? I mean this doctor we’re supposed to meet”
“Well, Dr. Carson said we should meet him and he’ll debrief us what we need to do next”
I sighed and got up, “I need a drink”
David smiled, “Glad to see you’re finally relaxed”
“Hmm-Hhuh” I hummed and and gulped down a glass of wine.
“It’s a shame though. I was kinda getting used to the idea of inventing new ways to keep you quiet.”
I nodded and gulped down another glass, boy! I need to get off this plane. Fast!
“D’you know you look absolutely beautiful, when you’re trying to block me out? Emphasis on trying”
I gulped some more, “ Having fun huh?”
“You have no idea” He teased.
“I need to go to the bathroom” I said and stalked off.
Okay. So let’s review here, David’s hot. Scratch that, insanely hot. And I am….not. Something wrong with this picture? I am losing it! Its like being near a fire place in the summer, I can’t be around him more ten seconds without feeling like I’m in a sauna. Ahh, okay Kat, let’s regroup. I need a checklist…hmm, I wonder if there’s a book on how not to jump your boyfriend on his jet. There probably is, I mean psychologists seem to cover everything these days. Okay breathe, just breathe. Just go out there, sit there, and try not to jump anybody. Hgh. Okay, I’m ready. Let’s do this!
So I opened the door and there is David standing right outside with this smug look on his face. Damn! Dude, I just gave myself a pep talk!
He smiled, that sexy smile, “Nothing”
Damn! So I jumped him. Hahaha…no I’m not kidding. I mean one minute he’s standing there, looking all sexy and the next his arms are around me, and I’m having the best first kiss ever! Wait second kiss…third kiss…I don’t know, I have amnesia you know! But the one thing that I do know, is that I liked it, loved it. A lot.

Chapter fourteen
So you know how right after you do something you’ve been wanting to do for like ever! You get that afterwards feeling? Bliss. It really is exhilarating. But of course, you can’t forget the other feeling. You know, the awkwardness, the nervousness, wondering if you made the right choice, if the other person feels the same, if you’re thinking right…I’d love to say that it’s not, but yeah…its happening right now.
So we’ve arrived at the hotel, MovenPick, which is like on my to-do list. But I can’t even enjoy it…because of David. What a selfish little man, jumping me like that…okay, so technically I jumped him. But he shouldn’t have allowed it! Shouldn’t he have done the honorable thing and not kiss me back? Oh who am I kidding, I would have killed him if he hadn’t. But still…hgh. I’m a mess.
“So here are the keys to your room, and Andrew here will escort you there”
“Thank you” David said and took the keys. We headed up through the elevator and finally arrived on our floor. Yep, I was still a bundle of nerves. We got to the room and wow, what a view! Talk about waking up in paradise.
“Here” David said as he gave Andrew a tip.
“Wait, where’s my room?” I asked, I hope the view is the same.
“Oh, sorry about that, right here Miss” I’m sorry why is he heading in the direction of what looks like a bathroom? Okay so it’s a door, give me a break.
“Ah… thanks.” This room is amazing, just like David’s and the view is even better, I should enjoy this, but all I’m thinking is, “Why is it joined to David’s room?”
“Satisfied Miss Wilson?” I nodded, swallowing, deeply, heavily, oh! You get the point.
“Thanks, Andrew” David said and escorted Andrew out. Whilst I on the other hand, stood in my room…fighting my demons. Yeah, this trip was not starting out well.
“You, okay?” I turned to see David standing by my- our door staring at me.
“Yes” I answered.
“You just seem…ah…what’s the word?” He had that mischievous grin again.
“What word?” I asked, pokerfaced. Keep it together Kat.
“You know the one that says someone is about to jump you in an airplane” He joked.
“Seriously?” I fumed, “Okay out, get out of my room”
He laughed, “Hey, hey, hey, it’s our room remember?” He teased.
“Maybe, but last time I checked there’s a giant door in between. So David?”
“Yes, honey?”
“That’s the door”
“Ouch. Now that’s got to leave some emotional wounds” He joked then disappeared into the room, closing the door.
I exhaled. One day down, A few unnumbered days more to go.

* * * * *

There are two things that I hate about hospitals. First, the smells. I don’t know about you but smelling drugs, dead bodies, sick bodies, and detergent isn’t my idea of a pleasant smell.
Second, the waiting. Seriously! What is with the waiting? Is like waiting for the death penalty. Hey, you don’t want to die but wondering when it’s going to start is just plain agonizing… And requires patience, which if you hadn’t realized, is definitely not one of my many virtues.
So David and I - if you hadn’t put the pieces together - are at the hospital for my doctor’s appointment, and we have been here for like fifteen minutes now…because the doctor apparently, is having an emergency round. Whatever happened to keeping appointments people?

“Ms. Wilson?” I heard a voice say.
I looked up and saw a man in his late thirties wearing a white robe looking at me. He hard a few gray’s around the corner of his ear. His hair tussled back, sleek and black, firm face, pouty lips, quirky grin…who did he remind me of?
“Dr. Carver, sorry to keep you waiting” Come on, Kat, think. Where d’you know this guy?
“Don’t worry about it we heard you had an emergency” David jumped in, getting on his feet.
“And you must be David” Dr. Carver said bringing his hand for a handshake.
“Yes” David responded and shook Dr. Carver’s hand.
“So is everything okay now?” David asked. Ugh, pouty lips, quirky grin, gray hair…
“Yes, thank you. Just follow right this way” Dr. Carver said and led the way.
I got up, and followed David and Dr. Carver.
“I’d really like to apologize once again for keeping you waiting.” Dr. Carver explained as we entered his office.
“Don’t worry about it” David said then the Dr. motioned for us to sit down.
“Okay.” Dr. Carver said sighing. “Well, I have taken a look at your file, but before we get into anything, how are you feeling?” think-think….
“Good” I replied.
“D’you remember anything else? Dr. Carson gave me an update of your last meeting with him” He asked. Sleek hair, quirky grin…
Yes! Mc-Steamy! This guy is a Mc-steamy look-alike! “Um…no. Nothing else”
Dr. Carver wrote on his note pad then looked back up at me, “Okay, so from what Dr. Carson told me, it’s possible the reason for you remembering that night was because of the closeness of that night to that fateful night in your past.”
“So I recommend you play this out. For the next two weeks, I want you to get reacquainted with your old life. Get into your old habits, live like the old you would”
“So for starts I’m going to give you a questionnaire to fill out, the things you don’t remember, just ask your family or David, here. And if you still have no clue, just leave it blank, we’ll figure this out. So d’you have any questions?”
Is that your natural hair color? Is that your natural face? Are doctors really that hot in real life? Do you know you look like Mc-Steamy from Grey’s Anatomy? “No. no” I answered.
Trust me, if your doctor looked like mine, those are pretty much the same questions you’d be asking.
“Okay. I scheduled a brain scan this morning for you, so if there are no questions, just head out and enter the room 306 on the third floor”
“Thank you for your time” David said shaking Dr. Carver’s hands, then he took my hand and we headed out.
“Are you okay?” He asked once we had stepped out of the room.
“Who? Me? I’m great” I said…okay seriously I can’t be that transparent.
“It’s just…you’ve been pretty quiet today” He said. Right. Now me shutting my big mouth gets me in trouble.
I sighed. “Okay. I’m okay” Should I tell him about the dream? Vision? Memory flash? I’m really not sure anymore.
“Okay, if you’re sure” He said we continued to walk in silence.
Ok, snap out of it Kat! Just ask already.
“Actually no, there is something wrong” I said. “I…I think I-“
“Oh my God, David?”
I turned around to see a young woman in her early thirties, blond, six-five, tall…and you guessed it…skinny as hell. Who am I kidding, she was gorgeous! Although if you ask me she was a little over dressed for the hospital. I mean who wears a cocktail dress to the hospital? Well maybe except a top model…Oh who am I kidding…she could totally pass for a Heidi Klum look-alike.
“Megan, hey” David said in a somewhat high pitched voice. I turned to look at him and found he was twitching a bit.
“Oh my God, its been so long. How are you?” The she-blonde asked.
“Good, Just been travelling around a lot, you know me”
The she-blonde seemed to have this knowing look on her face, then she quickly turned her gaze towards me. And that’s when I saw it. That’s when I remembered who she was.
“Megan, hi. It’s been a long time.” I said just when I saw David turn so quickly to look at me, I thought his heard was going to fall off. I recognized the look in his eyes…fear and astonishment. Because I knew who Megan was.
“You look…” And here it comes. “Different” That’s it. Oh, and just if you were wondering that skinny girl code for d’you live in a candy store?
“Ah…thanks” I said refusing to be intimidated.
She twitched, looking at me. Maybe because I was looking right back at her. She kissed David goodbye, and then she left.
“You know who she is?” David asked slowly. But I was confused. Why had she reacted that way? Why did she act like…you know.
“Am I not supposed to?” I asked David, who looked like he was about to collapse any moment now. I don’t get it. What is going on? I know what last night dream was…my past. That’s how I remembered Megan. But something still didn’t make sense, unless there were two Megan’s or that part of my memory was jumbled up.

Because if that were that Megan, the same Megan that I dreamt about….remembered. Then why didn’t she slap me? Or worse why didn’t she kill me right there?

After all, I was dating her husband.
Last edited by LindsayG on Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
I write because there's nothing left to say...

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Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:20 pm
Soulkana says...

Well I like this chapter or rather...chapters lol. Well you've peeked my interest and am deciding to read the earlier ones that I can. I loved your beginning and the emotions. You did a fantastic job and I hope to read more of this!! I'm not good with grammar so I am unable to help there but I can give you a few hints as maybe describe a little more at the end? It seemed rather less informative there than most places. But it is merely a suggestion and you don't have to follow it if you don't wish to. Either way I loved this and will read the others ^^. Good luck and hope you get many helpful reviews.
May the gentle moon take you into peaceful dreams. May the mighty sun brighten your new days.

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Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:54 am
harshita3chaarag says...

Well I like this just as much as I liked the previous parts.. or more.. Or Much much more!! This is way better than one could have expected from the title or from the first 2-3 chapters.. I think you've done a brilliant job yet again.. Excellent!!!
The answers lie within.. You only need to look.. :)

The strongest people are not those who show their true strength in front of us but those who win battles we know nothing about.
— Unknown