
Young Writers Society

Savior:Chapter Six

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Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:38 pm
AngelKnight900 says...


Waking up to the smell of pancakes, I lifted myself off the couch. I could hear Madison singing in the kitchen, and as I walked there, I started to sway to her music. It was hard to believe that there must possibly be an angel in my kitchen but, the door opened, and there she was. If I looked at her even more, I would start believing that she was my wife.

"Smells delicious." I complimented, sitting down at the table

She turned around and gave me a smile and I started to feel something in my heart. It was starting to feel heavy like it was full of something. Something special I guess. I smiled back and went to serve myself.

"Wait," She held my wrist on the spatula. " I want to ask you a few questions."

"Okay," I said

She took her hand off my wrist, allowing me to get the pancakes. I got enough on my plate and went back to sit down.

"How does your mom know how to handle situations like this?" she asked

It really had to get this serious? I wonder if she's going to ask more serious questions; I didn't want her to get inside my life. Sure, I had feelings for this girl but it was too soon. Then again, we were living together.

I hesitated but I guess I could answer her. " Because she went through a similar thing. Except she was running away from her mom,"

She was resting her head on top of her hands, looking at me with interest.

"See, my mom and dad," The word dad stung my tongue. " You could say they were in love but my grandmother didn't really approve of my dad. She was like sixteen and she ran away with my dad somewhere. Sure, my grandma did kind of run her out but she still cared about her so she sent a search-team or some shi-I mean crap like that. So they set up a fake marriage and got fake id's so it looked like an angry mother just trying to interfere with her daughter's marriage. Ever since this day, they never got caught."

Madison kept on looking at me, as if she wanted me to say more. She did. It was in her eyes.

"A few weeks after, I was conceived and then everything was lost. My dad gone and my mom running back to her parents."

That was all I wanted to say. I didn't want to admit how much of a bitch my grandma was to my mom by not letting her move back in and how disappointed I was by how my grandpa just let that happen. I also didn't want to admit how many guys came in and out of my house when I was just a kid and the terrors I saw. Yet, I just felt like telling her everything, but I knew the dangers of trusting people. There are days I wonder if I even have a heart because of all those times it got broken.

"Well, what do you want to do today?" she asked

I continued eating the pancakes and thought to myself. I finished eating, looked at her, and went to hold her hand. Even when surprised, she looked beautiful.

"Will you like to go on a date with me?"I asked, with a smile

I wasn't the guy who really got dressed up for dates because I didn't bring a girl anywhere special, but today, I guess I had to make things be different.

I was a little surprised when she told me yes, even though she hesitated. I knew Madison in school. She was the "hot chick who was too good to date", as said through the mouths of the guys at school. To me, she was the "hot chick who was too good for them but not for me."

I prepared everything; the dinner reservations, the walk around the town, the time spent back here in the house.

"I'm ready." she announced at the top of the stairs

I watched as she descended down the stairs, in a strapless dress with flowers on them. Her longs caught my attention and when we met eyes, I got caught in a trance. She has grey eyes like mine but hers are more gentle.

"Do you like the dress?" she asked

I came up to her and took her hand. "I don't like the dress but the girl in the dress."

I could see her blushing which made me smile even wider. "Let's go."

When we got to the restaurant, I could see the number of eyes on Madison as we entered. Too bad for them because this beautiful girl was all mine.

"Hello, my name is Dave and I will be your waiter for this day," His focus went to Madison. "Did you decide on what you want to have?"

"Not really. Maybe the rice with the shrimp." she told him

"Maybe some desert afterwards." He winked at her

Before I could make a coat out of this guy's skin, Madison gave him a cold stare. "No, thank you."

Her tone was gentle but her expression meant business. The waiter looked back at me and asked for my order.

"Same as her." I said briefly, then gave this punk a death stare if he tried pulling that stunt again.

Madison chuckled and then hid her smile in her hands, trying not to meet eyes with me.

"Is there something funny?" I asked

"No, nothing at all," she said and then turned to look at me. God, she was so beautiful. The way her curls framed her face, the way her eyes looked at me , the way her soft skin felt, and her smile. I love her smile.

"Is there something funny?" she asked, upon noticing on how I was staring at her, smiling.

"No, I'm just happy."

"Oh, that's good." And she gave me that champion smile. '

Our dinner was served and damn, she had an appetite. Most girls I knew were kind of cautious of how they ate around me but Madison ate like there was no tomorrow. But it was kind of cute. After dinner, we went out to walk in the park and went to watch the sunset. The light from the descending sun reflected off her skin and gave it a glow. I wrapped her in my coat as she lay her head on my shoulder. I started to feel at peace with myself, but would things be the same when all of this was over? I wanted to ask her but it was only the first date, yet I felt like spending all my life with her.

"Andre?" she whispered

I turned my head to lay it on top of hers.


"Do you think we can do this again?"

"Hell yeah!"

She giggled and then intertwined her fingers with mine. I couldn't do anything bad to this girl. Even the thought of trying to hurt her would put me to shame. All I wanted was for her to be happy but also to know if she felt the same way about me. I know it was just our first date, but I felt strongly about her.

"I think it's time to go home," I whispered to her "It's getting dark."

She fell asleep on the way back to the mansion, so instead of waking her up, I carried her to her room and tucked her into bed. She looked so peaceful when she slept; very angelic. I looked around her room and instantly saw the Bible on her nightstand. It was from the bag she had on that night when she was almost kidnapped. She must have been coming from some church thing and went out to celebrate with her friends. But if God loved her so much, than why did He allow her to get captured? Or was it something that got me and her paired up?

"Andre," she whispered, reaching out for me

I sat down of the floor near her side on the bed and held her hand.

"I loved our date," she said. " It was fun."

"Glad to know that you enjoyed it."

She kept on looking at me. She knew I wanted to ask for something.

"Umm...wanted to know..." This was getting awkward. I was always good at this stuff " If you kiss on the first date."

She blushed. "Oh, I wouldn't know. This is my first date."

"So would that mean-"

"I never been kissed before? Maybe."

She really was saving herself for that right guy, but she at least needed some practice, right?

I sighed and then sat on the bed, with her sitting up.

"Well, first kisses are complicated. They can go horribly wrong or-"

She brought her hand around my neck and pushed me towards her, our lips meeting. I kissed a lot of girls before but for some reason, I felt like I was floating on air. I slid my fingers through her hair and pulled her closer, and then I saw the level of temptation rising. Not tonight.

I pulled away for her. "Or the kiss could go perfectly right."

"Good night, Andre." she said with a smile

After tripping over my own feet and almost crashing into the wall, I finally made it out of her room.

"That was too close," I told myself

But it felt right. Pat yourself on the back Andre. You still got it in you,

I went to change my clothes and laid on the couch. I was going with the second choice; maybe God did have a plan for me and her.

"I hope you know what you're doing, big guy." I whispered and fell asleep.
True confidence leaves no room for jealousy. When you know your are great, you have no need to hate.
-Nicki Minaj

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60 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 2675
Reviews: 60
Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:20 pm
Narnialover4ever1 says...

Oh I liked it!! It's really sweet and cute!

When the waiter guy was say 'And maybe desert after'
Desert is really spelled dessert.

:) I liked it a lot!!
Keep writing!
When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death
And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again'

'Look there she goes that girl is so peculiar. I wonder if she's feeling well.
With a dreamy far off look.
And her nose stuck in a book' Something my best friend, Drew, said about me

Go in fear of abstractions.
— Ezra Pound