
Young Writers Society

On Top of Starry Hill Chapter 6 (LAST CHAPTER)

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Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:10 am
azntwinz2 says...

“What are you talking about?” Won Soo demanded, looking in confusion at Tae Yeon.
“That wasn’t your manuscript? This is your house, Maru’s your dog!” Tae Yeon breathed, nostrils flared. “I’m not an idiot.”
Won Soo stayed silent, but his eyes watched Tae Yeon wearily.
“Remember that time you said I was a liar? That if I didn’t believe in solutions I wouldn’t be driving you to God knows where? You were right about another thing too. I wasn’t afraid of death - I was afraid of dying right before something perfect came along. And I thought, for a while, that you were it. But you’re not. You’re just afraid of something I don’t know about. You’re just a stupid, petty liar.”
“Tae Yeon,” Won Soo sighed, but she cut him off.
“You know what I realized?”
“You never wanted to be a writer. You never tried. You hide this perfect manuscript away from the world and delude yourself that it’s not yours. You don’t want recognition, you don’t want anything.”
“Anything else?”
“Plenty more,” she snapped and then went on, “all along you’ve been schooling me. Telling me all this wise crap about my problems when you don’t even know your own. I saw how much money you have, it’s more than enough to go back and forth to Istanbul ten times over. But do you even want to go to Istanbul? I can’t trust anything you say to me anymore.”
“Can I talk please?” Tae Yeon just glared silently, crossing her arms defensively. “Yeah, so I haven’t been completely honest with you.” He sighed and then ran his hands through his hair in frustration.
“Remember that time I said you were stuck in this mental prison?” Tae Yeon arched her eyebrows skeptically. “Okay, so I was talking to myself too. That manuscript, I really didn’t write it. My brother did.”
“What make me feel terrible and tell me he’s dead,” Tae Yeon spat out bitterly.
“He is,” Won Soo said solemnly and her face fell. “I’m just kidding. He’s not, but it’s been a long time since I saw him.”
“I think I first found that manuscript by snooping through his bag, just like you did, around 7 years ago. I came down for the break during my junior year. My brother had already finished medical school, and was in the process of applying to hospitals. We had a really big argument, because my brother wouldn’t publish the manuscript.”
Won Soo sighed, and then shoved his hands into his coat. “He had made his mind up, that he wouldn’t be an author. See, the girls Ji Soo and Hyo Eun were just personas of his careers. To be an author, or to be a doctor. In the end, his fiance of 10 years won out, I guess. Course, my brother’s the type to dedicate his life to one thing. Couldn’t do both.”
“That sort of makes sense. Ji Eun’s death was metaphorical.”
“Yeah, but, and I guess I was jealous, I couldn’t accept his decision. He had all the talent I couldn’t find and he was just giving it up and being a moron. I took the manuscript, telling him I would write a story that surpassed it, headed back up, and quit college. I didn’t want him to keep paying for me.”
“And that’s what happened?”
“Not everything. That mental prison? I’m still in it. I wrote so many stories, too many to count, but in the end, I burned them all up. Nothing I wrote could compare. It was a psychological torture I couldn’t, still can’t get out of.”
“So what does Istanbul have anything to do with this picture?”
“It’s the setting of my first novel. When I was a senior in high school and my girlfriend read my first draft. She told me it sucked, that I needed to go to Istanbul for it to get any better.” He looked at Tae Yeon before adding, “She was rich too. I guess that’s where my vendetta against rich girls started.”
Tae Yeon shook her head, and walked over to Won Soo to cradle his hands.
“So go, go to Istanbul,” she whispered softly.
“I can’t. What if I go and nothing gets better. What if I’m just not cut out to be a writer. What happens to the past seven years?”
“Nothing,” Tae Yeon consoled, “they just stay there, and let you know how far you’ve come. Won Soo, you can’t sit here complaining that nothing gets better when you don’t even try. Go to Istanbul, and get your inspiration. I’ve only known you for a couple of days and even I know how annoyingly perceptive, and incredibly sensitive you can be. You’re going to be a great writer, I can tell.”
“Come with me,” he urged, tugging on her arms lightly. Tae Yeon shook her head not sure if the wetness on her face were tears or melted snow.
“You know, I think I get why your brother chose to be a doctor. I remember now that Hyo Eun would always feed Maru everytime she went to his house. Maybe, to your brother, the ability to support his family was more important to him than writing. That’s what he needed to do.” She cupped her cold hands on both of his cheeks and stared deeply into his eyes.
“We’re not what we each need. You need to go to Istanbul, I need to get back home. You know, I was always jealous of Lee Eun Ah. How she was always so sure about what she wanted to do, how she was going to fight for her own life. It’s something I learned from her, sometimes the answers we want are right in front of us. Still, we have to go the long, hard way to find them. I’m going to go back and get the forgiveness of my parents and his. And, next time, I’m not going to make the stupid mistake of letting other people decide. I knew the answer all along, but Starry Hill really helped me see it.”
Won Soo looked down at her, his heart pounding rythmically, as he knelt his face closer.
“Kim Tae Yeon, I’m not like my brother. If I was the narrator, I would have definitely chosen Ji Soo. Which means that you’re what I need. I’ll go to Istanbul. And come back. And then I’m going to find you. So wait for me. Don’t get married.” Mesmerized with her subtle beauty, Won Soo held her closer.
“Kiss me,” she said instead. Won Soo took it as her pledge anyways. Their cold lips touched, starting a warm flame in both of their wounded hearts.
“Merry Christmas,” he murmured in her ear before returning to kiss her again.

Spoiler! :
To rascalover and angelknight in particular, I'm so thankful for keeping up with the story and commenting on all the chapters. I only realized with this project how difficult it is to continue and finish a story. Without your support, I couldn't have done it. Also, thanks to my bff (you know who you are) for pushing me to get it done and my twin sister who always reads through everything I put up.
Please make sure to check out my portfolio! Any comments are immensely desired!

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Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:42 am
IcyFlame says...

I'm back! I've made a mental note to read this from the beginning but my mental notes often get forgotten, so we'll have to wait and see I guess.
I love to comment on the way stories end; it's actually my favourite part of writing a book. For some reason the end of the final chapter seems more like the end than the actual epilogue... maybe that's just me. You didn't dissapoint here and have a nice way of rounding off the book.
Just be careful not to use too much informal language when telling the story. I noticed one occasion when you put 'anyways' instead of 'anyway'. This is fine if a character is talking and speaks like that but otherwise it comes off as unprofessional.
Well done on finishing the book!

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Reviews: 153
Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:13 am
AngelKnight900 says...

Now I know how the people who watched the last Harry Potter movie felt. You should seriously get this published or something and I'll try to make sure to try to be the first person to buy this. This book is awesome and I know i have a epilogue to read but it's all good. I really enjoyed this and please make sure to get this published. This is really good writing material. Everytime I read this, my day is like totally made. Can't wait to read your future works.
True confidence leaves no room for jealousy. When you know your are great, you have no need to hate.
-Nicki Minaj

“Such nonsense!" declared Dr Greysteel. "Whoever heard of cats doing anything useful!" "Except for staring at one in a supercilious manner," said Strange. "That has a sort of moral usefulness, I suppose, in making one feel uncomfortable and encouraging sober reflection upon one's imperfections.”
— Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell