
Young Writers Society


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Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:40 am
TalkinToMyself says...

Chapter One
The feeling was mutual. I didn’t like him and he never liked me. I looked up from my seat to see him walk down the aisle slowly. His shoulders were slouched, as always and he had that idiotic smile written across his face. He knew that he would get away with what he did. Being late to class isn’t an exception but for Harry Nicolson, it’s all good.
"Why; darling, so you've decided to join us?"
"Sorry about that, teach, I had some business at the office and I just had to do." He flashed her, a joking smile and that was it for the teacher. SHE was toast.
"Oh that’s quite alright. Just take your seat please." He walked so confidently and had to pull the seat next to me.
"Hi" he whispered, I ignored him and looked at the board to come across some easy equations.
By the time the bell rang, I had finished tonight’s homework and studied for my history quiz I’m having next period. I walked out briskly so I didn’t see Harry. But then I got tackled by the masses of geeks and popular and my chance to be on time to class was down the drain. I had to rush to class and almost got a tardy; Mrs. Linda gave me death stares all the way till' I reach my chair. It wobbles a little and then i before i knew it, i was on the floor with my books scattered everywhere. I look up to see Harry and his gang burst into laughter and just behind him his girlfriend holds up a wrench, "Clumsy, much Lilly?" I was beet red as i gathered my things and asked for another chair. I didn’t understand why Amy (Harry's girlfriend) didn’t like me. I mean I wasn’t that much of a tool. We even used to be best friends. USED to be that, is. I blamed Harry for all of this, Amy would never have been turned into the bitch she is, without Harry's influence. I still remember all those times we used to go out near the peer and watch the sun set but now, she cares about nothing unless it has to do with Harry. I looked up to see her laugh at me and I thought that maybe I might see a glimpse of what used to be our friendship but all I saw was a monster.
I sat down; suddenly having an interest with the shoes I was wearing. I silently hoped that I could be left alone till the bell and my wish came true. Right when the bell rang, Amy came up to me and looked me up and down. She walked a little closer, our breaths were hitting each other’s faces, and, “I don’t know why Harry talks about you so often. You're worthless." She steered away leaving me in shock. Harry thinks of me? I shook that thought away; Amy’s messing with me that’s it. I don’t know why she bothers to lie about anything that has to do with Harry; his life is one fat lie. He acts all smart but his father is the smart one, paying his son’s way into school and throughout school. I don’t believe Harry actually does all any of the homework at all; rumor has it that he pays tutors to do it. Well sometimes rumors are rumors; I’m just saying that Henry isn’t smart on his own terms, end of story. I walked down the empty hallway; the jumbles of teenage masses were in the cafeteria, only the smokers were in the halls. You can tell, with the ragged hair and dark circles under their eyes, you can easily pick out the smokers but, let’s just say the teachers here are not so bright. After teaching us and lecturing for hours about all the symptoms of smoking, they still can’t figure out the smokers in the school; only that there seems to be an abundance of smelly smoke fumes in the classes. I hurry to enter my combo into my locker and get out as fast as I can.
I walked slowly into the cafeteria; I’m not too fond of going in there because of the chaos that erupts there. I peer in and was relieved when I saw my only and truly best friend Katie sitting at our table. I scoped the place out as I saw some freshies or freshman; they all have the same anxious face expressions and are all bundled up next to each other. I hurried to Katie ignoring the snickers from Henry’s table. Katie was reading, as always, she wore her usual apparel, shirt and jeans. She had on her thick glasses again; I guess she lost her contacts for the fifth time. I didn’t interrupt her as she read; it’s best to wait it out. I took out my lunch and ate quietly, finally she looks up and nods at my cupcake, “You want?” I sighed and pushed it toward her as I explained what happened earlier this morning; we don’t have the same schedule, but we did last year. Through a series of muffles, she swallowed all her food and looked at me, “Henry is just a piece jerky, and Amy is a no good fish monger.” Katie doesn’t like to use cuss words but, for me, it’s necessary to live.
“Well I don’t think it’s necessary for Amy to act like a bitchy she-monster all the time.”
“Well it’s not necessary for you to cuss half the time.” Katie pointed out. I just rolled my eyes and shrugged that last comment off. I rolled up my foil and threw it into the trashcan, making a perfect three pointer.
“You should really join the girls’ basketball team.”
“I can’t, you know Amy’s the team captain.” Most schools, the popular girls are in the cheerleading squad but, here, its basketball. Of course like every cliché, Amy, the most popular of us all, is the captain of the team. I didn’t want to deal with all that crap; my parents were pretty let down when I didn’t decide to join the team. I used to be in the team in every grade that had them, but, after moving over here; I decided not to join the basketball team. Last year, things didn’t go to well and I don’t think I can even step onto the court. But, I can’t explain that to Katie, it’s too painful. The bells ring and the crowds of kids scramble to their next class. I pick up my backpack that weighs a hundred pounds and wave Katie goodbye. The day came to a screeching halt as I left the school after six periods of pure hell, I walked home slowly, not eager to get home exactly. Strolling, I come across a three story building that looked like it came out of a house magazine, yep, that’s my house. My parents sit there reading the latest book of the Twilight series. You see, my parents are normal, high society parents that wish for their kid or kids to succeed and grow. I used to be one of those prep girls that everyone looked up to and such, but I changed and so the world of popular closed on me. My mom, Scarlet Heatherway looked up from her book and smiled her white gleaming teeth at me,” Hi sweetie, how was school?” My father looked up too, after finishing the page and smiled, my father was a doctor and my mom was an artist and most of the time they stayed home.
“Oh, school was fine, mom, I’m going up to my room and do my homework okay?”
“Don’t miss dinner okay? Don’t overwork yourself too.” My father tried to sound stern when he said that but, he only showed that he is immensely proud. I used to party all the time and come back home wasted but, now I’m studying and I’m always home all the time. I never want to be like I did before, hanging with the wrong crowd and with the wrong boys…
I hate my alarm clock like any teenager… the annoying sound wakes me up and gives me a headache that last till’ second period. Pulling my sheets over my head, I think two more minutes, but, I got up and took a shower anyways. I made my way down, feeling like I had a hangover; I studied long into the night trying to make sense of Calculus for the hundredth time. I know I can just ask Katie for help but, I don’t want to weigh her down. Katie comes from a family of musicians; her father was a cello player and her mother was a violinist. Her brother is in a full scholarship program for gifted kids (he plays the guitar) and Katie, herself, is a pianist with utmost grace. Not only is she talented, she also very popular and has straights A’s, why she puts up with me is a wonder indeed. I grabbed a bagel and rushed out the door as my parents waved goodbye from the porch. I made it just in time for the bell to ring as I leap into homeroom. No one is worth talking to in homeroom except maybe Danny Stell. He sits near me and is a decent as anyone is going to get around here.
“What’s up with you, you looked stoned…” I turn to see Danny leaning over my desk. You see, he sits right in front of me and we talk sometimes so this was him being him.
“I stayed up late trying to escape math hell.”
“You too? Maybe we should study together. You, I and Katie should meet up sometime.” I look at Danny with his goofy smile and I laugh, “Study, are you sure that’s what you’re going to do? You aren’t going to make goo goo eyes at Katie?”
“Err… you got it all wrong,” He waves his hands in the air, almost apologetically, “Trust me, I don’t like Katie like that.”
“Pshhhh… Sure, whatever you say.” I wasn’t going to give in to his white lies that easily but, I grew tired of this banter. The bell successfully concluded our conversation for us; I picked up my backpack and nodded to Danny, “Laters.” I walked to my next class dreading every step. Why, you may ask? One certain person, who makes me, want to puke, Harry Nicolson. The first time I saw Harry was in first grade, it was a snowy winter much more than the town of Hamilton can handle. There I was, with my cute hat and matching mittens singing tunes from the old show Scooby Doo. I skipped down Acres Road on my way back home and stumble upon a boy crying. His white, porcelain face, blend in with small snowflakes falling on his face made me think he was an angel. “Are you okay?” I handed him my hand and he turned away.
“I don’t know where my mama is, where is she?” I looked at him and I giggled.
“I’ll help you find her okay?” He smiled a little and wiped his tears away.
“If you find my mama you can be my wife.” That little sentence I swear will curse me forever. In the end, I did find his mom; I never saw him again, until now that is. Somehow I thought he would still remember his promise but, no luck. I didn’t even want to try, the next time I saw him was when he was smoking outside In-n-out and that ultimately changed my outlook on him. I guess people do change and things never stay the same, walking into class, sitting in my seat I ponder that for a moment. I hear a screech coming from the chair next to me and who it is but, the marvelous Harry. “Don’t you have someone else to harass today?”
“Nope, just you and me baby.” He winks and then takes out his notes from yesterday written all neat. I also notice that it isn’t his hand-writing.
“Don’t call me baby, and do me a favor and get out of my face. Don’t you want to sit on your girlfriend’s lap instead? She’s practically spewing out foam out of her mouth from you being here.”
“She’s not my girlfriend and oh, so you’ve noticed? Jealous?” He does his signature crooked smile and waggling eyebrows and deep inside my feelings are at war with my attraction and hatred for him.
“Yes, I’m super jealous,” I got in real close, my face up next to his, I swear I thought he was blushing, “just kidding.” I smirked as I saw his face expression; finally I just shut Harry up. Class was actually enjoyable because of fidgeting that Harry had going on and he was constantly staring at me. There was a moment that our hands touch the beaker at the same time and then just like that; I was on the floor and so was he.
Chapter Two
Waking up in the nurses office sucks but, waking up in the nurses office with Harry staring exactly in front of you is another story. “What happened?” I rubbed my head but, the pang in my head only got worse. Harry ignored me and was muttering to himself, he looked worried and that was the first time that I’ve seen him through his broken façade. His cockiness disappeared and he was talking about something.
“I touched her and we fell, this isn’t good. I knew that this was going to happen sooner or later but, now? Mother Lauren is not going to like this, especially with the Night of Hark that’s days away.” My head immediately started hurting again, who was Mother Lauren? What was Night of Hark? I didn’t get to ask Harry because the nurse barged in to check my temperature.
“You look fine sweetie, sixth period is finishing so why don’t you leave early,” she turns to Harry, “You too okay honey?” Harry seemed to have gotten a hold of reality and managed to smile his cocky smile, “I’ll make sure Lilly gets home safely.” He winks and leaves the nurse blushing madly. I walk out fast hoping to get to my car fast enough before-, “Hey! Lilly!” Harry runs up behind me and closes the driver door of my BMW. “I said I would make sure you get home safely, so I am.” He hopped into my car and smiled. I stood there attentively but I wanted to bolt out of there, like he reads my mind, Harry started to laugh. “I’m not going to do anything to you, just hand me your car keys and let me drive you home. Don’t make that face, get in the car.”
“No, don’t argue, just get in, unless,” he smiled wickedly, “You want me to carry you.” I couldn’t argue with that, I practically ran to the passenger seat; hearing Harry chuckling made me blush redder then I’ve ever have before, “What? You said you were going to take me home right? Hurry up then.” I huffed and turned to look at the forever growing trees in the town. By the time I counted twenty-three trees and fifteen bushes, I was at my house; I don’t want to know how HE knew where I lived. I opened the door, planning to storm out and hastily go to my safe place; somehow by the time I opened the door Harry was on the other side of it, blocking the way.
“How’d you do that? You know what, never mind, just move.” I tried to move him aside but, he was really heavy…
“No way, what kind of person would I be, if I let a sick girl stay home alone?”
“Right, nice try, my parents are home.” I smiled and I was about to try my second chance to push him away, when he started laughing. “What?”
“Nothing, now come on.”
“No way!” I wasn’t going to be bossed around by this weirdo.
“Okay, fine. You forced me to do this.” Next thing I know, Harry’s arms circled around my waist and picked me up. He started toward my house carrying me like a monkey.
“What the fuck are you doing? Let me down you bastard!” I guess I wouldn’t admit it but deep down inside I liked him carrying me, I liked him giving me all this attention, I liked him coming all this way for me, I liked him. But no way am I admitting that. I guess that my parents aren’t home, that is a big surprise. Harry carried me up the stairs and I shut up after he threatened to kiss me. I don’t even want to ask how he knew where my bedroom is, actually I will, “How the hell do you know where my house AND my room is? Do you stalk me?” He put me down on my bed and I was suddenly glad that I cleaned my room yesterday.
“Would you be quiet for a moment?” Harry looked serious so I stayed quiet. Harry took out his phone and dialed series of numbers. “Hey, I’ve got her. Yes, THE one, the one that I’ve been searching for, tell the head boss that I’m going ahead and telling her; got that?” I started to fidget on my comfortable bed and right when I was going to succumb to the madness, he turned to stare at me.
“Lilly? Do you remember me?”
“Of course I do, we met before, when we were little. That and you torture me anytime you feel like it, WHICH is all the time.”
“Do you remember anything else?”
“No, why?”
“Okay, I’m going to explain to you slowly, try to keep up. I’m not like you that is are for sure. There are three worlds, one of heaven, Hell and Earth right? Well what if I told you there was a in between world? Well, there is, an in-between world that is, and that in-between world is called Tyrinia. I live in Tyrinia and a lot of others do to, some that you would probably not believe. Most who live there are elves.”
“Wait, what? Are you trying to tell me that you, Harry Nicolson, the famous bad boy, is an elf?”
“I’m a guard elf, there is a difference! You know what, never mind that. The one who rules that in-between place is Mother Lauren and every elf goes through a certain cycle once each life time, which is called the Lyricale. Now Mother Lauren is like a queen of Lyricale and I’m not fully an elf but, I’m also human. It all started when I was born, which was a rare sight indeed; an elf tainted with human blood or a human gifted with elfin blood, you can pick. Every fifty years a portal opens in this world, now granted, elves can make their own portal and comes and go as they please but, this is a different occasion. Supposed a human went through the portal and suppose that human fell in love; with useless of events leading up to me being born. Of course my mother was killed afterwards and I never knew my father so I end up with Mother Lauren. My job, ironically as it is, is to make sure that no human gets into the portal again; no more of my kind.”
“What does this have to do with me? Why did we faint when touching each other?”
“Hold your horses’ milady, I haven’t gotten to that part yet and I was building it up to something grander too, oh well.” Harry smiles devilishly at me and makes a dramatic sigh before continuing. “There is a special event too, the same day the portal opens; sometimes it happens sooner or the same month but, all young elfin members must mate or rather yet, they will experience the soul-mate phases.”
“What does this have to do with me!?!? Get to the point!” I was in shock and yelling at Harry was my only outlet right now. I mean come on, faeries! I’m losing my mind if I’m going to believe whatever Harry blurts out.
“I don’t know exactly how to say this but, Lilly? Were err, were soul mates…”
I don’t think I could’ve stopped my jaw dropping the way it did right now. I bet my eyes were huge and the worst thing was that, I’m happy. For the first time I look at Harry, for who he really is. There he sits perched on my bed; the sun hits his jet-black hair that makes his black eyes look almost silver. Sometimes I think his eyes are silver. Other than the fact that he took my breath away every-time I look at him, I will not succumb to his unearthly looks that draw me so near to desperation. The desperation, to hold him, touches him, kiss him. My cheeks burned, kiss him? What was I thinking? I realize while my mind wandered I had left Harry hanging with an awkward feeling in the room.
“We’re soul-mates? How can that be? What about Amy? What about you?” Harry tenderly takes my hand and for a long time he didn’t speak at all. He looks up for what seems like hours of him holding my hand and making my cheeks flame, “Didn’t I say that Amy and I weren’t ever together? Humans tend to be drawn to what little elfin blood and charms that is in me. I can’t help who I am Lilly.”
“You can’t help that you’re an elfin Casanova? Are you seriously trying to use that right now?”
“Please, just listen to me; I really do love you Lilly, every time I saw you walking with that Danny kid… I swear, why can’t you see that? I fell for you when we met when you helped me find my mom. I fell for you when you stood up for Cindy Grander after she got accused for stealing jewelry in sixth grade-” I blushed thinking about how I literally jumped out of my seat in protest knowing that Cindy could never have done such a thing like stealing petty jewelry. I never knew all this time that Harry could’ve watched me all this time. “What I need to know Lilly is that, do you love me?”
Chapter Three
I looked at him in astonishment. This guy, could he BE any blunter? I can’t seem to say anything, my voice is gone. My throat started to get dry and I realized that he’s waiting for an answer. Crap.
“What are you saying? I don’t even know you enough, we haven’t even been on a date,” my voice, I couldn’t help it, it got louder, “how I’m I suppose to say that I love you!” My hands were suddenly pinned down and my head hit against my floral bedding sheets that cost more than your house. (I think) “What, what are you doing?” I looked into his eyes and I saw something I haven’t seen before, Harry was blushing.
“I’m showing just exactly how much I love you.” I always wonder how the girls felt in the stories when these things happen, now I know exactly how. My heart started to ache and then I turned to look and Harry. He looked at me and something changed and he turned abruptly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“ He sat there and he started to shield his face with his hands when I took them.
“I’m not mad or anything.”
“I need to go, you do too.”
“What do you mean?” My head started to spin and the sudden exposure to Harry was already taking its hold of me.
“You can’t stay here Lilly, it’s not safe for your family. Some people in Tyrinia don’t exactly go for the Lyricale, if they find out, you could be in danger. Those people are called Miniode. There always a Miniode stationed in each town, hidden, waiting.”
“Are you honestly suggesting that I leave my family? Pick up everything and go?”
“I thought you would understand; we’re soul-mates.”
“Stop! Stop saying that, I didn’t ask for this; why didn’t you ask me? Do I want to be your soul-mate? I’m going save your breathe by saying no, I don’t.” I didn’t know what came over me but, the entire time I thought about my mom, my dad, their smiling faces fading away if I took Harry hand and ran.
“Fine, deny this, deny everything that you just felt this moment and your entire life. Deny it because that’s what you do Lilly, deny what scares you.” I stopped, he went too far.
“Get out, get out now! Don’t try to make it seem like you understand, you don’t know anything; even if you did, why didn’t you save me? If we were soul-mates where were you when I needed you?” I couldn’t take it any longer, tears that I’ve hold back, tears that no one was allowed to see, they started falling. “Please, just go away, leave me alone. I didn’t ask for this.” I closed my eyes, ruffles of bed-sheets and hollow footsteps start to fade away.
“Goodbye Lilly.”
Chapter Four
That night I couldn’t sleep like I used to. Okay, to speak the truth, I never really slept anyways, every time I try to, the images of the incident keep harassing my mind. I guess at some point, I have to tell someone, tell someone that back when I was stupid; back when I was popular, I made a mistake. I made the mistake that got me to move back to where I lived when I was a child. It started simple, a simple party, one of too many that I’ve been to that week. I was completely wasted and my guys’ friends were helping me out of the house. There wasn’t a time in my mind where I thought to think that a group of guys taking me home is unsafe because they aren’t just some guys, they’re MY guys, MY friends, which, I’ve been through a lot with. I guess I was wrong. I can still remember they’re laughter and someone screaming, MY screaming echoes the gym, that’s where they took me. The gym, where I could hang back and forget, where I felt the most at peace, they tainted the only place that was heaven to me. I can’t even bear to step onto a court now. I couldn’t even be in the same room as them; I wanted to hurt them, to feel the contact where my hand meets their faces. I left school and returned to the place I used to live, where I met Harry. Never mind that, I won’t let him get to my head. I know that I’m right and he isn’t. Waking Up was like a horrid headache…

Getting up to go to the most wonderful place on earth, that was sarcasm, I’m going to school.
My foot slaps against the fired pavement echoes through the streets as I walk to school. Torture is what I felt as I realized that I’ll have to face Harry in school, now I slowed down a bit, knowing that school will still be there if I was late an hour or two. Before I knew it, sadly I made it to school, on time. I cursed myself for not walking slower when I saw Harry in the hallway, jamming his locker shut. I was prepared for harassing questions but, Harry didn’t even look at me, he walked the opposite way and never looked back. I couldn’t help it, I knew even that I was the one who told Harry to go away, I didn’t mean to stay away. I wanted to scream, "don't go," but, instead I suppress my feelings, pissed as I am; I stalk away and leave the very hallway that started many things.

(It's not done yet, but i decided that I should post something soon so here it is. ^__^ )

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Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:30 pm
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MasterGrieves says...

'Getting up to go to the most wonderful place on Earth, that was sarcasm, I'm to going to school.' That line wasn't really necessary. We know that it is probably going to be sarcastic, so need to tell us. I have to say your piece is...interesting. I felt it lacked something. I don't know why, maybe it is the way you write, but I tended to get a bit lost in your piece. I think that the language you are using is a bit underdeveloped- don't ask me why because I don't know why. It's really weird I know, but your piece wasn't right for a first chapter. First chapters are one of the very hardest parts of writing a story or a novel, because you have to have action and an introduction to characters/setting (which, I will admit, I can't do). It was a good effort, but I don't think you're there yet. But I await whatever you do next with open arms. Nice try :)
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If you don't like Mikko, you better friggin' die.

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When you greet a stranger look at his shoes.
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I was 567ajt

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Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:28 pm
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roxywriter1573 says...

Okay, the whole idea behind the story is really cool and I can't wait for you to finish, but there are a couple of things that I noticed that you needed a little help on. First, I had no idea weather you were writing in present or past tense, so it's very confusing to understand. It was hard for me to read it. If you can fix that confusion between past and present tense, then the story will be much easier to read and understand. Also, it'll make the story and your writing better.

I'm assuming that you're writing in past tense, so that's how the corrections will be.

TalkinToMyself wrote:Chapter One

The feeling was mutual. I didn’t like him and he never liked me. I looked up from my seat to see him walk down the aisle slowly. His shoulders were slouched, as always, and he had that idiotic smile of his forming on his face. He knew that he would get away with being late to class. There was no exception to the rule, but for Harry Nicolson, it was all good.
"So, you've decided to join us, Harry?"
"Sorry about that teach. I had some business to take care of in the office." He flashed her a joking smile and that was it for the teacher. SHE was toast.
"Oh that’s quite alright. Just take your seat please." He walked confidently to the seat next to mine.
"Hi," he whispered. I ignored him and looked at the board. The questions that our teacher had written were easy.
By the time the bell rang, I had finished that night's homework and studied for the history quiz in my next class. I walked out briskly so that I didn’t run into Harry. But then I got tackled by the mass of teenagers in the hallway and my chancees of being on time to class went down the drain. I almost got a tardy and Mrs. Linda gave me death stares as i walked to my chair. It wobbled a little and before i knew it, i was on the floor with my books scattered everywhere. I looked up to see Harry and his gang burst into laughter. Behind him, his girlfriend, Amy, held up a wrench.
"Clumsy, much Lilly?"
I was beet red as i gathered my things and asked for another chair. I didn’t understand why she didn’t like me. I mean I wasn’t that much of a tool. We used to be best friends. I blamed Harry for all of this. Amy would never have been turned into the bitch she was without Harry's influence. I still remember all those times we used to go out near the peer and watch the sun set but now, she didn't care about anything unless it had to do with Harry. I looked up to see her laughing at me. I thought that I might see a glimpse of what used to be our friendship but all I saw was a monster.
I sat down, suddenly interested with the shoes I was wearing. I silently hoped that I could be left alone until the bell and my wish came true.
When the bell rang, Amy came up to me and looked me up and down. She walked a little closer, her breath on my face, and said, “I don’t know why Harry talks about you so often. You're worthless."
She steered away leaving me in shock. Harry talked about me? I shook that thought away. Amy was just messing with me, that’s all. I didn't know why she bothered to lie about anything that has to do with Harry. His life was one fat lie. He acted all smart but his father was the smart one. Mr. Nicolson payed his son’s way into and throughout school. I didn't believe that Harry actually did any of the homework at all. Rumor had it that he payed tutors to do it. Granted,rumors are rumors. I’m just saying that Henry wasn't smart on his own terms.
I walked down the empty hallway. The jumble of teenagers was in the cafeteria and only the smokers were in the halls. You could tell, with the ragged hair and dark circles under their eyes, that they were smokers but, let’s just say the teachers were not so bright. After lecturing us for hours about all the symptoms of smoking, they still couldn't figure out who the smokers in the school were. They only that there seemed to be an abundance of smelly smoke fumes in the classes. I hurridly enteredmy combonation into my locker and got my things out.
I walked slowly to the cafeteria. I wasn't too fond of going in there because of all of the chaos. I peered in and was relieved when I saw my only best friend, Katie, sitting at our table. I scoped the place out and I saw some freshies, or freshman, who all had the same anxious expressions on their faces and were all bundled up next to each other. I hurried to Katie, ignoring the snickers from Henry’s table. Katie was reading, as always. She wore her usual apparel; a t-shirt and jeans. She had on her thick glasses and I guessed that she lost her contacts for the fifth time (in how many numbers of weeks or months or even days?). I didn’t interrupt her as she read, itwas best to wait it out. I took out my lunch and ate quietly.
Finally she looked up and motioned at my cupcake, “You gonna want that?”
I sighed and pushed it toward her as I explained what happened earlier that morning.
We didn’t have the same schedule.
Through a series of hulps, she swallowed the rest of her food and looked at me.
“Henry is just a piece jerky, and Amy is a no good fish monger.” Katie doesn’t like to use cuss words but they were necessary for meto live.
“Well I don’t think it’s necessary for Amy to act like a bitchy she-monster all the time.”
"It’s not necessary for you to cuss all of the time,” Katie pointed out.
I rolled my eyes and shrugged that last comment off. I rolled up my foil and threw it into the trashcan, making a perfect three pointer.
“You should really join the girl's basketball team.”
“I can’t, you know Amy’s the team captain.”
In most schools, the popular girls were in the cheerleading squad but here, it's basketball. Of course, like every cliché, Amy, the most popular girl in school, is the captain of the team. I didn’t want to deal with all that crap.
My parents were pretty let down when I decided not to join the team.
I used to be on the team every year, but after moving here, I decided not to join the basketball team.
The year before, things didn’t go to well and I didn’t think I could even step onto a court. But, I couldn’t explain that to Katie, the memory was too painful.
The bell rang and the crowd of kids scrambled to their next class.
I picked up my backpack that weighed a hundred pounds and waved goodbye to Katie.
The day came to a screeching halt as I left the school after six periods of pure hell. I walked home slowly, not eager to make it there any time soon. I finally come across a three story building that looked like it came out of a house magazine. Yep, that’s my house.
My parents were sitting in the living room reading the latest book in the Twilight series. You see, my parents are normal, high society parents that wish for their child or children to succeed.
I used to be one of those preppy girls that everyone looked up too and such, but I changed and so the world of popular closed on me. My mother, Scarlet Heatherway looked up from her book and smiled at me.
"Hi sweetie, how was school?”
My father looked up too, after finishing the page he was on and smiled. He was a doctor and my mom was an artist. They stayed home most of the time. (why does her dad stay home if he's a doctor? Maybe re think that.)
“Oh, school was fine mom. I’m going up to my room to do my homework, okay?”
“Don’t overwork yourself and don't forget to come down for dinner.”
My father tried to sound stern when he said that, but he only showed that he was immensely proud. I used to party all the time and come back home wasted but, now I’m studying and I’m always home. I never want to be like I was before, hanging with the wrong crowd and with the wrong boys…
I hate my alarm clock like any normal teenager… The annoying sound woke me up and gave me a headache that lasted until second period.

Okay, I did only a little but you get the picture. As I said before, I LOVE the idea for the story so don't stop writing it. :D Good luck!

Keep on Writing
"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."

FoxyRoxy <3
Don't judge a book by it's movie
Lisa, vampires are make-believe, like elves, gremlins, and eskimos
-Homer Simpson

the only theft here is of decency when carina decided to rob me of my pride and put me on a banana
— veeren