
Young Writers Society

Under The Tree's Tears Chapter 1

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Points: 765
Reviews: 1
Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:01 pm
Adara says...

*****I hope you like it, first story I done in a long[u]time. Next Chapters will come soon. Please tell me any suggestions, I know I didn't do it perfect. Thanks! :D [/u]

Walking in hot weather is torture. I took off my sweatshirt from trying not to sweat. I hate hot weather. I'm not used to this weather living in North Dakota usually is a cold place. Things change fast I guess. I looked around the neighborhood, more like a ghost town. Everyone is at the lake havin walking in hot weather is torture. I took off my sweatshirt from trying not to sweat. I hate hot weather. I'm not used to this weather living in North Dakota usually is a cold place. Things change fast I guess. I looked around the neighborhood, more like a ghost town. Everyone is at the lake having the times of their lives. My eyes started to water. Stop thinking about it Addie. Trying to tell myself not to cry.

I got where I wanted. My oak tree. I come here all the time. That's the place where I can be myself. People think I'm a freak-sitting under a big tree for hours. My Dad tried taking me to therapy I dont talk there, because I dont want to be there. I sat in the shaded area under the tree. Misha layed in my lap. My pet chinchilla I love her to death. She's the only thing that understands me.

I took out my sketch pad and drew the tree I'm under. I drew it in darkness my hand was drawing furiously. I started crying hard. My makeup was getting messed up but I dont care about anything anymore.
I took out my cigerettes and lighter. I stared at them they suddenly got lit and in my mouth. I breathed in the cigerette. Seems like I'm a pro at smoking. I guess I could say that. I been smoking for a year now.

"Aren't you to young to smoke?" An annoying and irrating boy named Dylan smirking at me. He had the emo/scene look. A common skateboarder with the hair and snakebites. They are so irrating.

"I'm fifteen and you can go fuck yourself". I rolled my eyes and continued smoking. Dylan sat beside me.

"What is that thing?" Dylan looking at Misha in my lap. He looked and sounded like she was a disgusting creature.

"A chinchilla look it up." Glaring at him while I put my cigerette out on his jeans, picked up Misha and walked away. He makes me so mad for some reason.
When I got home and opened the door Misha ran inside down the hall to my room. She's scared of Jake I dont blame her. My so-called dad AKA a lazy drunk. He drinks twenty four seven.

"Where the hell were you?" Jake asked glaring at me.

"A place." I glared at him back. I dont let people push me around. Especially him. He can die for all I care. He got up from his lounge chair, in a flash we were face to face. I could smell the alcohol.

"Don't get smart with me, now where were you?"

"I told you Jake I was at a place--." He slapped me against my face. I fell to the floor. Anger came in me. He stared into my eyes with rage. I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door. I sat against the door crying. I punched the wall wishing I could do that to Jake.I wiped the tears from my eyes. walking to my dresser. I grabbed my razor I stared at it. My reflection I knew I had a black and blue eye. That's going to be hard to hide. Lucky it's summer. I tried to laugh-I couldnt. My eyes kept staring into that razor. I looked on my wrists twelve scars. I threw the razor at the mirror and fell in my bed into tears.
Pounding woke me up. It was jake he was still angry I assume. Pretty soon my door will break down. I rolled my eyes.

"What!?" I yelled. The pounding stopped.

"You need to go to the store and get some eggs." Suprisingly he didn't yell back.

"I don't have money! And I'm sure you dont have any either." I was positive he didn't have money. He doesn't have a job.
He get's money from the goverment. But it gets spent on beer.

"Go get a damn job. Come back with a application." He walked down the hall to his bedroom and slammed the door. I laughed, like I was going to get a job-yea right. A thought came to my mind. I could get a job and buy myself some better clothes.
I opened the window and got out. Misha followed me. She follows me everywhere. It's good that I live in a trailor. Or I would have trouble getting out of my window.
Glancing next door at the neighbors windows. I saw a shadow dancing through their curtains. Laughing at how retarded people are.

There was a squirrel up ahead. Misha ran to chase the squrill. I laughed. I love her so much she always has a way to make me smile. Someone picked her up. My laughter turned to anger. I ran to her.

"HEY! PUT HER DOWN!.." Realizing it was dylan who picked her up. Once he saw me he put her down fast.

"I swear if you touch her again I'll slap your face." Glaring at Dylan. He was staring at something.

"Well it looks like you got punched, what happened to your eye?"
My heart skippped a beat, I forgot to cover it up. I put my hand on my eye and walked away. Dylan followed me like a irritating little kid."Can you please stop following me?"

"Are you okay?"

I stopped walking and looked in his blue eyes. "If I wasn't okay I wouldnt be here. Okay? Now go away." I continued walking He stopped following me without any response.

Thirty minutes later I was under my tree. Waiting for Misha to hop in my lap. I waited and waited. "MISHA??" I called her hoping she would come. " Misha!" Nothing. I walked back to rettrace my steps. She wasn't no where. My heart started to panic. I saw Dylan walking on the sidewalk I ran up to him and slapped him. "WHERE'S MISHA?"

"I DON'T KNOW , I DIDN'T TOUCH THE DAMN THING AFTER YOU TOLD ME NOT TO!" He glared at me. I ignored him and kept walking around town. I'm not going to stop until I find her.

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24 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1267
Reviews: 24
Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:15 pm
CrimsonArrow says...

It's very good. It has some grammar errors but other than that it is a good start. I actually have a chinchilla, his name is Chico. But he doesn't follow me around, if I put him outside he'd run away, but sometimes he does sleep on my pillow next to my head. Anyways, I did enjoy it and I'm looking forward to the next chapters, so please keep writing. Oh, and I think you should describe the chinchilla and Jake more than you did. But it was a good story.
I'm oxygen potassium!
What's life without adventure?

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Gender: Female
Points: 765
Reviews: 1
Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:39 pm
Adara says...

Thanks!(: I'll fix those errors and describe them more. Also that's so cool that you have a chinchilla! I'm saving my money up for one, they are so cute. How much did yours cost? The one I'm buying costs 150$. Anyway thanks for the review. :)

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Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:24 pm
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Charlie II says...

Hey Adara -- well it's review day!

Just one thing before I begin: you've used at least one swear-word in this piece, which isn't a problem if you "rate" the piece accordingly. So if you have a chance, please could you edit your original post and give the work an appropriate rating?


In my opinion, you have it! There's something distinctive about your writing, something that bucks the trend a little -- and you shouldn't be afraid to do that. I like the informality of the description and narration. If you're tackling those heavy themes such as alcoholism, self-harming, and poverty then it actually sounds more sincere from an imperfect narrative.

I hate hot weather.

These sort of intrusions are really good -- they say a lot about your character and give real texture to the narrative. Keep it up!


Unless you're going to write this like the absolute master who wrote "The Catcher in the Rye" then you're gonna need some semblance of plot. :wink: You actually manage the small bits ok, the pet disappearing and the pestering Dylan, but if this story is gonna keep going then you'll need a bigger picture with its own problems to solve. If you can provide that, then this will be an interesting read.


Personally I think you could have done a bit more clearing up of the punctuation and grammar of this piece before you posted it. I can see that you *do* know the rules -- you've got some excellent examples of sentences here! -- so I suggest you have a thorough nitpick of this before you post any more! You can do it!


If you haven't already, please read "The Catcher in the Rye". I think it would really help you to have something to look up to as a great example of your kinda writing! Keep working on developing your characters -- they'll be your main source of interest in the story, and the more you understand and know them, the better!

I hope this has been some help!

I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose.
-- Woody Allen

My existence is political. And love is my statement.
— Kevin Abstract