
Young Writers Society

Broken Road Chapter 2

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Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:58 pm
AllieMeadows says...

Broken Road Chapter 2

I opened my eyes and glanced up at the clock, it read 8:05. I felt Jared's arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me close against his side. I sighed and layed my head on his chest and listened to the steady sound of his heart beating.

As I layed there, I couldn't help but feel safe in Jared's arms. Lately, Aidyn and I had been fighting a lot and Jared was the one I had gone to. He had listened to me explain what had happened and would let me cry on his shoulder. Most of the time I would fall asleep in his arms with him telling me that everything would be alright. I didn't know why he was so caring, or what I had done to deserve him, but whatever it was, I was happy I had him.

I looked up at Jared sleeping and wondered, for the thousandth time, how he didn't have a girlfriend. He was the sweetest guy I knew, so I could not see a reasonable explanation why he was single. He had dated several girls during the sixteen years that I've known him, but he hasn't been out on a date in several months. Every girlfriend he had had recently hadn't even lasted that long. A few weeks after he asked them out he would tell me that they broke up, but would never say why. Honestly a part of me was happy when he told me that, I always felt a little jealous of the girls he dated. I guess it was because I was always the single one in our friendship, until Aidyn asked me out.

Honestly, most girls thought that Jared was hot, there were several that threw themselves at him at school, and I could see why. He had shaggy dirty blond that fell over his forehead, into his eyes, and down his neck, stopping just above his collar. He kept it neat but wasn't obsessed with it like some guys were. His smile was one of my favorite things about him. When he smiled his whole face would light up and it would make everything feel like it was going to be alright. His arms and his chest were well defined, a direct result from all the football and basketball that he liked to play. But the most amazing part of Jared was his eyes. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue-green that I've ever seen. Sometimes when he looks at me I feel like he can read my mind, or look all the way into my soul.

I jerked out of my daydream and just as I looked away from Jared's face, his eyes fluttered open. A startled expression crossed over his features as he took in his surroundings. After a moment his expression changed back to normal and he tightened his grip around my waist, pulling me even closer to his chest. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Morning Jared," I said, more chipper than I expected.

"Morning Aub," he said, sleepily. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," I answered, honestly.

"That's good. So what are we going to do today?" He asked.

I thought for a moment before coming up with a good answer. "How about going to Corpus?"

"Sounds good, just let me go change." Jared said, as he rolled out of the bed and walked into the bathroom.

I heard him slam the door behind him and I layed there enjoying the silence. I looked up at the ceiling and started making patterns in the paint splattered design that we had made a few months ago. When I heard the door open I looked up to see Jared standing there with no shirt on. A tingly feeing coarsed through my body, a strange electricity seemed to hang in the air, as I noticed just how well defined his chest really was.

My mind started to wander to places that it really shouldn't. I could imagine running my fingers through his hair then down his neck and along his bare chest. I could feel his lips on mine and his fingers tangling in my hair. His body hovering over me, the muscles in his arms standing out from the exhertion. Slipping away to a place governed only by our senses.

The spell that was cast over the room, causing my wandering thoughts, was broke as Jared walked over to his closet. It was as if he had not noticed the strange electricity that I had felt between us. He dug around in his closet and pulled out a shirt and put it on. Thankfully once his chest was covered I was able to tear my eyes away from him.

"Jared can we go by my house so I can get my clothes?" I asked, once I found my voice.

"Sure," he answered, as he pulled on his boots on and straightened up.
I threw the covers off of me and rolled out of the bed as he grabbed his keys from his dressar. We walked out of his room and down the hall, out the door and to his truck. He opened my door for me and I slid over to the seat next to him. He put his arm around my shoulder and we drove to my house in silence. I was still trying to recover from the thoughts that had entered my mind.

When we got to my house Jared stayed in the truck as I ran upstairs and quickly changed. When I went into my room I threw on the first things that my hands touched. Surprisingly, I was dressed and back out my bedroom door in less than ten minutes. As I was running back down the stairs I barely noticed that my mom was at work, again, or that my sister was gone to who knows where.

I ran out of my house, slamming the doo behind me, and ran to the truck. I threw the door open and hopped in, slamming the door as I slid into the seat next to him and grinned up at him.

"Wow that was fast. Usually it takes you an hour to get ready." Jared teased as he shifted gears and backed the truck out of the driveway.

"Shut up." I said as I stuck my tongue out at him.

Jared just grinned at me as he turned the radio up and drove towards the highway. I leaned my back against the door and stretched my legs out, resting my feet in Jared's lap. He looked down at my feet and rolled his eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"Do I look like your footrest?" He asked, sarcasm dripping into each word.

"Yeah you kinda do." I shot back, quickly.

"Fine, then I guess I'll just have to do this," He said as he trapped my legs with one of his arms. He slowly took one hand off of the steering wheel and began to tickle my feet.

I squealed as I tried to jerk away but he had my legs securely trapped. "Jared stop!" I shrieked as he continued to tickle my feet.

His hands started to move up my legs and over my stomach as he continued to tickle me, laughing almost as much as I was. After a minute of this torture I gave up. "Ok truce, truce," I said, breathless.

Jared put his hand back on the steering wheel and smirked, enjoying his small victory. He kept his eyes on the road as we entered the highway.

The ride then turned fairly quiet. We talked for a moment but then it lapsed back into silence. A few minutes down the road my phone beeped breaking the silence and I picked it up. 'One New Message' it read and I pushed the 'Read' button.

'Hey baby what's up?' I read, it was from Aidyn. I threw the phone into the seat between me and Jared. I felt a prickly feeling in my eyes and knew I was about to start crying. I tried to stop the tears but knew it was futile. I wiped at my eyes as a single tear rolled down my face. When Jared noticed he turned his head and I could see his concern for me written in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked, worried.

I pointed at my phone and he picked it up and read the message. "Bastard!" I heard him mutter under his breath.

"It's ok Aub. You deserve a guy who loves you and would never make you cry." Jared said as he pulled me close to him. "The one who makes you cry isn't worth you're tears and the one who is won't make you cry." He whispered in my ear as the tears fell faster.

I looked up at him through my tears and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you" I said, as I layed my head against his chest.

"For what?" He asked, confused.

"Everything," I replied.

The rest of the ride was, thankfully, uneventful. We sat there in silence but it was a good kind of silence. I layed my head in Jared's lap and let the music calm me down, trying to relax. It must have worked because the next thing I remember is Jared nudging me, trying to wake me up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes realizing we were in the middle of Corpus.
I glanced at Jared and when he glanced back at me he started busting up laughing. "What?" I asked, slightly self-concious.

"You're expression. You look like a deer in the headlights." He replied.

I shoved him lightly, but eventually laughed along with him. I leaned down and managed to pull my boots on by the time that we pulled into the mall parking lot. Jared parked the truck and came around to my side to open my door for me. We walked across the vast lot and managed to find a door into the mall.

"Where do you want to go first?" Jared asked as we walked through the doors.

"How about Spencer's?" I asked, a plan forming in my mind and a mischevious smile on my face.

"Okay," Jared said, clearly not noticing the expresion on my face.

As we were walking to the far end of the mall Jared put his arm around my shoulder. I didn't know why he did but I found it very comforting. As we walked by a fountain I stopped suddenly, jerking Jared to a stop with me. I reached up and took my necklace off and looked at it for a second, it had a #66 charm on it, Aidyn's football number. He had given it to me on our one month anniversary and had been my favorite necklace. I dropped it into the fountain without a second thought and walked off, not looking back.

We finally made it into Spencer's and I walked straight to the costumes. Hoping to make myself feel better I grabbed the most risque thing I could find and went to try it on and had Jared wait outside the dressing room for me.


I stood outside the dressing room waiting for Aubrey to finish playing dress up, and she was taking her sweet time doing it. I folded my arms over my chest as my mind wandered back to this morning.

When I had come out of the bathroom seeing Aubrey laying in my bed had been torture. There was a wandering, imagining, look in her eyes and a strange electrcity in the air. My mind had involantarily started to picture her small body under mine, my name on her tongue. I could almost feel her lips on mine, as her fingers tangled in my hair.

I jerked myself back to reality, attempting to clear my mind, unsuccessfully. I was really going to have to watch it. My mind was starting to think those dangerous thoughts more often than it used to. But still, waking up with her in my arms had almost been too much.

The door to the dressing room opened and jerked me back to the present and out of my pity party. What I saw in front of me almost made my jaw drop to the ground. Aubrey stood there in front of me in a Santa costume, but this Santa was more naughty than nice.

Her top, if you could call it that, looked more like her bathing suit top. It was made of some kind of red velvety material and didn't cover much. My eyes traveled down past the valley between her breasts and realized that I never noticed that before. My eyes continued down and I saw her flat stomach and I her belly button ring shining in the dim light. She had on a skirt that was maybe two inches long and made of the same material as her top. To top it all off, she had on a pair of black boots that went to her knees and had four inch heels.

"How do I look?" She asked as she stuck her hip out and made a pouty face. She looked more sexy than any of the Playboy girls in the magazines.

A strange, unfamiliar feeling coarsed through my body, it almost felt like fire and no part of my body was left unscathed. My mind was going crazy and I couldn't take it anymore. Every part of my body was screaming out for her. All logic left my mind and what I did next couldn't have been predicted or prevented.

I closed the few feet of distance between us in two steps. My hands went to the back of her neck and tangled in her hair as I pressed my body against hers. I pressed my lips to hers and put all my love for her and all my pain from the past year into it. I felt her arms move to around my neck and her fingers were in my hair. My lips moved against hers and she kissed me back, even if only for a moment.
Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead :o <3

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26 Reviews

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Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:08 pm
servant4christ says...

Okay....awesome!!! I was waiting for this to come out...I like the physical attraction here, very alluring...but real romance starts in a friendship...That's just my opinion anyways...anywho...I like it.

One grammar mistake I noticed was at the end you put "Even if only for a moment" You could either take out the even and make it "If only for a moment" or you could take out the only and make it "even if for a moment."

Besides that well done. I enjoyed the descriptions! It is pretty intense what is going on in between them...The kiss might have been a bit too soon but I don't know what you have in mind so I can't say.

I'm hooked, keep writing more!
Sometimes you've just got to accept the way things are and move on, but not us...

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Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:05 pm
sweetnikki says...

i really like the story, its very captivating!
one or two grammar mistake, but happily ignored. just couldn't stop reading to even think about it. :-)

please keep writing. i'm sure many people read it but they just feel to lazy to review it or maybe what they wanted to say was already written. so don't take this as a bad sign but rather a good one and go on, the way you feel..:-D

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Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:27 am
DontStopBelieving says...

I loved this chapter, you have a good plot going so far. My advice is to not make it like every other teenage romance novel people have read, try and make it unique, your own.


The only mistakes I saw were:

...he had dirty shaggy blond that fell over his forehead...

I think you mean, '....he had dirty shaggy blond hair that fell over his forehead...'

...the doo behind me...

'...the door behind me..'
I do love the way this story is going though. You give details of the characters, which is good. And I love the fact you put all your emotion into your story. I can really feel how the characters feel towards eachother.
Keep it up!
If the world is supposed to be so bad, then why am I not complaining?

Maybe we're all just complex human beings with skewed perceptions of each other.
— Ventomology