
Young Writers Society

I Hate Him Chapter 15

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Fri Apr 22, 2011 6:16 pm
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Nike says...

Chapter 15

I leaned against the gym seat watching Harry. He was flirting with this one cheerleader as she stood there waiting to audition for the team. Georgie was actually down there, getting ready, so that was my excuse if he saw me.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I checked it.

Hey lozer can u like leave this gym?! Oh + stop stalkin my boifrien!

It’s from Harry, oh wait. The girl has his phone. My heart sank and my jaw dropped. I felt as if I was gonna drop in tears. I can’t believe it! I’m here for Georgie, well not really but still I can’t believe it! He let her touch his phone!

“Hey, why did you send her that?” I saw Harry blow up on her.


“Oh sweetie, I mean do you like it when she stalks you?” she said, trying to sound as sweet as sugar.

Her skirt hit her mid thigh and she jumped, trying to make Harry notice it.

“She is not stalking me, her best friend is right there.” He explained harshly.

He, he is standing up for me. Pointing at Georgie, he pushed past the push up bra cheerleader called his girlfriend.
Her sneakered feet squeaked against the waxed flooring.

“Harry,” I called after him, feeling more confident by the second.

His eyes traveled to mine as he was on the halfway point on the steps. The slutty cheerleader stopped, putting on her
disgusted look.

“What…?” he asked, full of repulsion.

“Don’t stand up for me; don’t do anything nice for me anymore please. It’s not fair to you, I did the worst thing anyone could do possible, can you please hate me for once?!” I begged.

Why would I ever beg for that? It’s the worst thing I would ever beg for. But it’s the right thing to do, admit it. He has done too many things for me, he just did.

My heart fell though, even if I really badly wanted to do this, it just fell. I felt burned everywhere. Sadness traveled through me like a flood.

“I just don’t want you to be always there for me, I want you to hate me again.” Tears were pushing through the barrier but I didn’t let them fall.

“Jessa, I do hate you,” Harry said, chest lifting from a deep breath.

I stared in disbelief. Really?

“Oh come on, end this sappy love story! This isn’t a movie with Chase Crawford and Katherine Hegil!” The cheerleader said in her horrible voice.

Chase Crawford and Katherine Heigl wouldn’t ever play in a movie together involving them loving each other; there is a too big age difference between them.

“Bitch, this isn’t your fight.” I hissed at her and her jaw dropped.

“Whoa Jessa, that was too far.” Harry said.

“No, it was just perfect.” I stepped away from him.

God, why do I feel like this? I feel so wrong but so right at the same time.
This is it. It’s over between us forever.

I walked through the stands, jumping over people’s legs reaching the grey doors. I reached them, pushing them open feeling relief right away.

God, why do I still feel this way? Harry just agreed with me, isn’t that what I wanted? I guess so…
Sitting on the porch, wind hitting my face sending shivers down me. I zipped up my fat coat and watched the leaves hit the ground in many colors of yellow, red, brown and orange.

The birds came out of their nests and sang their heart out and the squirrels searched for their lunch, nuts.

“Knock knock,” Frankie said from behind me.

I turned around, sitting on the bench still.

“Hey,” I sighed.

He walked up and sat next to me, pulling his blazer on.

“What’s wrong, you’ve been so sad all day…?” he asked, staring at the leaves.

“Uh, I just had this fight…”

“You always do, your life is like nine oh two one oh.” He chuckled.

I hit him lightly on the arm and chuckled with him.

“No it’s not.” I said.

The laugh turned into a face that read ‘Really?

“…yes really,” I sighed.

“Well, you always have a fight with Harry, Georgie and Sam oh and Hayley. You guys are enemies now?”

“Well… not with Sam,”

I looked down at my jeans, wiping my hand on them. The cold wind hit our faces, bringing chills down our bodies. Frankie must be colder, he has no coat on.

“So you guys are enemies now!” he recalled.

“It happened fast, I mean… I don’t wanna talk about it right now.” I took a deep breath, getting flashbacks from the night that happened a week ago.

“That’s an original line…” he said sarcastically. “You always say that… when do you feel like saying anything?!” he begged.

“You know what Frankie?!” I turned to him, angry as heck, feeling my heart pump much harder against my chest.

“… If you would know what’s in my life right now, you wouldn’t wanna talk about it yet! It’s crazy Frankie and I would love to trade my life with you… trust me it’d be easier.”

Putting his hands and his hips, he spoke his mind out. “What?! Do you think my life is uninteresting, boring?! It’s not, I have drama too.”

I rolled my eyes, just trying to ignore this. I don’t need anyone else hating me, but that’s my own fault.

“I’m sorry okay, I just…” I took another deep breath, holding in my tears. “…I just am having a hard time. What happened? I don’t wanna talk about it.”

“Maybe you should, spill right now.” Frankie insisted.

I looked at him, straight into his eyes. Oh, he was and still is my brother, he cares. Fine, maybe he’ll hope, probably not because there was no help for this situation.

“I made out with Sam, Georgie caught us and she likes him. Harry, he hates me again, which is good but I feel really bad inside.” He let me explain with no interruptions.

“Wait so you and Sam are an… item?!”

“NO!” I yelled with protest.

He put on a sly grin.

“Fine, we like each other,” I gave up.

“Just like?” he asked, mocking me.

“Yes, just like.” I said with a straight face.

His hair, blond as mine, was swept over his forehead. He took a deep breath, taking in my very crazy words.

“I can’t help you there…” I cut him off, “I thought so!”

He sighed, “No, but I can help you with something else. Kiss Harry and he won’t hate you anymore!”

I hit him once again sending laughter through Frankie’s neck.

“I’m just kidding, gosh. You can make up with Georgie simply. Just tell her what was going on, girls like that kind of shit.” He said.

“Hey! It’s not shit; it helps us know the truth!”

He pointed at my mouth, pointing out that I just said my solution.

“Thanks Frankie,” I smiled, pulling him into a hug.

He squished me, and then let me go with a smile playing on his face.

“I told you I can help…” he stood up.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“To my room,” he opened the slide door and left my life… forever. Just kidding, my life isn’t that dramatic, and thanks God for that!

He actually helped me. That dumb little mind, well, it’s not so dumb but let’s just say that to make him look surprising, just helped me.

Wow, I know right?
Let’s just get to work then…

Calling Georgie for the fourth time this morning, I threw my phone on my bed lightly, groaning. God, why won’t she answer me?

“Georgie!” I hissed at myself.

That’s when my phone rang and I dashed for it without a doubt hopping to hear Georgie’s voice when I said…


“Hey,” Sam said on the other end.

Surprised, I went on. “What do you want; I’m kind of busy…” I said.

He took a deep breath, “Can I come over? We need to work something out…”

I knew exactly what he was talking about. It was about that night when we made out. Crap, I don’t wanna talk about it yet, but it would be better to do it.

“Fine, you can come…” I gave up.

“Thanks, I’ll be there in five.” He hung up.

Still surprised, I dropped my phone onto my bed and sat down on it, feeling the softness around me.
Why is he coming at this moment? I wanna work things out with Georgie and what he’s doing isn’t helping…

I looked out the window, snow dropping once again to our beautiful green grass. Huh, Christmas is clearly around the corner.

Sam came in, opening the door lightly, barely making a sound. I was tapping at my laptop, checking my mail.

“Hey,” he said, an hour late.

I swiveled in my chair, catching his eye.

“Hey, you’re late.” I stated, leaving the laptop alone.

“I’m sorry, I just had to help my dad with his car, I sent you a text that I’d be late.” He said.

Grabbing my phone, I checked it. Yup, there it was.

I’m helpin my dad with the car. I’ll be late.

“Oh, I didn’t notice.” I chuckled at my mistake.

The navy walls glistened in the sun light as the shine came from my wide open window. Sam sat down on my bed, across from me.

“So…?” I sighed hopping off my chair and sitting next to him.

My heart pumped rapidly when I saw him smile.

“What happened, was a mis-,”

I cut off his very words, “It couldn’t have been a mistake…” I looked into his eyes even though it was really hard for me.

“But Jessa, we are best friends…”

I swallowed, licking my lips. God, this is weird. We are best friends. We shouldn’t be doing this especially since I still, just might, have feelings for Harry.

“I know, I know.” I sighed, massaging my hands.

“Why don’t we just jump the border?” Sam suggested.

“What…!?” I asked, shocked.

To Mexico, why?! What is there that is so special? I mean yeah, Mexico. But, why would he wanna go there, is he nuts?

“To Mexico?” I asked flaring my hands in the air.

He chuckled, sending shock through me. “Jessa, I meant by our friendship. Maybe we should take a step up in our relationship.”

Looking at me, with no hesitation whatsoever I didn’t speak. Well, rather couldn’t. It’s just that those words, they were stuck in my mouth, throat. Whatever, they were stuck.

“Uh, Sam why not,” I sighed, trying to stop this drama show from starting.

I mean we aren’t a drama show like 90210. We are life, real life. So, let’s just take it um… real?

Shocked, his eyes widened with that wide smile that I love.

“Re-really?” he stuttered.

I nodded, feeling relief rise in me. As light as a feather.

“Wow, I wouldn’t expect that from you…” he said.

“After what happened the other day?” I asked.

“Well, yeah still. I mean you’re like a drama show…” he laughed.

I pulled on a strand of my hair, twirling it around my index finger. It happened automatically after that smile.

“Please, if I made out with you I probably like you more than a friend, right?” I sighed.

He nodded, smiling even wider than possible.

“Maybe, I mean you could make out with an enemy…” he winked, sending shivers down me.

“Uh, what do you by that? Why would you wanna make out with your enemy? And either way you aren’t my enemy!”

What is he talking about? Enemies making out? That’s like combining oil and water –never gonna happen and it never will and it’ll never work out in the end! I mean come on enemies?!

“You already forgot…? I don’t believe you.” He sighed.

“Well what if I did? Huh!” I put my hands on my hips in disgust.

God, what’s going on?

Sweat trickled down my neck as my nervousness rose up high.

“How about Harry and the locker session, huh?!” He asked.

Fuck. Sorry for the inappropriate language… but… God… FUCK. How could he mention this again? This is history!!!! Why would he bring it up, why?! If I forgot already!!

“Uh, Sam! Why do you mention this again?! I forgot about this already…” I stood up, “God, for… Fuck Sam, I forgot all about that and you bring it back?! You know how hard it was for me to get over him, and I finally did and you mention him again?!” I yelled, flaring my hands in the air.

He looked at me, jaw dropped from shock. My heart, it skipped beats.

“Look, I’m sorry. It’s just you didn’t believe that enemies could make out, and I had to prove it somehow.”

“Well, maybe not like that.” I suggested.

“But it turned out bad at the end…” I added.

“Yeah, yeah it did.” He sighed, standing up as well.

I stood there, letting my arms fall to the sides of me. He was just a foot away from me, but my stomach still filled with rage.

“You know what? Let’s just move on from this subject, it’s… depressing.” I huffed.

“Depressing?” he asked.

“Yes Sam, depressing. I loved him,” I took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly, “… and he left me, so yeah Sam, depressing.” I explained.

Something in my pocket vibratied. Realizing that it was my phone, I pulled it out of my pocket and checked the caller.
Harry Hertz.
Now why would he be calling? I answered it anyway.

“’Ello?” I asked.

“Hey Jess,” he said, sending shock down my spine.

God, his voice. Hearing it again, it’s crazy.

“What’d you want?”

I walked away from Sam, heading towards the door.

“It’s my aunt, I gotta go talk privately, sorry,” I covered the speaker, telling Sam this.

He smiled and I walked out of the room.

Why did I just lie right there?! That’s crazier.

I stepped into my bright bathroom, shutting the door behind me, making sure it’s locked.

“I wanted to ask you if you’re going to be at Demi’s party…”

“Demi…? Lovato…?” I asked, dumbfounded.

He chuckled; a smile formed on my face, “No silly, Demi Gonzales,”

“Oh,” I chuckled.

My heart was freaking beating like crazy; I couldn’t even stop its pace. The problem was, why was it doing that? I mean, I don’t love him anymore. Oh well, let’s just ignore that.

“So, you’re going?”

I never heard of the party though… but why not? Let’s have a go-on-a-limb-day.

“Yeah, but I…” I stopped myself.

Just barge in Jessa. The party doesn’t need an invitation.


“Nothin’, see you there.” I smiled, hanging up.

Crap, when’s the party? Oh, it may be on Facebook as in event. I haven’t been on that thing for a while now. It’s about time to go on it.

Sliding my phone into my pocket, I got out of the bathroom.

It’s time to party girls and boys… again. But this time, it will not be a tragedy. Ha-ha, I’m soo funny, not.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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378 Reviews

Gender: Female
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Sun May 01, 2011 7:24 pm
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Soulkana says...

Drama how sweet it can be and how dangerous lols. Anyways I really really loved this... I can't wait for more so update soon!!! Good luck as I didn't find any spelling errors. Hope you receive many helpful reviews and I shall keep watch to make sure I keep myself updated ^^. Happy Review Day and wish you best of wishes!!! Happy Writing!!!
May the gentle moon take you into peaceful dreams. May the mighty sun brighten your new days.

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:16 pm
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IcyFlame says...

I've finally worked out how to describe Jessa's thought process!
It's almost like she's having a continuos conversation with herself inside her own head. It makes for very challenging reading, especially when you repeat it over and over and over again.
Unless she has schizophrenia then this isn't really the way to tell her story.
I can't believe I'm saying this but... *gulp* take Twilight as an example. The good thing about Bella's narrative (although she is a very weak character) is that she makes the reader empathise with her and feel for her. We feel everything she feels. See if you can produce something like that; written better of course!

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