
Young Writers Society


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Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:44 pm
EiggyPiggy says...


“Hey! How are you my friend?” my long lost school soul asked me, whom I bumped on way to INOX movie theater.

I racked my brain nerves for few brief seconds trying to recall the name of familiar face.

“I’m doing well buddy” came out of my mouth with no good interest. Finally, I was able to recall his face, but not name. All I remember was that he belonged to my class once, may be a classmate, but never within our friend circle. Therefore, I continued with formalities “What about you? How’s you life? And by the way where are Vidhi and Anubhav these days?” I enquired with a hope that he remembered famous couple of our school; they both were always in limelight whom everyone knew in our school.

“Well, everything’s fine, buddy. I think they both are in Delhi pursuing degree from DU” he answered lamely. “Are you on facebook?” suddenly he flashed me with a FAQ, as if he was desperately trying to increase his Farmville neighbors loitering around in mall and adding familiar faces.

“Of course” I replied.

“Then don’t forget to add me” he insisted “it’s Abhishek Puria”

“Okay!” I nodded. At least, I was able to know his name without making him aware. I watched him leaving the place making me ponder about old school days. When I attended lectures like almost invisible to everyone. No one knew me except school watchman and bus conductor.

This might have happened with you as well. When, you might have met someone after a long time. In that case you might spend few minutes catching up on each others lives, exchanging news about common friends, sharing few laughs and recalling good times. You might exchange phone numbers or even joyously arrange a get-together at a future date. But you probably wouldn’t automatically start rattling off every detail of every place you’ve been and every new friend you have made in last decade.

Imagine now that instead of walking up to that friend you found his profile on Social networking site like facebook, Orkut or any other in automatic suggestion just by chance and send him a message and invitation. You’ve most probably just handed him not only an entire summary of the activities of your life, but also access to your photos and videos, personal thoughts, group memberships, and list of other friends-and all this despite not knowing the first thing about what he’s been up to and who his friends are. A few days after he adds you, you see you have friend requests from dozen other former classmates, none of whom you were particularly good friends with or would ever consider contacting yourself. They say your name pop up in there news feed, since your old friend was on there lists. Now all of these semi-random acquaintances know you have an active profile and you feel awkward about ignoring them. You just click ‘Accept’

Each one of them can now see very last detail of your life.

That one branch spawned a dozen other branches and each of those dozen could spawn another dozen. Like the root of the tree, your online connection can quickly grow into vast, overlapping, complicated network of interconnected strands, and you will quickly loose control over not only you’re connected to, but who can steal your information to make your life miserable.

Your photos could be copied, altered and reposted online. Your email address could be harvested by spammers or your parents could one day mortify you by leaving comments on your friends’ updates! All of this is possible with social networking.

Myspace,facebook,Twitter,Hi5, Orkut, and dozen of others mainstream or niche social networking used to be vast, open playgrounds where people freely posted about the most intimate details of there life. The threat of stalker is very real. I remember my one 19 year old friend from Mumbai who prefers to remain unnamed was repeatedly send friend requests on Facebook by the stranger over the course of seven months. She didn’t know who the person was and kept declining. His profile had a film starts photo with absurd caption defining love, with no clue about she might know her. They had no friends in common and his profile showed only 8 connections, implying that account had been made solely for the purpose of sending messages anonymously. The request then started including remarks about her that included references to places she had recently visited and al least one extremely vulgar comment about her partying and drinking.

After frantically checking all her security setting to make sure her updates weren’t visible to strangers, she realized that photo tagged with her name was visible not only to friends, but also strangers tagged in the same photo and their friends! That meant any photos taken at parties where it’s impossible to know everyone, and which has been helpfully tagged by a friend, were visible to that friend’s friend too-which meant she had absolutely no idea how many people could see the and who they where. The girl eventually used Ignore and flag feature to repot abuse, but still has no idea whether the stranger was someone she’d ever met or who might someday recognize her in public.

Another example, twenty one year old Delhi resident Radhika was left red-faced after he boyfriend’s mother gave her a stern lecture about drinking one day. Once again, the culprit was a Facebook photo gallery. “I wanted to run home and untag myself from every photo I’d ever been in, even if it meant my friends would never be able to find me. But the damage had already been done” she cried to me online.
The amount of information about you that’s just readily available to strangers is staggering, but the situation is actually getting even more dangerous. With a little knowledge about appropriate DOS commands, IP address could be easily found which in turn reveals user’s approximate location with the help of Geobytes.com

Usually people have generated tendency to make fake profile apart from original one. With help of it they sneak-peek, spy, monitor, collect information, and they interfere in personnel life of others and do numerous other evil things which they only know.
According to latest survey, every third person has a fake profile. Therefore, biggest problem on Social Networking Sites are filthy fake profiles. With average number of one two hundred friends, neither I nor you can tell which are real or fake. Still we keep on counting them, talk them, share them, and trust them. Thinking one self intelligent, millions of people have made fake profile forgetting the gospel truth “One day rat meets cat, cat meets dog, dog meets wolf, wolf meets lion and lion will finally meet human one day.” I’ve learned that, sweetest fantasy to worst nightmare is possible until we are online. Now it’s your turn!

Alright, so this is the Introduction of first novel of series "Face^_^k! ". I'll post the second half on here eventually. Pretty please review, I want this to be in really, really good shape! I know it's slightly confusing...trust me, everything will make sense. Also, it isn't a romance right away, it will be eventually so I figured this would be a good place to post it I guess... That's all...please give me good, constructive reviews!
EDIT #1: If you would like me to PM you when I update this please either let me know on here or PM me...thanks
EDIT #2: I had a Eureka moment today and a title popped into my head! What do you guys think of it? Which one is best?
a) face(less)book
b) face^_^k!
c) face~_~k !
Unfortunately, You become what you think 24*7
-Gaurav Mehta,2008

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Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:54 pm
Titan4ever says...

I think that the title Face(less) book would work well with what you've written so far. You might want to edit the following.
Myspace,facebook,Twitter,Hi5, Orkut, and dozen of others mainstream or niche social networking used to be vast, open playgrounds where people freely posted about the most intimate details of there life
There should be a space between the end of each word and the comma.
"A day without sunshine is like, well, night."

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Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:35 am
onceuponatim3xo says...

Hello there!

This was interesting, it made me a bit paranoid though. :) I agree with Titan4ever: face(less) book is a good title.

These first few sentences confused me a bit:
“Hey! How are you my friend?” my long lost school soul asked me, whom I bumped on way to INOX movie theater.

I racked my brain nerves for few brief seconds trying to recall the name of familiar face.

With "How are you my friend?" you should put a comma in between "you" and "my" because I thought that the question was more demanding almost like a "why are you my friend?" Also, "my long lost school soul" is confusing to me, I've never heard that phrase before. Finally, it should be "bumped into on the way".

That was really all I caught though, you have a very interesting start so far! :)
It is better to travel well than to arrive.

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Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:39 am
GremlinMilkshake says...

A very interesting point of view.
I don't particularly like it, but only because it isn't my style or taste. No big deal, it gets the mind thinking.
Social networking sites are risky, and this post justifies so.
The punctuation and grammar could improve, though it looks better than mine >.<
Good luck with the rest!

I am so glad that we can have this middle of the night bonding conversation over deep sinks
— EllieMae