
Young Writers Society

I Hate Him *5*

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Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:01 pm
Nike says...

Chapter 5

I layed in my comfortable bed thinking about the dance. The dance that happened a couple hours ago. The dance that swept me away. The dance that Harry lead me through.
I closed my eyes but I couldn’t bear to fall asleep. I sat up and moved my comforter off of my legs. I grabbed my laptop from under my bed and opened it up. It was still on so I logged onto Facebook.
No one was online, well it was like one I the morning. But I looked at Harry’s user.

His last post was:

Harry Hertz: had a gr8 time tonight :P
I smiled and wrote a comment.

Jessa Fuller: me 2…

That’s when he commented back. He’s online!

Harry Hertz: :D

Jessa Fuller: Why aren’t u sleepin?

Harry Hertz: u aren’t either

I laughed and let my tired fingers type on.

Jessa Fuller: I can’t sleep

Harry Hertz: Me either

Jessa Fuller: Can u come over?

He took a while to answer. My heart raced as I waited.Why did I just ask that, it’s twelve forty! He will never come at this late an hour.

Harry Hertz: sure I’d love 2

Now that shocked me.

Jessa Fuller: really? I mean it’s almost one am

Harry Hertz: I know :P

I smiled.

Jessa Fuller: so come, I’ll be waitin at the front door.

Harry Hertz: ok, cu.

Jessa Fuller: c u.

I shut my computer and slid it back under my bed. I was wearing my favorite pajamas so I looked decent, thank God it was the day that I wore them. But, why would I care, he’s just Harry.
I hopped off my bed and went into the dark hall quietly. My parents were sleeping, I even heard my dad snoring. My brother was playing on his computer still, like he does every night until two am.
I tiptoed down the wooden stairway and got to the bottom floor. Harry’s house wasn’t far away; it was actually only five blocks away. I didn’t turn on any lights; I just showed the light from my cell phone and stood right next to our huge black wooden front door.
I saw some car lights flash through our windows and I literally jumped from joy. I brushed my hair with my hands and waited for Harry to knock on the door.
I waited for like five minutes.
Then I heard his quiet footsteps hit our porch and he hit the door lightly three times. I opened it, and it wasn’t Harry.
The guy grabbed my arm with a huge smile on his face. It was that Brit named Wally.

“Let me go!” I screamed.

He covered my mouth and spoke his horrible accent.

“Well, well, well, little miss Jessica, we meet again.” He hissed and added a laugh.

Tingles went down my spine and I tried to scream again.

“Nuhuhuh,” he murmured.

My heart sped up and I couldn’t breathe right.

“You came here,” I spoke through his hand.

“I can’t understand you,” he laughed at his ‘wise’ words.

I pulled his hand down with barely any force.

“You came here, it wasn’t a surprise.” I hissed right back.

“Well your boyfriend led us here,” he replied.

My heart sped up again. He was wearing a suit like the one Harry wore just a couple of hours ago. Well they were in the
same business, no, he was the bad guy.
I know that it sounds childish ‘bad guy’ but that’s the only way I could say it.

“How…?” I asked, dumb founded.

“We’ve been following him for the past week,” he said simply.

My whole body just got weaker. He followed us; I thought that he was the backup guy. He was really bad. But stalking someone for a week isn’t bad.
It’s smart for robbers.

“But aren’t you the dumb backup guy?”

He rolled his eyes and pulled me outside. My slippers soaked into the wet snow.

“Hey sis! When you hear that Chelae got a boyfriend, don’t yell about it! We’re trying to get some sleep here,” my brother Frankie yelled from up stairs.

He heard.
He’s awake! He can save me.
But before I could open my mouth, Wally covered my mouth and I felt something cold touch my back.

“And close you window, it’s freezing!” he added.

I rolled my eyes and tried to push Wally’s hand off my mouth. This time I couldn’t get it off.

“Say that you’re fine or else…” Wally whispered into my ear.

My tension got lose. Seriously, just because those losers say ‘or else’ doesn’t mean that they would actually hurt you. But, they could mean it too. But in this situation I doubt it.

“What will you do?” he loosened his grip so I could talk.

I turned around because he pulled me. He pointed his gun at Harry’s car window. He was sitting there. My heart sped up and I practically screamed until Wally tightened his grip.
He put on a sly grin and almost pulled the trigger.
I shook my head violently but I wanted to nod so he could know that I agree to tell Frankie that I’m fine.

“Then tell him,” he whispered loudly.

I nodded and he let my face go.

“I’ll close the window if you only save me and Harry from getting killed!!!” I screamed.

Then I heard a gunshot. I turned around and everything went in slow motion. The bullet was heading straight to Harry’s head. I was screaming “No!” at the top of my lungs. I heard Frankie run down the stairs but no one looked at him. He touched my shoulder and saw what I saw. My heart was beating faster than ever. I felt like I was gonna throw up at that very second when Harry missed the shot.
He ducked in his car and the guy that was holding him up got hit in the back.
I jumped up and then back down.
The time went back to normal. The guy that held him up limped against Harry.
Wally stared at the situation then looked at me and Frankie.

“Who’s this?” Wally hissed.

“Franklin Fuller, nice to meet you,” he stuck out his hand and waited for a shake.

It didn’t happen so he let his hand go back down.

“Your brother is here?!” Wally pointed a gun at his head.

“No,” I said, scared as hell.

“Dude, don’t judge a book by its cover,” he joked.

Frankie is joking in the wrong situation!

Wally’s gun was running against his long blonde hair.

“Huh, you’re a funny boy,” Wally played with the trigger.

“Please don’t! Wally don’t!” I begged.

My heart raced as I saw Frankie start to get scared. His eyes widened and he looked straight at the trigger.

“Fine,” he dropped his gun onto the floor and pulled me even harder.

“Dude, your name is Wally?” Frankie laughed.

“Don’t push it Frank,” I hissed.

He waved his hands in front of his chest and shook his head.

“Yes, listen to you little sister, now; when your parents wake up tell them that she went to her best friend’s okay?” Wally
asked rudely.

“Wait, you’re taking her away, cool.” He joked.

We were always tight; he just said that because everyone expected siblings to hate each other.

“I can see you’re lying Franklin,” Wally looked straight into Frank’s greens.

I tried to pull my arm away but Wally just held onto it tighter.

He gave up, “Why are you taking her? And why did you kill Harry!? You shot him, he’s just a kid.” Frankie fought with his words.

“He didn’t kill him, Harry dodged the shot,” I smiled.

“Well still, why would you even think of doing that?!”

“You’re a kid too,” Wally echoed.

“I’m twenty years old sir.”

I rolled my eyes and I started to shiver. The cold air hit me harder, the wind was picking up and I was swaying back and forth like the maple tree next to our house.
Wally laughed and walked while he was pulling me.

“Let me go!” I hissed.

My heart was pounding with fright.

“Dude; leave them alone,” Frankie tried to pull me back with his warm hands.

“Let her go and everything will be fine kid!” Wally yelled.

“No! She’s my sister, and that’s my friend leave them al…” then he froze up.

He was staring at something that was right next to me. I turned my head a bit and saw a gun pointed straight at my pulse. I swallowed hardly.

“Now, go home and tell your parents that your sister is fine,” he smiled evilly and Frankie tried to do something.

“Dude, plea…”

“Don’t call me dude.” Wally said sharply.

“But Wally, please she’s my sister,” he couldn’t do anything right now.

Wally had a cold gun pointed directly at my freaking pulse.
The snow started to fall again as I backed up with Wally. A tear ran down Frankie’s face as one did on mine.

I was in a van. Some kind I don’t know. My arms were tied together with Harry’s. Duct tape was on our mouths and I could barely see anything. A little window was on both the trunk doors. I was shivering from the cold and so was Harry.
Harry touched my hand and my whole body tingled.
I tried to smile but the tape was so tight that it hurt. He wiggled his hands through the string and got his hands out. He pulled the tape off his mouth and cringed. That must’ve hurt.
He untied the string from my hands but it was pretty tight. My blood stopped flowing to my hands. When he untied them I automatically started to massage them. He peeled the tape off my mouth, slowly, so it wouldn’t hurt.
I smiled and he just listened to the doors slam. The van came to a halt and my heart sped up again. We both heard some footsteps walk past the car.

“Harry, they are walking by? What are we gonna do?” I asked, worried.

“Its fine, they suck at kidnapping or hostage situations,” he said, quietly.

“Really; they seem to be really good at it,” I whispered sharply.

He rolled his eyes and held onto my hand.

Those guys didn’t even open the trunk doors. They left us in a dark, cold trunk.

“We can get out,” Harry whispered.

“Oh, they really do suck. They would just leave the truck unlocked for us to run away,” I laughed.

Harry opened the door slowly, just to make sure no one was there. Then he jumped out. I followed out behind him, getting hit by freezing air. I grabbed Harry’s arm for safety. I was always afraid of walking alone at night.
The cold snow hit our faces and melted at the touch. My slippers were soaking wet as we walked further. We were in a forest, no lights whatsoever. But Harry had a mini flashlight at hand and turned it on. The light beam flashed through the tall trees and I jumped at every single crack I heard.

“Stop right there!” Wally yelled to us.

Harry pulled me and we started to run, hand in hand.
Then I heard a gunshot. I stopped in my place and so did Harry. We turned around and saw Wally point the gun at us. My heart stuttered and I almost fainted.
We were almost gone, but no, he had to find us again.

“Why are you chasing us Wally?” Harry yelled back.

Wally started to laugh evilly as he walked closer to us. I pulled Harry so we could run, but he didn’t even budge.

“Harry, let’s go while we can,” I whispered loudly.

He kept a stern face and started right at Wally; Wally was closer and closer. Once Wally stood in front of us, Harry spoke up.

“Just leave us alone and give me the Queen’s black list.” Harry demanded with a sharp tone.

Wally chuckled.

“No, you’re not my boss,” he said like a child.

“Funny Wally, very funny,” Harry faked a chuckle.

Wally scratched his eye brow and looked at his watch.

“Look James Bond, I don’t have much time until my actual boss calls me. You have to come with me, both of you,” he pointed at both of us.

“Why do I have to go too?” I didn’t feel so threatened.

“Because your mom is a spy as well, enemy duh,” he laughed.

He pulled my hand but left Harry alone. Probably because he knew if he’d take me, Harry would come as well, but I was holding onto Harry with a death grip.

“Let her go, and give me the list,” Harry said sharply.

Wally let me go and picked through his pocket and handed Harry a piece of paper that’s folded like five times.
Harry opened it and laughed.

“This isn’t the list; it’s in a special gold folder,”

He threw it behind himself and waited for the actual list.

“Do you think that I would actually hand it to you kid?”

“Just give it, you suck at everything anyways.” I spit out.

He was pissing me off and so was Harry. Why can’t we just run? It wasn’t that hard. And Wally can’t really do anything to us, he’s just that bad.
My heart beat sped up.

“Ha, little girl back off the important business, you don’t know anything.” He hissed.

I rolled my eyes and pulled Harry.

“Jess, stop. This is really important!” he whispered harshly.

“Well, you aren’t doing anything! All you’re doing is blabbing along, you should just force it out of him.” I whispered back.

He looked at me with the angriest face I’ve seen in my life. His nostrils were flaring.

“It’s not that easy, Jessa,”

I walked forward and stared into Wally’s black eyes.

“Just be careful someday, because karma bites at people’s asses.” I said harshly.

“Ha-ha, you’re a funny girl,” He chuckled.

I let go of Harry and pushed Wally.

“Hey!” He yelled.

He landed on the ground, butt first. I laughed and jumped onto him. I searched through his many pockets, but didn’t find anything. Then I noticed a backpack next to him. I sat on him and picked through his black zipper.
There was a gold folder. I pulled it out and handed it to Harry.

“That hurts, get off of me!” Wally yelled in pain.

My knee was jammed in his stomach. That should’ve hurt.
I jumped off and kicked his stomach just to make sure he wouldn’t get up. He cringed in pain when Harry grabbed my arm.

“Now, was that so hard?” I asked Harry.

He rolled his eyes, “That’s not how we do it,”

“Well, you should,” I recommended.

He pulled me away and we ran down the forest.
My slippers were getting dirty from the dirt that lay in the grass. We kept on running until we found some sort of civilization.

The sound of Harry’s house keys landed on the shoe cabinet. He took off his shoes once I picked up my slippers. They were soaking wet and looked black, like really black when they were originally pearl white.

“We might have to wash those,” Harry said matter of factly.

I rolled my eyes and said, “No duh,”

He grabbed my slippers from my hand and he led me to the bathroom. I turned on the lights and the elegant gold and black striped bathroom lit up. He placed the slippers in the large pearl white sink and I sat down on the heated white tiled floors.
I saw the clear water run out of the tap and he soaked the slippers.

“Harry, why is Wally chasing you and why the hell is he here?” I asked quietly.

He sat down next to me.

“You know exactly why he’s chasing me already, for the black list. He doesn’t want me to catch him, he’s the robber’s back-up and he’s protecting him because he stole the Queen’s gold. That’s why he’s here, to distract me, to stop me from chasing him.” He explains.

I get off the floor and turn off the running water. Next, I squirt a lot of soap onto the slippers and let them soak. I lean against the sink counter and Harry’s lean body is right next to mine.

“So, can you stop him?” I asked in a whisper.

His parents can be home at any time. Or maybe they are here and they are sleeping, I mean it’s three am. I don’t want to disturb anyone.

“Why are you whispering?”

“Your parents may…” he cut me off.

“They are on a business trip in Paris, they aren’t gonna be home until Friday.”
I nodded.

“No, I can’t stop him –unless I stop chasing his boss.” He answers my previous question.

“Well, lie to him.” An idea popped into my head.

I smiled and waited for Harry’s response.

“Tell him that you aren’t chasing his boss anymore, then he’ll leave you alone, hey you’re a spy, isn’t it your natural instinct?” I recommended.

He smiled back but in a flash it faded. My heart sank at the thought that I just wasn’t that good an idea maker.

“It is, but it’ll be hard. They have me chipped.”

“Literally?” I asked, worried.

His eyes widened and he started to laugh, “No! They just have my phone location,” he explained.

“Uhuh,” I laughed along.

I turned around and started to rub the soap around the slippers. The clear water was turning darker at the second. It started to smell like poo and lavender mixed into one perfume. Disgusting. My nose twitched as we continued to talk.

“But, I left my phone in the forest,” he said.

“Now how are your parents going to,” I coughed from the horrible smell that traveled to my nose, “…contact you?”

“Home phone,” he suggested.

“When you aren’t home?”

I saw his face in the mirror and he started to grin.

“I have another cell phone that the robber’s don’t know about, it’s okay, I know what to do Jessa.” He laughed at me.

“Fine, fine, fine,” I sighed.

I continued to wash the slippers but eventually gave up. The water was pitch black and my slippers weren’t going to get cleaned like that.

“Hand me a towel,” I told Harry.

He pulled one out from the shelf under the sink and handed it to me.

“Thanks,” I said.

I pulled out the soaking slippers and put them on the towel.

“Can we just throw them into the laundry?” I asked.

“Sure, but will they wash?” Harry sent a question right back at me.

I shrugged. Harry stood closer to me and something hot at the bottom of my stomach formed. I blinked at the burning
light above us.
Harry took my slippers and led me out of the bathroom. I turned out the lights and followed him.

We watched my slippers twirl in the washing machine. The basement floors were freezing so we were sitting on a couch.
I yawned and leaned my head against Harry’s chest. I felt him looking at me so I looked up and caught his gaze.

“You know what Jessa?” he asked quietly.

I yawned once again and nodded.

“What…?” I asked.

The slippers hit the walls of the washing machine making thud noises.
He started to run his fingers through my hair which caused a cycle of tingles to run down my body.

“Even though you couldn’t stand me, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Every smile that you shined, I knew that they
weren’t for me, still made me feel like the happiest man in the world,” he admitted.

What he just said made my heart flutter. Not just any ordinary flutter, it flew to his heart.
I smiled, barely. My eye lids felt like they weighed a ton and my eyes shut. I wanted to smile, smile from ear to ear, but I just couldn’t, I was that tired.

“Harry,” I said quietly, almost a whisper.

“Yeah,” he said.

I yawned once again.

“That’s not true,”

I felt his heart speed up.
Since he didn’t say anything, I kept on talking, “A couple of those smiles were for you,” I said.
I looked up and saw him smile.

“Really…? You wanted to beat me up before I kissed you in the hallway,” he laughed.

“Well, that’s true, but some of those were for you.” I admitted.

His fingers kept on stroking my hair and I shut my eyes. I felt his breath graze against my skin as he kissed my forehead.
I smiled and fell asleep.

I opened my eyes and noticed that I wasn’t in the same room anymore. I pulled the comforter off of me and saw that I was in my room.
Was that all a dream?
No, I couldn’t be.
I sat up and stretched my arms above my head. The sunlight flew through my window and almost blinded me from its brightness. I got off my bed and walked up to the white window. The peace signed curtains pushed against me since the wind that came through the window pushed them.
My neighbor’s were taking out the garbage, picking up the newspaper, walking their dogs, or just simply walking. I smiled and turned back and faced my room. The navy walls that were covered by music notes, peace signs, words, and pictures were brighter from the light.
My phone made a noise which meant that I got a text message.
I walked up to my bed side table and looked at it. It’s from Harry.

Are you awake?
I noticed a sticky note next to my lamp. It read: I took you home last night your slippers are in your bathroom. Harry.A smile formed on my face and I left the note on my wooden bed side table.

Yeah, I just got up hbu? I texted back.

I laid back on my yellow music notes comforter and waited for his reply. When I heard again, my stomach flipped.
So that all wasn’t a dream. It. Was. Real.

I got up an hr ago. Look outside.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Gender: Female
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Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:25 am
Michelle says...

oh my god. I LOVE IT! it's so dramatic!!!!! :D
Hope you like my 'Books'!
Kocham Cie(:

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Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:47 am
harshita3chaarag says...

This novel is AMAZING!!!! I just love it!!! You ROCK!!!! please please please write loads more!!!! :)
The answers lie within.. You only need to look.. :)

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:10 pm
IcyFlame says...

Considering you didnt have any real reviews, I'm going to attempt to nitpick this one for you a little. I'm not sure how much patience I have at the moment so please bare with me.

Nike wrote: layed in my comfortable bed thinking about the dance.

Nike wrote:I closed my eyes but I couldn’t bear to fall asleep.
Explain why not. Perhaps was replaying it through her mind again and again so she wouldn't forget one tiny little detail?
Nike wrote:No one was online, well it was like one I the morning. But I looked at Harry’s user.

This is worded strangely. I'll try to edit it, but you may want to change it yourself.
Nike wrote:No one was online, which I supposed was quite normal for this time in the morning. What time was it anyway? I checked the clock to the left of my table; the luminous LCD screen told me it had just passed one 'o'clock. Scrolling though old posts, I came across Harry's name and clicked it quickly. His user page flashed up on the screen.

See how you can make something so short more descriptive? I realise I haven't done the best job here, but that's what you get for rushing it in five minutes!
Nike wrote:That’s when he commented back. He was online!

Watch your tenses! Also, how come she didn't notice he was online to begin with? Surely that would be the first thing she looked for?

Nike wrote:I shut my computer and slid it back under my bed. I was wearing my favorite pajamas so I looked decent, thank God it was the day that I wore them. But, why would I care? He was just Harry.
Tenses and punctuation error.
And I'm finiding this a little hard to believe again. Is she alone in the house? Wouldn't her parents object to him coming over at that time?

Nike wrote:The guy grabbed my arm with a huge smile on his face. It was that Brit named Wally.
Describe him before saying who he is, let the reader try to guess first of all. And don't refer to him as 'that Brit' it sounds tacky.
Nike wrote:My whole body just got weaker. He followed us; I thought that he was the backup guy. He was really bad. But stalking someone for a week isn’t bad.
It’s smart for robbers.
I got totally lost here. Try to explain it better.
The rest of the chapter didn't make a lot of sense. I suggest going and rereading it to make it easier to follow. This would also be a good chapter to split into parts one and two because of its length.

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1503 Reviews

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Reviews: 1503
Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:35 pm
IcyFlame says...

Nike wrote:Chapter 5

I layed in my comfortable bed thinking about the dance. The dance that happened a couple hours ago. The dance that swept me away. The dance that Harry lead me through.
I closed my eyes but I couldn’t bear to fall asleep. I sat up and moved my comforter off of my legs. I grabbed my laptop from under my bed and opened it up. It was still on so I logged onto Facebook.
No one was online, well it was like one I the morning. But I looked at Harry’s user.

His last post was:

Harry Hertz: had a gr8 time tonight :P Don't bother writing out the emoticons
I smiled and wrote a comment.

Jessa Fuller: me 2…

That’s when he commented back. He wass online!

Harry Hertz: :D

Jessa Fuller: Why aren’t u sleepin?

Harry Hertz: u aren’t either

I laughed and let my tired fingers type on.

Jessa Fuller: I can’t sleep

Harry Hertz: Me either

Jessa Fuller: Can u come over?
Wouldn't she be worried about her parents?

He took a while to answer. My heart raced as I waited.Why did I just ask that, it’s twelve forty! He will never come at this late an hour.

Harry Hertz: sure I’d love 2

Now that shocked me.
Show, not tell.
Jessa Fuller: really? I mean it’s almost one am

Harry Hertz: I know :P

I smiled.

Jessa Fuller: so come, I’ll be waitin at the front door.

Harry Hertz: ok, c space u.

Jessa Fuller: c u.

I shut my computer and slid it back under my bed. I was wearing my favorite pajamas so I looked decent, thank God it was the day that I wore them. But, why would I care, he’s just Harry?
I hopped off my bed and went into the dark hall quietly. My parents were sleeping, I even heard my dad snoring. My brother was playing on his computer still, like he does every night until two am. Why would she know if she's usually asleep?
I tiptoed down the wooden stairway and got to the bottom floor. Harry’s house wasn’t far away; it was actually only five blocks away. I didn’t turn on any lights; I just shone the light from my cell phone and stood right next to our huge black wooden front door.
I saw some car lights flash through our windows and I literally jumped for joy. I brushed throughmy hair with my hands and waited for Harry to knock on the door.
I waited for like five minutes.
Then I heard his quiet footsteps hit our porch and he hit the door lightly three times. I opened it, and it wasn’t Harry.
The guy grabbed my arm with a huge smile on his face. It was that Brit named Wally.

“Let me go!” I screamed.

He covered my mouth and spoke his horrible accent.

“Well, well, well, little miss Jessica, we meet again,he hissed and added a laugh.

Tingles went down my spine and I tried to scream again.

“Nuhuhuh,” he murmured. Don't use that? It sounds odd.

My heart sped up and I couldn’t breathe right.

“You came here,” I spoke through his hand.

“I can’t understand you,” he laughed at his ‘wise’ words.

I pulled his hand down with barely any force.

“You came here, it wasn’t a surprise.” I hissed right back.

“Well your boyfriend led us here,” he replied. Fast moving

My heart sped up again. He was wearing a suit like the one Harry wore just a couple of hours ago. Well they were in the
same business, no, he was the bad guy.
I know that it sounds childish ‘bad guy’ but that’s the only way I could say it.
“How…?” I asked, dumb founded.

“We’ve been following him for the past week,” he said simply.

My whole body just got weaker. He had followed us; I thought that he was the backup guy. He was really bad. But stalking someone for a week isn’t bad.
It’s smart for robbers. This needs more explanation.

“But aren’t you the dumb backup guy?” Why would she say that?

He rolled his eyes and pulled me outside. My slippers soaked into the wet snow.

“Hey sis! When you hear that Chelae got a boyfriend, don’t yell about it! We’re trying to get some sleep here,” my brother Frankie yelled from up stairs.

He heard.
He’s awake! He can save me.
But before I could open my mouth, Wally covered my mouth and I felt something cold touch my back.

“And close your window, it’s freezing!” he added.

I rolled my eyes and tried to push Wally’s hand off my mouth. This time I couldn’t get it off.

“Say that you’re fine or else…” Wally whispered into my ear.

My tension got lose. Seriously, just because those losers say ‘or else’ doesn’t mean that they would actually hurt you. But, they could mean it too. But in this situation I doubt it.

“What will you do?” he loosened his grip so I could talk.

I turned around because he pulled me. He pointed his gun at Harry’s car window. He was sitting there. My heart sped up and I practically screamed until Wally tightened his grip.
He put on a sly grin and almost pulled the trigger.
I shook my head violently but I wanted to nod so he could know that I agreed to telling Frankie that I was fine.

“Then tell him,” he whispered loudly.

I nodded and he let my face go.

“I’ll close the window if you only save me and Harry from getting killed!” I screamed.
No need for multiple exclamation points.
Then I heard a gunshot. I turned around and everything went in slow motion. The bullet was heading straight to Harry’s head. I was screaming “No!” at the top of my lungs. I heard Frankie run down the stairs but no one looked at him. He touched my shoulder and saw what I saw. My heart was beating faster than ever. I felt like I was gonna throw up at that very second when Harry missed the shot.
He ducked in his car and the guy that was holding him up got hit in the back.
I jumped up and then back down.
The time went back to normal. The guy that held him up limped against Harry.
Wally stared at the situation then looked at me and Frankie.

Too fast again

“Who’s this?” Wally hissed.

“Franklin Fuller, nice to meet you,” he stuck out his hand and waited for a shake.

It didn’t happen so he let his hand go back down.

“Your brother is here?!” Wally pointed a gun at his head.

“No,” I said, scared as hell.

“Dude, don’t judge a book by its cover,” he joked.

Frankie was joking in the wrong situation! So did she, in the library. Also, you're stating the obvious a bit here.

Wally’s gun was running against his long blonde hair.

“Huh, you’re a funny boy,” Wally played with the trigger.

“Please don’t! Wally don’t!” I begged.

My heart raced as I saw Frankie start to get scared. His eyes widened and he looked straight at the trigger.

“Fine,” he dropped his gun onto the floor and pulled me even harder.

“Dude, your name is Wally?” Frankie laughed.

“Don’t push it Frank,” I hissed.

He waved his hands in front of his chest and shook his head.

“Yes, listen to you little sister, now; when your parents wake up tell them that she went to her best friend’s okay?” Wally
asked rudely.

“Wait, you’re taking her away, cool.” He joked.

We were always tight; he just said that because everyone expected siblings to hate each other.

“I can see you’re lying Franklin,” Wally looked straight into Frank’s greens.

I tried to pull my arm away but Wally just held onto it tighter.

He gave up, “Why are you taking her? And why did you kill Harry!? You shot him, he’s just a kid.” Frankie fought with his words.

“He didn’t kill him, Harry dodged the shot,” I smiled.

“Well still, why would you even think of doing that?!” Try to make the conversation more natural.

“You’re a kid too,” Wally echoed.

“I’m twenty years old sir.”

I rolled my eyes and I started to shiver. The cold air hit me harder, the wind was picking up and I was swaying back and forth like the maple tree next to our house.
Wally laughed and walked while he was pulling me.

“Let me go!” I hissed.

My heart was pounding with fright.

“Dude; leave them alone,” Frankie tried to pull me back with his warm hands.

“Let her go and everything will be fine kid!” Wally yelled.

“No! She’s my sister, and that’s my friend leave them al…” then he froze up.

He was staring at something that was right next to me. I turned my head a bit and saw a gun pointed straight at my pulse. I swallowed hardly.

“Now, go home and tell your parents that your sister is fine,” he smiled evilly and Frankie tried to do something.

“Dude, plea…”

“Don’t call me dude.” Wally said sharply.

“But Wally, please she’s my sister,” he couldn’t do anything right now.

Wally had a cold gun pointed directly at my freaking pulse.
The snow started to fall again as I backed up with Wally. A tear ran down Frankie’s face as one did on mine.

I was in a van. Some kind I don’t know. My arms were tied together with Harry’s. Duct tape was on our mouths and I could barely see anything. A little window was on both the trunk doors. I was shivering from the cold and so was Harry.
Harry touched my hand and my whole body tingled.
I tried to smile but the tape was so tight that it hurt. He wiggled his hands through the string and got his hands out. He pulled the tape off his mouth and cringed. That must’ve hurt.
He untied the string from my hands but it was pretty tight. My blood stopped flowing to my hands. When he untied them I automatically started to massage them. He peeled the tape off my mouth, slowly, so it wouldn’t hurt.
I smiled and he just listened to the doors slam. The van came to a halt and my heart sped up again. We both heard some footsteps walk past the car.

“Harry, they are walking by? What are we gonna do?” I asked, worried.

“Its fine, they suck at kidnapping or hostage situations,” he said, quietly.

“Really; they seem to be really good at it,” I whispered sharply.

He rolled his eyes and held onto my hand.

Those guys didn’t even open the trunk doors. They left us in a dark, cold trunk.

“We can get out,” Harry whispered.

“Oh, they really do suck. They would just leave the truck unlocked for us to run away,” I laughed.

Harry opened the door slowly, just to make sure no one was there. Then he jumped out. I followed out behind him, getting hit by freezing air. I grabbed Harry’s arm for safety. I was always afraid of walking alone at night.
The cold snow hit our faces and melted at the touch. My slippers were soaking wet as we walked further. We were in a forest, no lights whatsoever. But Harry had a mini flashlight at hand and turned it on. The light beam flashed through the tall trees and I jumped at every single crack I heard.

“Stop right there!” Wally yelled to us.

Harry pulled me and we started to run, hand in hand.
Then I heard a gunshot. I stopped in my place and so did Harry. We turned around and saw Wally point the gun at us. My heart stuttered and I almost fainted.
We were almost gone, but no, he had to find us again.

“Why are you chasing us Wally?” Harry yelled back.

Wally started to laugh evilly as he walked closer to us. I pulled Harry so we could run, but he didn’t even budge.

“Harry, let’s go while we can,” I whispered loudly.

He kept a stern face and started right at Wally; Wally was closer and closer. Once Wally stood in front of us, Harry spoke up.

“Just leave us alone and give me the Queen’s black list.” Harry demanded with a sharp tone.

Wally chuckled.

“No, you’re not my boss,” he said like a child.

“Funny Wally, very funny,” Harry faked a chuckle.

Wally scratched his eye brow and looked at his watch.

“Look James Bond, I don’t have much time until my actual boss calls me. You have to come with me, both of you,” he pointed at both of us.

“Why do I have to go too?” I didn’t feel so threatened.

“Because your mom is a spy as well, enemy duh,” he laughed.

He pulled my hand but left Harry alone. Probably because he knew if he’d take me, Harry would come as well, but I was holding onto Harry with a death grip.

“Let her go, and give me the list,” Harry said sharply.

Wally let me go and picked through his pocket and handed Harry a piece of paper that’s folded like five times.
Harry opened it and laughed.

“This isn’t the list; it’s in a special gold folder,”

He threw it behind himself and waited for the actual list.

“Do you think that I would actually hand it to you kid?”

“Just give it, you suck at everything anyways.” I spit out.

He was pissing me off and so was Harry. Why can’t we just run? It wasn’t that hard. And Wally can’t really do anything to us, he’s just that bad.
My heart beat sped up.

“Ha, little girl back off the important business, you don’t know anything.” He hissed.

I rolled my eyes and pulled Harry.

“Jess, stop. This is really important!” he whispered harshly.

“Well, you aren’t doing anything! All you’re doing is blabbing along, you should just force it out of him.” I whispered back.

He looked at me with the angriest face I’ve seen in my life. His nostrils were flaring.

“It’s not that easy, Jessa,”

I walked forward and stared into Wally’s black eyes.

“Just be careful someday, because karma bites at people’s asses.” I said harshly.

“Ha-ha, you’re a funny girl,” He chuckled.

I let go of Harry and pushed Wally.

“Hey!” He yelled.

He landed on the ground, butt first. I laughed and jumped onto him. I searched through his many pockets, but didn’t find anything. Then I noticed a backpack next to him. I sat on him and picked through his black zipper.
There was a gold folder. I pulled it out and handed it to Harry.

“That hurts, get off of me!” Wally yelled in pain.

My knee was jammed in his stomach. That should’ve hurt.
I jumped off and kicked his stomach just to make sure he wouldn’t get up. He cringed in pain when Harry grabbed my arm.

“Now, was that so hard?” I asked Harry.

He rolled his eyes, “That’s not how we do it,”

“Well, you should,” I recommended.

He pulled me away and we ran down the forest.
My slippers were getting dirty from the dirt that lay in the grass. We kept on running until we found some sort of civilization.

The sound of Harry’s house keys landed on the shoe cabinet. He took off his shoes once I picked up my slippers. They were soaking wet and looked black, like really black when they were originally pearl white.

“We might have to wash those,” Harry said matter of factly.

I rolled my eyes and said, “No duh,”

He grabbed my slippers from my hand and he led me to the bathroom. I turned on the lights and the elegant gold and black striped bathroom lit up. He placed the slippers in the large pearl white sink and I sat down on the heated white tiled floors.
I saw the clear water run out of the tap and he soaked the slippers.

“Harry, why is Wally chasing you and why the hell is he here?” I asked quietly.

He sat down next to me.

“You know exactly why he’s chasing me already, for the black list. He doesn’t want me to catch him, he’s the robber’s back-up and he’s protecting him because he stole the Queen’s gold. That’s why he’s here, to distract me, to stop me from chasing him.” He explains.

I get off the floor and turn off the running water. Next, I squirt a lot of soap onto the slippers and let them soak. I lean against the sink counter and Harry’s lean body is right next to mine.

“So, can you stop him?” I asked in a whisper.

His parents can be home at any time. Or maybe they are here and they are sleeping, I mean it’s three am. I don’t want to disturb anyone.

“Why are you whispering?”

“Your parents may…” he cut me off.

“They are on a business trip in Paris, they aren’t gonna be home until Friday.”
I nodded.

“No, I can’t stop him –unless I stop chasing his boss.” He answers my previous question.

“Well, lie to him.” An idea popped into my head.

I smiled and waited for Harry’s response.

“Tell him that you aren’t chasing his boss anymore, then he’ll leave you alone, hey you’re a spy, isn’t it your natural instinct?” I recommended.

He smiled back but in a flash it faded. My heart sank at the thought that I just wasn’t that good an idea maker.

“It is, but it’ll be hard. They have me chipped.”

“Literally?” I asked, worried.

His eyes widened and he started to laugh, “No! They just have my phone location,” he explained.

“Uhuh,” I laughed along.

I turned around and started to rub the soap around the slippers. The clear water was turning darker at the second. It started to smell like poo and lavender mixed into one perfume. Disgusting. My nose twitched as we continued to talk.

“But, I left my phone in the forest,” he said.

“Now how are your parents going to,” I coughed from the horrible smell that traveled to my nose, “…contact you?”

“Home phone,” he suggested.

“When you aren’t home?”

I saw his face in the mirror and he started to grin.

“I have another cell phone that the robber’s don’t know about, it’s okay, I know what to do Jessa.” He laughed at me.

“Fine, fine, fine,” I sighed.

I continued to wash the slippers but eventually gave up. The water was pitch black and my slippers weren’t going to get cleaned like that.

“Hand me a towel,” I told Harry.

He pulled one out from the shelf under the sink and handed it to me.

“Thanks,” I said.

I pulled out the soaking slippers and put them on the towel.

“Can we just throw them into the laundry?” I asked.

“Sure, but will they wash?” Harry sent a question right back at me.

I shrugged. Harry stood closer to me and something hot at the bottom of my stomach formed. I blinked at the burning
light above us.
Harry took my slippers and led me out of the bathroom. I turned out the lights and followed him.

We watched my slippers twirl in the washing machine. The basement floors were freezing so we were sitting on a couch.
I yawned and leaned my head against Harry’s chest. I felt him looking at me so I looked up and caught his gaze.

“You know what Jessa?” he asked quietly.

I yawned once again and nodded.

“What…?” I asked.

The slippers hit the walls of the washing machine making thud noises.
He started to run his fingers through my hair which caused a cycle of tingles to run down my body.

“Even though you couldn’t stand me, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Every smile that you shined, I knew that they
weren’t for me, still made me feel like the happiest man in the world,” he admitted.

What he just said made my heart flutter. Not just any ordinary flutter, it flew to his heart.
I smiled, barely. My eye lids felt like they weighed a ton and my eyes shut. I wanted to smile, smile from ear to ear, but I just couldn’t, I was that tired.

“Harry,” I said quietly, almost a whisper.

“Yeah,” he said.

I yawned once again.

“That’s not true,”

I felt his heart speed up.
Since he didn’t say anything, I kept on talking, “A couple of those smiles were for you,” I said.
I looked up and saw him smile.

“Really…? You wanted to beat me up before I kissed you in the hallway,” he laughed.

“Well, that’s true, but some of those were for you.” I admitted.

His fingers kept on stroking my hair and I shut my eyes. I felt his breath graze against my skin as he kissed my forehead.
I smiled and fell asleep.

I opened my eyes and noticed that I wasn’t in the same room anymore. I pulled the comforter off of me and saw that I was in my room.
Was that all a dream?
No, I couldn’t be.
I sat up and stretched my arms above my head. The sunlight flew through my window and almost blinded me from its brightness. I got off my bed and walked up to the white window. The peace signed curtains pushed against me since the wind that came through the window pushed them.
My neighbor’s were taking out the garbage, picking up the newspaper, walking their dogs, or just simply walking. I smiled and turned back and faced my room. The navy walls that were covered by music notes, peace signs, words, and pictures were brighter from the light.
My phone made a noise which meant that I got a text message.
I walked up to my bed side table and looked at it. It’s from Harry.

Are you awake?
I noticed a sticky note next to my lamp. It read: I took you home last night your slippers are in your bathroom. Harry.A smile formed on my face and I left the note on my wooden bed side table.

Yeah, I just got up hbu? I texted back.

I laid back on my yellow music notes comforter and waited for his reply. When I heard again, my stomach flipped.
So that all wasn’t a dream. It. Was. Real.

I got up an hr ago. Look outside.

A person is a fool to become a writer. His only compensation is absolute freedom. He has no master except his own soul, and that, I am sure, is why he does it.
— Roald Dahl