
Young Writers Society

Chapter 5 of Wrong or Right

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Fri May 02, 2008 4:49 am
Ross says...

I pushed Chad’s bedroom door wide open. My mind was unwavering, my jaw set. But when my eyes took in the bedroom, my plan crumbled.

Chad wasn’t in bed. He was at his closet, in the middle of putting in a flannel shirt over a tank top and jeans.

I stepped fully in the room, pushed the door closed. He looked up at the source of the noise. The corners of his lips kicked up in a grin.

I returned the smile, “You change your mind about something?” I wanted him to shake his head, to say that he hadn’t given up on me. To say that he was merely dressing to scoop me up and go to some hidden, shadowy place.

But no. He replied, “Kind of.”

I tried to quell my growing anxiety as I asked, “What changed?”

“My…motivation,” he answered slowly. He reached in the closet again, pulled out a brown leather belt.

Oh, God. He was giving up on me? Just as I had decided to give him what he wanted--what we both needed? I had to hear it, hear it from his lips.

“What about your motivation, Chad?”

He looked up at me; his eyes not soft and pitying, but blazing and determined. “I figure that to get what I want, I’m going to have to use force,”

“What do you want?”

Chad smiled, “You. Obviously.”

“You won’t need the belt for force, then,” I replied quickly. What else could I say? He had just confessed lusting after me.

Chad had just about to string the belt through the first belt loop. But he stopped, looked up with one brow raised.

“You won’t need force at all,” I added softly. I began to approach him, a soft smile on my lips. Along the way, I grasped the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. It was on the ground just as I was standing close enough to kiss him.

“Good.” he replied. “’Cause I don’t think I can wait any longer,”

My skin tingled, my blood thrummed and I felt like I’d been waiting forever. I tilted my face up to his, lips parted. Expectant.

He only teased me, gave me the slightest brush of mouth against mouth. I was done being teased. I wanted it all. I stepped in closer, gripped his mountainous shoulder and parted my lips.

His flavor came from the earth; unseasoned, male and pure. The scent teased me, the fragrance a mix of musk, rainwater and…Chad. His was an aroma as primitive as the earth, as essential as the sun. It made me satisfied, made me fulfilled at the same time.

The explosions of lighting were gone, so were the growls of thunder. There was no pouring rain, nor heavy gray storm clouds. All that existed was Chad and the bed. We were only a few feet away from it.

Chad’s lips moved to my neck and I arched my head like the back of a panther on the prowl. My hands were in his hair, moans escaping my lips. It was all I could do not to raise a racket as Chad moved south, taking off my jeans in the process.

I felt so dehydrated. I needed Chad in every way I could.

We were on the floor, Chad on top of me. His shirt was floating towards the ground. I made short work of his pants. Then a cry came from deep in my throat as Chad picked me up, my legs around his hips and my arms likewise around his neck. A few staggers towards the bed and we were crashing down on the covers.

Chad’s boxers were off. So were mine.

We both surrendered as darkness took over us.
Last edited by Ross on Sat May 03, 2008 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
And we'll be a dream...

"Dee Dubbleyou." - BigBadBear

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Fri May 02, 2008 4:56 am
Summerless says...

Excellent again, Ross. I'll review tomorrow when because I have to log out so hang tight!

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Fri May 02, 2008 7:45 am
angelicahandover says...

:D I still can't wait for the next part. :)
Great job. XD
Love, a wondrous power that Science can't explain.

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Fri May 02, 2008 12:33 pm
BigBadBear says...


Dude, you've got to stop being so good at writing... I mean... you're going to be the next Dan Patterson or something!

Annnyway, this was a great chapter. I've never really read any gay romances, but this was is really good. Really interesting also.

... I just wish that I had caught something that bugged me.

Anyway, some things I liked:

- You make me feel for your character and Chad.

- You give amazing, luring descriptions

[s] - You always leave us with the biggest cliffhanger EVER![/s]

Never mind. Scratch that last one. I hate how I always have to wait to see the next chapter. It's soooooo lame! Lol. But that's great for you. That means you make us want to read more and... and..

Super job.

*gold star*

Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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Fri May 02, 2008 6:03 pm
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chyeahmclovinx3 says...

ahh, wonderful [:
cant wait to
yay :D
"in spite of everything, i still think people are good at heart" - anne frank.

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Sat May 03, 2008 2:06 am
soconfused4512 says...

OH MY GOD WRITE MORE!!!!!!!!! keep me posted ok

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Sat May 03, 2008 2:50 am
JFW1415 says...

Jeez...what's with all your 'write more now!' reviews? *Shrug* Ah, well, you're still getting real ones from me, unless you complain.

Same format as always.


Highlighted Comments

1. Who’s talking? A little confusing.
2. Uh-oh.
3. Gah! Love this. ;P
4. Oh; I assumed he was just dressing…
5. Huh? Do you mean ‘was just about?’
6. Show us! Atmosphere is key here. What’s the room like? Can you hear their breathing? What’s he thinking? Seeing? Does he notice the way Chad’s hair is messed up from the bed?
7. Icky wording…
8. Stop doing this. Show us when it happens, don’t tell us later.
9. …And? Show us more! Do his arms wrap around him? Can Calix feel his breathing? Does he worry Chad will hear his heart? Sensory!
10. I’d delete this.
11. Only one?
12. Suggestion: ‘unseasoned, male, pure.’
13. Gah! Stop listing things. ;P
14. Odd wording. Either ‘It made me satisfied, fulfilled.’ OR ‘It made me satisfied, made me fulfilled.’ OR ‘It made me satisfied and fulfilled at the same time.’
15. Slow down a bit; build up tension. Maybe ‘…Chad. Chad and the bed, only a few feet away.’
16. Since when?
17. Suggestion: ‘…hips, my arms…’
18. Odd wording.

Overall Comments

Not much to say here; just check out my line edits.

Also, you’re fourteen. You’re not supposed to be writing sex scenes! *Shakes head* What has this world come to?

PM me with the next part, but I may not read it if it’s too graphic. Actually, I probably will, but you’ll make me feel very awkward as I critique. ;P


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Sat May 03, 2008 12:08 pm
Angel of Death says...

I see nothing wrong with this as always. I love how you capture the readers minds with real feelings somebody might have in this situation. You are a very great writer, please keep writing,

Thanks for being a writer,
Angel :D
True love, in all it’s celestial charm, and
star-crossed ways, only exist in a writer’s
mind, for humans have not yet learned
how to manifest it.

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Sat May 03, 2008 2:28 pm
thewritingdoc says...


My mind was unwavering, my jaw set

Ths line sounds.. overused. Perhaps it could be something more like My mind was set, my jaw clenched, or hardened.

It just makes it sound better to the ear

the repetition of oh god makes this sound very girly. ur a man. u may be odder than the usual guy ;) which i respect but remember; ur a man. it would make me think a girl wrote this if i didnt no u so well. but i do; and ur fabulous.

ggood parts: :)

I had to hear it, hear it from his lips.
although ive heard things similar to this in the past; the way u phrased this was beautiful.

You won’t need the belt for force, then,” I replied quickly. What else could I say? He had just confessed lusting after me.

Chad had just about to string the belt through the first belt loop. But he stopped, looked up with one brow raised.

“You won’t need force at all,” I added softly. I began to approach him, a soft smile on my lips. Along the way, I grasped the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. It was on the ground just as I was standing close enough to kiss him.
I loved this paragraph.
I felt the love.

Ross, the ending of this is so amazing.

I can tell the effort you put into this piece was great.

That explains how well written it is.

If you could, I edited one of my pieces,

Song In my Head.

Review it for me/.

Thatd be great.

Thanks Ross.

Great job.

Much love.

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Sat May 03, 2008 10:51 pm
Rydia says...

A few brief comments:

He was at his closet, in the middle of putting in a flannel shirt over a tank top and jeans. [This sounds a little awkward and dull. Maybe 'He was at his closet, pulling a flannel shirt over those rippling muscles now hidden behind a tank top; his thick, manly legs covered by jeans.' Also, describe that bitter disapointment, the hesitation, the doubts creeping back in.]

Chad [s]had[/s] was [s]just[/s] about to string the [s]belt[/s] strip of leather through the first belt loop.

“Good.” [Comma rather than a full stop.] he replied. “’Cause I don’t think I can wait any longer,” [Full stop rather than a comma.]

The explosions of lightning were gone, [s]so[/s] as were the growls of thunder.

All that existed was Chad and the bed. We were only a few feet away from it. [I'd suggest re-phrasing this to something like: 'All that existed was Chad. And the bed beyond him, pillows dented with the memory of Chad's beautiful head and covers drawn back; enticing.']


Similar to last chapter though I did prefer this one to that. You need a little more description. Take this slower and show your characters' emotions at every stage. Build the atmosphere. Tell us what Chad's touch feels like against Calik's (Calix? I'm sorry, I can't seem to recall his name?) skin.

Great dialogue though and Chad's character is starting to develop further. His change of mind shows the reader another side which is great but follow that through, show us every side of him rather than just the cheeky, easy going cousin.

I have few comments but most of those I gave for the last chapter aplly here so read them carefully and pm me if you have questions,

Heather xx
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

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Sun May 04, 2008 1:20 am
Writing for love is a pas says...

AHHH! Why must you tease us with just writing a little bit. This earns a gold star. I need the next chapter please. 8)
No where to run...baby let's hide. Take her in your arms on a chilling winter's night. Watch the stars twinkle and glisten. Know that you've found the one person that will listen. ~*(ME)*~

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Sun May 04, 2008 3:51 pm
Summerless says...

Okay, Ross, now I shall break everything down.

You write and describe everything about the lovey-dovey-ness as if you've personally experienced it all. If you haven't ever kissed someone you've tricked us all (or at least me) because it sounds like you added personal experience but with twists.

His flavor came from the earth; unseasoned, male and pure. The scent teased me, the fragrance a mix of musk, rainwater and…Chad. His was an aroma as primitive as the earth, as essential as the sun. It made me satisfied, made me fulfilled at the same time.

That is a strong, powerful description.

I tried to quell my growing anxiety as I asked, “What changed?”

I like the word quell. You have a whole assortment of good vocabulary. Nice.

Well, this is about it (in reviewing) for now.
I might not review as much next time because this story is diving headfirst into R. And I'm only thirteen. ;]

- Summer

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Sun May 04, 2008 9:53 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Ok, so I reread everything so I could get a grasp on what was going on.

It was good, there wasn't much that I could see that no one else already got. It moved pretty good, not to fast or to slow. Only thing was if Chad was going to use 'force' why would he be putting a belt on? Maybe it's just my stupidity about things like this, but that's my opinion of the issue. OTher then that it was good.
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Tue May 06, 2008 11:29 pm
Flame11 says...

This is GREAT! Keep up the GOOD work. How can you write like this??? It seems like you've actually experienced it but I know you haven't so... Unbelievable. Keep going!

All of the nitpicks have already been done... Sigh.

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I have lived through much, and now I think I have found what is needed for happiness. A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good... then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor - such is my idea of happiness.
— Leo Tolstoy