
Young Writers Society

Metallic Crystal Alliance ( The final chapters)

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Reviews: 108
Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:17 pm
Fall_Into_The_Sky says...


Sophitia was still coughing up blood when the man carried her to the cage. At this rate she would slowly bleed to death. The man threw her in and turned the lock. He then exited the room and dimmed the lights. It was going to be a long night for her. The serum they had injected was a new prototype. The drug would supposedly triple her strength, and help in overturning the government. The ferals were merely a tool in the conquest to tear down the rules. Turn the world back into its previous state. Before the robots came, utopia was freedom. Now it was rules and restrictions. But they had underestimated Sophitia and she soon she would be strong enough to escape.

Dallas paced in the lonely hotel room he had rented for the week. The room was marked from all the circling. He couldn’t sleep or eat. Dallas was afraid for her. After yesterday he hadn’t heard from her. He worried. What if he was too late? Was she already gone? Had they killed her? He had to stop thinking these things. It would break his heart every time her face came to mind. He sank onto the bed and couldn’t help from feeling guilty. He’d seen where she lay on the cold metal. No warmth to embrace her. No attic to hide in. Dallas couldn’t take sleeping on that bed. He walked over to the bathroom and curled up on the cold tile. If she had to endure this, he would be right along side her.

The bleeding had finally stopped. She tried to stand, but acid coarsed threw her veins. Her body was on fire surged with unfound strength. The drug was taking its affect. Slowly it changed her from the inside out. Her hair grew longer and eyes fiercer. A rage over took her and she fiercely began bashing the bars. They bended to her will and she scrambled threw. She pulled the lock apart and entered the room. Her eyes stopped at the feral children. Suspended in time they lay in the green liquid. She ravenously knocked them over ruining the test subjects.

Workers came charging in. She knocked them all to the ground. Sophitia was about to escape when a needle pierced her neck. She tried to pull it out, but already her body gave out. Blackness over came her and she fell into a deep sleep. Two hands picked her up and placed her in a bulletproof room. When she awoke the first thing she did was ram the glass. But it was in vain for no matter how hard she tried it wouldn’t shatter. She looked around the white room. A few feet away lay two hand weapons. Sophitia crawled forward and studied them.



No sooner than she touched them did a secret door open. A slender man entered, on his back hung a large sword. He motioned her forward. Out of instinct she grasped the weapons and ran forward. She slashed out and nicked the man’s ear. Crimson blood spurted from the cut. Sophitia watched in awe. Her feral side pleaded for her to kill him. The human side of her said no. The man lay on one knee cradling the piece of ear.

“You *****. I’ll kill you!”

A bullet came from nowhere and stopped the man. He fell forward onto Sophitia’s feet. She screamed. Never had she seen a dead person. Blackness over came her once more and she fainted.

Dallas was growing impatient two days had passed. Still no word from the snoop, what was taking so long? He had to eat something. If he didn’t he wouldn’t last another day. And she needed him he must stay alive and well for her sake. Dallas awoke, dragged himself out of the bathroom, and went to a café downtown. Cars flew above him, people hovered past him. This futuristic life was never to his liking. It was too complicated, too profound. He hated this world, and most in it. All except Sophitia, only she did he care for.

Sophitia stirred inside the chamber. Was that a dream or was it real? The pool of blood around her told her the reality. She scrambled away from it. Frantically rubbing her skin with the towel they had left for her. What had she become? She wanted to kill him. Wanted to taste his blood, to see what a human tasted like. But something had stopped her. Something told her it wasn’t right. If she did what she wanted she would be the same as them. She didn’t want to be that.

Dallas decided to go out that day. He needed a break. Some time to clear his head. While walking down the streets he passed a run down building. If it was run down….why where the lights on? A crate lay under a window. He headed for it. Carefully he climbed it and peeked threw the open window. Inside he saw an examining table. His heart stopped. This was the room he saw in the vision. It was where the needles had hurt Sophitia. This wretched place had harmed his best friend. In the corner of a glass room he saw her. She lay curled up on the soft white floor. A featureless face he saw. Something was wrong.



He couldn’t wait to get in there, to hug her and take away all the pain. But he had to wait. He had to wait till dark. So Dallas reluctantly went back to his room. He had to ready him self for the task at hand. Weapons were needed and a change of clothes for Sophitia. A bit later he headed into town. Dallas bought the most expensive clothes he could manage. They would be for her. He hopes this would make up for time lots. Darkness was coming. Running he grabbed his bag from the hotel and headed for the laboratory.

When he got there he slowly pulled himself into the building. He threw the bag in front of him, and began working on the door. He was no locksmith but he had some skills. Within a few minutes the lock clicked and the door creaked open. Dallas headed for the glass room. He felt around for a switch and opened the door. Before him he saw a repulsive sight. A man was on top of Sophitia. His hands traveled on top of her clothing.

“Get your filthy hands off of her!”

Dallas ran forward and thrust the dagger into the man’s skull. He slumped to the ground and twitched on the floor. Blood splattered the two of them.

Sophitia lay unconscious. What had that beast done to her? Dallas gently lifted her and carried her to the window. He jumped out and landed hard on the grass below. As soon as his feet touched the ground he ran to the hotel room. He lowered her onto the bed and covered her. Dallas just stared of her. Afraid she would disappear he never took his eyes off of her. When Sophitia awoke the next morning, he was asleep beside her. She couldn’t believe it.

“ I’m free,” she whispered.

Sophitia bent down and kissed Dallas’s forehead. He woke with a smile.

“Good morning my friend, I missed you.”

hey laid there hugging till their stomachs rumbled.

“I’m hungry.” Dallas left to get them some breakfast.



When he returned a huge smile was on his face. He slowly went to her side and reached under the bed. A white box dragged forward. It contained a blue dress and white boots. They were fit for a noble. Tears swelled in Sophitia’s eyes. She gently ran her fingers threw the laces of the dress. Her hands traveled over the sleek leather boots. Sophitia threw her arms around Dallas and sobbed.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s just... No one has ever done something like this.”

“There’s more.” Dallas turned around so she could dress.

She was so happy. The clothes fit perfectly, though it felt weird. It felt odd to wear such clothing. Dallas stood and turned around. His eyes fell on an angel.

“Wow. You look different.” Dallas sat beside her and stroked her hair.

He brushed it till it shown. Then he washed it and brushed it once more. Her hair shown like metallic crystals. Dallas got up and walked to the door. Behind it you would find a familiar face, and a few new ones. The knob turned and a woman walked in. She was accompanied by a man and a child in her arms. The man was her husband a feral. You couldn’t tell though for he was a half-breed. He hid his features under long black hair.

Sophitia was elated. The woman was Cynthia. In her arms lay her feral child. But something was different. It looked human. Because a half-breed had bore a child with a human, the feral side of the baby was hidden. Cynthia hugged Sophitia. When she saw what she was wearing. She just smiled. She always knew her daughter would have the best. Now she did. But anger she also felt. They had to teach these people a lesson.

They talked it over and they all agreed. Dallas was a bit hesitant. He didn’t want to danger her again. But it was her choice. She felt as if she had to. After all the pain revenge sounded pretty good. They would do it within a month’s time. The five of them first would teach Dallas’s mother a lesson. Then the laboratory. Finally the government!
The only wrong love is only one never felt.
Live to day as if your would die tomorrow.
Love like you know no other, dream as if they'd come true, hope because you can reach the stars.

— whatchamacallit