
Young Writers Society

I Think I'm In Love #3

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Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:33 pm
BigBadBear says...

You guys have no idea how much your uplifting comments have helped me! I just started this story to get my freaking writer's block to go away. And now you guys were begging for more... so here it is! Part three of... .I don't know how many there will be. Well, part there until the story is done!

Thank you all for helping me with this! You've been so great!


I don’t know what to say… I don’t know if I can say it… I just… need to talk to someone right now… and I think that you are the only person that I can…

I don’t know what’s happened to him. I mean, sure, he goes and gets drunk, but he has never really done anything that horrible. I don’t understand why he does it… alcohol is so freaking retarded!

But then again, it might not only be alcohol. But then again, it might. You see, after Mom left, he’s just… been depressed. I don’t know how to put it down onto paper… I just wish that he would forget about the slut. Then maybe he would stop drinking. Then maybe he wouldn’t have hurt me. Again.

He didn’t mean to. I could tell it in his eyes. He came home today and started yelling and swearing at me. It wasn’t unusual. Just unexpected.

I tried to ignore his insults, his badgering. I tried to ignore the fact that he smashed the broom handle into my head.

But I can’t ignore it any longer. If he does it again, I swear that I’m going to call the cops.




Wow. Sorry for the highly depressing entry yesterday. I didn’t mean for me to go into such detail. But diary, I needed to tell someone. Okay, now I need to get back to Jesse Brandon.

It’s been like three weeks since Valentines Day. And it was only today in school that I finally got a hint to whom he might be!

I was just walking down the hall to sixth period when I saw Tender Mercy in someone’s hands. I stopped and stared at him, but I could only get a glimpse at his head.

Note: he has brown, curly hair. Not very tall, but not very short. Skinny.

I wish that I could have gotten a look at his face!




I didn’t get another lead on who this mysterious boy was until today. I saw the same boy, in the same hall, on my way to sixth period. Again. But this time he wasn’t holding Tender Mercy. Nope. He was holding his girlfriend.

What kind of a jerk would do that? Tell a girl that he loved her, and then have another girlfriend! Ugh! He’s such a freaking… freaking… idiot!

But still… it might not be him. I mean, the librarian said that the book was checked out to two people. I saw one of them.

Who is the other?




He hasn’t come home yet. I’m scared. I really am. Right now, I’m sitting on my bed, looking through the window. There is a blackened world out there. It’s just past one in the morning, and he hasn’t come home yet.

Where is he? I’m so scared… what if he got in a car accident? He was drunk and he drove home… he got in a car crash! Oh…

I’m so nervous… I need him… where is he?




Sorry about the last entry. I got so worked up over nothing. Well, I shouldn’t say that it was nothing. Dad came home shortly after I fell asleep. He wasn’t drunk, like I had predicted. His friend, Timmy, had a seizure and Dad rushed him to the hospital.

Dad told me early this morning that Timmy had been diagnosed with liver cancer because of his drinking problem. I was so surprised… liver cancer? I had known Timmy not that well, but it still seemed like he wouldn’t have cancer.

I thought I must’ve been dreaming. But I wasn’t. I woke up to go to school today and found a note on the counter saying, “I threw out all of the beer from the fridge. Emma, please don’t let me buy any of that anymore. I’m down at the hospital with Timmy. Love you, Dad.”

And right then, and there, I started bawling.




There isn’t much to talk about. Dad’s doing better than he was. Well, he is looking a lot better than ever, I’d have to admit. He hasn’t bought a single beer ever since the seventh. I’m so happy for him.

As for me, I’m studying like crazy. In my choir class, I have to learn a solo. I didn’t even sign up for the freaking class, and still, Mr. Bek makes me sing a solo… and my voice sucks! Who would want to listen to a squeaky teenager?

We have a history test tomorrow. I know I’m going to fail. I have to sleep through that class. It just is so terribly boring!

My rose died a while back. Did I ever tell you that? Anyway, something else died along with the rose: my love for Jesse Brandon.

I never even thought that I loved him. It was more of just a… find-out-who-sent-me-the-freaking-rose hunt love… but I come to find out that he was all I could think about.

Both of the Tender Mercy books have been returned to the library. The sub librarian won’t tell me who had them, even if I desperately plead with her.
I guess I’ll never find out who he is. It could have been the boy with the brown, curly hair. It could have not been. I don’t know.

Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you. My mom is coming home.




Thanks for reading, guys!
Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:44 pm
Angel of Death says...

This was great, which i knew it would be. I'm happy that things are getting better for her and her dad. Her mom's coming home? wow i can't wait to read what that's going to be like. Keep writing, I'll keep reading and commenting when I can.
True love, in all it’s celestial charm, and
star-crossed ways, only exist in a writer’s
mind, for humans have not yet learned
how to manifest it.

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Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:50 pm
StellaThomas says...

Please don't tell me that's the end. If so, it's the worst ending in the creation of bad endings. Although I don't think it is the end... is it?

I loved right up until the 12th March, but I didn't like "Oh yes, I'm over my crush, my dad's got over his problems, my mum's coming home so I only ever have to worry about normal teenage things again." I'm sorry, didn't I say that I liked it up until that point?

Although I have a feeling you're having us on here... ;). You seem like a brilliant writer so I'm guessing that you've realised that... is it wishul thinking on her part? Or is it all going to happen and come crashing down around her ears?

So yes. Up until there, I enjoyed it thoroughly, and I still think that that was good if you're going in the direction I hope you're going...
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:54 pm
BigBadBear says...

Please don't tell me that's the end.

Don't worry it's not. This can't be the end. Have I ever been known to have my stories end happily?

Believe me. This isn't the end. Everything will get worse... if not better.

Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:06 pm
StellaThomas says...

Oh, well good then. Sorry, I haven't read any of your other stories :) Getting worse = brilliant! oh, now I'm happier with it.
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:38 pm
Teh Wozzinator says...

Wow. Still awesome. I agree that the end wasn't perfect, you kind of lost the drama, but I'm still reading more, definitely.

Anyways, no edits...

Keep writing!

Teh Wozzinator
Go K-State for North Division!!

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Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:32 pm
yoha_ahoy says...

Awesome! Keep going! I don't want to critique much until the end. I have to know if the theme of the story persists in order to know if anything is of, if you know what I mean.... Anyways, great work! I can't wait for you to finish it! :D

~Yoyo 8)
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Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:34 pm
shanan-cat says...

Hey again!
Read your last post and I thought it was terrific! Just like this one!
It was amazing what you did with the characters and the being diagnosed...
WOW! Dude, totally continue! But why did it turn out that the guy she saw holding the book already had a girlfreind? Don't tell me this gas already happened to you and now your trying t write about it?
Other that one question, I good with everything else.
Please continue your story, promise?
thanks, shanan-cat to J-monkey :lol: :lol: :lol:
"Laugh like no one can hear you, dance like no one is watching, and love like you're going to doe tomorrow." --Unknown

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Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:07 pm
GryphonFledgling says...

Oh dear... Disillusionment. It had better get better for her fast or I'm going to be one unsatisfied customer.

Wow. I really liked this. However, this seems to be moving really quickly. How much are you planning on having happen in this story? I mean, we went from total obsession over the mysterious Jesse to not caring in the space of a few entries. However, you may be holding out for the next few entries when she wakes up out of her state of shock at her mom coming home and realizes that she is really obsessed once more... Or not...

Anyway, your writing was quite superb here. I am in great awe. *bows low*

I am reminded of the babe by you.

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Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:18 am
TNCowgirl says...

SWEET! Ok, it was really really really really really good. Very discriptive, one thing, if he hit her over the head with a broom stick it would leave a cut, bruise, something, if not give her a concution (Sp). SO mabye in the side or something. That wouldnt do as much damage, and the bruise would be hidden.

Now, coming from a girl, pretty much the only thing that a girl truely tells everything, every last detail and all, is to a diary, least that i've been told and what I do. Course, if she had a bunch of brothers, she probably wouldn't unless it had a lock or was really well hidden. Course if she couldn't figure out how do discribe something, then that is fine too.

But other hten that, I really liked it. Keep going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
Vist my world and make it bigger!
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Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:23 am
Fangala the Flying Feline says...

AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH! Why is this post so short? Write more!

Sorry, I got a little carried away there. Anyway, this is good...very good. Dumb librarian sub. :D

I'll be looking out for part 4.
"Hey look! A black shooting star!"

"That's no star...that's Fangala!"

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Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:38 am
darkest_of_them_all says...

:D, me like. Okay, so Borat-speak aside, I thought it was really good! One little thing that looked like it could be improved is that the whole, 'I'm suddenly going to become sober because my drinking buddy found out he has cancer' situation seemed sudden and, no offense, rather corny. Yes, it does take dramatic events in a person's life to spin their outlook on life around, but I would think it's more gradual than you have it in your story. I would maybe have her father decide to become sober a few days after his friend is admitted to the hospital instead of the morning afterwards. In that span of time you could write how he was never home or something and when he was he just sat, staring at the wall, his beer hanging limply in his hand as the TV's lights splayed across his blank face.
My other thing was that you said something about a slut after mentioning her mother. Is her mother the slut? If so, you should probably put more detail of why Emily has come to believe that and then her unhappiness that her mother is coming because she's a slut. Other wise, me like :D.
I don't want to hold grudges, it takes too much energy.

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Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:14 am
cat4prowl says...

um wow?

daaaaaang bigbad!! these rock! please please please PM me when u post the next one!

your #1 fan!

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Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:21 am
Fall_Into_The_Sky says...

more please
The only wrong love is only one never felt.
Live to day as if your would die tomorrow.
Love like you know no other, dream as if they'd come true, hope because you can reach the stars.

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Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:26 pm
Aedomir says...

Hiya! We reach at last... the grat battle of our time... Sorry, ignore me...

Anyhow, this is no dispapointment. It's great how you managed to pull this out of your hat like that, so easily - and out of WRITER'S BLOCK too!

I enjoyed this rally, you captured her emotions and I can tell its your average girl from this, well done there! This is really fun and a great idea. Cliche, but hey! This is, and I can't press it enough... out of writer's block! I mean, what would happend if you didn;'t have the block?!


Keep Writing!

We are all Sociopaths: The Prologue

Sociopath: So • ci • o • path noun
1. Someone who believes their behaviour is right.
2. Human.

It is better to take what does not belong to you than to let it lie around neglected.
— Mark Twain