
Young Writers Society

In the Land of Harmony Chapter 1

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Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:57 am
Angel of Death says...

Chapter 1
Francesca: A Drop of Sun

Across the room he sits, like a drop of golden sun. His eyes like oceans, and his skin the soft color of caramel. When he looks my way, I quickly turn my eyes away. My skin getting hot when I feel his eyes caressing me. Even though I am not looking at him, his stare makes my skin crawl.
Is it safe to look back?
As I turn around to face the front of the room, I meet his eyes. Never had I seen his eyes look at me, unless they were looking past me. Now that I was experiencing the effect his eyes had on girls, I wanted to run away, but like a deer caught in the headlights, I was glued.
He smiled, showing off his perfect white teeth. It was like looking into the sun, but yet, even though you knew you should look away, you did not want to because they were so mesmerizing. Suddenly he got up and walked towards me. He sat down in the seat that was so close to me that you’d think we shared arms. I shuddered at the touch of his skin on mine. It was unusual to be this close to a boy.
“Hi it’s…Christi, right?” he asked smoothly.
“Actually it’s Christina,” I replied softly.
“Right, well anyways, I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me?” he asked, smiling his debonair smile.
I stared at Wesley in awe, wanting to pinch myself, this wasn’t just happening. Wesley was the hottest guy in the whole school, and I was what you called average. My dark soft hazel-eyes were dull compared to his live-wire greens. It was strange that he was asking me out, but boy, was I the luckiest girl in the world.
“Well I’d love too but…,” I started, really not believing this,
“Come on, it’ll just be a movie,” Wesley cut in firmly.
Before I could answer, the bell to go home rang. Reluctantly, I picked up my books and got up. As I turned to leave, a hand lightly touched my shoulders.
I looked up to find the cool eyes of my crush crashing down on me like tiny waves. Wesley’s eyes were so calming that his firm voice couldn’t even spoil the moment.
“Stay,” he said, in almost a whisper, in my ear
His words were like rose petals, gently caressing my ears. Like a dog, I obeyed his command and sat back down in the chair. Wesley turned my head slowly towards him, and again, I was forced to swim in his eyes. It was when he began to talk that I knew I was drowning.
“Stay with me, please,” he said softly.
“Wesley…I don’t know if this will work out…,” I started slowly.
Before I could finish my sentence, Wesley leaned in for a kiss…
“Cut!!!” yelled Bob, the director.
“What’s wrong with this scene, it was close to perfect?” I asked angrily.
“You’re too fast. You act like a teenage girl who really got a crush on this guy,” Bob replied sighing.
“Well he is my boyfriend,” I thought smiling.
“Let’s take a break, get into character. Remember you’re a spy and this guy is your assignment…so treat him like it,” Bob said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.
As Bob continued his rants at the extras, I sat down in my chair and looked out onto the set. I closed my eyes, trying to think of the last time I saw home. Everyday I wake up only to see the white washed walls, and the expensive, luxurious, furniture of my suite in New York, instead of the worn-out sheets, and the light blue walls of my room in
“Sunny Florida.”
Now that I finally decided to go back to work, life hasn’t been all sunshine and blue skies. Make-up is always caked up on my face, and under the heat of the headlights it feels disgusting. And even though my boyfriend and I are working on this movie together, we don’t see each other unless it’s on set. What makes things worse is I can’t or really shouldn’t be talking to him because of orders from my dad.
As I look over at Leo, a tiny feeling grew in the pit of my stomach. I wondered if he ever thought of me, the way I did him, or was the separation tearing us farther apart?
On set, everything about him seem forced, and uninterested, as if he had something better to do. Now that I could finally sit here and think about it, Leo has changed. The way he walked, the way he talked around me, the cologne he wore, and the way he combed his hair. Yet I still loved him.
As if he could hear my thoughts, Leo began to make his way slowly towards me. His long black locks, bouncing dramatically, like he was in a movie with special effects. A golden light illuminated him, like rays from the sun.
I thought that once he was in touching distance, he’d embrace me in a passionate way and never let me go. But when he was in hearing distance, that’s when my fantasy became reality.
“Your father is here,” Leo said abruptly.
“Well I…,” I started angrily.
“You gave him a set pass didn’t you?” Leo asked, eyes getting big.
“Well he was freaking about how he doesn’t get to see me and all,” I replied sadly.
“Fran, it’s bad enough that we have to sneak behind your dad’s back just to be together. Your father doesn’t like me…you have to get rid of him,”Leo said sighing.
I gazed into Leo’s eyes. Behind those beautiful oceans, lye something so ugly…fear. I wanted to hug him but I could tell he didn’t want that. The distance between us was far too great. It was like he was afraid to touch me.
“Leo I can’t just tell him to leave. I want both of you in my life. I don’t want to lose either of you,” I said softly, reaching for Leo’s hand.
Leo shifted backwards, pain struck my heart.
Did I do something wrong? Did I say something wrong?
“It’s not you Fran…its me. I wish you could understand…” Leo said firmly.
“I understand that I must choose but you’re asking me to give up my father. He is the only family I have left. He needs me,” I replied sadly.
“This has nothing to do with your father being in your life, I swear. It’s just that…I have changed. I see the world in a new light. I can’t keep holding on to what I shouldn’t have,” Leo explained sighing.
I took in Leo’s words like a sponge. His words were like dirty water, so vile and disgusting, that my pores would be hard to clean out.
I concentrated on his eyes intently. There was a hidden meaning in his words, the definition of them were unknown.
His eyes flickered away from mine, tears were welling up in them, but they didn’t fall. I could see his skin turning rose red, his emotion I couldn’t tell. Was he angry or was he guilty? But what would he be angry for and why would he feel guilty? Did he feel sorry for making me wait for him these past month?
Probably not.
He couldn’t know of those days that I yearned to hear his voice only to get a painful look instead. He couldn’t know of how much I missed his touch. He couldn’t know how much I loved him and how much I couldn’t live without him.
He couldn’t know that he was my drop of sun.
It was impossible.
I parted my lips to say something but his eyes met mines before I could speak. We stared at each other for what seemed like hours but really it only could have been a second. I was able to decipher a pain that was so new to me that I was sure it wasn’t even real. It was sorrow.
“We are not right for each other,” Leo said harshly.
“What do you mean?” I asked painfully, looking into Leo’s eyes.
As I looked into Leo’s eyes, I could still see that pain called sorrow. I didn’t understand what I was doing wrong. Five months ago, this relationship seemed so right but now he acts as if it was entirely wrong. Suddenly, without a warning, Leo took my face into his hands, and leaned his face in towards mine. At first, I thought he was going to kiss me, instead, his lips met my ear.
“Please stop hurting me,” he whispered firmly.
I pulled away angrily. I wanted to punch him, kick him, stab him, kill him.
Stop hurting him? He obviously didn’t know how I felt about him these past six months. He obviously didn’t love me the way I loved him. This whole time I had been in a love story all by myself. It just seemed so perfect. The way he use to talk to me. The way he used to kiss me. In my world full of darkness, he was my only light.
When he used to tell me he loved me, I knew he meant it. What he was saying to me now seemed to change all of that. Was his promises all mistakes to him? Was he sorry for loving me? Was I sorry for ever letting myself fall so severely in love with him? No. Every moment we’d spent together was heaven. He was my angel. He was the sun that lit my night skies.
I loved him. I still love him. No matter what he says, I always will.
Tears fell from my face as I struggled to think about what was happening. I parted my lips once more, hoping I would say something that would make Leo take back all his words. Something that would allow me to let me hold Leo and kiss him once more. Something that would end this nightmare.
“Leo, I can’t handle this right now. We’re supposed to be rehearsing for the movie,” was all I could say.
Leo’s eyes became watery, and as he turned away he said something so sharp and terrible that I felt as if I were stabbed with a knife.
He said “It’s over,”
I wanted so badly to run after Leo and beg him to be mine again. Instead, my feet remained planted on the soft blue carpet, as my drop of sun walked away. It was like all the light was taken from me, only to be replaced with darkness.
Bob called everyone back to the set with an aggravated tone. The tears that still lingered behind my eyes were trying to force themselves out. When it was time for me to glance at Wesley, I couldn’t do it. Pain stabbed my heart every time I made an attempt to look at him. To see him smiling a smile that was so rehearsed, that at first it almost felt real. As if it were intended for me instead of Christina.
When he made his way over towards me I thought I was going to crumble but I stood my ground. Then his minty breath caressed my nose, making a tear fall from my eyes. I was going to miss that smell.
The tear ran away from it’s family, happy to escape from it’s prison behind my left eye. I thought that was the last drop of sorrow my soul contained but then the storm came. Heavier and stronger. It was a war between my composure and my feelings. I fought to stand strong, to act as if I was alright, but my feelings made me weaker.
Sobs escaped from my mouth as the tears ran wild. Bob yelled cut at the cameraman as I broke free from Leo’s sweet, minty breath. I ran into the lobby and sat on the soft burgundy couch. The tears became heavier and the sobs grew deeper. My heart was broken.
Judy, one of the make-up artist, came to see me twenty minutes later. She caked more make-up on my face than before. After she was finished, I was pushed back into the spotlight once more and forced to surrender my soul to the sweet breath of pain.
When it was time to go home, everybody on set quickly left to get their things.
Groups of extras formed by the snack bars and a couple of actors went to their dressing rooms. As I made my way back to the lobby, I could hear soft footsteps behind me. I turned around to find the usually angered face staring at me sympathetically. His dark brown eyes bore into my soul, like bullets, hard and penetrative.
“Francesca, I don’t know what’s wrong but you need to get into character. I don’t want to have to find you a replacement,” Bob said softly.
“No…I’m fine…I promise I’ll get it together. I won’t let you down Bob,” I replied with a half-smile.
“Please, if you need to, take a few days off. I want this movie to be great, and you are what I’ve been looking for. Like I said, I don’t want to have to find a replacement,” Bob suggested frowning.
I knew that a few days of alone time wouldn’t be enough, but it would probably ease the pain that decided to make port in my soul. The image of Leo’s soft, green eyes, entered my mind, making tears well up in my eyes. To hide my sorrow, I averted my eyes, and nodded my head.
I heard Bob sigh, then he slowly walked away.
I’m gonna let him down.
After waiting in the lobby for half an hour, I started to get frustrated. My father was never this late coming to pick me up. I closed my eyes and tried to think of positive things because I didn’t want my father to see me cry. He would manipulate me into telling him what was wrong and I didn’t want to do that. I didn’t want to tell him that Leo did this to me.
Finally he came. He had a huge grin on his face that shone brighter than the sun. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and led me out the studio towards the car. When we were settled in the car, his smile continued to look at me.
The pain was already starting to come back.
“So tell me about this movie. Is it what you kids these days call ‘hip’?” my dad asked, a smile in his voice.
I opened my window a crack, hoping it would ward off the coming tears. The smells of New York caressed my nose, making the pain worse. In the mist of all the smells, I could smell him. To disguise my pain, I tried laughing at my father’s question but I couldn’t bring myself to smile. Even the laugh itself seemed like an act, fake and rehearsed.
I looked up at my father. The smile I heard in his voice wasn’t there anymore. Suddenly, he looked at me with dark, firm eyes. He could see that behind the laughter, the angel of pain waited. My soul was filled with so much hate and confusion. Everything around me seemed dark and dead. My drop of sun has left me.
“Fran, what is wrong?” my dad asked concernedly.
“Dad, I don’t want to talk about it,” I replied, turning away.
“If its about me being late, I’m sorry. I was there earlier but the lady at the front desk said I had to…,” my dad started, eyebrows pulling up.
“No dad…its not that. I’m fine,” I interrupted hoarsely.
“Fran?” my dad asked.
I ignored my father’s persistence and closed my eyes. Now I was afraid to let my tears fall.
“Dad I’m fine…just let it go,” I replied, fighting back the heavy tears.
I turned towards my dad, with a fake smile in my eyes. He smiled at me brightly and then switched his eyes back to the road.
The cool air stung my eyes as I stared at the rainbow of colors we zipped by. I wanted so much to pour all my troubles on my dad. He’d certainly have something to say that would mend my heart. He always did. Unfortunately, he did not know of my secret love. He could never know.
“I was hoping you would come out to dinner with me tonight…but you seem busy…with whatever…is on your mind,” my dad teased.
I laughed at his innocence and forced a smile through the unwept tears.
“Well maybe another night?” my dad asked.
“Sure,” I replied dryly.
“Did something happen?” Dad asked softly.
“No,” I lied.
My dad saw right through my lie, and pulled to a stop behind a green Volvo that was parked in front of a Starbucks. Through the corner of my eye, I could tell he was staring at me. His forehead creased and his eyes filled with worry. I could feel his hand on the back of my head, stroking my hair softly.
I wanted to tell my dad that I was okay so that he’d drive me to my suite, where I could wallow in my pain, alone, but the fought back tears became stronger, breaking open the fortress in my eyes. The hot, salty tears fell quickly down my face, attuned to the sound of my heart slowly drowning in the dark abyss of my pain. My dad shrugged out of his seatbelt and wrapped his arms around me.
After about five minutes, I pulled myself away from my dad’s embrace and forced a smile to shine through my stormy clouds.
“Sorry about your shirt,” I laughed softly, pain still lining my voice.
“Oh it’ll dry by time I get back to the office,” my dad said, smiling.
I smiled back at my dad and then turned to stare out my window.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come out with me to dinner tonight? Please, Fran,” my dad asked eagerly.
“Dad…I don’t think…,” I started warily.
“I never get to spend time with you, please,” my dad begged.
I let out a deep sigh and turned to face my dad. His lower lip was jutted out and his eyes were big and pleading. I laughed softly and nodded my head slowly.
“We’re going to have so much fun tonight…” my dad started, smile caressing his voice.
Suddenly there was a knock on my window that made me jump. I turned to find that a man with a red t-shirt and baggy jeans was looking through my window, camera in hand. Surprise flitted across my face and anger boiled under my skin. I thought about yelling a stream of profanities at the paparazzo but he quickly took his picture and escaped.
“Will this be a secluded dinner, because I hate the paparazzi?” I asked, acidly.
“You lived in New York for almost eight months now, aren’t you used to all that?” my dad asked, chuckling.
“You never get used to that.” I murmured angrily.
“Well I better get you home. I’ll be back around eight to come pick you up. Which leaves you with about an hour and thirty minutes to get ready.” my dad said, turning the key in the ignition.
The car roared to life, and swerved out of the parking space, we rode in silence for a good ten minutes. I could tell that made my dad uncomfortable because he looked like he was afraid I was going to have another mini break down. From my peripheral vision, I could see his eyes carefully studying me. My dad placed his right hand on my back and rubbed it, trying to soothe me. I tried pasting the rehearsed smile I had on my face for half of the ride, on again, but it seemed as if it was lost forever. The mask that I tried to hide behind, blew out the window.
The rest of the ride was iced with silence, while dozens of emotions baked in my heart. To contain myself, I wrapped my arms around my torso, hoping that I wouldn’t fall apart. It was if God or some other force was trying to defeat me.
Well you have succeeded.
When the car pulled to a stop, I rushed to get out of the car. I didn’t want my dad to see me break down. He gave me a goodbye smile and I returned it the best way I could. Then I watched as he drove off, oblivious to the secret pain that I tried to keep from him.
Denny, the doorman, opened the door for me, a huge smile pasted on his face. I tried to smile back but it felt like I only managed a straight line going across my face. Worry filled Denny’s eyes, he never liked seeing me upset.
“Miss Austen, what’s wrong?” Denny asked softly.
“Oh I just had a long…long day. I’m fine though, thanks,” I lied politely.
It wasn’t a long day and I wasn’t fine. Denny seemed to have bought the lie though, and released me from his worry-filled gaze. Noise filled my head, making my head spin. People gawked and pointed as I whirred through the lobby crowd towards the elevator. I didn’t know if it was the fact that the pain finally spread my face or the fact that I was Francesca Austen, the famous actress, that made them gawk, but I had to get away from the eyes that watched me.
As I ran, from the corner of my eye I could see cameras flashing. I picked up pace, almost flying into the closed doors of the elevator, until they flew open. Relieved, I let out a thankful sigh as the doors of my safe fortress closed. I was alone, at last. I listened to the soft, harmonious elevator music with my eyes closed. The tears still hid behind my eyelids, but for some reason they didn’t want to fall.
My heart felt cold and still.
My mind felt blank and stupid.
My life seemed to be ending.
The sound of the elevator doors opening, brought me back to life. My eyes flashed open in alarm. I walked out of the elevator and headed down the hall to my castle of solitude. When I reached the door to my suite, I pressed my head to the door. I took long, deep breaths as I dug around in my right pocket for the key.
Tears fell silently from my eyes as I swiped the key in the lock.
The red light on the door flashed green. The door was unlocked.
I opened the door and let the waves crash against my shore. The tears wouldn’t stop, they just kept falling, for some reason I let them. I closed the door behind me and made my way over to the tan couch in the middle of the room, where I collapsed.

Chapter 2
Francesca: Anthony

I opened my eyes, which were blanketed with tears, to find that the sun was ready to give birth to the stars, as it sank into the clouds. A pink light peered into my room, drying up the sea that flowed through the passage of my soul. Pain shot my heart as I struggled to sit up. I wrapped my arms around myself, hoping that like before, the blood of my pain would stop raining from my eyes.
A sense of realization washed over me, as my eyes settled on the white digital clock that sat on my right side table. The green numbers flashed 7:00. My dad would be here in an hour, probably not in the mood to see another one of my break-downs. I let my feet find the soft tan carpet and forced myself to stand. The weight of my sorrow filled soul seemed to over power me, making it impossible to stand up straight.
The sound of car horns and yelling from the streets below my window filled my head. Just like the night reigning over New York, pain still governed my soul. I remembered my surrender to the sorrow, with such ease, that it felt as if I was starring in a repeat of my demise. As I walked slowly to the bathroom, the ghost of my tears began to haunt me.
During the darkest moments of my life, he was always there to shed light on my shadows. He was my personal sun.
Now that he has left me, I am far too deep into the shadows to find light again.
Rainbows danced across the bathroom wall, as the last rays from the sun that was falling into the night, caressed the crystal window. I quickly switched on the bathroom light, not wanting to be in the dark again.
I turned towards the shower and turned both the hot and cold water on. As I slipped out of my clothes, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Mascara ran down my face, mixing with the blush and pink lip gloss Judy applied after my hideous collapse. Lines from the couch were imprinted on my face. Paths of red surrounded my eyes from the footsteps of my tears. I looked bruised but I felt broken. I felt as if every inch of me was attached to Leo. Now that he has left me, I am gone too.
The sound of the water crashing against the ceramic floor of the tub broke me out of my thoughts. I stepped into the shower and let the hot steamy water slowly consume my mind and body. In that moment, I felt as if the pain was lifted. After washing my hair, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.
Time flew by as I got dressed. The pain that devoured me, seemed to have went down the drain with the water.
I decided to wear my pink and green striped v-neck sweater with the green diamond earrings my father bought me for my last birthday. I usually didn’t wear make-up unless I was on set but the red blotches that decorated my face were not going anywhere soon.
The clock on my side table read 7:58, my father would be here any minute. I sank back into the couch inhaling and exhaling, debating on whether I should produce the stomach virus. Suddenly the phone rang, squashing my plans to back out. I sprang up from my comfortable slouch, glided to the phone that sat on the kitchen counter, and picked it up.
“Hello?” I asked softly.
“Hon? Fran…uh…it turns out that I’m going to be needed…there was some last minute things that needed to be taken care of.” my dad replied softly.
“Uh…fine.” I said, suppressing my relief.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Francesca.” my dad said sighing.
“Ok Dad, bye.” I replied.
I placed the phone back on its charger and stood there, staring off into space. The white of the walls and the tan of the carpet blended together, making my head spin. The pain that was washed down the drain came to get me once more. Before I became deranged, I donned my blue jean jacket and raced out the door. I kept running until I came to the silver elevator doors.
The doors were just about to close, when a hand slid in between them. I quickly slipped in, and pushed the “lobby” button.
“Thanks for holding the door.” I said, without looking up.
“You’re welcome.” a deep silky voice replied.
I listened to the ding of the elevator every time it passed a floor. The soft elevator music droned on and on as the other passenger and I waited for our stop. Finally, the doors opened, and I quickly glided out into the lobby.
It was empty in the lobby, so it was easy for me to walk out into the night without being disturbed. I walked down the sidewalk, keeping my eyes low, hoping to have a peaceful night without the paparazzi bothering me. My father had offered to have a limousine escort me everywhere but I felt that was too ostentatious.
The cool night air caressed my cheek, as I walked down the street. Pieces of the moon shone down on me through the tall buildings. Headlights still flickered on and off, making it impossible to see the stars. I could hear someone walking behind me. They seemed to have been trying to match my careful gait, I innocently turned my head to look back, making sure I wasn’t being followed. No one was behind me. I returned my eyes to the ground and continued down the street.
Cars swooshed by, and horns honked. Yells escaped from windows above the streets and laughs from the night goblins zoomed by. New York came alive at night, ready to unleash the monsters of the moon. The footsteps continued to follow me as I walked down the street. Without looking back, I quickened my pace, the footsteps behind me did too.
Fear grew in my stomach as I turned a corner. Something hard ran into me, knocking me to the ground. I looked up to find the same paparazzo from earlier standing before me. His features were more prominent now that my eyes weren’t blanketed with tears. He had grayish-black hair and large, green, menacing eyes. His skin was covered with age spots and little scars.
“Do you mind watching where ye…wait a minute…you’re that pretty actress, that…um…Fanny…Francis…Francesca Austen!” the guy said, eyes getting big.
“Yeah.” I replied, struggling to stand.
“Oh…I’m sorry about…pushing ya down. Here let me help you up.” the guy said, taking my hand.
With one firm tug, the man had me standing upright. He hovered over me about two feet, and his breath was lined with alcohol.
“Well thanks, bye.” I said nervously, as I tried to walk around the guy.
“Wait a minute sweet pea. I need to get a picture of ya doing something outrageous, ya know gotta pay the bills.” the man said, stepping in my way.
“I’m sure you could find a Paris Hilton or a Britney Spears somewhere.” I said rolling my eyes.
“Nah….I want one of ya good girls. One that never seem to be doing something bad. My boss would pay me double for a picture of you.” the man replied, shaking his head.
The smell of alcohol caressed my nose, as I tried to get away.
“Look you don’t have to do anything too crazy. Maybe you can go piss in that corner or uh…flash somebody. You ever been drunk?” the guy asked, stepping in my way once more.
“I have pepper spray and I know how to use it.” I said firmly, backing away.
The man let out a deep chuckle and slowly advanced forward.
“I’m not gonna hurt you baby. I’m just a nice man from the Bronx, out here tryna make a living. Now all you got to do to help somebody out is give me what I want. Just a picture, an innocent little picture.” the man said.
“You got your picture earlier, now go away!” I said stepping backwards.
Something behind me stopped me from moving any farther. I looked up to find a tall guy, with pale blond hair and honey brown eyes. His eyes met mine for a brief second before he stepped in front of me.
“Sir, I believe this young woman has asked you to go away several times, now please leave her alone.” the mysterious man said firmly.
“Oh you her boyfriend?” the paparazzo asked amused.
Taking this as an opportunity to escape, I turned and veered around the corner, hoping I could get back to my suite before something bad happened to me. Before I could reach the end of the corner, a hand touched my shoulder. My heart skipped a beat as I slowly turned around. It was my mysterious savior.
“Hi.” I said nervously.
“Hello. Looks like that creep won’t be bothering you anymore.” the guy said.
Familiarity washed over me, this was the person who held the elevator door for me. I would know that deep silky voice anywhere.
“You’re the guy who held the elevator open for me.” I said, relief washing over me.
“I’m Anthony.” the guy said, extending his hand forward.
I shook his hand nervously and then took a step back. He put his hands in his pockets, besides the sounds of the night, all I could hear was our inhaling and exhaling.
“So thanks for saving me from that guy, I was hoping I wouldn’t have to hurt him.” I said, chuckling uneasily.
“You must me deadly.” Anthony said softly.
I laughed at his innocent remark and finally looked up to meet his eyes. He was staring at me, his eyes smoldering.
“Well I must get going.” I said politely turning away.
“Wait. I…uh…I’m new in town and I was hoping you’d be game for a little partying. I heard parties here in the states are fantastic.” the guy said hesitantly.
I turned to meet Anthony’s gaze once more, and stood there like an idiot trying to paint a colorful answer. His eyes were pleading, full of hope.
He did save my life and I do need something else to think about.
“Well?” he asked eagerly.
“S…sure.” I stuttered, shaking my head.
“Shall we?” Anthony asked softly.
I put my arm through the loop of Anthony’s arm and we strode together down the street towards the dark of the night. As we walked, I couldn’t help but stare at Anthony. His features were beyond words. His blond hair shimmered in the night sky, falling like rain around his pale skin. He had eyes the color of coffee when you add a lot of cream, specked with gold. He was gorgeous, almost like an angel of the night.
Suddenly Anthony began to peer down at me from the corner of his eyes. He smiled brightly and looked up again.
“You seem to be at ease.” Anthony noted.
“Uh…yeah…I do feel a little…at ease.” I admitted smiling.
“I don’t…scare you?” he asked curiously.
I wanted to answer but Anthony held up a hand and like that the question was excused.
“So where to? I’m sure you know New York well?” Anthony asked.
“No, not really.” I murmured.
“Hmm?” Anthony asked, looking at me again.
“Well I’ve lived here for eight months but my father is very protective so he doesn’t like me sailing dark seas of the night without him there to make sure no one bothers me.” I explained.
A pained expression touched Anthony’s face but then it quickly washed away. I might have been imagining it.
“So where are you from?” I asked looking away.
“I’m from Verona, Italy.” Anthony replied softly.
“You left Italy to come to New York of all places.” I noted.
“No…actually I’m here on business. Some things need to be taken care of.” he said, muttering the last part.
“What?” I asked puzzled.
“Oh…I…so…well anyways, I didn’t get your name.” Anthony said blushing.
“You don’t know me?” I asked, shocked.
Anthony raised one brow at me curiously, and then shook his head. I looked in his eyes and saw that they were lined with truth.
“Francesca. Francesca Austen.” I said relieved.
“Are you some kind of famous person?” Anthony asked curiously.
“Yeah…I’m an actress.” I replied softly.
“Oh, I don’t watch much television, sorry.” Anthony said apologetically.
“Its okay, I’m sorry if I was a little shocked. Its just that it was good to know that I’m anonymous to someone. It makes it easier for my heart not to get broken.” I said, lowering my voice on the last part.
“What was that?” Anthony asked confusedly.
“I think there’s a club around there.” I said pointing forward.
I looked around. I had been so mesmerized by Anthony that I didn’t know how far away I traveled from the hotel. The tall buildings were thinning, letting the moon have its time to shine. It was a full moon, white against the purple sky. Anthony pulled me tightly along, I would have distanced the space between us but he was so warm. The night air blew right through my jacket making me shiver.
“Cold?” Anthony asked apologetically.
“A little.” I replied softly.
Anthony shrugged off his jacket and draped it around my shoulders. It was warm and it smelt good. I looked at Anthony to study what he was wearing. He wore a black shirt, with black dress pants, and black leather Armani shoes. He looked good in black, almost like a gothic prince.
“Thanks.” I said, holding the jacket close.
We bounded around another corner, only to have disappointment wash over our faces. The line was as long as the horizon, which stretched across the entire universe. Anthony looked at me, question in his eyes. I just shook my head and turned to walk away.
“Well what do we do then?” Anthony asked sadly.
“I…I should get home. I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.” I lied, yawning involuntarily.
“Oh,” Anthony said disappointed.
I gazed into Anthony’s honey specked eyes, they were lined with sorrow.
“Well maybe I do need a night out. Follow me, I know where we can get away.” I said with mock enthusiasm.
Anthony’s eyes lit up with excitement, then narrowed in curious slits. He looped his arm through mine, as I led him down the almost dark streets of New York. I pulled Anthony to a stop when we rounded the last corner. He looked around, puzzled, which I knew he would be, and then met my amused brown eyes.
“Is this your get away?” he asked curiously.
I shook my head, took his hand, and pulled him down a dark alley.
“Give me a boost.” I said, once we were under a ladder.
Anthony crouched down low and held his hands out. I tried stifling my giggles when I saw the seriousness in his eyes.
“Anthony I am too heavy, I might break your hands or something.” I said, still giggling.
“No you won’t,” Anthony said truthfully, waiting for me to step on his hand.
I sighed and carefully placed one foot on Anthony’s left hand. With one push I was in the air, the ladder in perfect reach. I grabbed on to the first step, and heaved myself up the ladder.
A sudden gust of wind sent chills through my bones. I tried pulling Anthony’s jacket closer to me, but it wasn’t there. I peered over the edge of the building to find that Anthony wasn’t there. Suddenly there was two arms wrapped around me, and lips at my ear. A scream was about to bubble over in my mouth, until I heard gentle silky laughing.
It was Anthony.
“Did I scare you?” Anthony asked amused.
“No…I was just a little cold.” I lied, breathing heavily.
“You scream when you’re cold,” Anthony noted snickering.
I glared at Anthony and rolled my eyes. When I tried to pull away from his hold on me, he only held me tighter.
“Don’t fight me, I swear I won’t hurt you.” Anthony said softly.
“What do you want?” I asked angrily.
“Nothing much.” he breathed, his nose swept across my jaw.
The smell of his breath caressed my nose, sending my heart into a flutter. A part of me wanted this stranger to let me go, but the other part wanted to just give in. Anthony chuckled against my skin, as I debated whether I should use my self defense knowledge. I felt something at the back of my ear, his lips. He moved them up and down my neck stopping at my collarbone. Then he spun me around and pressed my head against his chest.
“I have everything I want in my arms.” Anthony whispered, kissing my forehead.
“Please let me go.” I moaned softly, it felt good to be close to somebody else.
“I lost you once, I’m not going to lose you again.” Anthony replied.
“What are you talking about?” I asked, gazing into his eyes.
“In time you will remember, my dear. For now, let your pretty horizons fall into your dreams.” Anthony whispered in my ear.
I wanted to ask Anthony some more questions but I let out another involuntary yawn. My eyes began to slowly close, pushing me away from the night. I could feel Anthony gently push my head back, exposing my throat to the moon. Just as my eyes closed, Anthony leaned his head towards my neck…then everything went black.
I woke up in a sea of purple. It was velvet.
Under my head I could feel a cushy pillow.
I looked around to find that I wasn’t at my secret get away any longer.
Suddenly a cool breath caressed my cheek.
I looked up to find the same brown-eyed gothic prince, lying beside me.
His bare chest was pale and firm.
I wanted to touch it but I was afraid it would give him the wrong idea.
“Good morning, love.” Anthony said, softly kissing me on the lips.
“Where am I?” I asked sitting up.
Pain ran through my body as I moved. It felt like I was on fire. Even so my heart was dead cold.
“Why do I feel this way?” I asked.
“Just rest here beside me, love. Soon you’ll know what’s going on.” he said blanketing me in kisses.
I lay there, unable to move. Not wanting to move. There was something about my sexy kidnapper’s kiss that was so alluring. So addictive.
He was my drug, so I stayed still and used him like an addict.
“You are so irresistible.” he whispered in my ear.
“Irresistible?” I asked, a smile in my voice.
“Know that you are my everything, love. Know that you are the key to my heart. I love you.” the guy replied, caressing my face.
“You love me?” I asked grabbing his hand.
“Yes, my dear.” he replied, kissing me on the cheek.
My heart began trying to tear from my being as Anthony continued to kiss me. I was enjoying the feeling of his full lips caressing pieces of exposed skin but then terror began to burn in my soul. I only knew Anthony for a New York minute, and here I was in a strange bed with him. My eyes began to peruse the room, as Anthony brushed up and down my arm.
The walls were white with strange designs dancing on them. A lace veil was draped over the bed, shielding me from the light that shone through the tall window. This room looked like it belonged to a princess, the eyes of a medieval castle.
“Where am I?” I asked.
“Home, my love.” Anthony shouted, tears welling up in his eyes.
“Anthony be serious! Where am I?” I asked inching away.
“Francesca, my silly little flower, I told you you were home.” he replied, laughing softly.
I was dreaming. This was definitely a dream. The terror that burned in my soul was put out by the cool waves of relief. I was dreaming. Yes it was a strange dream, but I was sure I was dreaming. Anthony’s soft voice broke me out of my thoughts.
He said “What are you thinking about?”
“This is the craziest dream, I’ve ever had.” I replied smiling.
“No, my love, you are not dreaming.” Anthony whispered against my cheek.
“Yes I am.” I said to myself.
“You are a very boring dreamer then.” Anthony said smiling.
I let out a sigh of content and closed my eyes. After five seconds I opened my eyes to find Anthony’s eyes laying on mine. They smoldered like an ever burning flame. His smile startled me and his touch continued to make my heart fly.
“Do you want to leave, my dear?” he asked softly.
“I…” I started unsurely.
“Okay, my dear, but you will return to me.” he promised.
Before I could protest, Anthony lifted my left hand and held it to his face. His cheek was as cold as the moon’s breath, even though it sat under his two brown fireplaces. He moved my hand along his face, coming to a stop at his lips. I thought that he would give freedom to my hand, but he only began to imprison it in his kisses. He kissed each of my fingers, while his eyes stayed glued to my face. It was almost if he was trying to paint a picture of me in his mind.
“You will come back to me.” he whispered against my index finger.
With a movement as fast as lightning, Anthony placed something on my ring finger, a ring. The band was a sterling silver, and it was graced with blue sapphires. It reminded me of the ocean under the moon, in Florida. As I stared down at the ring, taking in its beauty, I didn’t notice Anthony hovering over me. He peered into my eyes, as he caressed my hair. I stared back, prisoner to his gaze.
“I love you so much. I refuse to lose you again. Find a way back to me. Do not forget me. We will meet again…” he started, leaning in towards my face.
My lips tried to form a question but all they produced were racy sighs. As he began to cup my face in his hands, my heart began to jump once more. He chuckled as he kissed my forehead, his breath tickling my skin.
“Sleep, my darling. We will meet again…” he breathed, as he graced my face with his deep kisses.
As I peered into Anthony’s eyes, darkness surrounded me, pulling me into its bed. I tried fighting the coming sleep, but I only was held down, as the black blanket covered me. Before I was fully consumed by the darkness, I felt Anthony’s cool lips press against mine.
“In the Land of Harmony.” he breathed.
Then I was fast asleep.

Chapter 3
Leo: Betrayal

The midnight star reached out its white hand and pulled me out of the dark dream that held my soul. It was dark in my room. Only the red numbers on my alarm clock stood out against the shadows.
I could hear the soft whistle of the trees, and the roar of the sky beyond the purple clouds. Tonight’s sullen song was a reminder of my sorrow.
Through the darkness, a solitary ray of light flew into my room and landed on my right hand. Against the silver finger of the moon, the red rubies that lay crested in its sterling band, glittered, reminding me of what I was.
“I did the right thing,” I whispered slowly.
My silent reassurances weren’t enough to atone for the pain I had caused the one person I said I’d die for. The pain that filled her voice still rang in my ears, droning on and on. Her eyes, which were blanketed with sorrow, haunted me every time I closed mine. When I hurt her, I ended up hurting myself as well.
Pain escaped from my mouth, signaling what was soon to come. All the while, the moon looked at me knowingly, guiding me through the curse that was beginning to take my soul. Claws shot out of my hands and feet, assuring me that what I did was right.
If Francesca knew what perils waited for her in the darkness, I’m not sure she’d ever love me again. Besides, there is no way anyone could love the monster that I have become.
As the moon came down to Earth, my fur shimmered in its beautiful ivory shadow. With one wave of her wrist, the queen of the night opened the door that would lead me back home. The portal climbed into my room, and stuck to the wall parallel to my bed. I closed my eyes, leapt into the portal, with one huge jump, leaving everything I knew behind.
When I opened my eyes minutes later, I was surrounded by tall, dark trees that shimmered under the moon’s eyes. Stars danced in the canopies, listening to the howls of the servants of the night. Soon my senses governed my mind, exposing me for what I really was, a patron of the night, a werewolf.
The wind combed my fur, as I ran through the kingdom. Adrenaline rushed through my veins, reminding me of the days I used to run through the night with my father. We owned the night back then, now the moon and the stars were just ruins of the kingdom that used to be.
I could hear my brothers climbing through the tall forest castles, alongside me. Their fur glowed under the caress of the eery white light. The clearing of the trees signaled that I officially made it back home. In the shadows, waited my family, the one I was about to betray.
They took their human forms and came to greet me with friendly bows and kisses. My sister, Asiah, wrapped her long arms around me, her long, raven black hair, flowing in the wind.
“I missed you so much, now you can stay with us forever,” she whispered against my cheek.
Pain surged through me. A part of me wanted to run with my family for eternity, but if I told them how I felt, then they’d never forgive me. The war was soon to come, and if I didn’t fulfill my part, they’d all die for sure.
A silent tear ran down my cheek, falling from the skies of my face to the silvery snow below my feet. To hide my pain, I concocted a smile that would make my acting coach, Mr. Blake, proud.
Asiah released her hold on me, then she took a step back, a smile wide across her face.
It was amazing how much we looked alike. We had the same black hair, but hers was long and graceful. The silver tint of her eyes, were beautiful, they put my light green ones to shame. But even something so beautiful can turn out to have an ugly past.
I shrank back, as I remembered how my sister became blind.
As always, it was my fault. If I had followed through on my father’s orders, maybe the sea nymph wouldn’t have captured my sister. For two whole years, Asiah lay buried in the deep dark depths of the sea. Prisoner to the sea creatures that wanted our kind dead.
A warm, strong, hand rested on my left shoulder, breaking me out of my painful flashback. It was Cassius, my older brother, my best friend. His dark, firm eyes, bore right through me, sending a chill down my spine. Like Asiah, he hugged me, and took a step back. The look in Cassius’s eyes told me that he knew what I was about to do.
The night air sung the sweet melody that I loved as a child, introducing the approach of my father. He, because he is king, remained in wolf form. His gait was strong, and his appearance was majestic.
Nobody in the pack had his rich ebony fur or his calm blue eyes. Even though I’ve seen my father in this form millions of times, I always managed to be awed. He indeed was the most extraordinary creature I’ve ever seen.
When he was in touching distance, my father rose on his hind legs, the position making
him eye to eye with me. I bowed to show my respect and then placed my hand on my father’s shoulder. He shrank back before I could touch him which swept my mind with confusion. Before I could ask what the problem was, he in return, bowed down to me. Something that he has never done before.
I looked around, question in my eyes, to find that everyone else was bowing down before me as well. Again, that uneasy feeling took over me. I knew I didn’t deserve this welcome. I was a traitor, a disgrace to the night.
Right in the presence of my eyes, the king changed back into a human. As he rose, my family, my brothers, stood up as well.
“Welcome home, my son,” my father said, his voice danced in the wind.
“Father,” I replied, as if it were the last time I’d say his title.
The purple blanket that loomed over us was filled with stars. As I looked up at them, the strength to tell my family what I was going to do, flourished. If I lost my family, the goddess in the sky would take me in as one of her children. She was mother to all my kind, her promises were forever.
“Today, my fellow werewolves, your king has returned. He bears with him, a gift that will set the darkness free forever,” my father explained, joyously.
“All hail King Leo!” Asiah yelled, turning to face the crowd.
Chants of my name, gifted with praise, filled the cold night air, making my cheeks flush red. This was going to be harder than I thought. My father placed his hand on my back, and led me into the night, our people following close behind. Someone’s hand slipped into mine. I looked down to find that it was Asiah, her silver eyes stirred with joy, in the moonlight.
Even though pride and joy radiated off of all of my brothers and family members, one pair of eyes continued to bore right through me. Fire engulfed my skin where the pair of eyes touched it. I knew those eyes belonged to Cassius.
Ever since we were little, we held a certain bond that was both a gift and a curse. For one, we proved to be stronger with the gift the goddess Selene decided to give us. She gave us the power of unity, meaning my thoughts and feelings were Cassius’s as well as his mine. With this power, when we were alone in a battle, our aid could be given when it was needed.
I’ve lived a long time, and I soon came to know that every gift contains a curse. Cassius knew my every feeling towards Francesca and he heard every promise in my head that I intended to break. If he told my father my plans before I got the chance, I would never be able to show my face here for sure.
Asiah squeezed my hand, probably sensing the tension, and rested her head on my shoulder. Soon, we were farther into the night, approaching what looked like fiery flames licking the purple air.
It was beautiful. The scene of fellow wolves dancing in the shadows, rainbows of fur blowing against the wind, was amazing. A tear of joy welled up in my left eye, almost ready to fall, until Asiah pulled me to the party, sniffing the air for guidance.
Drums blended with the playing of the violin. The tree nymphs contributed to the night harmony, making everyone dance as if their was all the time left in the world.
Soon the midnight sun drifted away, slowly, leaving me to face my father, alone. I quietly begged her to stay but she only swayed in the dark blue sea, falling into her dark fortress behind the mountains.
Hours passed, soon midnight would turn into dawn. The majesticness of the night would be lost to the cadences of the sun.
“Son, soon darkness will be forever. No ray of sun will ever kill our dynasty again. We owe it all to you,” my father praised, bowing once more.
“Father…,” I started, guilt filling my soul.
“He didn’t kill her!” Cassius bellowed angrily.
The music stopped. Suddenly, everybody’s eyes were on me.
“Is this true, Leo? If it is, please tell me you’re planning to carry on with your task,” my father asked, pain in his eyes.
There was not one pair of eyes that weren’t settled on me. All were intense, waiting for an answer that would prove that I am worthy to be king. But I cannot lie, Cassius would always know the truth.
“It is true, father, and I plan not to carry on my task,” I replied, tears filling my eyes.
“Why?” he whispered.
I knew the answer to that question all too well. It was love that bound me to Francesca and I, no one, not even a family member could break it apart with death. This would sound silly to my father, especially since Cassius couldn’t contain his deep laughter.
Before, I was among family and friends, people who were ready to make me their king. Now, I stood among angry monsters, monsters who were ready to exile me back to Earth, forever.
The final pieces of darkness stretched into pink terraces of dawn. I hadn’t a lot of time to confess the meaning of my disobedience. My heart was filled with sorrow, but I knew something would come out, even if it wasn’t from me directly.
“I fell in love with Aurora, father. She is not what you think she is, and she knows nothing of her past. Her Guardian is gone so…,” I started, trying to justify my actions.
“Leo, I know that you have lived among these humans for some time now, but I am your father. You do not betray your flesh and blood over some girl. She could be tricking you or maybe the Guardian has his own mind games. We were ordered to kill her, and if we don’t comply its our lives on the line. Aurora is the last human in Harmony. She has the power to destroy all the darkness, our kingdom, if someone gives her a chance to. Leo, she has to die,” my father interrupted.
I could see the anger and the pain in my father’s eyes as he spoke. Yes, he was my father, but I was raised by humans. People who tainted my evil heart with love and compassion. No, I didn’t want to see my sweet kingdom of darkness be lost to the light but if it meant saving Francesca I would give every acre of this land away to save her.
If living on Earth has taught me one thing, its that love binds any two souls together no matter how different they may be. This bond cannot be broken by saws of death or swords of hatred. Even as the key of goodbye unlocks the bind, an invisible link will remain, holding on to whatever love it has left.
“No one is going to hurt her,” I said firmly.
My father shook his head in understanding and stepped back. His eyes became fierce,
rays of darkness and growls escaped from everyone’s mouths.
“You leave me no choice,” my father said, turning to Cassius.
I turned to look at Cassius as well, his thoughts burned in my head. He was happy that father was finally looking to him for help. Soon, he would be king, well that’s what he thought. The evil laughs that filled his head was proof that with his reign he’d only bring darkness, putting us all in an eclipse.
“Cassius, when the next night rolls around, enter the land of the humans and find Aurora. Kill her, and I will make you king,” my father offered sighing.
Anger washed over me, as Cassius shook his head in satisfaction. His thoughts began to poison my mind as tears fell from my eyes. I thought I could trust Cassius, but I guess he only wanted to be king. He never cared about anything that mattered to me, because it never mattered to him.
“No! Father, please…,” I protested, ready to suggest another alternative.
“You are no longer my son, so you will now address me as sire. It is up to Cassius, the new king, to decide your fate,” my father interrupted.
I looked into Cassius’s eyes and peered into his soul. He was under a deep dark spell that couldn’t be broken by any kiss or warm embrace. With every word he spat at me, I felt the venom in my veins. This was not my brother, this was somebody else. I did not know him.
“Exile him to the land of the humans, forever. Ring?” Cassius asked sourly.
I pulled the ring that reminded every midnight of what I was off and thrust it at Cassius. As the sun rose over the forest, it’s red rubies died in the sunlight. With the ring off of me, I felt as if a whole piece of me was torn off.
The portal that I entered through, appeared at the edge of the forest. It was far away, now that I couldn’t run on all four legs, anymore. Growls from my former family and brothers filled the air. I turned to face them, all of them were in wolf form. Among them, Asiah stood, sorrow in her blind eyes. I knew she couldn’t see my betrayal, but I know she felt it.
Without wasting another minute, I took off running, using all my human might to carry me through the air. Behind me, I could hear thunder. I didn’t have to turn around to know that it was my enemies, ready to kill me if I didn’t make it to the portal.
Suddenly, I was flying, my face making contact with the cold earth. The growls approached, stinging my ears. Before they could pounce, a gray fluffy blanket covered me. It was Asiah, I’d know those eyes anywhere. She looked at me, goodbye lining her soft purr. I kissed her on the top of her head, quickly stood, then raced for the portal.
When I was back in my room, Harmony disappeared forever, I’d never see it again.
Strangely my curtains were drawn, containing the darkness that I now dreaded. I didn’t remember closing them before I left, but what did it matter now? I lost everything that I ever loved.
Cassius’s evil laugh filled my mind, as I sat on the edge of my bed. I need to get my ring back, somehow, so that I can get back into Harmony and stop Cassius from pushing my kingdom into the darkness. Evil is the not the moonlit path in our world paved with darkness any longer.
A harsh sigh ran through the room, sending chills through my veins. Suddenly, a cold hand was at my neck and cool lips were at my ear. I looked up to find two large brown eyes glaring at me. Ribbons of light angelic blond hair caressed my cheek, as the nails of my attacker dug deep into my skin. With all the inhuman strength I had left, I tried to push this stranger off of me, but he only began to crush my neck even more.
This man was no human, I realized that as his sharp teeth dropped out of their home in his mouth. He lowered his head to my ear once more, and whispered,
“The Guardian has returned,”
Then there was a painful darkness.

Through the darkness I could see my attacker’s pale skin, but his eyes remained veiled from my soul. He was the Guardian, the man that I thought was long gone.
My blood hissed as the vampire whispered words of a different language in my ear. I tried not to listen but his voice soon became me.
“What do you want?” I asked venomously.
He chuckled in the darkness, and soon took his hand from around my throat. Slowly, I began to sit up, not knowing what the vampire planned to do next.
“I want you dead,” he replied angrily, somewhere in the darkness.
For a second, my heart was dipped in fear, but it was soon washed away as the curtains opened to reveal the sun. I stared at the morning star, eager for its love and affection. I have lived in the darkness for too long, it was now time for me to see the light.
“You’ve hurt Francesca,” he continued, searching my eyes for fear.
When he didn’t get what he wanted, he sank back in a disappointed crouch. I watched him jump from corner to corner, face full of determination.
“It was for her own good,” I thought aloud.
The vampire stopped, frozen like a glacier. His pale skin turned white, shining like the moon in the dim room. Now, he was just inches away from my face, eyes lined with anger. In a calm, firm whisper, he began to speak.
“All through the day you’ve haunted her joy, and tainted her thoughts. She was dying emotionally, and there was nothing you could do about it? To justify what you did, you say it was for her own good. No one deserves to have their heart broken, not even monsters like you,”
“What do you care? You are just her Guardian and nothing else. One day you’ll have to leave her, especially since your conversion,” I snapped.
So fast, that I didn’t see it coming, the Guardian had his hand around my neck again. With one twist, he could kill me instantly, my life was in his hands.
“For eighteen years, I had to live in darkness just to keep her safe. War is on the horizon in Harmony, and I don’t want to lose her. Now you, as careless as you are, came into her life with intentions to kill her. I care about her because she is mine. We were lovers before your time. Nothing can tear us apart, do you understand me?” the Guardian hissed.
I tried nodding my head around the vampire’s grasp but I only managed to move my head an inch. He took that as a yes, I guess, and let me go. Fear lined my eyes and reigned over my soul. This was a vampire who was in love, and I couldn’t tear him away from Francesca even if I wanted her for myself. If I loved her, I would have to let him do all that he could to save her.
“By the moon’s next light he will come for her,” I whispered hoarsely, fear and anger burning in my throat.
The last thing I saw was the fire in the Guardian’s eyes, and then he jumped out of my window, into the morning.
Last edited by Angel of Death on Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:29 pm, edited 15 times in total.

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713 Reviews

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Points: 7740
Reviews: 713
Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:59 am
BigBadBear says...

Uh...what is this? This is just a title. Aren't you going to post the chapter, or story?

Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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602 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1609
Reviews: 602
Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:22 am
Wolf says...

Short, but very nice! Lovely descriptions!
Summer wrote:In the Land of Harmony
By Summer

Chapter 1
A Drop of Sun

Across the room he sits, like a drop of golden sun. His eyes like oceans, and his skin so soft and caramel. When he looks my way, I quickly turn my eyes away. My skin getting hot when I feel his eyes on my skin. Even though I'm not looking at him his stare makes my skin crawl.
" Is it safe to look back?" I ask myself, slowly turning around(Comment 1)
As I turn around to face the front of the room, I met his eyes. Never had I seen his eyes look at me, unless they were looking past me. Now that I was experiencing the effect his eyes had on girls I wanted to run away, but like a deer caught in the headlights, I was glued.
He smiled showing off his perfect white smile. (Comment 2)

Comment 1: I think you should put the girl's thoughts in italics instead of using quotatioin marks.
Comment 2: This sentence is a bit confusing...I would suggest changing it to something like this:
He smiled, displaying his perfect white teeth.
Or something along those lines anyways :wink:

This is really short, but I like it. You used nice imagery/description and I could easily imagine what was happening.
I can't really give you a decent review because what you wrote is so short, but if you're going to add more, PM me if you'd like me to read & critique.
Keep writing,
:D :D :D
everything i loved
became everything i lost.

Would you like a review?

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713 Reviews

Gender: Male
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Reviews: 713
Tue Nov 20, 2007 5:07 am
BigBadBear says...

Ha! I loved it! Although, try not to copy the name Bella, because then people will think about Twilight, and then like yeah...unless you haven't read the book. But Just don't copy Twilight because too many people have and it gets annoying.

Alright, this is better than just a title!

Ok, I really liked the girl's emotions. It was displayed really clearly, and it was good.

Oh yeah, and don't do this:

" Hey! What's up?"

Do this:

"Hey! What's up?" you see the difference? Don't put a space after the " marks.

Alright. There wasn't anything other than that.

This could be a really good book! Keep writing and I'll keep reading!

Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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602 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1609
Reviews: 602
Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:17 am
Wolf says...

Alright, now that you've posted more, I can review the rest! :D My comments are in bold.

Summer wrote:In the Land of Harmony
By Summer

Chapter 1
A Drop of Sun

It was like looking into the sun, but yet you didn't need any sunglasses to look at him because he was so mesmerizing. Suddenly he got up and walked towards me. He sat down in the seat that was so close to me that you'd think we shared arms. I shuddered at the touch of his skin on mine. It was unusual to be this close to a boy.
"Hi it's.....Kristi, right?" he asked smoothly.
"Actually it's Christina." I replied softly.
"Right, well anyways, I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me?" he asked, smiling his debonair smile
I stared at Westley in awe, wanting to pinch myself thinking this wasn't just happening. Westley was the cutest guy in the whole school, and I was what you called average. My dark, soft hazel-eyes were dull compared to his live-wire greens. Boy, was I the luckiest girl in the world.
"Well I'd love too but......." I started, really not believing this,
"Come on, it'll just be a movie." Westley cut in firmly
Before I could answer, the bell to go home rang. Reluctantly, I picked up my books and got up. As I turned to leave a hand lightly touched my shoulders.
I looked up to find the cool eyes of my crush crashing down on me like tiny waves. Westley's eyes were so calming that his firm voice couldn't even spoil the moment.
"Stay." he said, in almost a whisper, in my ear

You should add a period at the end of the sentence :wink: Also, I think it should go something like this:
"Stay." his voice, right in my ear, was almost a whisper.

His words were like rose petals gently caressing my ears. Like a dog I obeyed his command and sat back down in the chair. Westley turned my head slowly towards him, and again I was forced to swim in his eyes. It was when he began to talk that I knew I was drowning.
" Stay with me, please." he said softly
" Westley...I don't know if this will work out..." I started slowly
Before I could finish my sentence, Westley leaned in for a kiss......
"Cut!!!" yelled, Bob, the director .
"What's wrong this scene, it was close to perfect?" I asked angrily
"You're too slow, like a teenage girl, who really got a crush on this guy." Bob replied sighing.
"Well he is my boyfriend." I said, laughing.
"Let's take a break, get into the character. Remember you're a spy and this guy is your assignment....so treat him like it." Bob said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.
As Bob continued his rants at the extras, I sat down in my chair and looked out onto the set. I closed my eyes, trying to think of the last time I saw home. Everyday I wake up only to see the white washed walls, and the expensive, luxurious, furniture of my suite in Manhattan. Instead of the worn-out sheets, and the light blue walls of my room in " Sunny Florida." Now that I finally decided to go back to work, life hasn't been all sunshine and blue skies. Make-up is always caked up on my face, and under the heat of the headlights it feels disgusting. And even though my boyfriend and I are working on this movie together, we don't see each other unless it's on set. What makes things worse is we can't or really shouldn't be talking to each other because of who our parents are. As I look over at Leo, a tiny feeling grew in the pit of my stomach. I wondered if he ever thought of me the way I did, or was the separation tearing us farther apart?

Wow, you have talent. That was quite good!
The descriptions were excellent and I was really pulled into the story!
Just one thing that bothered me--don't forget to put periods at the end of your sentences! :wink: (I've added them in bold though.)
Keep writing, I love this!
everything i loved
became everything i lost.

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48 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 48
Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:50 pm
abbisnail says...

i really really liked how you trick the reader into thinking it's just a girl with a crush on a guy and it turns out they are in a play together. very nice transition. i also enjoyed how the story line wasn't wicked corny like some romance stuff i've read. nice job with that too. the only problem i had was the bit at the end where the girl says that her dad buys her anything a girl could ever want or something like that and i would definitely change that. it's just not natural. otherwise i loved it!!!
cross the wall? nobody crosses the wall!

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602 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1609
Reviews: 602
Wed Nov 21, 2007 10:59 pm
Wolf says...

Yay! I'm going to continue reviewing this, and as usual, my comments are in bold. :)

Summer wrote:On set everything about him seem forced, and uninterested as if he had something better to do. Now that I could finally sit here and think about it, Leo has changed. The way he walked, the way he talked around me, the cologne he wore, and the way he combed his hair. Yet I still loved him.
As if he could hear my thoughts, Leo began to make his way slowly towards me. His long black locks, bouncing dramatically, like he was in a movie with special effects.

I think you should re-word this a bit. It isn't quite grammatically correct, so I change it to: 'His long black locks were bouncing dramatically, as if he were in a movie with special effects.'

A golden light illuminated him like he were rays from the sun. I thought that once he got towards me he'd embrace me in a passionate way and never let me go.

I think you could enhance this sentence by saying this instead: 'I wished that once he got to me he'd embrace me passionately and never let me go.'

But when he was in hearing distance, that's when my fantasy became reality.

That sentence is quite confusing--generally when people say 'My fantasy becomes my reality', what they wanted to happen actually does. So, when I was reading this, I got the feeling that he was going to embrace her. I would suggest changing it to something like: 'But when he was within hearing distance, my fantasy came crashing down around me.'

"You're father is here." Leo said abruptly.
"What! How'd he......." I started angrily.
"You gave him a set pass didn't you?" Leo asked, eyes getting big.
"Well he was freaking about how he doesn't get to see me and all. Besides, for the guy who buys me everything a girl could ever want I'll give him anything." I replied chuckling

I noticed several things wrong with that sentence. Numero uno, I was kind of turned off when she mentioned that her dad bought her everything she wanted. Secondly, you should add a coma after 'want' to enhance the flow of the sentence. Thirdly, put a period at the end of the phrase.

"Come on, Fran, you know he doesn't like me. He's convinced that I'm a bad boy, and you're too good for me." Leo said, sighing.
"I am. Without me you'd be sick." I whispered.
"Seriously Francesca, you know that our parents are eternal rivals, and that they don't want their kids talking to each other." Leo said backing away

You should put a period at the end of this sentence, and there should be a comma after 'said'.

"Leo when are you going to stop caring about what others think? I mean our parents can't do anyth..." I started sadly
" Your father controls you! If he says jump, you always say how high. Francesca, I don't know what to think of you anymore. It's like you're different and more care-free then you used to be five months ago. Please see my life through your eyes." Leo cut in, cupping my face.

For the first word I underlined, it should be 'than' instead. For the second sentence, it's confusing. I don't recall you saying that Leo got that close to her...Also, this is confusing too--she's already seeing his life through her eyes!

As I look into Leo's eyes, I see sorrow more than I see anger. I don't understand what I can be doing wrong. Five months ago this relationship seamed so right but now I don't know.

'seamed' should be 'seemed'. :wink:

" Remember when you use to hold me like everything was going to be okay?"

I really like this!
I generally dislike romantic fiction, but this is an exception. The descriptions you used really pulled me into the story. The only thing is that I really suggest putting periods at the ends of your sentences. Other than what I pointed out above, this is great.
Keep writing,
P•S•- Please don't take my comments too harshly!
everything i loved
became everything i lost.

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