
Young Writers Society

Kiss the Damsel Chapter 13

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Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:24 am
Certainly Love says...

Chapter 13

Looking up at the house Marcus lived in, Jane sighed. She had no idea what she was doing. She hadn’t expected herself to visit him alone, but the thought of it thrilled her. So Jane left, telling her mother that she was going for a quick stroll. Jane wished she knew what she was going to say. He had said that he loved her and Jane felt so foolish.

It wasn’t until the butler opened the door when she regretted her decision. Jane felt herself grow nervous. She hadn’t expected any of that either. What was she thinking?

Jane waited for the butler to instruct her. “My lady, Lord Mayfair will see you in his office.”

Jane felt her heart take a giant leap. If it wasn’t her heart that was doing the pounding, she didn’t know what. As soon as the door was opened to his office, she stepped in to see him facing the window with his arms crossed. The door closed, which made Jane jump a little.

“Marcus?” Jane said hesitantly, “I know I may have said some really cruel things last night, but I assure you that it was only because you made such a spectacle of us.”

He was silent for a minute, “What is your purpose here?”

Jane felt her stomach tighten, “I came to accept your marriage proposal.”

Marcus suddenly turned around, menacing---not kind---eyes was set on her. He was glowering at her as if she had said something wrong. Indeed, he was still hung over from last evening. He didn’t look at all well. In fact he looked as if he was a walking corpse. Just seeing his pale skin and his baggy eyes was enough to send people speaking of illness. Even so, he looked extremely wickedly handsome.

“Accept my marriage proposal?” He grounded out.

Jane felt so small. He was intimidating her. Without warning, Marcus stepped toward her and looked down on her as if she were a mere child being scolded for doing bad deeds. Indeed, Jane shouldn’t have come to him.

“You…” He breathed, “Are going to be my wife, accepted or not.”

Jane was struck with surprise and anger at the same time. Jane stepped back. He stepped forward. It had continued until Jane was already up against the door, her heart racing and doing all kinds of things to her nerves.

“Marcus, please.” Jane said. She was frightened beyond anything. But why?

“Please what?” Marcus asked in a low intimate tone. He was already so close that Jane could feel his breath upon her skin.

“You can not force me to marry you.” She frowned.

“Changing your mind already?” Marcus said with his brows raised, “Just like you, you never know what you want.”

“What are you talking about? I do know what I want.” She lifted her chin up in defense, “In fact, the reason I say you can’t force me to marry you is because you have too much pride. Why can’t you just accept the fact that I’m saying yes to your offer, instead of marrying you out of obligation?”

“Because that is why I think you are accepting my marriage proposal.” He said bluntly. He stared at her and Jane wanted to kick herself.

“Oh.” She said, “Well, I am not accepting because of obligation and the fact that we were found dallying in the hall.” Jane wanted to yell.

Marcus smiled and laughed, “You continue to amuse me.”

“And you continue to infuriate me with your idiotic pride.” Jane frowned.

“Well, then tell me…Jane. Why are you accepting my proposal?” He took one step back, crossed his arms and stared at her. That gave her a good amount of room to breathe and collect herself. Being near Marcus was a very tiring task. It was exhausting.

Jane decided to pace and Marcus leaned against his desk altogether amused and ready to take her in his arms. “I am accepting…because…because…” She breathed in. Why? Why was she accepting? Marcus waited patiently, his brows raised. “Because I…”


“I…” Jane breathed in again, “I would like it if you kindly keep quiet and stop staring expectedly at me as if I’m going to express my undying love.”

At that, Marcus slid his arms around her and she tensed. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think---couldn’t anything! She was helpless and over-powered by his being. Marcus sighed.

“I am as always…amused, because that is exactly what should have been done earlier. You should be expressing how much you want to be in my arms and how much you love me. I’ve humiliated myself beyond all hope…shouldn’t you do the same?” Marcus waited for her to reply.

But instead, the door swung open knocking Jane to the ground. Marcus held Jane up and they were face to face with George Masterson. He let out a “Good Lord” and stared at them as if they had been found in a very compromising position.

“Well, well…all alone?” George was smiling.

“Oh, shut it George. There’s too much scandal going on and I would hate to have to throttle you until you gain enough sense not to go about announcing a shot-gun wedding.”

George closed the door, “I will do no such thing. I just came by to tell you that all of society is expecting a wedding and now.”

“What?” Jane was shocked that she nearly hit Marcus in the face.



“I’m afraid Trevor was not the only person who saw you in the hall.” George continued, “Apparently, Eliza Henry witnessed the whole thing and has gone off telling everyone, including Jane’s brother.”

“Philip? You can’t be serious.” Jane replied.

Marcus crossed his arms. “What are you trying to tell us?”

George looked worried, “Once you walk out that door, you won’t be able to escape.”

“What do you mean?” Jane asked with wide eyes.

“Half of society is outside and we’ve a mad brother on our hands that is ready to blow someone’s head off.”

“Are you telling me---?”

Suddenly, Jane heard voices and a pounding at the entrance door. The butler entered, “My lord, there are a crowd of people outside and an angry man at the door. I didn’t want to open it for fear a stampede would march all over me and through the house.”

“Good.” Marcus looked at George, “How did you get in here?”

George shrugged, “I convinced them that I would speak to you.”

“This is outrageous.” Jane said as she began to open the door. Marcus shut the door on her and George stepped away from him. He knew better than to get in his way.

“What are you doing?” Jane said as Marcus raised a hand.

“We are not going out there.”


“Do you want them to force upon us a shot gun wedding?”

The look upon her face was enough to see that she didn’t want that at all. Jane had no idea how she was going to deal with the matter at hand, but Marcus seemed to have a plan because he shrugged off his coat.

“What are you going to do? Fight them off?” George said sarcastically.

Marcus’ expression was serious and George stood silent.

“We’re going out the window. I have a carriage out back. I placed it there for reasons like this. I am not about to be labeled as the man that had to go through a shot gun wedding before the whole world.”

“And I’m not about to suffer the humiliation that I have already endured.” Jane replied.

“Right…Where are you going?” George asked.

“Why? So we can make the mistake of giving you important information that you can issue out for money and then have Philip hunt me down like a mad man and shoot me?”

“Alright. Just be careful.” George then opened the door and made his way out.

“We’re leaving.” Marcus said as he made his way toward the window. Jane followed him. She looked out the window and saw that there was a tree. They were not at all far from the ground. The carriage was at the ready and Jane knew she was crazy to go alone with Marcus anywhere.

Marcus noticed her hesitation, “If you are thinking I am still a murderer, I’m not. I can assure you.” He smiled cunningly.

“Oh, don’t be ridiculous.” Jane said as Marcus jumped out the window. Marcus then helped her down and they hurried to the window. Jane and Marcus hurried to the carriage and suddenly, they heard cries of “Stop!” and all that bloody nonsense. That only made Marcus spur the horses on. Philip was running after them and yelling. There were more than twenty people chasing after them as well and Marcus was mumbling, “This is ridiculous.”

Jane, on the other hand, was feeling a bit tired of running from something she was going to end up doing anyway, which was marrying Marcus Daniel. Jane suddenly grabbed the reins from Marcus and the horses stopped so abruptly that Marcus went flying from the carriage and straight into the mud.

Philip, who was in a rage, walked right up to Marcus, facing a pistol right in front of him. Marcus was in a surrendering position, raising his hands in the air. “I apologize. I’ll marry her!” Marcus said out loud.

“The hell you are! You dishonored my sister…you forced her to oblige you, didn’t you?” Philip said angrily.


“Philip! Stop this nonsense at once!” Jane intervened, “You’re being highly irrational.”

Philip looked at her and put down the gun, “You like this man, Jane? Do you want to marry him or is he not the one you love?”

Jane was hesitant, “I--I like him.”

“What?!” Marcus said offended by what she had said. She could at least tell the truth damn it all.

“Alright, I love him!” Jane shouted.

“You what?” Philip said as he laughed.

“I--I love…him.”

Marcus nodded and stood from the ground proudly, “Indeed…She loves me. Thank God. Now can we all just---”

“Do you love my sister?” Philip said so suddenly that Marcus almost stood still.

Marcus had his mouth open and he hesitated more than he should have, “I…”

“Do you or do you not?!” He snatched.

“Alright! I love…her.” He said a little to softly.

“I can’t hear you!” Philip said.

“I love her!” Marcus shouted, “I love her so damn much and I’d marry her if she wasn’t so bloody stubborn! For heavens sake, you might as well shoot me. I’m already killing myself trying to get her to marry me.” He admitted.

Jane frowned, “Well if you weren’t so overbearing, I might have considered you. From the moment we met, you were a…a…nuisance!”

“Nuisance? So have you!” Marcus argued, “I’m not the one who runs away when there’s a problem!”

Jane angrily smacked him, “How dare you!”

“Alright, enough!” Philip shouted, “Clearly you two deserve each other. Now, would you both please get it together before I announce a shot-gun wedding?”

“Would you stop with this shot-gun wedding notion?” Jane frowned, “I hate that you have to make such a big fuss about this.”

Philip and Marcus stared at her and when no one cared to speak, Jane smoothed her skirts and walked away. Marcus watched her and smiled to himself, “That woman is impossible.”

Philip shook his head, “You think? I tried to get her to marry so many times; I didn’t think she’d ever marry.”

“Well, she loves me. She might as well marry me.” Marcus smiled widely, “After all, I always get what I want in the end.”

“And she’s everything you want?” Philip asked.

“Oh, she’s everything and more.” Marcus started to follow after Jane.

“You may find that she is.” Philip warned, “Believe me, there’s more problems heading your way than you could think possible. Good luck.”

Marcus turned around and smiled, “At least she’s mine…”

* * *

Marcus couldn’t very well concentrate at all with the thought of being married to Jane. He was distracted beyond comprehension. He was never one to be nervous, but he darn well couldn’t help but feel his nerves turning on him. He was nervous as hell. After yesterday’s incident, he found that he rather liked the fact that Jane was impossible, or else she wouldn’t be Jane.

Jane, he thought, sweet and beautiful stubborn Jane.

Marcus smiled to himself and ran his hands through his hair. He couldn’t concentrate at all. He had to do something. Marcus stood from his chair and grabbed his coat. Just as his brother walked in, he graced right past him.

“Where are you going?” Trevor asked.

“I’m going out for a long walk.”

“Oh, how wonderful, the groom is getting nervous.” Trevor mocked. Marcus shook his head and slammed the door.

The night was cool and breezy and it was a good thing he took his coat. Usually he didn’t care to wear one. Just then a little flicker of light had caught his attention in the distance. Marcus squinted, trying to make out the figure nearing the trees. Marcus followed the stranger’s destination and it seemed that the man was heading toward the lake. What a lovely place.

Marcus observed him and saw him taking off his hood----It wasn’t a he, it was a she---It was Jane! Marcus was angry now. He was blinded by fury that he made his way toward her as quickly as he could.

“Jane! What on earth are you doing here?!” He demanded.

Jane gasped and turned to him, “Marcus! I was just…”

“You shouldn’t be alone out here. It’s dangerous. Anyone could just take you away---”


“What are you----swimming? Is that it----You could drown----?”

“Marcus!” Jane yelled.

“What?!” He snapped.

“Would you just sit down and calm yourself?” Jane frowned.

Marcus breathed in and out and sat down. Never had he been so riled up, but it was to be expected. After all, Jane was going to be his wife.

“Alright…Kindly explain yourself.” Marcus said calmly.

“I just came out here for some fresh evening air. Being that we are getting married soon, I feel I should at least get some time with myself, but considering that you came unannounced…I might consider spending my alone time with you. If you would stop yelling at me.” She said as she looked up at the moon. It reflected upon the water and that was made the environment a bit more illuminating.

Marcus saw the moon light encircle her face. It brought out the shape of her face and the color of her eyes. She was beautiful under such light and he basked in the moment to see this glorious sight. It was becoming of her.

“You’re absolutely stunning tonight.” Marcus said instead.

“Why thank you.” Jane replied coolly. Jane sighed and a little mist formed in the air. It was dreadfully cold.

“It’s really cold out. You might get a chill.” Marcus suddenly wrapped his arms about her, “I don’t want to have to postpone the wedding, you know.”

Jane laughed and rested her head upon his chest. They sighed in unison, “I think I might enjoy being your wife.”

Marcus laughed, “Oh, you’re not only going to enjoy it, you’re going to love it.”

“Really now?”

“Jane…” He whispered. The trees began to rustle and the wind began to sigh.


“I---I love you.” Marcus finally said and he meant it.

Jane looked up at him and smiled, “That’s funny, because I love you too.”

“I know. You nearly shouted it out to the whole world like a mad woman.”

They laughed, “Well, my brother really knows how to get me started, the old bloat.”

“Well, I should be thanking him for giving me permission to marry you.”

“He was ready to announce a shot-gun wedding.”

“Actually…he gave me the go ahead in the very beginning.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I have it in writing.” He smiled deviously.

“I can’t believe him.”

“Jane…” Marcus began again.


“May I now kiss my damsel?”

Jane sat up and she had stars in her eyes as if she was waiting for him to say it. They had many people to thank for bringing them together. There was Lady Westinburgh, Philip, the children---Hell even his brother Trevor. Marcus decided that he had a lot to be grateful for.

Just then, Marcus gathered her in his arms and kissed her softly upon the lips. He then felt complete as did Jane and they sat there under the moon, under the stars, and in front of a glorious view. Love and nature combined…it was the perfect end to their story.

“Who wants to join in on the game?”

The End
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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250 Reviews

Gender: Female
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Reviews: 250
Sun Jun 24, 2007 4:52 pm
Night Mistress says...

Yay! you finished your story line. i love it. i hope you create another masterpiece like it.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

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221 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 221
Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:56 pm
Kay Kay says...

*Screams* Oh my god I love it. I wish there was more. I think that was the perfect ending. I can't to read something else of yours.
Quarrels would not last long if the fault were only on one side.
--La Rochedoucauld

"An unexamined life is not worth living..."

Poetry is my cheap means of transportation. By the end of the poem the reader should be in a different place from where he started. I would like him to be slightly disoriented at the end, like I drove him outside of town at night and dropped him off in a cornfield.
— Billy Collins