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John Manley Chapter 5

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 4:11 am
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Certainly Love says...

Chapter 5

It was a quiet morning and John had thought last night about what Joel had said. He was always making him feel so guilty. John was studying his recent painting of Violet and thought of what a lovely shaped face she possessed. Just staring at the painting was like committing a crime. He had this gut feeling that she was going to visit again and should he turn her away, his brother would probably throw a cow. John sighed, there was nothing he could do but sigh and accept the fact that he wasn’t able to do as he pleased…not when his family was about.

Suddenly, John noticed a carriage pulling up in front and immediately, he knew it was his mother. Then another carriage came after it and he knew it was his sisters. John was delighted they were here, but if they were to find out how he treated Miss Williams, they’d probably pay him a nice long lecture. Women these days had high expectations. Just then, Joel peeked into his room…

“Mother is here. Let us greet her with a nice welcome.” Joel said.

“I’ll inform the servants.”

Soon John opened the door to greet his mother and sisters, but something just wasn’t right. They were still standing in the driveway and he saw her---there! Violet was wailing dramatically in the arms of his mother.

What the devil was going on?

John held his breath and decided to see what the sudden nonsense was all about. Surely it wasn’t anything serious. Maybe she had her monthly mood swings. But Delilah and Divine were opened mouthed and had that surprised yet
Shocking look upon their face. His mother, on the other hand, was frowning at him in way she never did. Delilah approached him, shaking her head.

“We’ve only just arrived and already you’re in trouble.” She said, walking past him.

“What are you talking about?” John looked to his mother and went to her.

“What is going on? Why is she crying?”

Violet ignored John and clung to his mother’s dress, “Who knows I might be carrying his child?” she was huffing and puffing.

“What?!” John said, “Miss Williams, we have not even…”

“Enough!” His mother boomed, “How could you not think? You put her to ruin without even acknowledging marriage? You ought to be ashamed of yourself!”

“I did not ruin anyone.” John grounded out angrily, “Tell her, Miss Williams, that you are not ruined.”

“I am!” She wailed. Joel was completely amused, that he smiled and that brought John to a rage, “I carry your child and I will not let you get away with this!”

“This is ridiculous.” John said, “Mother---”

“John. We will discuss this inside before the whole world knows.”
Violet nodded; secretly looking straight at John…she smiled. That woman had the nerve to smile!

As soon as everyone was seated inside, everyone stared at John waiting for an explanation. John sat with his arms crossed, furious that Violet had the audacity to make him look like a complete fool. He was beyond furious. He did not know what else to do. Alright, Miss Williams, you want to play this game? Let the game begin! He thought to himself.

Just then, John smirked and began to speak, “Alright…I was…in a sense…tempted.”

Everyone gasped and Delilah, who was just sipping on a cup of tea, almost spat the whole thing out. Joel nearly laughed, but he stopped when his mother eyed him with that certain look she always gave when she was angry. Violet, however, looked remarkably…shocked.

“Ahem…Violet and I had a little drink and I say you wouldn’t want to hear the rest. Believe me, you don’t.” John’s expression was solemn.

“Well, you know exactly what to do.” Mrs. Manley said, “Don’t just stand there! Ask her hand in marriage.” She demanded.

Violet was even more shocked that her eyes widened. John said nothing. He just sat there and looked to the floor. His head then shot up.

“Miss Williams, I must speak to you---alone. If that’s what I have to say to get some privacy. We will use the next room across the hall.”

“Yes, when you are done proposing, we will have breakfast.” His mother added.

“Propose? I couldn’t possibly---” Violet protested.

“In the room across the hall…Miss Williams.” he said, trying to pull himself together.”
Once they stepped into the other room, John nearly slammed the door, “What on earth were you thinking?!”

“I’m thinking it would make a wonderful story for me to tell my children. Really, where is your sense of adventure?”
John crossed his arms and shook his head, “You tell them the truth…”

“Or what?”

“Or I’ll---I’ll make your little charade become reality.”

“You’d actually marry me? I find that hard to believe.”

“It shows how much you don’t know me.”

Violet ignored him, “I think…your mother was thrilled with the fact that I was carrying your child.”

“Think of how it would make her feel if you told her the truth.” He replied.

“You’re right, I shouldn’t tell her.” Violet chuckled.

“Either you tell the truth…or…”

“Really, milord, there is nothing you can do.”

“Then tell me…What do you want me to do?”

“I thought you’d never ask…” Violet sat down, “You will have to let me visit you any time…you’d have tell me about yourself…and of course, you’d have to have dinner with me.”

“You’re asking a great deal…” John said softly, “I am not…”


“Alright, I’ll do it…so long as you never ask me to go to any social gathering and don‘t fall in love with me, it wouldn‘t do anyone any good.”

“Deal.” Violet smiled, “Shall I tell everyone the big news----”

“Please.” He said eagerly, John pushed Violet into the hall and into the other room. Just as they entered, Mrs. Manley was smiling and spreading her arms open to Violet.

“Welcome to the family!” She bellowed.

John winced and groaned, “Mother…this is not the news you are expecting. Violet has something to tell you…Go on Miss Violet…tell her.”

Violet was twisting her hands and John was afraid she wasn’t going to tell the truth.

“I…I am not carrying Lord Manarte’s child…nor have I ever encountered any intimate moments with him and that is the truth.” Violet looked to John, “I’m sorry.”

Everyone was quiet and Mrs. Manley looked every bit disappointed. Of course she would, she was so eager upon having grandchildren and none of her children sired any.

“Well, I suppose we should thank the Lord…If anything, that would have been quite scandalous.” Mrs. Manley laughed and stopped shortly. “Shall we have breakfast?”

“I thought you’d never ask.” Joel said.

Delilah and Divine then rose from their seats and lifted their heads. Violet could tell they didn’t really like her very much for they looked at her as if she had disgraced their brother. She deserved it anyway, considering the fact that she made a very bad impression. She didn’t even introduce herself properly.

“I believe mother, that Delilah and I are not hungry. We are going to retire to our rooms.” Divine took Delilah by the hand and glided past Violet with their chins in the air. Joel shook his head.

“Women. They never eat.” Joel said, John was silent and Violet decided that this was time she said something.

“I apologize, Mrs. Manley…I did not know what I was thinking.” Violet began.

“It’s alright dear. Sometimes women have to take desperate measures just to get through to my son.” She then eyed John with disapproval, “Do you see why you must open up…it’s situations like these. I wouldn’t be surprised if another woman waltzed in here claiming that you…oh for heavens sake, I am exhausted! Never mind. To the dining room, all of you.” Mrs. Manley left the room and Joel was snickering.

“What are you snickering about?” John said.

“You are so impossible. You are worse than women.” Joel laughed and Violet tried to keep her giggles to herself. “Well, I’m hungry.” Joel then left John and Violet alone and they stared at one another.

“Now that we have that out of the way…”

“I think you should come back tomorrow Miss Williams.” John said.

“But…I wanted to get to know your family.”

“You didn’t say anything about wanting to get to know my family. I will see you
tomorrow…else where.”

Violet frowned and shook her head, “What do you mean else where?”

“I mean, I will see secretly…I don’t want anyone to think that I am in love with you. And I don’t want people to think that there is something going on between us.”
Violet nodded, “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to see you secretly…”

“Good, I’ll meet you early in the morning and we will go riding out. Some place remote.”

John shook her hand, “And thank you for telling her the truth.”

Violet nodded and left.

John entered the dining hall and Joel and his mother looked at him wondering where Miss Williams went.

“Where is she?” His Mother asked almost demandingly.

“She left.” John plotted himself upon a chair, picking up the newsletter and reading it.

“Well…Isn’t she going to have breakfast with us? It would be good to have company.”

“Mother, John’s just being like that because he fancies Miss Williams and doesn’t want us to make a fool of him.” John shot him a frown and Joel lifted his shoulders as if to say that’s what I think.

“Oh…” She bellowed, “That’s certainly a change of heart. Are you going to at least tell us you plan to court her?”

“No.” John said bluntly, “And Joel isn’t either.”

“How would you know?” Joel said, “I do admire her.”
Miss Manley’s eyes brightened up, “You wouldn’t mind courting her?”
Joel leaned back in his chair, “I’m not going to marry her.”

“You men can’t avoid marriage for the rest of your life.” She said, amazed that her
two sons showed not a care about entering the marriage mart.

“We can, mother. And we will.”

“Yes, like the plague.” John added. A smile formed upon their faces and Mrs. Manley stood, frowning down at them.

“At least your sisters had the decency to marry, unlike like you boys. Their husbands are arriving tomorrow and I expect you be on your best behavior.”

“Great.” Joel said, “Well, if Mr. Know It All starts talking, don’t expect me to keep my mouth shut.”

“Joel, enough is enough.”

“I hate that man.”

“Oh grow up.” Mrs. Manley then left and John shook his head.

“I hate having visitors, but most of all, I hate having our sister’s husbands staying in my house.” John said.

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry.” Joel lifted the cover off his tray and started to help himself. John however wasn’t hungry at all…He just didn’t know why Violet Williams wanted to know him so badly. It wasn’t likely any woman would want to be in his presence after they noticed how distasteful he was. John sighed…there wasn’t much he could do now.
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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402 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1586
Reviews: 402
Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:00 am
Wiggy says...

I love the story still-I reread all the other parts to catch up! Keep writing!
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