
Young Writers Society

Romance Chapter 2

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Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:33 pm
Certainly Love says...

Chapter 2

“We are in great need of your help.” Matthias McKnight said. He stood up straight just like a soldier for he was a former knight under Prince Andre. Indeed he was the most sought after bachelor in the kingdom. He was wealthy, but having fought many wars with Samuel of Sentriel, he had been in need of more money to supply his army.

Prince Andre sighed and saw the look in Matthias’ eyes. He was as always serious and that was what made Prince Andre pity him more. “Normandae is in need of more supplies and my army is too few. We are in grave danger.”

Prince Andre nodded silently and motioned Matthias to take a seat. He then cleared his throat, “I understand that you are in need of certain supplies, but you should also know that I need something in return…a kind of compensation. I can’t give you everything you ask for everyone in this kingdom must be treated equally.”

“I understand that your highness. I will give you everything I have.” He replied quite determined.

“I’ve noticed you are quite loyal to your people. You are the kind to lay down your life for them. I find that a great and important quality in you. Not many would do so.”

“Yes, of course, you highness.”

“And you have proven yourself a worthy baron. Mayhap you should marry…raise a family.”

“But I have no time to---”

“McKnight, I have decided that you are to be betrothed to someone who will make a good wife. I have made a promise to Amy’s sister Renee Bencroft.”

Matthias closed his eyes upon hearing what he had said. He knew that at some point he was going to marry, but he didn’t think that it would be so soon. He did not want to marry. He wanted to be left alone, but then, he would be saving his people.

“But why must I? I couldn’t possibly---”

“McKnight, you are one of my best Knights. If you marry her, you will receive everything you have requested and Normandae will be safe. May I add---You will be as wealthy as Samuel of Sentriel.”

Matthias blinked in disbelief and thought that it was a great deal to receive just by marrying some stranger. He’d do anything for his people even if it meant to marry. He had always hated the whole idea of marriage---never once wanted it. Now here he was…betrothed to some woman whom he had never met before in his life. He trusted Prince Andre with his life. He trusted his judgment and if marriage would make Prince Andre pleased, he’d do it.

“If it will save Normandae.” Matthias finally replied.

“Good. The decisions have been made. You may stay the week, or however long you wish, to meet your betroth. She arrives on the morrow.”

“Thank you. I am forever grateful.” Matthias turned to leave, but Prince Andre began.

“Oh and I am getting married to Amy De Broglie, Miss Baker’s sister…You might as well be considered part of my family.” Prince Andre replied with a half smile.

Matthias smiled and felt his face to which he felt the hairs at his chin. It was evident that he looked like hell. He didn’t even look presentable. His eyes were dreadfully heavy from lack of sleep.

“Sleep well then. You have my blessings.”

Matthias nodded and walked out into the hall. The lighting was not at all bright enough for him to see and soon he collided recklessly into Prince Andre’s daughter. It was too dark to see, so he couldn’t tell which one it was.

“Princess.” He suddenly bowed, “I apologize.”

“Oh Baron McKnight. Good evening.” It was Princess Nicole, he realized.

“Good evening.” Matthias nodded and quickly glided past her.

“Baron McKnight?” He turned around and waited for her to speak, “Where are you going?”

“To bed…Is there something wrong?” He asked curiously.

“Why, no.”

“Then, good night.” he tried to sound as polite as possible. He then left and Nicole was left disappointed again. To Matthias, there was nothing more irritating than a woman trying to get him trapped into marriage. Princess Nicole tried hard to get his attention, but there wasn’t anything she could do. He was indeed handsome. He was like no other man and he possessed eyes like silver stones. He was tall and broad…and not to forget, a very powerful man. She was destined to make him fall for her. In fact, that was why she was heading to her father’s office.

She peeked inside the room, “Father?”

“Yes?” He smiled.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about…well, marriage.” She said as she sat down. Her father nodded.

“I see. And who is this man?” He asked, glancing her way.

“The Baron of Normandae.” She replied rather too hastily. The expression upon her father’s face was strange.

“Dear, it is too late. He has been betrothed to Miss Baker’s daughter.”

“But father---I am in love with him.” She said. She tried not to sound so desperate. “Who is she?”

“I can’t say. She arrives tomorrow. Please understand that others have obligations too. He has no interest in any woman, not even the one he is to marry.” he sighed, “I don’t think I would want to marry you off to someone who as unfeeling as he---not that I think he doesn’t possess any sort of affection.”

Prince Andre began to look through his record book and noticed that Nicole had that determined look about her. “Nicole, there is nothing I can do.” He sighed. It seemed like there was no convincing her, I rather have you marry someone who will give you love and affection.”

Still Nicole gave him that look and left. Prince Andre sat back in his chair, thinking about what he was going to do with his daughter. Every since she was a child, she had never been deprived of what she had wanted. Many times, he had experienced how mischievous his daughter would get when she didn’t get her way. He just didn’t know how much longer he would have to put up with his wayward daughter or how very long he would have to wait until she got married.

He then wondered if he should change his mind about McKnight, but something inside him told him he would be making a mistake. He couldn’t go back on his word. Prince Andre then closed his book and ran his fingers through his hair. He was frustrated beyond measure and nothing seemed to be right. He couldn’t stand the fact that Nicole would come back the next minute and he was right… Nicole came right back into his office with a frown.

“What is it now?” he asked, quite annoyed.

“Father, McKnight had attempted to kiss me!” Nicole nearly shouted.

What nonsense.

“What were you doing? McKnight, I know, has returned to his room.” He growled.

“I was going to my bed chambers.” She lied.

“I told you not to interfere!” He was now angry, “How long, Nicole McNally, will you test my authority? I have had it! It is time you had married.”

“How long did it take you to realize that?” She said in relief. He shot her furious gaze.

“No, Nicole, you will not marry Baron McKnight. You are forbidden to go near him or speak to him in any way before you do something highly unthinkable! You shall marry whom ever I choose---None of this nonsense!”

“But I almost kissed him!” She snatched as she stood from her seat.

“You almost kissed him. If it were the other way around, I still wouldn’t believe you.”

All hopes had gone down the drain and Nicole sadly returned to her seat. “W-Who do you have in mind?” She asked, suddenly realizing the matter at hand. Oh how she wished she didn’t say anything to provoke her father.

“You will know soon enough…and when you do, do not beg, do not cry, and do not try to get yourself out of what you cursed yourself into. Understood?” His eyes were glaring at her, “Now get to bed and no more foolish lies.”

Nicole stood speechless. Never had her father given her such a speech. She now realized she had gotten into trouble. She could only guess that bad things only happen when one was foolishly in love…and so she thought.

* * *

The next morning, Princess Norma Jean McNally was reading a book when her sister had passed by.

“Nicole?” Norma called.

Nicole stopped in front of her door with no expression upon her face. She did not reply. Norma closed her book and sighed, “Whatever is the matter?”

Nicole entered her room and sat upon her bed.

“Father might marry me off to a some prince.”

“You are not serious!” She said in disbelief, “Father must have been really angry to have done such a thing.”

Nicole groaned and Norma gasped, “What did you do?”

“I-I told father that I almost kissed Baron McKnight.”

“And did you?”

“Why, no.”

“You lied? What has gotten into you?” Norma stood, “Well, who is the prince?”

“I don’t know.” Nicole sadly placed her head into the bed sheets.

“Who is McKnight intended for?”

“I don’t know…I wish I had.”

“Well, it’s a good thing you don’t.” Norma then strolled toward the window. “You need to learn that you can’t have everything you want.”

“But I am in love with him.”

“Don’t tell me you’re going to persuade this man into falling in love with you. It simply can not be done.”

Nicole tried to smile at her and already Norma knew that Nicole was in over her head. She was obsessed with the man. Norma frowned. “No! You can not separate this engagement.”

“But I can’t let him marry her until he knows how I feel.”

“He won’t---” Norma paused for she didn’t want to sound so cruel by telling her he wouldn’t feel the same, “The least you could do is see if the woman doesn’t wish to marry him.”

“You mean, tell her how self-centered he is?”

“Oh no! He isn’t at all self-centered. If you do this it would be the most childish thing you have done all year. Why do you insist on making things harder for others?” Norma looked to her sister with great concern. “You are complicated.”

Just then, a servant stood at the door. “excuse me, your highnesses,” he bowed, “Your father requests your presence at once in the Great Hall. The Prince is here to call.”

“He’s here.” Nicole said dreadfully.

“We’ll be down in a minute, “Norma replied, she then turned to Nicole, “Father does not joke.”

“I know.”

“Well, the fault, though, is clearly upon you.”

“Oh don’t rub it in.”

They then proceeded out into the hall and headed to the Great Hall. As they entered, a man stood at their father’s side. He was tall and charming, but nothing could compare to Matthias’ charms. A smile played about his lips and Nicole looked down as Norma held steadily onto Nicole.

“Now, now…be nice.” Norma warned. Nicole tried to smile. As they approached, the prince bowed and acknowledged them. Nicole felt a little light-headed. She had this sick feeling that made her feel like falling to the floor. That instant, Nicole found that this wasn’t a curse, it was a gift. The man was handsome and his smile was filled with warmth. Yet, she thought of Matthias.

Suddenly, Matthias descended the stairs and he noticed the gathering in the Great Hall, so he stopped to observe. His hair was in disarray, but he seemed wide awake. He then bowed and acknowledged them, but shared no interest in how beautiful they appeared.

“Good morning, Baron.” Norma said quite cheerfully, “You look well today.”

Matthias gave her a look that said, “I don’t care.” He obviously didn’t , but he tried to smile without complimenting her in the same way. He must have heard that line many time before and never seemed to care. He must have thought it was a way to flatter him, but sadly, it didn’t.

“McKnight,” Prince Andre called, “Where are you off to today?”

Matthias looked around and then turned to him, “I am going to practice a bit of archery with the Duke of Alvin, your cousin…” He mumbled. He knew that already.

“Good, I shall join you.” Prince Andre looked to his daughters then the un-introduced prince, “Uh, daughters, this here is Prince Drake Kent. Prince Drake, here are my daughters, Princess Norma and Nicole McNally.”

“It’s pleased to meet you,” He said as he bowed again, “I am the Prince of Norway.”

“Lovely to meet you.” Norma said.

Nicole blushed, “It’s a pleasure.”

“Well, since the introduction have been made. You girls can carry on as you please. And Prince Drake, do get to know my daughter well and be very mindful of her tongue.”

He smiled and then hurried out to join Matthias and his cousin. Nicole, on the other hand, stared at Prince Drake, hoping to heaven her knees wouldn’t betray her.
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

Life is a banana peel and I am the fool who dared to tread on it.
— looseleaf