
Young Writers Society

Kiss the Damsel Chapter 7

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Sun Dec 24, 2006 4:10 pm
Certainly Love says...

Chapter 7

A few months had passed since Marcus had seen Jane and he had often wondered about her. His father had passed away and that made Marcus the new Duke of Mayfair. Trevor, however, wasn’t the new Duke of Mayfair as he made it seem. Trevor had only said that he was the soon to be Duke of Mayfair so that he could have a better chance at finding a wife. Marcus had never said a word about taking his father’s place for had thought that it wasn’t important. He rather didn’t want to take the place of his father for fear he might become just like him. Marcus and Trevor had been in London far too long and decided to move back into Mayfair House even though it brought back memories of their unfeeling father.

Marcus was sitting in his office as he went over his father’s will and unfinished business. He had been trying to figure out what he was going to do with the rest of the land he had, for he had owned half of Mayfair and a few estates as well.
Marcus sighed and Trevor walked in with a smile upon his face. He just came back from his meeting with Eliza Henry at Lady Dorsey’s morning tea party.

“I have good news.” Trevor said as he plotted himself into a chair.

Marcus looked at him as if he had not a care. At this time Marcus was in utter disarray and he was all out of sorts. “What is it?”

“It’s Miss Jane Dorsey.”

“What about her?” He asked none too happy.

“She’s back from Devonshire and everyone is hovering over her for she has become absolutely beautiful. Every man in town wants to ask her hand in marriage.”

“That’s nice.” Marcus said as he started to search through his papers for a missive he never read.

“What do you mean that’s nice?” Trevor asked, confused, “Don’t you like her?”

“Trevor…my life is none of your business. Now whether Miss Jane Dorsey is back or not has nothing to do with me.”

“But, I thought…”

“Trevor, I’m tired. Can you please just leave me alone?” Marcus said. His eyes formed a frown.

“Alright, I just thought I say that.” Trevor then left and as soon as he did, Marcus was scattering through his papers like a mad man for he had long ago tossed it to the side as soon as he read it was from Philip Dorsey, Jane’s brother. A moment later, Marcus was reading the letter that he had received from Philip.

Dear Marcus Daniel,

My condolences for the loss of your father. I am writing to inform you that if ever you wish to marry my wayward sister, you have my blessing. I have been through with her arrogant ways and I no longer want to hear any more about her scandalous endeavors. It has caused the family too much humility and I think that having you as her husband will put her in her place.

By the by, I am very honored to know that you of all people have found a way to get through to her even though you didn’t realize it. If there is anything you need at all, you may ask me and I will gladly be of assistance…and I mean if it deals with my sister.

Philip Dorsey from Devonshire

Marcus smiled. Why didn’t he read this in the first place? Marcus then sighed and decided that he would visit Lady Dorsey for she had invited him for dinner because she had a little something to present to him and Marcus knew just what it was. It was Jane. Marcus then smiled cunningly. Her family desperately wanted her married off and it was most certainly going to be him. It was as evident as the day. So Marcus decided that he’d show up a little early.

Marcus hadn’t seen Jane in quite a while and it would be dreadful if he were to arrive all out of sorts. It would make him look like every other suitor, eager to receive her hand in marriage. No. Marcus was going to impress her, but not necessarily…

* * *

Jane was silently reading in the sitting room with her mother as she went on about how the morning tea party had gone. She was certainly happy how it all turned out and Jane was happy to be home. Rebecca smiled at her daughter.

“Oh, dear. I do hope you know that the new Duke of Mayfair is Marcus Daniel.” Jane’s mother smiled and Jane knew that smile well, and it meant that she would like an advantageous marriage and soon.

Jane placed her book upon her lap, “I thought his brother was to inherit the name and the fortune.”

“Apparently not.” Her mother replied having not a care.

“That is strange. Why would they deceive us like that?” Jane said, bewildered.

“I have no idea, but I do sense that Mr. Marcus Daniel wanted to be modest about it.” Jane’s mother turned her attention to her knitting and started to hum. Jane frowned because her mother never hummed like that before. Was there something she didn’t know about?

“Mother, I have been wondering about you. What have you been doing while I was gone?”

Rebecca glanced up from her knitting and smiled, “I believe you wouldn’t like to hear it.”

Jane frowned, “I most certainly would.”

“Well, I don’t think you would like to know what goes on with Marcus Daniel.”

“I---Marcus Daniel?” Jane asked. She was certainly now very much interested in what her mother had to say. “What about Marcus Daniel?”

“Well…He came to me the moment he came back from Devonshire and he wanted to inform me that you were doing swell. He said you were joy itself and you welcomed him there with arms wide open.”

Jane felt her heart drop and a painful sting but settled in. She had never felt so ill in her life. She had caused him pain and hid it by telling her mother the opposite of how she treated him. She didn’t want her mother to know that he had proposed to her and she certainly didn’t want her to be disappointed.

Jane tried not to let her emotions soar with her, so she sighed, “Well…that is very good of him to speak so highly of me.”

“I rather think he is a charming gentleman and mayhap he needs a wife. Lady Westinburgh tells me that Marcus is better off marrying that charming young lass from Yorkshire.”

“Who?” Jane asked, trying not to sound too eager.

“Umm…I think it was…Katherine St. Claire.” Rebecca eyed Jane and waited for her to reply when a knock sounded upon the door. The butler had obviously welcomed whoever the visitor was. Just then, the sitting room door was opened there stood Marcus Daniel in all his charming good looks. Jane felt her heart do a summersault and all she could do was stare at him.

“Oh Mr. Daniel!” Rebecca said as she placed her knitting tools down. Marcus immediately kissed her upon the hand and just as he turned to look at Jane, she looked as though she had been holding her breath.

“Welcome home…” He said to Jane, he then kissed her upon the hand and took a seat across from her. Jane was taken by surprise and she couldn’t believe that he actually came to pay a visit after what she had done.

“I suppose you have come to tell me who it is you plan to marry?” Rebecca asked with an all knowing smile.

“Of course,” He said as he looked at Jane for one brief second, “Her name is Katherine St. Claire.”

“I knew you would propose to her. Everyone was expecting it.” Rebecca said in triumph.

Jane was clearly taken by surprise that her mouth had dropped opened. She looked at her mother and then to him. He was obviously happy and he didn’t look the least bit moved by the fact that Jane was now in residence. Jane knew there was something amiss, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

“Miss Dorsey, what do you think?” Marcus asked Jane. Jane was too far in her thoughts that she abruptly turned her attention to him.

“Come again?” She asked with that bewildered look upon her face.

“What do you think about my choice for a wife?”

“Well, I---” What was she suppose to say? “I don’t think I know a Katherine St. Claire.”

“Oh, then I say you meet her. I am hosting a ball in honor of my fiancée and I am to announce our engagement.”

“That’s wonderful.” Jane said, trying to sound convincing.

“I say, maybe we could marry you off to Mr. Trevor Daniel---” Rebecca said.

“Mother, please!” Jane frowned, “I am not going to the ball to get myself engaged.”

“Well, you have to marry some time. You’re practically a spinster.”

Jane looked offended by what she had said, “Mother…”

“Well, I think my brother would be a fine husband.” Marcus said. Apparently, he was agreeing to the match. He was siding with her mother.

What was going on? “I really don’t think---”

“Oh, I think you’re perfect for him.” Marcus replied. Jane felt that rage again and suddenly without realizing it. She was yelling at him.

“I will not marry your brother! I will never marry him and I will never marry you!”

Marcus frowning, “Well, I never asked to marry you.”

“Jane! What on earth,” Rebecca said as she stood, “Apologize to him at once.”

“No!” She said with fury. Jane then ran from the room and Rebecca was at a lost.

“I am so sorry your majesty. I don’t know what is going on with my daughter.”

“It’s alright…I must be leaving. I am very sorry. I may have provoked her a little.” Marcus said as he stood to leave.

“But Jane never acts with such behavior.”

“Lady Dorsey, I am sure she has her reason.” Marcus seemed to be in a rush and soon he left…to find Jane.

Marcus was riding down the road when he saw Jane nearing the corner of the bakery and as she disappeared, Marcus spurred the horse on to catch up to her. Just then, he saw her heading toward Day Park. Marcus had met her at a bench and Jane was so infuriated that she nearly stormed off, but Marcus, however, threw himself off his horse and took her by the arm.

“What the devil is wrong with you?” He demanded.

Jane darted him with her most wicked of all glares, “What’s wrong with me? The question is what is wrong with you?! It is you who decided to come by today, heaven knows whatever for, and then start assuming that I’d marry your uncivilized brother----”

“First of all,” Marcus cut in very abruptly, “I just thought you would be interested in the idea of marrying the brother of a very wealthy duke and as for my arriving at your house unannounced, I came to see you…for the mere fact that I was hoping that I could regain your friendship.”

“Regain my friendship?” She said in disbelief, “I don’t think we ever were friends in the first place.”

Marcus shook his head in dismay. He had never felt so angry in his life since the moment he met her. Jane made him want to do things that he would never to or say to a lady. Why did she have the power to do that?

Still shaking his head, Marcus grabbed onto the reins of his horse, “When you will ever let anybody in?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Just like you. You always act like you know nothing about what I am talking about.”

“---I have no idea what you could possibly mean by that!” She snatched, although, she did have a slight inkling what it was he meant.

“I just---I love you!” He nearly shouted as he charged toward her with menacing eyes…but he stopped shortly when he was too close. He didn’t want to be anywhere near her body or he might go crazy with want.

“You don’t even know what love is…Nobody can fall in love with someone they barely even know.” She said coldly.

Marcus changed his mind immediately. He went straight back to his horse and mounted himself upon it. Evidently, he was even more infuriated than he was a few moments ago. “Well, Miss Dorsey, I happen to have loved you despite the fact that you are such a stubborn minx.”

Jane shook her head, “Why, Mr. Daniel, do you still insist upon pursuing me when you have just announced that you were engaged?”

That got him good. Marcus couldn’t find a good reason for it. This was the first time he ever felt like he had done something insurmountably wrong. The silence then grew too intense that they stared at one another, waiting for answers as to what was to become of them. Then just as Marcus was about to say what he had wanted, what she needed to hear, Jane marched away, leaving him in the dark once again. Marcus was never one to lose, but then he realized he wasn’t going to let this affect him. He was going to win her heart and he was going to do it, even if it meant he had to stage her own ruin. Heaven knew, he was going to try. This was going to be the best season yet. His evening ball at Mayfair House was going to be an event that no one would forget.

In that instant, Marcus went home. Feeling frustration---yes---but moreover…determination.
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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Thu Dec 28, 2006 7:31 pm
falling in love says...

I'm loving it. Will they ever be together? They have to be...I can't wait.
"This was my first bus ride."
----Ardeth Bay from the Mummy Returns

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Tue May 08, 2007 8:52 pm
Night Mistress says...

interesting. i will keep reading.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
— Apple Inc.